private boolean isMissingDIElement(BaseElement be) { // ignore DataStores - there are bound to be references // to these, which *should* be rendered if (be instanceof DataStore) return false; BPMNDiagram bpmnDiagram = DIUtils.findBPMNDiagram(be); if (bpmnDiagram != null) return false; // couldn't find a BPMNDiagram entry for this BaseElement // check its container to see if it has a BPMNDiagram FlowElementsContainer container = this.getRootElementContainer(be); bpmnDiagram = DIUtils.findBPMNDiagram(container); if (bpmnDiagram != null) { // is the BaseElement defined as a BPMNShape or BPMNEdge in its // container's BPMNDiagram? if (bpmnDiagram.getPlane().getPlaneElement().contains(be)) return false; } boolean missing = (elements.get(be) == null && diagnostics.get(be) == null); if (missing) GraphicsUtil.dump( "Missing DI element for: " + be.eClass().getName() + " '" + ExtendedPropertiesProvider.getTextValue(be) + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ return missing; }
@Override protected void postMoveShape(final IMoveShapeContext context) { super.postMoveShape(context); PictogramElement containerShape = context.getPictogramElement(); Activity activity = BusinessObjectUtil.getFirstElementOfType(containerShape, Activity.class); GraphicsUtil.sendToFront(context.getShape()); new AbstractBoundaryEventOperation() { @Override protected void doWorkInternal(ContainerShape container) { GraphicsAlgorithm ga = container.getGraphicsAlgorithm(); MoveShapeContext newContext = new MoveShapeContext(container); newContext.setDeltaX(context.getDeltaX()); newContext.setDeltaY(context.getDeltaY()); newContext.setSourceContainer(context.getSourceContainer()); newContext.setTargetContainer(context.getTargetContainer()); newContext.setTargetConnection(context.getTargetConnection()); newContext.setLocation(ga.getX(), ga.getY()); newContext.putProperty(ACTIVITY_MOVE_PROPERTY, true); IMoveShapeFeature moveFeature = getFeatureProvider().getMoveShapeFeature(newContext); if (moveFeature.canMoveShape(newContext)) { moveFeature.moveShape(newContext); } } }.doWork(activity, getDiagram()); if (containerShape.eContainer() instanceof ContainerShape) { PictogramElement pe = (PictogramElement) containerShape.eContainer(); if (BusinessObjectUtil.containsElementOfType(pe, SubProcess.class)) { layoutPictogramElement(pe); } } }
@Override public void resizeShape(IResizeShapeContext context) { ResizeShapeContext resizeShapeContext = (ResizeShapeContext) context; ContainerShape containerShape = (ContainerShape) context.getPictogramElement(); Activity activity = BusinessObjectUtil.getFirstElementOfType(containerShape, Activity.class); try { BPMNShape shape = (BPMNShape) ModelHandlerLocator.getModelHandler(getDiagram().eResource()).findDIElement(activity); if (shape.isIsExpanded()) { // SubProcess is expanded GraphicsAlgorithm parentGa = containerShape.getGraphicsAlgorithm(); int newWidth = resizeShapeContext.getWidth(); int newHeight = resizeShapeContext.getHeight(); SizeCalculator sizeCalc = new SizeCalculator(containerShape); int shiftX = sizeCalc.shiftX; int shiftY = sizeCalc.shiftY; int minWidth = sizeCalc.minWidth; int minHeight = sizeCalc.minHeight; if (shiftX < 0) { for (PictogramElement pe : FeatureSupport.getContainerChildren(containerShape)) { GraphicsAlgorithm childGa = pe.getGraphicsAlgorithm(); if (childGa != null) { int x = childGa.getX() - shiftX + MARGIN; childGa.setX(x); } } resizeShapeContext.setX(resizeShapeContext.getX() + shiftX - MARGIN); shiftX = MARGIN; } if (shiftY < 0) { for (PictogramElement pe : FeatureSupport.getContainerChildren(containerShape)) { GraphicsAlgorithm childGa = pe.getGraphicsAlgorithm(); if (childGa != null) { int y = childGa.getY() - shiftY + MARGIN; childGa.setY(y); } } resizeShapeContext.setY(resizeShapeContext.getY() + shiftY - MARGIN); shiftX = MARGIN; } if (shiftX < MARGIN) shiftX = MARGIN; if (shiftY < MARGIN) shiftY = MARGIN; minWidth += 2 * MARGIN; minHeight += 2 * MARGIN; if (newWidth < minWidth) { parentGa.setWidth(minWidth); } if (newWidth < shiftX + minWidth) { int shift = shiftX + minWidth - newWidth; if (shift > shiftX - MARGIN) { shift = shiftX - MARGIN; } if (shift > 0) { for (PictogramElement pe : FeatureSupport.getContainerChildren(containerShape)) { GraphicsAlgorithm childGa = pe.getGraphicsAlgorithm(); if (childGa != null) { int x = childGa.getX() - shift; childGa.setX(x); } } } } if (newHeight < minHeight) { parentGa.setHeight(minHeight); } if (newHeight < shiftY + minHeight) { int shift = shiftY + minHeight - newHeight; if (shift > shiftY - MARGIN) { shift = shiftY - MARGIN; } if (shift > 0) { for (PictogramElement pe : FeatureSupport.getContainerChildren(containerShape)) { GraphicsAlgorithm childGa = pe.getGraphicsAlgorithm(); if (childGa != null) { int y = childGa.getY() - shift; childGa.setY(y); } } } } if (resizeShapeContext.getWidth() < minWidth) resizeShapeContext.setWidth(minWidth); if (resizeShapeContext.getHeight() < minHeight) resizeShapeContext.setHeight(minHeight); } else { // SubProcess is collapsed for (PictogramElement pe : FeatureSupport.getContainerDecorators(containerShape)) { GraphicsAlgorithm childGa = pe.getGraphicsAlgorithm(); if (childGa != null) { childGa.setWidth(GraphicsUtil.getActivitySize(getDiagram()).getWidth()); childGa.setHeight(GraphicsUtil.getActivitySize(getDiagram()).getHeight()); } } resizeShapeContext.setWidth(GraphicsUtil.getActivitySize(getDiagram()).getWidth()); resizeShapeContext.setHeight(GraphicsUtil.getActivitySize(getDiagram()).getHeight()); } } catch (Exception e) { Activator.logError(e); } Graphiti.getPeService().sendToBack(containerShape); super.resizeShape(context); }
private void updateConnectionIfNeeded(DataAssociation association, ItemAwareElement value) { DiagramEditor diagramEditor = ModelUtil.getDiagramEditor(association); if (diagramEditor == null) return; boolean hasDoneChanges = false; Diagram diagram = diagramEditor.getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram(); IFeatureProvider fp = diagramEditor.getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(); Shape taskShape = null; EObject container = association.eContainer(); if (container instanceof Activity || container instanceof Event) { for (PictogramElement pe : Graphiti.getLinkService().getPictogramElements(diagram, container)) { if (pe instanceof Shape && BusinessObjectUtil.getFirstElementOfType(pe, BPMNShape.class) != null) { taskShape = (Shape) pe; break; } } } Shape dataShape = null; if (value instanceof DataObject || value instanceof DataObjectReference || value instanceof DataStore || value instanceof DataStoreReference || value instanceof DataInput || value instanceof DataOutput) { List<PictogramElement> pes = Graphiti.getLinkService().getPictogramElements(diagram, (EObject) value); for (PictogramElement p : pes) { if (BusinessObjectUtil.getFirstElementOfType(p, BPMNShape.class) != null) { dataShape = (Shape) p; break; } } } Connection connection = DataAssociationFeatureContainer.findDataAssociation(diagram, association); if (connection != null) { // There's an existing DataAssociation connection which needs to // either be reconnected or deleted, depending on what the combobox // selection is. if (dataShape != null) { // need to reconnect the DataAssociation ReconnectionContext rc = null; if (association instanceof DataInputAssociation) { Point p = GraphicsUtil.createPoint(connection.getStart()); Anchor a = AnchorUtil.createAnchor((AnchorContainer) dataShape, p); rc = new ReconnectionContext(connection, connection.getStart(), a, null); rc.setTargetPictogramElement(dataShape); rc.setTargetLocation(Graphiti.getPeService().getLocationRelativeToDiagram(a)); rc.setReconnectType(ReconnectionContext.RECONNECT_SOURCE); } else { Point p = GraphicsUtil.createPoint(connection.getEnd()); Anchor a = AnchorUtil.createAnchor(dataShape, p); rc = new ReconnectionContext(connection, a, connection.getEnd(), null); rc.setTargetPictogramElement(dataShape); rc.setTargetLocation(Graphiti.getPeService().getLocationRelativeToDiagram(a)); rc.setReconnectType(ReconnectionContext.RECONNECT_TARGET); } IReconnectionFeature rf = fp.getReconnectionFeature(rc); if (rf.canReconnect(rc)) { rf.reconnect(rc); hasDoneChanges = true; } } else { // need to delete the DataAssociation connection DeleteContext dc = new DeleteContext(connection); connection.getLink().getBusinessObjects().remove(0); IDeleteFeature df = fp.getDeleteFeature(dc); df.delete(dc); } } else if (dataShape != null) { // There is no existing DataAssociation connection, but the newly selected source or target // is some kind of data object shape, so we need to create a connection between the Activity // (or Throw/Catch Event) that owns the DataAssociation, and the new data object shape. Point p = GraphicsUtil.createPoint((AnchorContainer) dataShape); Anchor ownerAnchor = AnchorUtil.createAnchor(taskShape, p); p = GraphicsUtil.createPoint(taskShape); Anchor peAnchor = AnchorUtil.createAnchor((AnchorContainer) dataShape, p); AddConnectionContext ac = null; if (association instanceof DataOutputAssociation) { ac = new AddConnectionContext(ownerAnchor, peAnchor); } else { ac = new AddConnectionContext(peAnchor, ownerAnchor); } ac.putProperty(GraphitiConstants.BUSINESS_OBJECT, association); ac.setNewObject(association); IAddFeature af = fp.getAddFeature(ac); if (af.canAdd(ac)) { PictogramElement pe = af.add(ac); if (pe instanceof Connection) { connection = (Connection) pe; hasDoneChanges = true; } } } if (hasDoneChanges) { FeatureSupport.updateConnection( diagramEditor.getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(), connection); } }