   * Adds a part to the current container if it isn't already in the container. The part may still
   * be added to the container if the part supports having multiple copies of itself in a given
   * container.
   * @param providedPart the part to add
   * @param localPart a part that shares attributes with <code>providedPart</code>, for example, it
   *     may have been backed by the same part descriptor, this part may already be in the current
   *     container
   * @return a part that has been added to the current container, note that this may not necessarily
   *     be <code>providedPart</code>
   * @see MPartDescriptor#isAllowMultiple()
  private MPart addPart(MPart providedPart, MPart localPart) {
    MPartDescriptor descriptor = modelService.getPartDescriptor(providedPart.getElementId());
    if (descriptor == null) {
      // there is no part descriptor backing the provided part, just add it to the container
      // if it's not already there
      if (!isInContainer(providedPart)) {
        addToLastContainer(null, providedPart);
    } else {
      if (providedPart != localPart && !descriptor.isAllowMultiple()) {
        // multiple copies of this part are not allowed, just return the local one
        return localPart;

      // already in the container, return as is
      if (isInContainer(providedPart)) {
        return providedPart;

      // corrects this part's placeholder if necessary

      String category = descriptor.getCategory();
      if (category == null) {
        // no category, just add it to the end
        addToLastContainer(null, providedPart);
      } else {
        if ("org.eclipse.e4.primaryDataStack".equals(category)) { // $NON-NLS-1$
          MElementContainer<? extends MUIElement> container = getContainer();
          MUIElement area = modelService.find("org.eclipse.ui.editorss", container); // $NON-NLS-1$

          MPartStack activeStack = null;
          if (area instanceof MPlaceholder && ((MPlaceholder) area).getRef() instanceof MArea) {
            // Find the currently 'active' stack in the area
            MArea a = (MArea) ((MPlaceholder) area).getRef();
            MUIElement curActive = a.getSelectedElement();
            while (curActive instanceof MElementContainer<?>) {
              if (curActive instanceof MPartStack) {
                activeStack = (MPartStack) curActive;
              MElementContainer<?> curContainer = (MElementContainer<?>) curActive;
              curActive = curContainer.getSelectedElement();

          if (activeStack != null) {
          } else {
            // Find the first visible stack in the area
            List<MPartStack> sharedStacks =
                modelService.findElements(area, null, MPartStack.class, null);
            if (sharedStacks.size() > 0) {
              for (MPartStack stack : sharedStacks) {
                if (stack.isToBeRendered()) {
            } else {
              addToLastContainer(null, providedPart);
        } else {
          List<MElementContainer> containers =
          if (containers.isEmpty()) {
            // couldn't find any containers with the specified tag, just add it to the
            // end
            addToLastContainer(category, providedPart);
          } else {
            // add the part to the container
            MElementContainer<MPartSashContainerElement> container = containers.get(0);
            MPlaceholder placeholder = providedPart.getCurSharedRef();
            if (placeholder == null) {
            } else {
    return providedPart;