private org.docx4j.vml.CTTextbox getTextBox(org.docx4j.wml.Pict pict) { org.docx4j.vml.CTShape shape = null; for (Object o2 : pict.getAnyAndAny()) { o2 = XmlUtils.unwrap(o2); // System.out.println(o.getClass().getName()); if (o2 instanceof org.docx4j.vml.CTShape) { shape = (org.docx4j.vml.CTShape) o2; break; } } if (shape == null) { getLog().warn("no shape in pict "); return null; } else { org.docx4j.vml.CTTextbox textBox = null; org.docx4j.vml.wordprocessingDrawing.CTWrap w10Wrap = null; for (Object o2 : shape.getPathOrFormulasOrHandles()) { o2 = XmlUtils.unwrap(o2); if (o2 instanceof org.docx4j.vml.CTTextbox) { textBox = (org.docx4j.vml.CTTextbox) o2; } if (o2 instanceof org.docx4j.vml.wordprocessingDrawing.CTWrap) { w10Wrap = (org.docx4j.vml.wordprocessingDrawing.CTWrap) o2; } } return textBox; } }
/** Example of how to find an object in document.xml via traversal (as opposed to XPath) */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String inputfilepath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/checkbox.docx"; WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(new; MainDocumentPart documentPart = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart(); Finder finder = new Finder(FldChar.class); // <----- change this to suit new TraversalUtil(documentPart.getContent(), finder); System.out.println("got " + finder.results.size() + " of type " + finder.typeToFind.getName()); for (Object o : finder.results) { Object o2 = XmlUtils.unwrap(o); // this is ok, provided the results of the Callback // won't be marshalled if (o2 instanceof org.docx4j.wml.Text) { org.docx4j.wml.Text txt = (org.docx4j.wml.Text) o2; System.out.println(txt.getValue()); } else { System.out.println(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(o, true, true)); } } }
@Override public void walkJAXBElements(Object parent) { // Breadth first List<Object> newChildren = new ArrayList<Object>(); Object parentUnwrapped = XmlUtils.unwrap(parent); List<Object> children = getChildren(parentUnwrapped); if (children == null) { log.debug("no children: " + parentUnwrapped.getClass().getName()); return; } else { for (Object o : children) { newChildren.addAll(this.apply(o)); } } // Replace list, so we'll traverse all the new sdts we've just // created TraversalUtil.replaceChildren(parentUnwrapped, newChildren); children = getChildren(parentUnwrapped); if (children == null) { log.debug("no children: " + parentUnwrapped.getClass().getName()); } else { for (Object o : children) { // *** this.apply(o); if (this.shouldTraverse(o)) { walkJAXBElements(o); } } } }
@Override public List<Object> apply(Object wrapped) throws RuntimeException { // apply processSdt to any sdt // which might be a conditional|repeat Object o = XmlUtils.unwrap(wrapped); if (o instanceof org.docx4j.wml.SdtBlock || o instanceof org.docx4j.wml.SdtRun || o instanceof org.docx4j.wml.CTSdtRow || o instanceof org.docx4j.wml.CTSdtCell) { if (getSdtPr(o).getDataBinding() == null) { // a real binding attribute trumps any tag return processBindingRoleIfAny(wordMLPackage, o); } } else { // log.warn("TODO: Handle " + o.getClass().getName() + // " (if that's an sdt)"); } // Otherwise just preserve the content List<Object> newContent = new ArrayList<Object>(); newContent.add(wrapped); // we want the JAXBElement (if any) return newContent; }
/** * Use an XSLT to alter the contents of this package. The output of the transformation must be * valid pck:package/pck:part format, as emitted by Word 2007. * * @param is * @param transformParameters * @throws Exception */ public void transform(Templates xslt, Map<String, Object> transformParameters) throws Exception { // Prepare in the input document FlatOpcXmlCreator worker = new FlatOpcXmlCreator(this); org.docx4j.xmlPackage.Package pkg = worker.get(); JAXBContext jc = Context.jcXmlPackage; Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller(); org.w3c.dom.Document doc = org.docx4j.XmlUtils.neww3cDomDocument(); marshaller.marshal(pkg, doc); // javax.xml.bind.util.JAXBResult result = new javax.xml.bind.util.JAXBResult(jc ); // Use constructor which takes Unmarshaller, rather than JAXBContext, // so we can set JaxbValidationEventHandler Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); u.setEventHandler(new org.docx4j.jaxb.JaxbValidationEventHandler()); javax.xml.bind.util.JAXBResult result = new javax.xml.bind.util.JAXBResult(u); // Perform the transformation org.docx4j.XmlUtils.transform(doc, xslt, transformParameters, result); // javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement je = (javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement)result.getResult(); // org.docx4j.xmlPackage.Package wmlPackageEl = (org.docx4j.xmlPackage.Package)je.getValue(); org.docx4j.xmlPackage.Package wmlPackageEl = (org.docx4j.xmlPackage.Package) XmlUtils.unwrap(result.getResult()); xmlPackage = new; ContentTypeManager ctm = new ContentTypeManager(); Part tmpDocPart = xmlPackage.getRawPart(ctm, "/word/document.xml", null); Part tmpStylesPart = xmlPackage.getRawPart(ctm, "/word/styles.xml", null); // This code assumes all the existing rels etc of // the existing main document part are still relevant. // if (wmlDocument==null) { // log.warn("Couldn't get main document part from package transform result!"); // } else { // this.getMainDocumentPart().setJaxbElement(wmlDocument); // } this.getMainDocumentPart() .setJaxbElement(((JaxbXmlPart<Document>) tmpDocPart).getJaxbElement()); // // if (wmlStyles==null) { // log.warn("Couldn't get style definitions part from package transform result!"); // } else { // this.getMainDocumentPart().getStyleDefinitionsPart().setJaxbElement(wmlStyles); // } this.getMainDocumentPart() .getStyleDefinitionsPart(true) .setJaxbElement(((JaxbXmlPart<Styles>) tmpStylesPart).getJaxbElement()); }
@Override public void walkJAXBElements(Object parent) { List<Object> children = getChildren(parent); if (children != null) { for (Object o : children) { o = XmlUtils.unwrap(o); this.apply(o); if (this.shouldTraverse(o)) { walkJAXBElements(o); } } } }
@Override public void walkJAXBElements(Object parent) { List children = getChildren(parent); if (children != null) { String oldIndent = indent; indent += " "; for (Object o : children) { // if its wrapped in javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement, get its // value; this is ok, provided the results of the Callback // won't be marshalled o = XmlUtils.unwrap(o); this.apply(o, parent, children); if (this.shouldTraverse(o)) { walkJAXBElements(o); } } indent = oldIndent; } }
@Override public void walkJAXBElements(Object parent) { List children = getChildren(parent); if (children != null) { for (Object o : children) { // if its wrapped in javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement, get its // value; this is ok, provided the results of the Callback // won't be marshalled o = XmlUtils.unwrap(o); // workaround for broken getParent (since 3.0.0) if (o instanceof Child) { if (parent instanceof SdtBlock) { ((Child) o).setParent(((SdtBlock) parent).getSdtContent().getContent()); // Is that the right semantics for parent object? // TODO: other corrections } else { ((Child) o).setParent(parent); } } this.apply(o); if (o instanceof SdtBlock) { ll.addLast((SdtBlock) o); } if (this.shouldTraverse(o)) { walkJAXBElements(o); } if (o instanceof SdtBlock) { ll.removeLast(); } } } }
@Override // so we can manage the stack public void walkJAXBElements(Object parent) { if (parent instanceof P) { pStack.push((P) parent); } // Same as superclass: List children = getChildren(parent); if (children != null) { for (Object o : children) { // if its wrapped in javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement, get its // value; this is ok, provided the results of the Callback // won't be marshalled o = XmlUtils.unwrap(o); // workaround for broken getParent (since 3.0.0) if (o instanceof Child) { if (parent instanceof SdtBlock) { ((Child) o).setParent(((SdtBlock) parent).getSdtContent()); } else { ((Child) o).setParent(parent); } } this.apply(o); if (this.shouldTraverse(o)) { walkJAXBElements(o); } } } if (parent instanceof P) { pStack.pop(); } }
/** * Get a Part (except a relationships part), but not its relationships part or related parts. * Useful if you need quick access to just this part. This can be called directly from outside the * library, in which case the Part will not be owned by a Package until the calling code makes it * so. * * @see To get a Part and all its related parts, and add all to a package, use getPart. * @param partByteArrays * @param ctm * @param resolvedPartUri * @param rel * @return * @throws Docx4JException including if result is null */ public Part getRawPart(ContentTypeManager ctm, String resolvedPartUri, Relationship rel) throws Docx4JException { Part part = null; InputStream is = null; try { try { log.debug("resolved uri: " + resolvedPartUri); // Get a subclass of Part appropriate for this content type // This will throw UnrecognisedPartException in the absence of // specific knowledge. Hence it is important to get the is // first, as we do above. part = ctm.getPart("/" + resolvedPartUri, rel);"ctm returned " + part.getClass().getName()); if (part instanceof || part instanceof || part instanceof || part instanceof || part instanceof || part instanceof || part instanceof { // Nothing to do here } else if (part instanceof { log.debug("Detected BinaryPart " + part.getClass().getName()); // is = partStore.loadPart( resolvedPartUri); // ((BinaryPart)part).setBinaryData(is); } else if (part instanceof { // ContentTypeManager initially detects them as CustomXmlDataStoragePart; // the below changes as necessary // Is it a part we know? is = partStore.loadPart(resolvedPartUri); try { Unmarshaller u = Context.jc.createUnmarshaller(); Object o = u.unmarshal(is); log.debug(o.getClass().getName()); PartName name = part.getPartName(); if (o instanceof CoverPageProperties) { part = new DocPropsCoverPagePart(name); ((DocPropsCoverPagePart) part).setJaxbElement((CoverPageProperties) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.conditions.Conditions) { part = new ConditionsPart(name); ((ConditionsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.conditions.Conditions) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths) { part = new XPathsPart(name); ((XPathsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.questions.Questionnaire) { part = new QuestionsPart(name); ((QuestionsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.questions.Questionnaire) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.answers.Answers) { part = new StandardisedAnswersPart(name); ((StandardisedAnswersPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.answers.Answers) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.components.Components) { part = new ComponentsPart(name); ((ComponentsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.components.Components) o); } else if (o instanceof JAXBElement<?> && XmlUtils.unwrap(o) instanceof org.docx4j.bibliography.CTSources) { part = new BibliographyPart(name); ((BibliographyPart) part) .setJaxbElement((JAXBElement<org.docx4j.bibliography.CTSources>) o); } else { log.error("TODO: handle known CustomXmlPart part " + o.getClass().getName()); CustomXmlDataStorage data = getCustomXmlDataStorageClass().factory(); is.reset(); data.setDocument(is); // Not necessarily JAXB, that's just our method name (( part).setData(data); } } catch (javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException ue) { log.warn("No JAXB model for this CustomXmlDataStorage part; " + ue.getMessage()); CustomXmlDataStorage data = getCustomXmlDataStorageClass().factory(); is.reset(); data.setDocument(is); // Not necessarily JAXB, that's just our method name (( part).setData(data); } } else if (part instanceof { is = partStore.loadPart(resolvedPartUri); // try { ((XmlPart) part).setDocument(is); // Experimental 22/6/2011; don't fall back to binary (which we used to) // } catch (Docx4JException d) { // // This isn't an XML part after all, // // even though ContentTypeManager detected it as such // // So get it as a binary part // part = getBinaryPart(partByteArrays, ctm, resolvedPartUri); // log.warn("Could not parse as XML, so using BinaryPart for " // + resolvedPartUri); // ((BinaryPart)part).setBinaryData(is); // } } else { // Shouldn't happen, since ContentTypeManagerImpl should // return an instance of one of the above, or throw an // Exception. log.error("No suitable part found for: " + resolvedPartUri); part = null; } } catch (PartUnrecognisedException e) { log.error("PartUnrecognisedException shouldn't happen anymore!", e); // Try to get it as a binary part part = getBinaryPart(ctm, resolvedPartUri); log.warn("Using BinaryPart for " + resolvedPartUri); // is = partStore.loadPart( resolvedPartUri); // ((BinaryPart)part).setBinaryData(is); } } catch (Exception ex) { // IOException, URISyntaxException ex.printStackTrace(); throw new Docx4JException("Failed to getPart", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } if (part == null) { throw new Docx4JException( "cannot find part " + resolvedPartUri + " from rel " + rel.getId() + "=" + rel.getTarget()); } return part; }
/** * Get a Part (except a relationships part), but not its relationships part or related parts. * Useful if you need quick access to just this part. This can be called directly from outside the * library, in which case the Part will not be owned by a Package until the calling code makes it * so. * * @see To get a Part and all its related parts, and add all to a package, use getPart. * @param zf * @param resolvedPartUri * @return * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws InvalidFormatException */ public static Part getRawPart( ZipFile zf, ContentTypeManager ctm, String resolvedPartUri, Relationship rel) throws Docx4JException { Part part = null; InputStream is = null; try { try { log.debug("resolved uri: " + resolvedPartUri); is = getInputStreamFromZippedPart(zf, resolvedPartUri); // Get a subclass of Part appropriate for this content type // This will throw UnrecognisedPartException in the absence of // specific knowledge. Hence it is important to get the is // first, as we do above. part = ctm.getPart("/" + resolvedPartUri, rel); if (part instanceof { (( part).setJAXBContext(Context.jcThemePart); (( part).unmarshal(is); } else if (part instanceof { (( part) .setJAXBContext(Context.jcDocPropsCore); (( part).unmarshal(is); } else if (part instanceof { (( part) .setJAXBContext(Context.jcDocPropsCustom); (( part).unmarshal(is); } else if (part instanceof { (( part) .setJAXBContext(Context.jcDocPropsExtended); (( part).unmarshal(is); } else if (part instanceof { (( part) .setJAXBContext(Context.jcCustomXmlProperties); (( part).unmarshal(is); } else if (part instanceof { (( part).setJAXBContext(Context.jcXmlDSig); (( part).unmarshal(is); } else if (part instanceof { // MainDocument part, Styles part, Font part etc (( part).setJAXBContext(Context.jc); (( part).unmarshal(is); } else if (part instanceof { log.debug("Detected BinaryPart " + part.getClass().getName()); if (conserveMemory) { ((BinaryPart) part).setBinaryDataRef(zf.getName(), resolvedPartUri); } else { ((BinaryPart) part).setBinaryData(is); } } else if (part instanceof { // Is it a part we know? try { Unmarshaller u = Context.jc.createUnmarshaller(); Object o = u.unmarshal(is); log.debug(o.getClass().getName()); PartName name = part.getPartName(); if (o instanceof org.opendope.conditions.Conditions) { part = new ConditionsPart(name); ((ConditionsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.conditions.Conditions) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths) { part = new XPathsPart(name); ((XPathsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.questions.Questionnaire) { part = new QuestionsPart(name); ((QuestionsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.questions.Questionnaire) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.answers.Answers) { part = new StandardisedAnswersPart(name); ((StandardisedAnswersPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.answers.Answers) o); } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.components.Components) { part = new ComponentsPart(name); ((ComponentsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.components.Components) o); } else if (o instanceof JAXBElement<?> && XmlUtils.unwrap(o) instanceof org.docx4j.bibliography.CTSources) { part = new BibliographyPart(name); ((BibliographyPart) part) .setJaxbElement((JAXBElement<org.docx4j.bibliography.CTSources>) o); } else { log.warn("No known part after all for CustomXmlPart " + o.getClass().getName()); CustomXmlDataStorage data = getCustomXmlDataStorageClass().factory(); is.reset(); data.setDocument(is); // Not necessarily JAXB, that's just our method name (( part).setData(data); } } catch (javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException ue) { // No ... CustomXmlDataStorage data = getCustomXmlDataStorageClass().factory(); is.reset(); data.setDocument(is); // Not necessarily JAXB, that's just our method name (( part).setData(data); } } else if (part instanceof { try { ((XmlPart) part).setDocument(is); } catch (Docx4JException d) { // This isn't an XML part after all, // even though ContentTypeManager detected it as such // So get it as a binary part part = getBinaryPart(zf, ctm, resolvedPartUri); if (conserveMemory) { ((BinaryPart) part).setBinaryDataRef(zf.getName(), resolvedPartUri); } else { ((BinaryPart) part).setBinaryData(is); } } } else { // Shouldn't happen, since ContentTypeManagerImpl should // return an instance of one of the above, or throw an // Exception. log.error("No suitable part found for: " + resolvedPartUri); part = null; } } catch (PartUnrecognisedException e) { log.warn("PartUnrecognisedException shouldn't happen anymore!"); // Try to get it as a binary part part = getBinaryPart(zf, ctm, resolvedPartUri); if (conserveMemory) { ((BinaryPart) part).setBinaryDataRef(zf.getName(), resolvedPartUri); } else { ((BinaryPart) part).setBinaryData(is); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // IOException, URISyntaxException ex.printStackTrace(); throw new Docx4JException("Failed to getPart", ex); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } } } return part; }
@Override public void apply(SdtElement element, Object parent, List<Object> siblings) { System.out.println(); SdtPr sdtPr = element.getSdtPr(); if (sdtPr == null) { System.out.println( callback.indent + element.getClass().getSimpleName() + " [no sdtPr!]" + " (having parent " + parent.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")"); } else { System.out.println( callback.indent + element.getClass().getSimpleName() + " (having parent " + parent.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")"); CTDataBinding binding = (CTDataBinding) XmlUtils.unwrap(sdtPr.getDataBinding()); if (binding != null) { System.out.println(callback.indent + " binding: " + binding.getXpath()); } Tag tag = sdtPr.getTag(); if (tag == null) return; System.out.println(callback.indent + " " + tag.getVal()); HashMap<String, String> map = QueryString.parseQueryString(tag.getVal(), true); String conditionId = map.get(OpenDoPEHandler.BINDING_ROLE_CONDITIONAL); String repeatId = map.get(OpenDoPEHandler.BINDING_ROLE_REPEAT); String xp = map.get(OpenDoPEHandler.BINDING_ROLE_XPATH); if (conditionId != null) { Condition c = ConditionsPart.getConditionById(conditions, conditionId); if (c == null) { System.out.println(callback.indent + " " + "Missing condition " + conditionId); } if (c.getParticle() instanceof org.opendope.conditions.Xpathref) { org.opendope.conditions.Xpathref xpathRef = (Xpathref) c.getParticle(); if (xpathRef == null) { System.out.println( callback.indent + " " + "Condition " + c.getId() + " references a missing xpath!"); } org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpath = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, xpathRef.getId()); if (xpath == null) { System.out.println( callback.indent + " " + "XPath specified in condition '" + c.getId() + "' is missing!"); } else { System.out.println( callback.indent + " " + xpath.getId() + ": " + xpath.getDataBinding().getXpath()); } } else { System.out.println("Complex condition: " + XmlUtils.marshaltoString(c, true, true)); } } else if (repeatId != null) { org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpath = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, repeatId); if (xpath == null) { System.out.println( callback.indent + " " + "XPath specified in repeat '" + repeatId + "' is missing!"); } else { System.out.println( callback.indent + " " + xpath.getId() + ": " + xpath.getDataBinding().getXpath()); } } else if (xp != null) { org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpath = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, xp); if (xpath == null) { System.out.println( callback.indent + " " + "XPath specified with id '" + xp + "' is missing!"); } else { System.out.println( callback.indent + " " + xpath.getId() + ": " + xpath.getDataBinding().getXpath()); } } } }
private void processDescendantBindings(Object sdt, String xpathBase, int index) { SdtPr sdtPr = getSdtPr(sdt); // log.debug(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(sdtPr, true, true)); // Give it a unique ID (supersedes above?) sdtPr.setId(); // log.debug(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(sdtPr, true, true)); CTDataBinding binding = (CTDataBinding) XmlUtils.unwrap(sdtPr.getDataBinding()); String thisXPath = null; // It'll have one of these three... String conditionId = null; String repeatId = null; String bindingId = null; org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpathObj = null; Tag tag = sdtPr.getTag(); if (tag == null) return; HashMap<String, String> map = QueryString.parseQueryString(tag.getVal(), true); if (binding == null) { conditionId = map.get(BINDING_ROLE_CONDITIONAL); repeatId = map.get(BINDING_ROLE_REPEAT); if (conditionId != null) { // c = ConditionsPart.getConditionById(conditions, conditionId); // if (c == null) { // log.error("Missing condition " + conditionId); // throw new InputIntegrityException("Required condition '" + conditionId + "' is // missing"); // } // // // TODO: this code assumes the condition contains // // a simple xpath // log.debug("Using condition" // + XmlUtils.marshaltoString(c, true, true)); // xpathObj = getXPathFromCondition(c); // thisXPath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath(); processDescendantCondition(sdt, xpathBase, index, tag); return; } else if (repeatId != null) { xpathObj = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, repeatId); thisXPath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath(); } else if (map.containsKey(BINDING_CONTENTTYPE) || map.containsKey(BINDING_HANDLER) || map.containsKey(BINDING_PROGID)) { xpathObj = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, map.get(BINDING_ROLE_XPATH)); thisXPath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath(); } else { log.warn("couldn't find binding or bindingrole!"); // not all sdt's need have a binding; // they could be present in the docx for other purposes return; // NB an OpenDoPE xpath tag (with no w:binding element) // eg as created by authoring tool for a "count(" XPath // ends up here. } } else { thisXPath = binding.getXpath(); // Set this stuff up now bindingId = map.get(BINDING_ROLE_XPATH); xpathObj = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, bindingId); // Sanity test if (!thisXPath.equals(xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath())) { log.error( "XPaths didn't match for id " + bindingId + ": \n\r " + thisXPath + "\n\rcf. " + xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath()); } // 2012 09 20 - when did this break? // thisXPath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath(); } // System.out.println("xpathBase: " + xpathBase); // System.out.println("index: " + index); // System.out.println("thisXPath: " + thisXPath); final String newPath = enhanceXPath(xpathBase, index + 1, thisXPath); // System.out.println("newPath: " + newPath); if (log.isDebugEnabled() && !thisXPath.equals(newPath)) { log.debug("xpath prefix enhanced " + thisXPath + " to " + newPath); } if (binding == null) { if (repeatId != null) { // Create the new xpath object org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath newXPathObj = createNewXPathObject(newPath, xpathObj, index); // set sdt to use it map.put(BINDING_ROLE_REPEAT, newXPathObj.getId()); tag.setVal(QueryString.create(map)); } else if (map.containsKey(BINDING_CONTENTTYPE) || map.containsKey(BINDING_HANDLER) || map.containsKey(BINDING_PROGID)) { // Also need to create new xpath id, and add that org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath newXPathObj = createNewXPathObject(newPath, xpathObj, index); // set sdt to use it map.put(BINDING_ROLE_XPATH, newXPathObj.getId()); tag.setVal(QueryString.create(map)); } } else { binding.setXpath(newPath); // Also need to create new xpath id, and add that org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath newXPathObj = createNewXPathObject(newPath, xpathObj, index); // set sdt to use it map.put(BINDING_ROLE_XPATH, newXPathObj.getId()); tag.setVal(QueryString.create(map)); } }