protected void notifyOfReject(Context c, XmlWorkflowItem wi, EPerson e, String reason) { try { // Get the item title String title = wi.getItem().getName(); // Get the collection Collection coll = wi.getCollection(); // Get rejector's name String rejector = getEPersonName(e); Locale supportedLocale = I18nUtil.getEPersonLocale(e); Email email = Email.getEmail(I18nUtil.getEmailFilename(supportedLocale, "submit_reject")); email.addRecipient(wi.getSubmitter().getEmail()); email.addArgument(title); email.addArgument(coll.getName()); email.addArgument(rejector); email.addArgument(reason); email.addArgument(ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.url") + "/mydspace"); email.send(); } catch (Exception ex) { // log this email error log.warn( LogManager.getHeader( c, "notify_of_reject", "cannot email user" + " eperson_id" + e.getID() + " eperson_email" + e.getEmail() + " workflow_item_id" + wi.getID())); } }
@Override public String getMyDSpaceLink() { return ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.url") + "/mydspace"; }
/** Sherpa romeo submission support */ public void make_sherpaRomeo_submission(Item item, Division divIn) throws WingException { if (ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty( "webui.submission.sherparomeo-policy-enabled", true)) { SHERPASubmitService sherpaSubmitService = new DSpace().getSingletonService(SHERPASubmitService.class); if (sherpaSubmitService.hasISSNs(context, item)) { List div = divIn.addList("submit-upload-new", List.TYPE_FORM); div.setHead(T_sherpa_title); // Since sherpa web service doesn't work reliable with more than 1 issn, perform the service // for each issn Set<String> issns = sherpaSubmitService.getISSNs(context, item); Iterator<String> issnsIterator = issns.iterator(); int i = 0; while (issnsIterator.hasNext()) { SHERPAResponse shresp = sherpaSubmitService.searchRelatedJournalsByISSN(; java.util.List<SHERPAJournal> journals = shresp.getJournals(); java.util.List<SHERPAPublisher> publishers = shresp.getPublishers(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(journals)) { for (SHERPAJournal journ : journals) { SHERPAPublisher pub = publishers.get(0); List sherpaList = div.addList("sherpaList" + (i + 1), "simple", "sherpaList"); sherpaList .addItem() .addFigure( contextPath + "/static/images/" + (i == 0 ? "romeosmall" : "clear") + ".gif", "", "sherpaLogo"); sherpaList.addItem().addHighlight("sherpaBold").addContent(T_sherpa_journal); sherpaList.addItem(journ.getTitle() + " (" + journ.getIssn() + ")"); sherpaList.addItem().addHighlight("sherpaBold").addContent(T_sherpa_publisher); sherpaList.addItemXref(pub.getHomeurl(), pub.getName()); sherpaList.addItem().addHighlight("sherpaBold").addContent(T_sherpa_colour); sherpaList .addItem() .addHighlight("sherpaStyle " + pub.getRomeocolour()) .addContent(message("xmlui.aspect.sherpa.submission." + pub.getRomeocolour())); sherpaList .addItem() .addXref( "" + journ.getIssn(), T_sherpa_more, "sherpaMoreInfo"); i = i + 1; } } } List sherpaList = div.addList("sherpaListEnd", "simple", "sherpaList"); sherpaList.addItem(T_sherpa_consult); } } }
public void addBody(Body body) throws SAXException, WingException, UIException, SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException { // If we are actually editing information of an uploaded file, // then display that body instead! if (this.editFile != null) { editFile.addBody(body); return; } // Get a list of all files in the original bundle Item item = submission.getItem(); Collection collection = submission.getCollection(); String actionURL = contextPath + "/handle/" + collection.getHandle() + "/submit/" + knot.getId() + ".continue"; boolean disableFileEditing = (submissionInfo.isInWorkflow()) && !ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("workflow", "reviewer.file-edit"); Bundle[] bundles = item.getBundles("ORIGINAL"); Bitstream[] bitstreams = new Bitstream[0]; if (bundles.length > 0) { bitstreams = bundles[0].getBitstreams(); } // Part A: // First ask the user if they would like to upload a new file (may be the first one) Division div = body.addInteractiveDivision( "submit-upload", actionURL, Division.METHOD_MULTIPART, "primary submission"); div.setHead(T_submission_head); addSubmissionProgressList(div); List upload = null; if (!disableFileEditing) { // Only add the upload capabilities for new item submissions upload = div.addList("submit-upload-new", List.TYPE_FORM); upload.setHead(T_head); addRioxxVersionSection(upload, item); File file = upload.addItem().addFile("file"); file.setLabel(T_file); file.setHelp(T_file_help); file.setRequired(); // if no files found error was thrown by processing class, display it! if (this.errorFlag == org.dspace.submit.step.UploadStep.STATUS_NO_FILES_ERROR) { file.addError(T_file_error); } // if an upload error was thrown by processing class, display it! if (this.errorFlag == org.dspace.submit.step.UploadStep.STATUS_UPLOAD_ERROR) { file.addError(T_upload_error); } // if virus checking was attempted and failed in error then let the user know if (this.errorFlag == org.dspace.submit.step.UploadStep.STATUS_VIRUS_CHECKER_UNAVAILABLE) { file.addError(T_virus_checker_error); } // if virus checking was attempted and a virus found then let the user know if (this.errorFlag == org.dspace.submit.step.UploadStep.STATUS_CONTAINS_VIRUS) { file.addError(T_virus_error); } Text description = upload.addItem().addText("description"); description.setLabel(T_description); description.setHelp(T_description_help); Button uploadSubmit = upload.addItem().addButton("submit_upload"); uploadSubmit.setValue(T_submit_upload); } make_sherpaRomeo_submission(item, div); // Part B: // If the user has already uploaded files provide a list for the user. if (bitstreams.length > 0 || disableFileEditing) { Table summary = div.addTable("submit-upload-summary", (bitstreams.length * 2) + 2, 7); summary.setHead(T_head2); Row header = summary.addRow(Row.ROLE_HEADER); header.addCellContent(T_column0); // primary bitstream header.addCellContent(T_column1); // select checkbox header.addCellContent(T_column2); // file name header.addCellContent(T_column3); // size header.addCellContent(T_column4); // description header.addCellContent(T_column5); // format header.addCellContent(T_column6); // edit button for (Bitstream bitstream : bitstreams) { int id = bitstream.getID(); String name = bitstream.getName(); String url = makeBitstreamLink(item, bitstream); long bytes = bitstream.getSize(); String desc = bitstream.getDescription(); String algorithm = bitstream.getChecksumAlgorithm(); String checksum = bitstream.getChecksum(); Row row = summary.addRow(); // Add radio-button to select this as the primary bitstream Radio primary = row.addCell().addRadio("primary_bitstream_id"); primary.addOption(String.valueOf(id)); // If this bitstream is already marked as the primary bitstream // mark it as such. if (bundles[0].getPrimaryBitstreamID() == id) { primary.setOptionSelected(String.valueOf(id)); } if (!disableFileEditing) { // Workflow users can not remove files. CheckBox remove = row.addCell().addCheckBox("remove"); remove.setLabel("remove"); remove.addOption(id); } else { row.addCell(); } row.addCell().addXref(url, name); row.addCellContent(bytes + " bytes"); if (desc == null || desc.length() == 0) { row.addCellContent(T_unknown_name); } else { row.addCellContent(desc); } BitstreamFormat format = bitstream.getFormat(); if (format == null) { row.addCellContent(T_unknown_format); } else { int support = format.getSupportLevel(); Cell cell = row.addCell(); cell.addContent(format.getMIMEType()); cell.addContent(" "); switch (support) { case 1: cell.addContent(T_supported); break; case 2: cell.addContent(T_known); break; case 3: cell.addContent(T_unsupported); break; } } Button edit = row.addCell().addButton("submit_edit_" + id); edit.setValue(T_submit_edit); Row checksumRow = summary.addRow(); checksumRow.addCell(); Cell checksumCell = checksumRow.addCell(null, null, 0, 6, null); checksumCell.addHighlight("bold").addContent(T_checksum); checksumCell.addContent(" "); checksumCell.addContent(algorithm + ":" + checksum); } if (!disableFileEditing) { // Workflow users can not remove files. Row actionRow = summary.addRow(); actionRow.addCell(); Button removeSeleceted = actionRow.addCell(null, null, 0, 6, null).addButton("submit_remove_selected"); removeSeleceted.setValue(T_submit_remove); } upload = div.addList("submit-upload-new-part2", List.TYPE_FORM); } // Part C: // add standard control/paging buttons addControlButtons(upload); }