void dynDepartament() { KeyNamePair cat = (KeyNamePair) categoryCombo.getSelectedItem(); departmentCombo.removeActionListener(this); departmentCombo.removeAllItems(); String sql = "SELECT XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, VALUE||'-'||NAME " + " FROM XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT "; if (cat != null && cat.getKey() != -1) { sql += " WHERE XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID = " + cat.getKey(); } sql += " ORDER BY VALUE||'-'||NAME "; sql = MRole.getDefault().addAccessSQL(sql, "", MRole.SQL_NOTQUALIFIED, MRole.SQL_RO); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); departmentCombo.addItem(new KeyNamePair(-1, null)); while (rs.next()) { departmentCombo.addItem(new KeyNamePair(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2))); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); departmentCombo.addActionListener(this); departmentCombo.setEnabled(true); departmentCombo.setEditable(true); } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } }
public void generateLabels() { Cursor hourglassCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR); xProductTable.stopEditor(true); m_frame.setCursor(hourglassCursor); PrintService psZebra_glued = null; PrintService psZebra_flat = null; PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null); int id_label_glued = Env.getCtx().getContextAsInt("#XX_L_TYPELABELENGOMADA_ID"); int id_label_flat = Env.getCtx().getContextAsInt("#XX_L_TYPELABELCOLGANTE_ID"); int glued = 0, flats = 0; for (int row = 0; row < xProductTable.getRowCount(); row++) { IDColumn idcol = (IDColumn) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 0); if (idcol != null && idcol.isSelected()) { KeyNamePair product_kp = (KeyNamePair) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 3); MProduct product = new MProduct(Env.getCtx(), product_kp.getKey(), null); if (product.getXX_VMR_TypeLabel_ID() == id_label_glued) { glued++; } else if (product.getXX_VMR_TypeLabel_ID() == id_label_flat) { flats++; } else { X_XX_VMR_TypeLabel label_type = new X_XX_VMR_TypeLabel(Env.getCtx(), product.getXX_VMR_TypeLabel_ID(), null); String mss = Msg.getMsg( Env.getCtx(), "XX_WrongLabelType", new String[] {label_type.getValue(), label_type.getName()}); ADialog.error(m_WindowNo, m_frame, mss); dispose(); return; } } } psZebra_glued = services[printer_glued]; psZebra_flat = services[printer_flat]; for (int row = 0; row < xProductTable.getRowCount(); row++) { IDColumn idcol = (IDColumn) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 0); if (idcol != null && idcol.isSelected()) { KeyNamePair product_kp = (KeyNamePair) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 3); MProduct product = new MProduct(Env.getCtx(), product_kp.getKey(), null); if (product.getXX_VMR_TypeLabel_ID() == id_label_glued) { print_labels(psZebra_glued, row, true); } else { print_labels(psZebra_flat, row, false); } } } if (flats + glued > 0) { ADialog.info(m_WindowNo, m_frame, "XX_PrintedLabels"); } dispose(); }
private final void actionPerformed0(ActionEvent e) throws Exception { // Select Instance if (e.getSource() == bSelectExistingASI) { cmd_select(); return; } // New/Edit else if (e.getSource() == cbNewEdit) { cmd_newEdit(); } // Select Lot from existing else if (e.getSource() == fieldLot) { final KeyNamePair pp = fieldLot.getSelectedItem(); if (pp != null && pp.getKey() != -1) { fieldLotString.setText(pp.getName()); fieldLotString.setEditable(false); asiTemplate.setM_Lot_ID(pp.getKey()); } else { fieldLotString.setEditable(true); asiTemplate.setM_Lot_ID(0); } } // Create New Lot else if (e.getSource() == bLot) { KeyNamePair pp = asiTemplate.createLot(m_M_Product_ID); if (pp != null) { fieldLot.addItem(pp); fieldLot.setSelectedItem(pp); } } // Create New SerNo else if (e.getSource() == bSerNo) { fieldSerNo.setText(asiTemplate.getSerNo(true)); } // OK else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_OK)) { final MAttributeSetInstance asi = saveSelection(); final int M_Locator_ID = -1; // N/A setResultAndDispose(asi, M_Locator_ID); return; } // Cancel else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_CANCEL)) { final int M_Locator_ID = -1; // N/A setResultAndDispose(null, M_Locator_ID); } // Zoom M_Lot else if (e.getSource() == mZoom) { cmd_zoom(); } else { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown event: {0}", e); } } // actionPerformed
/** * Table selection changed * * @param e event */ public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = -1; m_M_AttributeSetInstanceName = null; m_M_Locator_ID = 0; int row = m_table.getSelectedRow(); if (row > -1) { Integer ID = m_table.getSelectedRowKey(); if (ID != null) { m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = ID.intValue(); m_M_AttributeSetInstanceName = (String) m_table.getValueAt(row, 1); // Object oo = m_table.getValueAt(row, 5); if (oo instanceof KeyNamePair) { KeyNamePair pp = (KeyNamePair) oo; m_M_Locator_ID = pp.getKey(); } } } log.fine( "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=" + m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID + " - " + m_M_AttributeSetInstanceName + "; M_Locator_ID=" + m_M_Locator_ID); enableButtons(); }
/** * Get BPartner Contact * * @return AD_User_ID */ public int getAD_User_ID() { if (m_bpartner != null) { KeyNamePair pp = (KeyNamePair) f_user.getSelectedItem(); if (pp != null) return pp.getKey(); } return 0; } // getC_BPartner_Location_ID
/** * ************************************************************************ Action Listener * * @param e event */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // don't requery if fieldValue and fieldName are empty if ((e.getSource() == pickWarehouse || e.getSource() == pickPriceList) && (fieldValue.getText().length() == 0 && fieldName.getText().length() == 0)) return; // Product Attribute Search if (e.getSource().equals(m_InfoPAttributeButton)) { cmd_InfoPAttribute(); return; } m_pAttributeWhere = null; // Query Product Attribute Instance int row = p_table.getSelectedRow(); if (e.getSource().equals(m_PAttributeButton) && row != -1) { Integer productInteger = getSelectedRowKey(); String productName = (String) p_table.getValueAt(row, INDEX_NAME); KeyNamePair warehouse = (KeyNamePair) pickWarehouse.getSelectedItem(); if (productInteger == null || productInteger.intValue() == 0 || warehouse == null) return; String title = warehouse.getName() + " - " + productName; IPAttributeInstance pai = PAttributeInstance.get( this, title, warehouse.getKey(), 0, productInteger.intValue(), m_C_BPartner_ID); m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = pai.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(); m_M_Locator_ID = pai.getM_Locator_ID(); if (m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID != -1) dispose(true); return; } // super.actionPerformed(e); } // actionPerformed
/** Associate Button Pressed */ private void cmd_associate() { int productRow = xProductTable.getSelectedRow(); log.config("Row=" + productRow); KeyNamePair product = (KeyNamePair) xProductTable.getValueAt(productRow, 0); doInsert(product.getKey(), 0); // ** Load Table ** tableInit_option = 1; tableInit(); tableLoad(xAssociateTable); // ** Load Table ** tableInit_option = 2; tableInit(); tableLoad(xProductTable); bDisassociate.setEnabled(true); bNewProduct.setEnabled(false); // Coloco la referencia como asociada // MVMRVendorProdRef vendorProdRef = new MVMRVendorProdRef(Env.getCtx(), // LineRefProv.getXX_VMR_VendorProdRef_ID(), null); // vendorProdRef.setXX_IsAssociated(true); // vendorProdRef.save(); } // cmd_associate
/** * Set Warehouse * * @param M_Warehouse_ID warehouse */ private void setWarehouse(int M_Warehouse_ID) { for (int i = 0; i < pickWarehouse.getItemCount(); i++) { KeyNamePair kn = (KeyNamePair) pickWarehouse.getItemAt(i); if (kn.getKey() == M_Warehouse_ID) { pickWarehouse.setSelectedIndex(i); return; } } } // setWarehouse
/** * Set PriceList * * @param M_PriceList_Version_ID price list */ private void setPriceListVersion(int M_PriceList_Version_ID) { log.config("M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + M_PriceList_Version_ID); for (int i = 0; i < pickPriceList.getItemCount(); i++) { KeyNamePair kn = (KeyNamePair) pickPriceList.getItemAt(i); if (kn.getKey() == M_PriceList_Version_ID) { pickPriceList.setSelectedIndex(i); return; } } log.fine("NOT found"); } // setPriceList
@Override public int getContextVariableAsInt(final String name) { final Object value = getContextVariable(name); if (value == null) { return -1; } else if (value instanceof Number) { return ((Number) value).intValue(); } else if (value instanceof KeyNamePair) { final KeyNamePair knp = (KeyNamePair) value; if (knp.getKey() <= 0 && Check.isEmpty(knp.getName())) { return -1; } else { return knp.getKey(); } } else { try { return Integer.parseInt(value.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot convert " + value + " to integer", e); } } return -1; }
/** * Parent Constructor * * @param client client * @param currency currency */ public MAcctSchema(MClient client, KeyNamePair currency) { this(client.getCtx(), 0, client.get_TrxName()); setClientOrg(client); setC_Currency_ID(currency.getKey()); StringBuilder msgset = new StringBuilder() .append(client.getName()) .append(" ") .append(getGAAP()) .append("/") .append(get_ColumnCount()) .append(" ") .append(currency.getName()); setName(msgset.toString()); } // MAcctSchema
/** Show History */ protected void showHistory() { log.info(""); Integer M_Product_ID = getSelectedRowKey(); if (M_Product_ID == null) return; KeyNamePair kn = (KeyNamePair) pickWarehouse.getSelectedItem(); int M_Warehouse_ID = kn.getKey(); int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID; if (m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID < -1) // not selected M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = 0; // InvoiceHistory ih = new InvoiceHistory( this, 0, M_Product_ID.intValue(), M_Warehouse_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID); ih.setVisible(true); ih = null; } // showHistory
/** * ************************************************************************ Construct SQL Where * Clause and define parameters (setParameters needs to set parameters) Includes first AND * * @return SQL WHERE clause */ protected String getSQLWhere() { StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(); // Optional PLV int M_PriceList_Version_ID = 0; KeyNamePair pl = (KeyNamePair) pickPriceList.getSelectedItem(); if (pl != null) M_PriceList_Version_ID = pl.getKey(); if (M_PriceList_Version_ID != 0) where.append(" AND pr.M_PriceList_Version_ID=?"); // Optional Product Category if (getM_Product_Category_ID() > 0) { where.append(" AND p.M_Product_Category_ID=?"); } // Optional Attribute Set if (getM_AttributeSet_ID() > 0) { where.append(" AND p.M_AttributeSet_ID=?"); } // Product Attribute Search if (m_pAttributeWhere != null) { where.append(m_pAttributeWhere); return where.toString(); } // => Value String value = fieldValue.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(value.equals("") || value.equals("%"))) where.append(" AND UPPER(p.Value) LIKE ?"); // => Name String name = fieldName.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(name.equals("") || name.equals("%"))) where.append(" AND UPPER(p.Name) LIKE ?"); // => UPC String upc = fieldUPC.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(upc.equals("") || upc.equals("%"))) where.append(" AND UPPER(p.UPC) LIKE ?"); // => SKU String sku = fieldSKU.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(sku.equals("") || sku.equals("%"))) where.append(" AND UPPER(p.SKU) LIKE ?"); // => Vendor String vendor = fieldVendor.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(vendor.equals("") || vendor.equals("%"))) where.append(" AND UPPER(bp.Name) LIKE ? AND ppo.IsCurrentVendor='Y'"); return where.toString(); } // getSQLWhere
/** Query Info */ public void executeQuery(KeyNamePair docTypeKNPair, IMiniTable miniTable) { log.info(""); int AD_Client_ID = Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()); // Create SQL String sql = ""; if (docTypeKNPair.getKey() == MOrder.Table_ID) { sql = getOrderSQL(); } else { sql = getRMASql(); } // reset table int row = 0; miniTable.setRowCount(row); // Execute try { PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), null); pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); // while (rs.next()) { // extend table miniTable.setRowCount(row + 1); // set values miniTable.setValueAt(new IDColumn(rs.getInt(1)), row, 0); // C_Order_ID miniTable.setValueAt(rs.getString(2), row, 1); // Org miniTable.setValueAt(rs.getString(3), row, 2); // DocType miniTable.setValueAt(rs.getString(4), row, 3); // Doc No miniTable.setValueAt(rs.getString(5), row, 4); // BPartner miniTable.setValueAt(rs.getTimestamp(6), row, 5); // DateOrdered miniTable.setValueAt(rs.getBigDecimal(7), row, 6); // TotalLines // prepare next row++; } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql.toString(), e); } // miniTable.autoSize(); // statusBar.setStatusDB(String.valueOf(miniTable.getRowCount())); } // executeQuery
/** * Check availability and insert record * * @return true if saved/updated */ private boolean cmd_save() { log.config(""); // Set AssignDateTo Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); getDateAndTimeFrom(date); Timestamp assignDateFrom = new Timestamp(date.getTimeInMillis()); BigDecimal qty = fQty.getValue(); ListItem listItem = fResource.getSelectedItem(); KeyNamePair resource = listItem != null ? new KeyNamePair((Integer) listItem.getValue(), listItem.getLabel()) : null; KeyNamePair uom = (KeyNamePair) m_lookup.get(resource); int minutes = MUOMConversion.convertToMinutes(Env.getCtx(), uom.getKey(), qty); Timestamp assignDateTo = TimeUtil.addMinutess(assignDateFrom, minutes); m_mAssignment.setAssignDateTo(assignDateTo); // // m_mAssignment.dump(); return m_mAssignment.save(); } // cmdSave
/** Initialize component & values from m_mAssignment */ private void setDisplay() { m_setting = true; // Set Resource int S_Resource_ID = m_mAssignment.getS_Resource_ID(); for (ListItem item : fResource.getItems()) { if ((Integer) item.getValue() == S_Resource_ID) { fResource.setSelectedItem(item); break; } } ListItem listItem = fResource.getSelectedItem(); KeyNamePair check = new KeyNamePair((Integer) listItem.getValue(), listItem.getLabel()); if (check == null || check.getKey() != S_Resource_ID) { if (m_mAssignment.getS_ResourceAssignment_ID() == 0) // new record select first fResource.setSelectedItem(fResource.getSelectedItem()); // initiates UOM display else log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Resource not found ID=" + S_Resource_ID); } // Set Date, Qty fDateFrom.setValue(m_mAssignment.getAssignDateFrom()); fTimeFrom.setValue(m_mAssignment.getAssignDateFrom()); fQty.setValue(m_mAssignment.getQty()); // Name, Description fName.setValue(m_mAssignment.getName()); fDescription.setValue(m_mAssignment.getDescription()); // Set Editor to R/O if confirmed boolean readWrite = true; if (m_mAssignment.isConfirmed()) readWrite = false; confirmPanel.getButton("Cancel").setVisible(readWrite); fResource.setEnabled(readWrite); fDateFrom.setReadonly(!readWrite); fQty.setEnabled(readWrite); m_setting = false; } // dynInit
/** Zoom M_Lot */ private void cmd_zoom() { int M_Lot_ID = 0; KeyNamePair pp = fieldLot.getSelectedItem(); if (pp != null) M_Lot_ID = pp.getKey(); MQuery zoomQuery = new MQuery("M_Lot"); zoomQuery.addRestriction("M_Lot_ID", MQuery.EQUAL, M_Lot_ID); log.info(zoomQuery.toString()); // setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); // int AD_Window_ID = 257; // Lot AWindow frame = new AWindow(); if (frame.initWindow(AD_Window_ID, zoomQuery)) { this.setVisible(false); this.setModal(false); // otherwise blocked this.setVisible(true); AEnv.addToWindowManager(frame); AEnv.showScreen(frame, SwingConstants.EAST); } // async window - not able to get feedback frame = null; // setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); } // cmd_zoom
/** Initialize all panel fields and editors based on {@link #asiTemplate}. */ private final void initAttributes() { final Properties ctx = getCtx(); final boolean isProductWindow = isProductWindow(); final boolean isProcessParameter = isProcessParameter(); final boolean isPureProductASI = isPureProductASI(); final boolean allowSelectExistingASI = isAllowSelectExistingASI(); final MAttributeSet as = asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet(); Check.assumeNotNull(as, "attribute set not null"); final boolean isASITemplateNew = asiTemplate.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() <= 0; // // Show Select existing ASI (if allowed) if (allowSelectExistingASI) { // New/Edit - Selection if (isASITemplateNew) // new ASI cbNewEdit.setText(msgBL.getMsg(ctx, "NewRecord")); else cbNewEdit.setText(msgBL.getMsg(ctx, "EditRecord")); cbNewEdit.addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(cbNewEdit, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0)); bSelectExistingASI.setText(msgBL.getMsg(ctx, "SelectExisting")); bSelectExistingASI.addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(bSelectExistingASI, null); } // // Fetch M_Attributes final List<MAttribute> attributes; if (isProductWindow) { attributes = Arrays.asList(as.getMAttributes(false)); // non-instance attributes } else if (isPureProductASI) { // Regular product's attribute set instance attributes attributes = Arrays.asList(as.getMAttributes(true)); // all instance attributes } else if (isProcessParameter) { final IQueryBuilder<MAttribute> attributesQueryBuilder = queryBL .createQueryBuilder(MAttribute.class) .setContext(ctx, ITrx.TRXNAME_None) .addOnlyActiveRecordsFilter() .addOnlyContextClient(); attributesQueryBuilder .orderBy() .addColumn(I_M_Attribute.COLUMNNAME_Name) .addColumn(I_M_Attribute.COLUMNNAME_M_Attribute_ID); attributes = attributesQueryBuilder.create().list(MAttribute.class); } else { attributes = Collections.emptyList(); } // // Create attributes UI editors for (final MAttribute attribute : attributes) { if (!attributeExcludeBL.isExcludedAttribute( attribute, as, m_AD_Column_ID, attributeContext.isSOTrx())) { addAttributeLine(attribute); } } // // Lot if (isPureProductASI && as.isLot()) { CLabel label = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "Lot")); label.setLabelFor(fieldLotString); centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0)); centerPanel.add(fieldLotString, null); fieldLotString.setText(asiTemplate.getLot()); // M_Lot_ID // int AD_Column_ID = 9771; // M_AttributeSetInstance.M_Lot_ID // fieldLot = new VLookup ("M_Lot_ID", false,false, true, // MLookupFactory.get(getCtx(), m_WindowNo, 0, AD_Column_ID, DisplayType.TableDir)); final String sql = "SELECT M_Lot_ID, Name " + "FROM M_Lot l " + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT M_Product_ID FROM M_Product p " + "WHERE p.M_AttributeSet_ID=" + asiTemplate.getM_AttributeSet_ID() + " AND p.M_Product_ID=l.M_Product_ID)"; fieldLot = new CComboBox<>(DB.getKeyNamePairs(sql, true)); label = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "M_Lot_ID")); label.setLabelFor(fieldLot); centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0)); centerPanel.add(fieldLot, null); if (asiTemplate.getM_Lot_ID() > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < fieldLot.getItemCount(); i++) { KeyNamePair pp = fieldLot.getItemAt(i); if (pp.getKey() == asiTemplate.getM_Lot_ID()) { fieldLot.setSelectedIndex(i); fieldLotString.setEditable(false); break; } } } fieldLot.addActionListener(this); // New Lot Button if (asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet().getM_LotCtl_ID() > 0) { if (Env.getUserRolePermissions().isTableAccess(MLot.Table_ID, false) && Env.getUserRolePermissions().isTableAccess(MLotCtl.Table_ID, false) && !asiTemplate.isExcludeLot(m_AD_Column_ID, attributeContext.isSOTrx())) { centerPanel.add(bLot, null); bLot.addActionListener(this); } } // Popup fieldLot.addMouseListener(new VPAttributeDialog_mouseAdapter(this)); // popup mZoom = new CMenuItem(msgBL.getMsg(ctx, "Zoom"), Images.getImageIcon2("Zoom16")); mZoom.addActionListener(this); popupMenu.add(mZoom); } // Lot // // SerNo if (isPureProductASI && as.isSerNo()) { CLabel label = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "SerNo")); label.setLabelFor(fieldSerNo); fieldSerNo.setText(asiTemplate.getSerNo()); centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0)); centerPanel.add(fieldSerNo, null); // New SerNo Button if (asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet().getM_SerNoCtl_ID() != 0) { if (Env.getUserRolePermissions().isTableAccess(MSerNoCtl.Table_ID, false) && !asiTemplate.isExcludeSerNo(m_AD_Column_ID, attributeContext.isSOTrx())) { centerPanel.add(bSerNo, null); bSerNo.addActionListener(this); } } } // SerNo // // GuaranteeDate. // We are displaying it if we deal with a pure product ASI (i.e. user is not editing the ASI // from product window), // and if: // * the attribute set requires a GuaranteeDate // * or if the ASI has a GuaranteeDate already set if (isPureProductASI && (as.isGuaranteeDate() || asiTemplate.getGuaranteeDate() != null)) { CLabel label = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "GuaranteeDate")); label.setLabelFor(fieldGuaranteeDate); if (isASITemplateNew) { Date guaranteeDate = asiTemplate.getGuaranteeDate(); if (guaranteeDate == null) { guaranteeDate = attributesBL.calculateBestBeforeDate( ctx, m_M_Product_ID, // product attributeContext.getC_BPartner_ID(), // vendor bpartner Env.getDate(ctx) // dateReceipt ); } fieldGuaranteeDate.setValue(guaranteeDate); } else { fieldGuaranteeDate.setValue(asiTemplate.getGuaranteeDate()); } centerPanel.add(label, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0)); centerPanel.add(fieldGuaranteeDate, null); fieldGuaranteeDateDisplayed = true; } // GuaranteeDate // Make sure we have at least something to edit or something to select, // else there is no point in showing empty this window. if (m_row == 0) { throw new AdempiereException("@PAttributeNoInfo@"); } // // New/Edit Window if (allowSelectExistingASI) { cbNewEdit.setSelected(isASITemplateNew); cmd_newEdit(); } // // Attrribute Set Instance Description { final CLabel labelDescription = new CLabel(msgBL.translate(ctx, "Description")); labelDescription.setLabelFor(fieldDescription); fieldDescription.setText(asiTemplate.getDescription()); fieldDescription.setEditable(false); centerPanel.add(labelDescription, new ALayoutConstraint(m_row++, 0)); centerPanel.add(fieldDescription, null); } // Window usually to wide (??) { final Dimension dd = centerPanel.getPreferredSize(); dd.width = Math.min(500, dd.width); centerPanel.setPreferredSize(dd); } } // initAttribute
public void print_labels(PrintService psZebra, int row, boolean glued) { try { IDColumn column = (IDColumn) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 0); KeyNamePair knp_product = (KeyNamePair) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 3); KeyNamePair knp_att = (KeyNamePair) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 11); MVMRDiscountAppliDetail detail = new MVMRDiscountAppliDetail(Env.getCtx(), column.getRecord_ID(), null); int cantidadEtiquetas = ((Number) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 6)).intValue(); MProduct producto = new MProduct(Env.getCtx(), knp_product.getKey(), null); String name = producto.getName(); /* * Caracteristica larga * */ X_XX_VMR_LongCharacteristic caracLarga = new X_XX_VMR_LongCharacteristic( Env.getCtx(), producto.getXX_VMR_LongCharacteristic_ID(), null); X_M_AttributeSet attrSet = new X_M_AttributeSet(Env.getCtx(), producto.getM_AttributeSet_ID(), null); DecimalFormat formato = new DecimalFormat(".##"); // String attr = "AMARILLO T=G "; // "CHEMISE CABALLERO " X_XX_VMR_Department dep = new X_XX_VMR_Department(Env.getCtx(), producto.getXX_VMR_Department_ID(), null); String departmentCode = dep.getValue(); X_XX_VMR_Line lin = new X_XX_VMR_Line(Env.getCtx(), producto.getXX_VMR_Line_ID(), null); String lineCode = lin.getValue(); X_XX_VMR_Section sec = new X_XX_VMR_Section(Env.getCtx(), producto.getXX_VMR_Section_ID(), null); String seccionCode = sec.getValue(); String precio = formato.format(detail.getXX_PriceBeforeDiscount()); MVMRDiscountRequest headerDiscount = new MVMRDiscountRequest(Env.getCtx(), detail.getXX_VMR_DiscountRequest_ID(), null); MWarehouse tienda = new MWarehouse(Env.getCtx(), headerDiscount.getM_Warehouse_ID(), null); X_XX_VMR_PriceConsecutive consecutivoViejo = new X_XX_VMR_PriceConsecutive(Env.getCtx(), detail.getXX_VMR_PriceConsecutive_ID(), null); // Debo buscar semana, mes y año de la fecha de creacion del consecutivo Date date = (Date) consecutivoViejo.getCreated(); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(date); int mes = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int año = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int semana = cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); BigDecimal impuesto = new BigDecimal(0); if (producto.getC_TaxCategory_ID() != 0) { String sql_rate = " SELECT (RATE) FROM C_TAX " + " WHERE C_TaxCategory_ID= " + producto.getC_TaxCategory_ID() + " AND ValidFrom <= to_date('" + date.toString().substring(0, 10) + "','yyyy-mm-dd')" + " and rownum = 1 " + " order by ValidFrom desc "; try { PreparedStatement prst_tax = DB.prepareStatement(sql_rate, null); ResultSet rs_tax = prst_tax.executeQuery(); if (rs_tax.next()) { impuesto = rs_tax.getBigDecimal(1).divide(new BigDecimal(100), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } rs_tax.close(); prst_tax.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("error al calcular el impuesto"); } } String product_plus_correlative = "" + producto.getValue() + consecutivoTostring(consecutivoViejo.getXX_PriceConsecutive()); String s = ""; DocPrintJob job = psZebra.createPrintJob(); if (impuesto.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) > 0) { precio = formato.format( (detail .getXX_PriceBeforeDiscount() .add((detail.getXX_PriceBeforeDiscount()).multiply(impuesto))) .setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); s = "^XA^PRD^XZ\n" + "^XA^JMA^\n" + "^LH07,02^FS\n" + "^FO10,03^BE,25,N^BY3, 0.5,45^FD" + product_plus_correlative + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,62^AA,15,12^FD" + departmentCode + "-" + lineCode + "-" + seccionCode + "-" + product_plus_correlative + " ^FS\n" + "^FO10,82^AA,20,10^FD" + name + "^FS\n"; if (!attrSet.getName().isEmpty() && attrSet.get_ID() != Env.getCtx().getContextAsInt("#XX_L_P_ATTRIBUTESETST_ID")) { s = s + "^FO10,97^AA,20,10^FD" + (attrSet.getName().length() > 30 ? attrSet.getName().substring(0, 29) : attrSet.getName()) + "^FS\n"; } else if (caracLarga != null && caracLarga.getName() != null && !caracLarga.getName().isEmpty()) { s = s + "^FO10,97^AA,20,10^FD" + (caracLarga.getName().length() > 30 ? caracLarga.getName().substring(0, 29) : caracLarga.getName()) + "^FS\n"; } s = s + "^FO10,116^AA,14,10^FDPRECIO BS^FS\n" + "^FO10,170^AB,11,07^FDRIF J-00046517-7 Incluye IVA " + impuesto.multiply(new BigDecimal(100)) + "%^FS\n" + "^FO10,153^AB,11,07^CI10^FD" + semana + " " + mes + " " + año + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,138^AA,11,09^FDBsF.^FS\n" + "^FO35,136^AB,11,07^CI10^FD " + precio + "^FS\n" + "^PQ" + cantidadEtiquetas + "^FS\n" + "^XZ\n" + // Control label "^XA^PRD^XZ\n" + "^XA^JMA^\n" + "^LH00,15^FS\n" + "^FO2,5^AD,38,10^FD*CONTROL* " + semana + " " + mes + "" + año + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,45^A0,30,07^FD TDA: " + tienda.getValue() + "^FS\n" + "^FO28,48^A0,15,14^FDCANT: " + cantidadEtiquetas + " PRECIO " + precio + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,95^A0,18,10^FD" + departmentCode + "-" + lineCode + "-" + seccionCode + "- " + product_plus_correlative + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,120^A0,18,10^FD" + name + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,140^A0,18,10^FD ^FS\n" + "^PQ1^FS\n" + "^XZ"; } else { s = "^XA^PRD^XZ\n" + "^XA^JMA^\n" + "^LH07,02^FS\n" + "^FO10,03^BE,25,N^BY3, 0.5,45^FD" + product_plus_correlative + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,62^AA,15,12^FD" + departmentCode + "-" + lineCode + "-" + seccionCode + "-" + product_plus_correlative + " ^FS\n" + "^FO10,82^AA,20,10^FD" + name + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,97^AA,20,10^FD ^FS\n" + "^FO10,116^AA,14,10^FDPRECIO BS^FS\n" + "^FO10,170^AB,11,07^FDRIF J-00046517-7 Exento de Iva%^FS\n" + "^FO10,153^AB,11,07^CI10^FD" + semana + " " + mes + " " + año + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,138^AA,11,09^FDBsF.^FS\n" + "^FO35,136^AB,11,07^CI10^FD " + precio + "^FS\n" + "^PQ" + cantidadEtiquetas + "^FS\n" + "^XZ\n" + // Control label "^XA^PRD^XZ\n" + "^XA^JMA^\n" + "^LH00,15^FS\n" + "^FO2,5^AD,38,10^FD*CONTROL* " + semana + " " + mes + "" + año + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,45^A0,30,07^FD TDA: " + tienda.getValue() + "^FS\n" + "^FO28,48^A0,15,14^FDCANT: " + cantidadEtiquetas + " PRECIO " + precio + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,95^A0,18,10^FD" + departmentCode + "-" + lineCode + "-" + seccionCode + "- " + product_plus_correlative + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,120^A0,18,10^FD" + name + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,140^A0,18,10^FD ^FS\n" + "^PQ1^FS\n" + "^XZ"; } byte[] by = s.getBytes(); DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE; Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(by, flavor, null); job.print(doc, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Set Parameters for Query (as defined in getSQLWhere) * * @param pstmt pstmt * @param forCount for counting records * @throws SQLException */ protected void setParameters(PreparedStatement pstmt, boolean forCount) throws SQLException { int index = 1; // => Warehouse int M_Warehouse_ID = 0; KeyNamePair wh = (KeyNamePair) pickWarehouse.getSelectedItem(); if (wh != null) M_Warehouse_ID = wh.getKey(); if (!forCount) // parameters in select { for (int i = 0; i < p_layout.length; i++) { if (p_layout[i].getColSQL().indexOf('?') != -1) pstmt.setInt(index++, M_Warehouse_ID); } } log.fine("M_Warehouse_ID=" + M_Warehouse_ID + " (" + (index - 1) + "*)"); // => PriceList int M_PriceList_Version_ID = 0; KeyNamePair pl = (KeyNamePair) pickPriceList.getSelectedItem(); if (pl != null) M_PriceList_Version_ID = pl.getKey(); if (M_PriceList_Version_ID != 0) { pstmt.setInt(index++, M_PriceList_Version_ID); log.fine("M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + M_PriceList_Version_ID); } // => Product Category int M_Product_Category_ID = getM_Product_Category_ID(); if (M_Product_Category_ID > 0) { pstmt.setInt(index++, M_Product_Category_ID); log.fine("M_Product_Category_ID=" + M_Product_Category_ID); } // => Attribute Set - @Trifon int M_AttributeSet_ID = getM_AttributeSet_ID(); if (M_AttributeSet_ID > 0) { pstmt.setInt(index++, M_AttributeSet_ID); log.fine("M_AttributeSet_ID=" + M_AttributeSet_ID); } // Rest of Parameter in Query for Attribute Search if (m_pAttributeWhere != null) return; // => Value String value = fieldValue.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(value.equals("") || value.equals("%"))) { if (!value.endsWith("%")) value += "%"; pstmt.setString(index++, value); log.fine("Value: " + value); } // => Name String name = fieldName.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(name.equals("") || name.equals("%"))) { if (!name.endsWith("%")) name += "%"; pstmt.setString(index++, name); log.fine("Name: " + name); } // => UPC String upc = fieldUPC.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(upc.equals("") || upc.equals("%"))) { if (!upc.endsWith("%")) upc += "%"; pstmt.setString(index++, upc); log.fine("UPC: " + upc); } // => SKU String sku = fieldSKU.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(sku.equals("") || sku.equals("%"))) { if (!sku.endsWith("%")) sku += "%"; pstmt.setString(index++, sku); log.fine("SKU: " + sku); } // => Vendor String vendor = fieldVendor.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!(vendor.equals("") || vendor.equals("%"))) { if (!vendor.endsWith("%")) vendor += "%"; pstmt.setString(index++, vendor); log.fine("Vendor: " + vendor); } } // setParameters
// @emmie custom public String generate( IStatusBar statusBar, KeyNamePair docTypeKNPair, int C_POS_ID, String docActionSelected) // @emmie custom { String info = ""; String trxName = Trx.createTrxName("IVG"); Trx trx = Trx.get(trxName, true); // trx needs to be committed too setSelectionActive(false); // prevents from being called twice statusBar.setStatusLine(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "InvGenerateGen")); statusBar.setStatusDB(String.valueOf(getSelection().size())); // Prepare Process int AD_Process_ID = 0; if (docTypeKNPair.getKey() == MRMA.Table_ID) { AD_Process_ID = PROCESS_C_INVOICE_GENERATERMA_MANUAL; // C_Invoice_GenerateRMA - // org.adempiere.process.InvoiceGenerateRMA } else { AD_Process_ID = PROCESS_C_INVOICE_GENERATE_MANUAL; // HARDCODED C_InvoiceCreate } MPInstance instance = new MPInstance(Env.getCtx(), AD_Process_ID, 0); if (!instance.save()) { info = Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "ProcessNoInstance"); return info; } // insert selection StringBuffer insert = new StringBuffer(); insert.append("INSERT INTO T_SELECTION(AD_PINSTANCE_ID, T_SELECTION_ID) "); int counter = 0; for (Integer selectedId : getSelection()) { counter++; if (counter > 1) insert.append(" UNION "); insert.append("SELECT "); insert.append(instance.getAD_PInstance_ID()); insert.append(", "); insert.append(selectedId); insert.append(" FROM DUAL "); if (counter == 1000) { if (DB.executeUpdate(insert.toString(), trxName) < 0) { String msg = "No Invoices"; // not translated! info = msg; log.config(msg); trx.rollback(); return info; } insert = new StringBuffer(); insert.append("INSERT INTO T_SELECTION(AD_PINSTANCE_ID, T_SELECTION_ID) "); counter = 0; } } if (counter > 0) { if (DB.executeUpdate(insert.toString(), trxName) < 0) { String msg = "No Invoices"; // not translated! info = msg; log.config(msg); trx.rollback(); return info; } } ProcessInfo pi = new ProcessInfo("", AD_Process_ID); pi.setAD_PInstance_ID(instance.getAD_PInstance_ID()); // Add Parameters MPInstancePara para = new MPInstancePara(instance, 10); para.setParameter("Selection", "Y"); if (!para.save()) { String msg = "No Selection Parameter added"; // not translated info = msg; log.log(Level.SEVERE, msg); return info; } para = new MPInstancePara(instance, 20); para.setParameter("DocAction", docActionSelected); if (!para.save()) { String msg = "No DocAction Parameter added"; // not translated info = msg; log.log(Level.SEVERE, msg); return info; } // @emmie custom para = new MPInstancePara(instance, 30); para.setParameter("C_POS_ID", C_POS_ID); if (!para.save()) { String msg = "No C_POS_ID Parameter added"; // not translated info = msg; log.log(Level.SEVERE, msg); return info; } // @emmie custom setTrx(trx); setProcessInfo(pi); return info; } // generateInvoices
/** @return selected Attribute Set ID */ public int getM_AttributeSet_ID() { int M_AttributeSet_ID = 0; KeyNamePair as = (KeyNamePair) pickAS.getSelectedItem(); if (as != null) M_AttributeSet_ID = as.getKey(); return M_AttributeSet_ID; }
/** @return selected product category ID */ public int getM_Product_Category_ID() { int M_Product_Category_ID = 0; KeyNamePair pc = (KeyNamePair) pickProductCategory.getSelectedItem(); if (pc != null) M_Product_Category_ID = pc.getKey(); return M_Product_Category_ID; }
/** Create Grid */ private void createGrid() { if (attributeCombo1 == null || m_setting) return; // init int indexAttr1 = attributeCombo1.getSelectedIndex(); int indexAttr2 = attributeCombo2.getSelectedIndex(); if (indexAttr1 == indexAttr2) { log.warning("Same Attribute Selected"); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); return; } m_setting = true; m_M_PriceList_Version_ID = 0; KeyNamePair pl = (KeyNamePair) pickPriceList.getSelectedItem(); if (pl != null) m_M_PriceList_Version_ID = pl.getKey(); m_M_Warehouse_ID = 0; KeyNamePair wh = (KeyNamePair) pickWarehouse.getSelectedItem(); if (wh != null) m_M_Warehouse_ID = wh.getKey(); // x dimension int cols = 2; MAttributeValue[] xValues = null; if (indexAttr1 > 0) xValues = m_attributes[indexAttr1 - 1].getMAttributeValues(); if (xValues != null) { cols = xValues.length; log.info("X - " + m_attributes[indexAttr1 - 1].getName() + " #" + xValues.length); } // y dimension int rows = 2; MAttributeValue[] yValues = null; if (indexAttr2 > 0) yValues = m_attributes[indexAttr2 - 1].getMAttributeValues(); if (yValues != null) { rows = yValues.length; log.info("Y - " + m_attributes[indexAttr2 - 1].getName() + " #" + yValues.length); } // gridPanel.removeAll(); CPanel grid = new CPanel(new GridLayout(rows, cols, 5, 5)); gridPanel.add(modePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); gridPanel.add(new CScrollPane(grid), BorderLayout.CENTER); // log.info("Rows=" + rows + " - Cols=" + cols); for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { MAttributeValue xValue = null; if (xValues != null) xValue = xValues[col]; MAttributeValue yValue = null; if (yValues != null) yValue = yValues[row]; // log.fine("Row=" + row + " - Col=" + col); // if (row == 0 && col == 0) { CPanel descr = new CPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1, 0, 0)); if (xValues != null) descr.add(new JLabel(m_attributes[indexAttr1 - 1].getName(), JLabel.TRAILING)); if (yValues != null) descr.add(new JLabel(m_attributes[indexAttr2 - 1].getName())); grid.add(descr); } else if (row == 0) // column labels { if (xValue != null) { grid.add(new JLabel(xValue.getName(), JLabel.TRAILING)); } else grid.add(new JLabel()); } else if (col == 0) // row labels { if (yValue != null) grid.add(new JLabel(yValue.getName())); else grid.add(new JLabel()); } else { grid.add(getGridElement(xValue, yValue)); } } } // tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(1); m_setting = false; m_frame.pack(); } // createGrid
public void onEvent(Event e) throws Exception { if (m_setting) return; // Update Assignment ListItem listItem = fResource.getSelectedItem(); KeyNamePair resource = listItem != null ? new KeyNamePair((Integer) listItem.getValue(), listItem.getLabel()) : null; if (resource != null) { int S_Resource_ID = resource.getKey(); m_mAssignment.setS_Resource_ID(S_Resource_ID); } Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); getDateAndTimeFrom(date); Timestamp assignDateFrom = new Timestamp(date.getTimeInMillis()); if (assignDateFrom != null) m_mAssignment.setAssignDateFrom(assignDateFrom); if (fQty.getValue() != null) { BigDecimal qty = fQty.getValue(); m_mAssignment.setQty(qty); } m_mAssignment.setName((String) fName.getValue()); m_mAssignment.setDescription((String) fDescription.getValue()); // Resource - Look up UOM if (e.getTarget() == fResource) { Object o = m_lookup.get(resource); if (o == null) lUOM.setValue(" ? "); else lUOM.setValue(o.toString()); } // Zoom - InfoResource else if (e.getTarget().getId().equals("Zoom")) { InfoSchedule is = new InfoSchedule(m_mAssignment, true); if (is.getMResourceAssignment() != null) { m_mAssignment = is.getMResourceAssignment(); // setDisplay(); detach(); } is = null; } // cancel - return else if (e.getTarget().getId().equals("Cancel")) { m_cancel = true; detach(); } // delete - delete and return else if (e.getTarget().getId().equals("Delete")) { if (m_mAssignment.delete(true)) { m_mAssignment = null; detach(); } else FDialog.error(0, this, "ResourceAssignmentNotDeleted"); } // OK - Save else if (e.getTarget().getId().equals("Ok")) { if (cmd_save()) detach(); } }
private void tableInit() { m_sql = new StringBuffer(); m_sql2 = new StringBuffer(); // Mostrar todos los ACC y AAP if (tableInit_option == 0) { m_sql.append( "select cb.value ||'-'|| cb.name vendor, co.name country, extract(month from cn.CREATED) month," + " extract (year from cn.CREATED) year, NVL(round(sum(cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS),2),0) total," + " dep.value || '-' || dep.name department, cat.value || '-' || cat.name category," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID vendorID" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID and" + " cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC'and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID and" + " dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"); m_groupBy = " group by cb.value ||'-'|| cb.name, co.name, extract(month from cn.CREATED), extract (year from cn.CREATED), dep.value || '-' || dep.name," + " cat.value || '-' || cat.name,o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID"; m_sql2.append( "select cb.value ||'-'|| cb.name vendor, co.name country, det.XX_MONTH month," + " det.XX_YEAR year, round(cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS,2) total, o.C_BPARTNER_ID vendorID," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID creditNotID, cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE tipo" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat, XX_VCN_DETAILADVICE det" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC'" + " and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID" + " and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID and det.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"); m_groupBy2 = " group by cb.value ||'-'|| cb.name, co.name, det.XX_MONTH, det.XX_YEAR, cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID, cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID, cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE"; // Búsqueda por mes if (monthCombo.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && monthCombo.getSelectedItem() != null) { m_sql .append(" AND ") .append("extract(month from cn.created)=") .append(monthCombo.getSelectedIndex()); m_sql2.append(" AND ").append("det.XX_MONTH=").append(monthCombo.getSelectedIndex()); } // Búsqueda por año if (yearField.getValue() != null) { m_sql .append(" AND ") .append("extract(year from cn.created)=") .append(((BigDecimal) yearField.getValue()).intValue()); m_sql2 .append(" AND ") .append("det.XX_YEAR=") .append(((BigDecimal) yearField.getValue()).intValue()); } // Búsqueda por proveedor if (comboBPartner.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && comboBPartner.getSelectedItem() != null) { if (((KeyNamePair) comboBPartner.getSelectedItem()).getKey() != 0) { int clave_vendor = ((KeyNamePair) comboBPartner.getSelectedItem()).getKey(); m_sql.append(" AND ").append("o.C_BPartner_ID=").append(clave_vendor); m_sql2.append(" AND ").append("o.C_BPartner_ID=").append(clave_vendor); } } // agrego la categoria if (categoryCombo.getValue() != null) { KeyNamePair cat = (KeyNamePair) categoryCombo.getValue(); if (cat.getKey() != -1) { m_sql.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID = ").append(cat.getKey()).append(" "); m_sql2.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID = ").append(cat.getKey()).append(" "); } } // agrego el departamento al query if (departmentCombo.getValue() != null) { KeyNamePair dep = (KeyNamePair) departmentCombo.getValue(); if (dep.getKey() != -1) { m_sql.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID = ").append(dep.getKey()).append(" "); m_sql2.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID = ").append(dep.getKey()).append(" "); } } } String SQL = m_sql.toString() + m_groupBy; int i = 0; xTableACC.setRowCount(i); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { xTableACC.setRowCount(i + 1); // Proveedor xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("vendor"), i, 0); // 1 // País xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("country"), i, 1); // Departamento xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("department"), i, 2); // Categoría xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("category"), i, 3); // Mes xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getInt("month"), i, 4); // Año xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getInt("year"), i, 5); // Compras hechas xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getBigDecimal("total"), i, 6); // Se calculan los avisos cerrados(CER) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL2 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='CER' and extract(month from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("month") + " and extract (year from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("year") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null; ResultSet rs2 = null; try { pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL2, null); rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery(); if (rs2.next()) xTableACC.setValueAt(rs2.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 7); else xTableACC.setValueAt(0, i, 7); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs2); DB.closeStatement(pstmt2); } // Se calculan los avisos pendientes(ACT) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL3 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='ACT' and extract(month from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("month") + " and extract (year from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("year") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt3 = null; ResultSet rs3 = null; try { pstmt3 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL3, null); rs3 = pstmt3.executeQuery(); if (rs3.next()) xTableACC.setValueAt(rs3.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 8); else xTableACC.setValueAt(0, i, 8); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs3); DB.closeStatement(pstmt3); } i++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.getMessage(); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } String sqlAAP = m_sql2.toString() + m_groupBy2; i = 0; xTableAAP.setRowCount(i); pstmt = null; rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sqlAAP, null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { xTableAAP.setRowCount(i + 1); // Proveedor xTableAAP.setValueAt( new KeyNamePair(rs.getInt("vendorID"), rs.getString("vendor")), i, 0); // 1 // País xTableAAP.setValueAt( new KeyNamePair(rs.getInt("creditNotID"), rs.getString("country")), i, 1); // Mes xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getInt("month"), i, 2); // Año xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getInt("year"), i, 3); // Tipo xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getString("tipo"), i, 4); // Compras hechas xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getBigDecimal("total"), i, 5); // Se calculan los avisos cerrados(CER) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL2 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='CER' and cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=" + rs.getInt("creditNotID") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null; ResultSet rs2 = null; try { pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL2, null); rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery(); if (rs2.next()) xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs2.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 6); else xTableAAP.setValueAt(0, i, 6); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs2); DB.closeStatement(pstmt2); } // Se calculan los avisos pendientes(ACT) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL3 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='ACT' and cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=" + rs.getInt("creditNotID") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt3 = null; ResultSet rs3 = null; try { pstmt3 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL3, null); rs3 = pstmt3.executeQuery(); if (rs3.next()) xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs3.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 7); else xTableAAP.setValueAt(0, i, 7); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs3); DB.closeStatement(pstmt3); } i++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.getMessage(); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } } // tableInit