public class ImportServiceImpl implements ImportService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImportServiceImpl.class); @Override public void importSite(String configLocation) { Document document = loadConfiguration(configLocation); if (document != null) { Element root = document.getRootElement(); List<Node> siteNodes = root.selectNodes("site"); if (siteNodes != null) { for (Node siteNode : siteNodes) { String name = siteNode.valueOf("name"); String buildDataLocation = siteNode.valueOf("build-data-location"); String publishingChannelGroup = siteNode.valueOf("publish-channel-group"); String publishStr = siteNode.valueOf("publish"); boolean publish = (!StringUtils.isEmpty(publishStr) && publishStr.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); String publishSize = siteNode.valueOf("publish-chunk-size"); int chunkSize = (!StringUtils.isEmpty(publishSize) && StringUtils.isNumeric(publishSize)) ? Integer.valueOf(publishSize) : -1; Node foldersNode = siteNode.selectSingleNode("folders"); String sourceLocation = buildDataLocation + "/" + name; String delayIntervalStr = siteNode.valueOf("delay-interval"); int delayInterval = (!StringUtils.isEmpty(delayIntervalStr) && StringUtils.isNumeric(delayIntervalStr)) ? Integer.valueOf(delayIntervalStr) : -1; String delayLengthStr = siteNode.valueOf("delay-length"); int delayLength = (!StringUtils.isEmpty(delayLengthStr) && StringUtils.isNumeric(delayLengthStr)) ? Integer.valueOf(delayLengthStr) : -1; importFromConfigNode( name, publishingChannelGroup, foldersNode, sourceLocation, "/", publish, chunkSize, delayInterval, delayLength); } } } } protected Document loadConfiguration(String configLocation) { logger.debug("[IMPORT] loading " + configLocation); InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(configLocation); if (in != null) { return ContentUtils.convertStreamToXml(in); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("[IMPORT] failed to load configuration.", e); } catch (DocumentException e) { logger.error("[IMPORT] failed to load configuration.", e); } finally { ContentUtils.release(in); } return null; } private void importFromConfigNode( final String site, String publishChannelGroup, final Node node, final String fileRoot, final String targetRoot, boolean publish, int chunkSize, int delayInterval, int delayLength) { if (!inProgress) { inProgress = true; if (delayInterval > 0) pauseEanbeld = true; this.currentDelayInterval = delayInterval * 1000; this.currentDelayLength = delayLength * 1000; final Set<String> importedPaths = new HashSet<String>(); final List<String> importedFullPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); "[IMPORT] started importing in " + site + ", pause enabled: " + pauseEanbeld + ", delay interval: " + this.currentDelayInterval + ", delay length: " + this.currentDelayLength); boolean overWrite = ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(node.valueOf("@over-write")); final List<Node> folderNodes = node.selectNodes("folder"); if (publish) { PublishingChannelGroupConfigTO configTO = siteService.getPublishingChannelGroupConfigs(site).get(publishChannelGroup); String user = securityService.getCurrentUser(); List<PublishingChannel> channels = getChannels(site, configTO); logger.debug( "[IMPORT] publishing user: "******", publishing channel config: " + configTO.getName()); this.nextStop = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.currentDelayInterval; createFolders( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, folderNodes, fileRoot, targetRoot, "", overWrite, channels, user); "Starting Publish of Imported Files (Total " + importedFullPaths.size() + " On chunkSize of " + chunkSize + " )"); publish(site, publishChannelGroup, targetRoot, importedFullPaths, chunkSize); } else { this.nextStop = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.currentDelayInterval; createFolders( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, folderNodes, fileRoot, targetRoot, "", overWrite, null, null); } inProgress = false; } else {"[IMPORT] an import process is currently running."); } } /** * populate channel information * * @param configTO */ private List<PublishingChannel> getChannels( String site, PublishingChannelGroupConfigTO configTO) { SiteService siteService = getSiteService(); if (configTO.getChannels() != null) { List<PublishingChannel> channels = new ArrayList<PublishingChannel>(); for (PublishingChannelConfigTO channelConfig : configTO.getChannels()) { DeploymentEndpointConfigTO endpointConfigTO = siteService.getDeploymentEndpoint(site, channelConfig.getName()); if (endpointConfigTO != null) { PublishingChannel channel = new PublishingChannel(); logger.debug( "[IMPORT] populating channel: " + channelConfig.getName() + ", id: " + channel.getId()); channel.setName(channelConfig.getName()); String server = endpointConfigTO.getServerUrl(); channel.setPassword(endpointConfigTO.getPassword()); channel.setTarget(endpointConfigTO.getTarget()); channel.setPublishMetadata(endpointConfigTO.isSendMetadata()); try { URL channelUrl = new URL(server); channel.setUrl(channelUrl.toString()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("[IMPORT] " + channelConfig.getName() + " has an invalid target URL.", e); } channels.add(channel); } } return channels; } else { return null; } } /** * create folders * * @param site site name * @param importedPaths a list of imported files * @param importedFullPaths * @param nodes nodes representing folders * @param fileRoot the root location of files/folders being imported * @param targetRoot the target location root * @param parentPath the target location to import to * @param overWrite overwrite contents? * @param channels * @param user */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void createFolders( String site, Set<String> importedPaths, List<String> importedFullPaths, List<Node> nodes, String fileRoot, String targetRoot, String parentPath, boolean overWrite, List<PublishingChannel> channels, String user) { "[IMPORT] createFolders : site[" + site + "] " + "] fileRoot [" + fileRoot + "] targetRoot [ " + targetRoot + "] parentPath [" + parentPath + "] overwrite[" + overWrite + "]"); if (nodes != null) { for (Node node : nodes) { String name = node.valueOf("@name"); String value = node.valueOf("@over-write"); boolean folderOverWrite = (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) ? overWrite : ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(value); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { String currentFilePath = fileRoot + "/" + name; String currentPath = parentPath + "/" + name; // check if the parent node exists and create the folder if // not boolean folderExists = contentService.contentExists(site, currentPath); if (!folderExists) { contentService.createFolder(site, parentPath, name); } boolean importAll = ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(node.valueOf("@import-all")); if (importAll) { importRootFileList( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, fileRoot + "/" + name, targetRoot, currentPath, folderOverWrite, channels, user); } else { // create child folders List<Node> childFolders = node.selectNodes("folder"); createFolders( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, childFolders, currentFilePath, targetRoot, currentPath, folderOverWrite, channels, user); // create child fiimportedPathsles List<Node> childFiles = node.selectNodes("file"); createFiles( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, childFiles, currentFilePath, targetRoot, currentPath, folderOverWrite, channels, user); } } } } } /** * import all files from the given file root * * @param site * @param importedPaths * @param importedFullPaths * @param fileRoot * @param targetRoot the target location root * @param parentPath the target location to import to * @param overWrite * @param channels * @param user */ protected void importRootFileList( String site, Set<String> importedPaths, List<String> importedFullPaths, String fileRoot, String targetRoot, String parentPath, boolean overWrite, List<PublishingChannel> channels, String user) { URL resourceUrl = getResourceUrl(fileRoot); if (resourceUrl != null) { String resourcePath = resourceUrl.getFile(); File file = new File(resourcePath); if (file.isDirectory()) { String[] children = file.list(); if (children != null && children.length > 0) { for (String childName : children) { File childFile = new File(resourcePath + "/" + childName); if (childFile.isDirectory()) { String currentPath = parentPath + "/" + childName; boolean folderExists = contentService.contentExists(site, currentPath); if (!folderExists) { contentService.createFolder(site, parentPath, childName); }"[IMPORT] Importing " + parentPath + "/" + childName); importFileList( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, fileRoot + "/" + childName, targetRoot, parentPath + "/" + childName, overWrite, channels, user);"[IMPORT] Finished Importing " + parentPath + "/" + childName); } else { writeContentInTransaction( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, fileRoot, targetRoot, parentPath, childName, overWrite, channels, user); } } } } } else { logger.error("[IMPORT] " + fileRoot + " is not found."); } } /** * get the resource url for import * * @param filePath * @return */ private URL getResourceUrl(String filePath) { try { return new File(filePath).toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Not able to find " + filePath); } } /** * import files and folders at the given fileRoot path * * @param site * @param importedPaths * @param importedFullPaths * @param fileRoot * @param targetRoot the target location root * @param parentPath the target location to import to * @param overWrite * @param channels * @param user */ protected void importFileList( String site, Set<String> importedPaths, List<String> importedFullPaths, String fileRoot, String targetRoot, String parentPath, boolean overWrite, List<PublishingChannel> channels, String user) { "[IMPORT] importFileList: fileRoot [" + fileRoot + "] name [" + targetRoot + "] overwrite[" + overWrite + "]"); URL resourceUrl = getResourceUrl(fileRoot); if (resourceUrl != null) { String resourcePath = resourceUrl.getFile(); File file = new File(resourcePath); if (file.isDirectory()) { String[] children = file.list(); if (children != null && children.length > 0) { for (String childName : children) { File childFile = new File(resourcePath + "/" + childName); if (childFile.isDirectory()) { String currentPath = parentPath + "/" + childName; boolean folderExists = contentService.contentExists(site, currentPath); if (!folderExists) { contentService.createFolder(site, parentPath, childName); } importFileList( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, fileRoot + "/" + childName, targetRoot, parentPath + "/" + childName, overWrite, channels, user); } else { writeContentInTransaction( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, fileRoot, targetRoot, parentPath, childName, overWrite, channels, user); } } } } } else { logger.error("[IMPORT] " + fileRoot + " is not found."); } } /** * write content * * @param site * @param importedPaths * @param importedFullPaths * @param fileRoot * @param parentPath * @param name * @param overWrite * @param channels * @param user */ protected void writeContentInTransaction( final String site, final Set<String> importedPaths, final List<String> importedFullPaths, final String fileRoot, final String targetRoot, final String parentPath, final String name, final boolean overWrite, final List<PublishingChannel> channels, final String user) { long startTimeWrite = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("[IMPORT] writing file in transaction: " + parentPath + "/" + name); writeContent( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, fileRoot, targetRoot, parentPath, name, overWrite); logger.debug( "[IMPORT] done writing file in transaction: " + parentPath + "/" + name + ", time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeWrite)); pause(); } /** * write content * * @param site * @param importedPaths * @param importedFullPaths * @param fileRoot * @param parentPath * @param name * @param overWrite */ protected void writeContent( String site, Set<String> importedPaths, List<String> importedFullPaths, String fileRoot, String targetRoot, String parentPath, String name, boolean overWrite) { boolean isXml = true; String processChain = this.xmlChainName; if (!name.endsWith(".xml")) { isXml = false; processChain = this.assetChainName; } InputStream in = null; String filePath = parentPath + "/" + name; String fileSystemPath = fileRoot + "/" + name; "[IMPORT] writeContent: fileRoot [" + fileRoot + "] fullPath [" + filePath + "] overwrite[" + overWrite + "] process chain [ " + processChain + "]"); long startTimeWrite = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("[IMPORT] writing file: " + parentPath + "/" + name); try { File file = new File(fileSystemPath); if (file.exists()) { in = new FileInputStream(file); String currentPath = parentPath + "/" + name; boolean contentExists = contentService.contentExists(site, currentPath); // create parameters Map<String, String> params = createParams(site, isXml, targetRoot, parentPath, name); String id = site + ":" + filePath + ":" + name; // write content only it is new or overwrite is set to true for // existing if (!contentExists || overWrite) { String fullPath = targetRoot + filePath; objectStateService.setSystemProcessing(site, currentPath, true); // write the content contentService.processContent(id, in, isXml, params, processChain); ContentItemTO item = contentService.getContentItem(site, currentPath); // update state if (item != null) { objectStateService.transition(site, item, TransitionEvent.SAVE); objectStateService.setSystemProcessing(site, currentPath, false); } else { ObjectState state = objectStateService.getObjectState(site, currentPath); if (state == null) { objectStateService.insertNewEntry(site, currentPath); } } importedPaths.add(filePath); importedFullPaths.add(fullPath); } else { logger.debug( "[IMPORT] " + filePath + " exists and set to not to overrwite. skipping this file."); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("[IMPORT] " + filePath + " does not exist."); } catch (ServiceException e) { logger.error("[IMPORT] failed to import " + filePath, e); } finally { ContentUtils.release(in); } logger.debug( "[IMPORT] done writing file: " + parentPath + "/" + name + ", time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeWrite)); } /** * create write process parameters * * @param site * @param isXml * @param targetRoot * @param parentPath * @param name * @return */ private Map<String, String> createParams( String site, boolean isXml, String targetRoot, String parentPath, String name) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); String filePath = parentPath + "/" + name; String path = (isXml) ? filePath : parentPath; String fullPath = targetRoot + filePath; params.put(DmConstants.KEY_SITE, site); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_PATH, path); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_FULL_PATH, fullPath); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_FILE_NAME, name); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_USER, this.assignee); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_CREATE_FOLDERS, "true"); params.put(DmConstants.KEY_UNLOCK, "true"); logger.debug("[IMPORT] creating/updating " + filePath); return params; } /** pause the process if it reached the interval */ protected void pause() { if (this.pauseEanbeld) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= this.nextStop) { logger.debug("[IMPORT] pausing import process."); try { Thread.sleep(this.currentDelayLength); this.nextStop = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.currentDelayInterval; } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("[IMPORT] error while pausing import process.", e); } logger.debug("[IMPORT] done pausing import process."); } } } /** * create files from a list * * @param site * @param importedPaths * @param importedFullPaths * @param nodes * @param fileRoot * @param targetRoot the target location root * @param parentPath the target location to import to * @param overWrite * @param channels * @param user */ protected void createFiles( String site, Set<String> importedPaths, List<String> importedFullPaths, List<Node> nodes, String fileRoot, String targetRoot, String parentPath, boolean overWrite, List<PublishingChannel> channels, String user) { "[IMPORT] createFiles: fileRoot [" + fileRoot + "] parentFullPath [" + parentPath + "] overwrite[" + overWrite + "]"); if (nodes != null) { for (Node node : nodes) { String name = node.valueOf("@name"); String value = node.valueOf("@over-write"); boolean fileOverwrite = (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) ? overWrite : ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(value); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { writeContentInTransaction( site, importedPaths, importedFullPaths, fileRoot, targetRoot, parentPath, name, fileOverwrite, channels, user); } } } } /** * publish items * * @param site * @param publishChannelGroup * @param targetRoot * @param fullPaths * @param chunkSize */ protected void publish( String site, String publishChannelGroup, String targetRoot, List<String> fullPaths, int chunkSize) { if (chunkSize < 1) {"[IMPORT] publising chunk size not defined. publishing all together."); submitToGoLive(site, publishChannelGroup, fullPaths); } else { int total = fullPaths.size(); int count = 0; // group pages in a small chucks Set<String> goLiveItemPaths = new HashSet<String>(chunkSize); List<String> goLiveItemFullPaths = new ArrayList<String>(chunkSize); for (String importedFullPath : fullPaths) { logger.debug(" " + importedFullPath); if (goLiveItemFullPaths.size() < chunkSize) { goLiveItemFullPaths.add(importedFullPath); String goLiveItemPath = importedFullPath.replaceFirst(targetRoot, ""); goLiveItemPaths.add(goLiveItemPath); count++; } if (goLiveItemPaths.size() == chunkSize) { "[IMPORT] submitting " + chunkSize + " imported files to " + publishChannelGroup + " (" + count + "/" + total + ")"); submitToGoLive(site, publishChannelGroup, goLiveItemFullPaths); goLiveItemPaths = new HashSet<String>(chunkSize); goLiveItemFullPaths = new ArrayList<String>(chunkSize); } } // submit the last set if (goLiveItemPaths.size() < chunkSize) { "[IMPORT] submitting " + chunkSize + " imported files to " + publishChannelGroup + " (" + count + "/" + total + ")"); submitToGoLive(site, publishChannelGroup, goLiveItemFullPaths); goLiveItemPaths = new HashSet<String>(chunkSize); goLiveItemFullPaths = new ArrayList<String>(chunkSize); } } } /** * submit imported items to go live * * @param site * @param publishChannelGroup * @param importedFullPaths */ protected void submitToGoLive( String site, String publishChannelGroup, List<String> importedFullPaths) { MultiChannelPublishingContext mcpContext = new MultiChannelPublishingContext(publishChannelGroup, "", "Import Service"); dmPublishService.publish(site, importedFullPaths, null, mcpContext);"All files have been submitted to be publish"); } public SiteService getSiteService() { return siteService; } public void setSiteService(SiteService siteService) { this.siteService = siteService; } public SecurityService getSecurityService() { return securityService; } public void setSecurityService(SecurityService securityService) { this.securityService = securityService; } public ContentRepository getContentRepository() { return contentRepository; } public void setContentRepository(ContentRepository contentRepository) { this.contentRepository = contentRepository; } public ContentService getContentService() { return contentService; } public void setContentService(ContentService contentService) { this.contentService = contentService; } public ObjectStateService getObjectStateService() { return objectStateService; } public void setObjectStateService(ObjectStateService objectStateService) { this.objectStateService = objectStateService; } public DmPublishService getDmPublishService() { return dmPublishService; } public void setDmPublishService(DmPublishService dmPublishService) { this.dmPublishService = dmPublishService; } public String getXmlChainName() { return xmlChainName; } public void setXmlChainName(String xmlChainName) { this.xmlChainName = xmlChainName; } public String getAssetChainName() { return assetChainName; } public void setAssetChainName(String assetChainName) { this.assetChainName = assetChainName; } public String getAssignee() { return assignee; } public void setAssignee(String assignee) { this.assignee = assignee; } protected SiteService siteService; protected SecurityService securityService; protected ContentRepository contentRepository; protected ContentService contentService; protected ObjectStateService objectStateService; protected DmPublishService dmPublishService; protected String xmlChainName; protected String assetChainName; protected String assignee; /** is import in progress? */ private boolean inProgress = false; /** going to pause import process? * */ private boolean pauseEanbeld = false; /** next pause time * */ private long nextStop; /** import delay interval * */ private long currentDelayInterval; /** import delay time * */ private long currentDelayLength; /** * publishing channel * * @author hyanghee */ public class PublishingChannel { private String id; private String name; private String url; private String password; private String target; private boolean publishMetadata; public PublishingChannel() {} public PublishingChannel( String id, String name, String url, String password, String target, boolean publishMetadata) { = id; = name; this.url = url; this.password = password; = target; this.publishMetadata = publishMetadata; } /** @return the url */ public String getUrl() { return url; } /** @param url the url to set */ public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } /** @return the password */ public String getPassword() { return password; } /** @param password the password to set */ public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } /** @return the target */ public String getTarget() { return target; } /** @param target the target to set */ public void setTarget(String target) { = target; } /** @return the publishMetadata */ public boolean isPublishMetadata() { return publishMetadata; } /** @param publishMetadata the publishMetadata to set */ public void setPublishMetadata(boolean publishMetadata) { this.publishMetadata = publishMetadata; } /** @return the id */ public String getId() { return id; } /** @param id the id to set */ public void setId(String id) { = id; } /** @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } } }
public void init() { LoggerFactory.setProvider(new L4jLogProvider()); }
/** * Map repository paths to specific repositories * * @author russdanner * <p>From RD: We may want to change the data stucture of the map so that you can more * predictably order the patterns which may help in some cases. The basic assumption of this * implementation is that patterns are basic and the repositories are neatly split */ public class PathMappedContentRepository extends AbstractContentRepository { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PathMappedContentRepository.class); private ContentRepository defaultRepo; private Map<String, ContentRepository> pathRepoMap; public ContentRepository getDefaultRepository() { return defaultRepo; } public void setDefaultRepository(ContentRepository repo) { defaultRepo = repo; } public Map<String, ContentRepository> getPathRepositoryMap() { return pathRepoMap; } public void setPathRepositoryMap(Map<String, ContentRepository> repoMap) { pathRepoMap = repoMap; } /** default constructor */ public PathMappedContentRepository() { setPathRepositoryMap(new HashMap<String, ContentRepository>()); } /** * given a path look up the repository that content should be directed * * @param path the path for the content request */ protected ContentRepository lookupRepo(String path) { ContentRepository retRepo = defaultRepo; Set<String> pathRegexs = pathRepoMap.keySet(); for (String pathRegex : pathRegexs) { try { // note this can be optimized by compiling at startup Matcher m = Pattern.compile(pathRegex).matcher(path); if (m.find()) { // path must match first group. Sub groups don't make sense in this context retRepo = pathRepoMap.get(pathRegex); break; } } catch (Exception regexErr) { logger.error( "error looking up repo with regex '{0}' and path '{1}'", regexErr, pathRegex, path); } } if (retRepo == null) { logger.error( "Repo is null, cannot complete operation. No default set and '{0}' does not match any mapped repository,", path); throw new RuntimeException("Repo is null, cannot complete operation."); } return retRepo; } @Override public InputStream getContent(String path) throws ContentNotFoundException { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.getContent(path); } @Override public boolean contentExists(String path) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.contentExists(path); } @Override public boolean writeContent(String path, InputStream content) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.writeContent(path, content); } @Override public boolean createFolder(String path, String name) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.createFolder(path, name); } @Override public boolean deleteContent(String path) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.deleteContent(path); } @Override public boolean copyContent(String fromPath, String toPath) { ContentRepository fromRepo = lookupRepo(fromPath); ContentRepository toRepo = lookupRepo(toPath); if (fromRepo != toRepo) { logger.error( "From repository for path '{0}' and To repository for path '{1}' do not match", fromPath, toPath); throw new RuntimeException("cross repo copy operation not supported"); } return fromRepo.copyContent(fromPath, toPath); } @Override public boolean moveContent(String fromPath, String toPath) { ContentRepository fromRepo = lookupRepo(fromPath); ContentRepository toRepo = lookupRepo(toPath); if (fromRepo != toRepo) { logger.error( "From repository for path '{0}' and To repository for path '{1}' do not match", fromPath, toPath); throw new RuntimeException("cross repo move operation not supported"); } return fromRepo.moveContent(fromPath, toPath); } @Override public boolean moveContent(String fromPath, String toPath, String newName) { ContentRepository fromRepo = lookupRepo(fromPath); ContentRepository toRepo = lookupRepo(toPath); if (fromRepo != toRepo) { logger.error( "From repository for path '{0}' and To repository for path '{1}' do not match", fromPath, toPath); throw new RuntimeException("cross repo move operation not supported"); } return fromRepo.moveContent(fromPath, toPath, newName); } @Override public RepositoryItem[] getContentChildren(String path) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.getContentChildren(path); } @Override public VersionTO[] getContentVersionHistory(String path) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.getContentVersionHistory(path); } @Override public String createVersion(String path, boolean majorVersion) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.createVersion(path, majorVersion); } @Override public String createVersion(String path, String comment, boolean majorVersion) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.createVersion(path, comment, majorVersion); } @Override public boolean revertContent(String path, String label, boolean major, String comment) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.revertContent(path, label, major, comment); } @Override public void lockItem(String site, String path) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); repo.lockItem(site, path); } @Override public void unLockItem(String site, String path) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); repo.unLockItem(site, path); } @Override public Date getModifiedDate(String path) { ContentRepository repo = lookupRepo(path); return repo.getModifiedDate(path); } }