protected Command chainGuideAttachmentCommand( Request request, LogicSubpart part, Command cmd, boolean horizontal) { Command result = cmd; // Attach to guide, if one is given Integer guidePos = (Integer) request .getExtendedData() .get( horizontal ? SnapToGuides.KEY_HORIZONTAL_GUIDE : SnapToGuides.KEY_VERTICAL_GUIDE); if (guidePos != null) { int alignment = ((Integer) request .getExtendedData() .get( horizontal ? SnapToGuides.KEY_HORIZONTAL_ANCHOR : SnapToGuides.KEY_VERTICAL_ANCHOR)) .intValue(); ChangeGuideCommand cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(part, horizontal); cgm.setNewGuide(findGuideAt(guidePos.intValue(), horizontal), alignment); result = result.chain(cgm); } return result; }
/** * Returns a composite command with the given initial command and the RegionContainer specific * auto-size commands to propagate the auto-size to the regions. * * @param request the initial request * @param autoSizeCommand the initial command * @return a composite command with the initial command and the region container specific * additional commands. */ protected Command getRegionContainerAutoSizeCommand(Request request, Command autoSizeCommand) { IDiagramElementEditPart host = (IDiagramElementEditPart) getHost(); TransactionalEditingDomain domain = host.getEditingDomain(); CompositeTransactionalCommand ctc = new CompositeTransactionalCommand( domain, Messages.RegionContainerResizableEditPolicy_regionContainerAutoSizeCommandLabel); ctc.add(new CommandProxy(autoSizeCommand)); Command regionContainerAutoSizeCommand = new ICommandProxy(ctc); // Propagate the auto-size request to the regions. Request req = new Request(); req.setType(request.getType()); req.getExtendedData().put(REGION_AUTO_SIZE_PROPAGATOR, host); Object object = request.getExtendedData().get(REGION_AUTO_SIZE_PROPAGATOR); for (EditPart regionPart : getRegionParts()) { if (object != regionPart) { ctc.add(new CommandProxy(regionPart.getCommand(req))); } } ctc.add( CommandFactory.createICommand( domain, new RegionContainerUpdateLayoutOperation((Node) host.getModel()))); return regionContainerAutoSizeCommand; }
/** * Extended request data key to hold editpart visual id. Add visual id of edited editpart to * extended data of the request so command switch can decide what kind of diagram element is being * edited. It is done in those cases when it's not possible to deduce diagram element kind from * domain element. * * @generated */ public Command getCommand(Request request) { if (request instanceof ReconnectRequest) { Object view = ((ReconnectRequest) request).getConnectionEditPart().getModel(); if (view instanceof View) { Integer id = new Integer(OrocosComponentModelVisualIDRegistry.getVisualID((View) view)); request.getExtendedData().put(VISUAL_ID_KEY, id); } } return super.getCommand(request); }
/** * Extended request data key to hold editpart visual id. Add visual id of edited editpart to * extended data of the request so command switch can decide what kind of diagram element is being * edited. It is done in those cases when it's not possible to deduce diagram element kind from * domain element. Add the reoriented view to the request extended data so that the view currently * edited can be distinguished from other views of the same element and these latter possibly * removed if they become inconsistent after reconnect * * @generated */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Command getCommand(Request request) { if (request instanceof ReconnectRequest) { Object view = ((ReconnectRequest) request).getConnectionEditPart().getModel(); if (view instanceof View) { Integer id = new Integer(UMLVisualIDRegistry.getVisualID((View) view)); request.getExtendedData().put(VISUAL_ID_KEY, id); request.getExtendedData().put(GRAPHICAL_RECONNECTED_EDGE, (View) view); } } return super.getCommand(request); }
/** * Extended request data key to hold editpart visual id. Add visual id of edited editpart to * extended data of the request so command switch can decide what kind of diagram element is being * edited. It is done in those cases when it's not possible to deduce diagram element kind from * domain element. * * @generated */ public Command getCommand(Request request) { if (request instanceof ReconnectRequest) { Object view = ((ReconnectRequest) request).getConnectionEditPart().getModel(); if (view instanceof View) { Integer id = new Integer( .ClassDiagram_MAVOVisualIDRegistry.getVisualID((View) view)); request.getExtendedData().put(VISUAL_ID_KEY, id); } } return super.getCommand(request); }
public static Rectangle fixMessageBounds( Rectangle newBounds, Request cvr, LifelineEditPart host) { Object oc1 = getFirstElement( cvr.getExtendedData().get(SequenceRequestConstant.NEAREST_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION)); Object oc2 = getFirstElement( cvr.getExtendedData().get(SequenceRequestConstant.NEAREST_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION_2)); if (oc1 != null && oc2 != null && (oc1 instanceof MessageOccurrenceSpecification || oc2 instanceof MessageOccurrenceSpecification)) { Point start = null, end = null; Rectangle bounds = null; if (oc1 instanceof InteractionFragment) { start = SequenceUtil.findLocationOfEvent(host, (InteractionFragment) oc1, true); } if (oc2 instanceof InteractionFragment) { end = SequenceUtil.findLocationOfEvent(host, (InteractionFragment) oc2, true); } if (start != null && end != null) { bounds = (start.y < end.y) ? new Rectangle(start, end) : new Rectangle(end, start); } if (bounds != null) { IFigure parentFigure = host.getFigure(); Point parentFigDelta = parentFigure.getBounds().getLocation().getCopy().negate(); parentFigure.translateToRelative(bounds); bounds.translate(parentFigDelta); if (bounds.y != newBounds.y || newBounds.height != bounds.height) { newBounds.y = bounds.y; newBounds.height = bounds.height; } } } return newBounds; }
protected Command chainGuideDetachmentCommand( Request request, LogicSubpart part, Command cmd, boolean horizontal) { Command result = cmd; // Detach from guide, if none is given Integer guidePos = (Integer) request .getExtendedData() .get( horizontal ? SnapToGuides.KEY_HORIZONTAL_GUIDE : SnapToGuides.KEY_VERTICAL_GUIDE); if (guidePos == null) result = result.chain(new ChangeGuideCommand(part, horizontal)); return result; }