protected Document loadConfiguration(String configLocation) { logger.debug("[IMPORT] loading " + configLocation); InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(configLocation); if (in != null) { return ContentUtils.convertStreamToXml(in); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("[IMPORT] failed to load configuration.", e); } catch (DocumentException e) { logger.error("[IMPORT] failed to load configuration.", e); } finally { ContentUtils.release(in); } return null; }
/** * write content * * @param site * @param importedPaths * @param importedFullPaths * @param fileRoot * @param parentPath * @param name * @param overWrite */ protected void writeContent( String site, Set<String> importedPaths, List<String> importedFullPaths, String fileRoot, String targetRoot, String parentPath, String name, boolean overWrite) { boolean isXml = true; String processChain = this.xmlChainName; if (!name.endsWith(".xml")) { isXml = false; processChain = this.assetChainName; } InputStream in = null; String filePath = parentPath + "/" + name; String fileSystemPath = fileRoot + "/" + name; "[IMPORT] writeContent: fileRoot [" + fileRoot + "] fullPath [" + filePath + "] overwrite[" + overWrite + "] process chain [ " + processChain + "]"); long startTimeWrite = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("[IMPORT] writing file: " + parentPath + "/" + name); try { File file = new File(fileSystemPath); if (file.exists()) { in = new FileInputStream(file); String currentPath = parentPath + "/" + name; boolean contentExists = contentService.contentExists(site, currentPath); // create parameters Map<String, String> params = createParams(site, isXml, targetRoot, parentPath, name); String id = site + ":" + filePath + ":" + name; // write content only it is new or overwrite is set to true for // existing if (!contentExists || overWrite) { String fullPath = targetRoot + filePath; objectStateService.setSystemProcessing(site, currentPath, true); // write the content contentService.processContent(id, in, isXml, params, processChain); ContentItemTO item = contentService.getContentItem(site, currentPath); // update state if (item != null) { objectStateService.transition(site, item, TransitionEvent.SAVE); objectStateService.setSystemProcessing(site, currentPath, false); } else { ObjectState state = objectStateService.getObjectState(site, currentPath); if (state == null) { objectStateService.insertNewEntry(site, currentPath); } } importedPaths.add(filePath); importedFullPaths.add(fullPath); } else { logger.debug( "[IMPORT] " + filePath + " exists and set to not to overrwite. skipping this file."); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("[IMPORT] " + filePath + " does not exist."); } catch (ServiceException e) { logger.error("[IMPORT] failed to import " + filePath, e); } finally { ContentUtils.release(in); } logger.debug( "[IMPORT] done writing file: " + parentPath + "/" + name + ", time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeWrite)); }