/** Print result generate for this report */
  void print() throws Exception {
    Language language = Language.getLoginLanguage(); // Base Language
    MPrintFormat pf = null;
    int pfid = 0;

    // get print format for client, else copy system to client
    RowSet pfrs =
            MTable.getTable_ID(X_RV_PP_Product_BOMLine_Storage_TableName), -1, null);
    pfid = pfrs.getInt("AD_PrintFormat_ID");

    if (pfrs.getInt("AD_Client_ID") != 0) pf = MPrintFormat.get(getCtx(), pfid, false);
    else pf = MPrintFormat.copyToClient(getCtx(), pfid, getAD_Client_ID());

    if (pf == null) raiseError("Error: ", "No Print Format");

    // query
    MQuery query = new MQuery(X_RV_PP_Product_BOMLine_Storage_TableName);



    PrintInfo info =
        new PrintInfo(
    ReportEngine re = new ReportEngine(getCtx(), pf, query, info);

    // wait for report window to be closed as t_bomline
    // records are deleted when process ends
    while (re.getView().isDisplayable()) {
Esempio n. 2
  * Execute Drill to Query
  * @param query query
 private void executeDrill(MQuery query) {
   int AD_Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(query.getTableName());
   if (!MRole.getDefault().isCanReport(AD_Table_ID)) {
     FDialog.error(0, null, "AccessCannotReport", query.getTableName());
   if (AD_Table_ID != 0) new WReport(AD_Table_ID, query);
 } //	executeDrill
Esempio n. 3
  public int retrieveTableId(final String tableName) {
    // NOTE: make sure we are returning -1 in case tableName was not found (and NOT throw
    // exception),
    // because there is business logic which depends on this

    // TODO move getTable_ID out of MTable
    final int tableId = MTable.getTable_ID(tableName);

    return tableId;
Esempio n. 4
  protected String doIt() throws Exception {
    final ISubscriptionBL subscriptionBL = Services.get(ISubscriptionBL.class);

    if (getRecord_ID() > 0) {
          getTable_ID() == MTable.getTable_ID(I_C_OLCand.Table_Name),
          "Process is called for C_OLCands");

      final I_C_OLCand olCand =
          InterfaceWrapperHelper.create(getCtx(), getRecord_ID(), I_C_OLCand.class, get_TrxName());
          getCtx(), olCand, getAD_PInstance_ID(), true, get_TrxName());
      addLog("@C_OLCand_ID@ " + olCand.getC_OLCand_ID() + " @Processed@");
    } else {
      final int counter =
              getCtx(), true, getAD_PInstance_ID(), get_TrxName());
      addLog("@Processed@ " + counter + " @C_OLCand_ID@");

    return "@Success@";
Esempio n. 5
 * Generated Interface for HR_Concept
 * @author Adempiere (generated)
 * @version Release 3.6.0LTS
public interface I_HR_Concept {

  /** TableName=HR_Concept */
  public static final String Table_Name = "HR_Concept";

  /** AD_Table_ID=53090 */
  public static final int Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(Table_Name);

  KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, Table_Name);

  /** AccessLevel = 7 - System - Client - Org */
  BigDecimal accessLevel = BigDecimal.valueOf(7);

  /** Load Meta Data */

  /** Column name AD_Client_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID = "AD_Client_ID";

  /** Get Client. Client/Tenant for this installation. */
  public int getAD_Client_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Org_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";

  /** Set Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID);

  /** Get Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public int getAD_Org_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Reference_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Reference_ID = "AD_Reference_ID";

  /** Set Reference. System Reference and Validation */
  public void setAD_Reference_ID(int AD_Reference_ID);

  /** Get Reference. System Reference and Validation */
  public int getAD_Reference_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Reference getAD_Reference() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AccountSign */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AccountSign = "AccountSign";

  /** Set Account Sign. Indicates the Natural Sign of the Account as a Debit or Credit */
  public void setAccountSign(String AccountSign);

  /** Get Account Sign. Indicates the Natural Sign of the Account as a Debit or Credit */
  public String getAccountSign();

  /** Column name ColumnType */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_ColumnType = "ColumnType";

  /** Set Column Type */
  public void setColumnType(String ColumnType);

  /** Get Column Type */
  public String getColumnType();

  /** Column name Created */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";

  /** Get Created. Date this record was created */
  public Timestamp getCreated();

  /** Column name CreatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy = "CreatedBy";

  /** Get Created By. User who created this records */
  public int getCreatedBy();

  /** Column name Description */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Description = "Description";

  /** Set Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public void setDescription(String Description);

  /** Get Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public String getDescription();

  /** Column name HR_Concept_Category_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_HR_Concept_Category_ID = "HR_Concept_Category_ID";

  /** Set Payroll Concept Category */
  public void setHR_Concept_Category_ID(int HR_Concept_Category_ID);

  /** Get Payroll Concept Category */
  public int getHR_Concept_Category_ID();

  public org.eevolution.model.I_HR_Concept_Category getHR_Concept_Category()
      throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name HR_Concept_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_HR_Concept_ID = "HR_Concept_ID";

  /** Set Payroll Concept */
  public void setHR_Concept_ID(int HR_Concept_ID);

  /** Get Payroll Concept */
  public int getHR_Concept_ID();

  /** Column name HR_Department_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_HR_Department_ID = "HR_Department_ID";

  /** Set Payroll Department */
  public void setHR_Department_ID(int HR_Department_ID);

  /** Get Payroll Department */
  public int getHR_Department_ID();

  public org.eevolution.model.I_HR_Department getHR_Department() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name HR_Job_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_HR_Job_ID = "HR_Job_ID";

  /** Set Payroll Job */
  public void setHR_Job_ID(int HR_Job_ID);

  /** Get Payroll Job */
  public int getHR_Job_ID();

  public org.eevolution.model.I_HR_Job getHR_Job() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name HR_Payroll_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_HR_Payroll_ID = "HR_Payroll_ID";

  /** Set Payroll */
  public void setHR_Payroll_ID(int HR_Payroll_ID);

  /** Get Payroll */
  public int getHR_Payroll_ID();

  public org.eevolution.model.I_HR_Payroll getHR_Payroll() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name IsActive */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive = "IsActive";

  /** Set Active. The record is active in the system */
  public void setIsActive(boolean IsActive);

  /** Get Active. The record is active in the system */
  public boolean isActive();

  /** Column name IsDefault */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsDefault = "IsDefault";

  /** Set Default. Default value */
  public void setIsDefault(boolean IsDefault);

  /** Get Default. Default value */
  public boolean isDefault();

  /** Column name IsEmployee */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsEmployee = "IsEmployee";

  /** Set Employee. Indicates if this Business Partner is an employee */
  public void setIsEmployee(boolean IsEmployee);

  /** Get Employee. Indicates if this Business Partner is an employee */
  public boolean isEmployee();

  /** Column name IsManual */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsManual = "IsManual";

  /** Set Manual. This is a manual process */
  public void setIsManual(boolean IsManual);

  /** Get Manual. This is a manual process */
  public boolean isManual();

  /** Column name IsPaid */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsPaid = "IsPaid";

  /** Set Paid. The document is paid */
  public void setIsPaid(boolean IsPaid);

  /** Get Paid. The document is paid */
  public boolean isPaid();

  /** Column name IsPrinted */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsPrinted = "IsPrinted";

  /** Set Printed. Indicates if this document / line is printed */
  public void setIsPrinted(boolean IsPrinted);

  /** Get Printed. Indicates if this document / line is printed */
  public boolean isPrinted();

  /** Column name IsReceipt */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsReceipt = "IsReceipt";

  /** Set Receipt. This is a sales transaction (receipt) */
  public void setIsReceipt(boolean IsReceipt);

  /** Get Receipt. This is a sales transaction (receipt) */
  public boolean isReceipt();

  /** Column name IsSaveInHistoric */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsSaveInHistoric = "IsSaveInHistoric";

  /** Set Save In Historic */
  public void setIsSaveInHistoric(boolean IsSaveInHistoric);

  /** Get Save In Historic */
  public boolean isSaveInHistoric();

  /** Column name Name */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Name = "Name";

  /** Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public void setName(String Name);

  /** Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public String getName();

  /** Column name SeqNo */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_SeqNo = "SeqNo";

  /** Set Sequence. Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first */
  public void setSeqNo(int SeqNo);

  /** Get Sequence. Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first */
  public int getSeqNo();

  /** Column name Type */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Type = "Type";

  /** Set Type. Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language) */
  public void setType(String Type);

  /** Get Type. Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language) */
  public String getType();

  /** Column name Updated */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated = "Updated";

  /** Get Updated. Date this record was updated */
  public Timestamp getUpdated();

  /** Column name UpdatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy = "UpdatedBy";

  /** Get Updated By. User who updated this records */
  public int getUpdatedBy();

  /** Column name ValidFrom */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_ValidFrom = "ValidFrom";

  /** Set Valid from. Valid from including this date (first day) */
  public void setValidFrom(Timestamp ValidFrom);

  /** Get Valid from. Valid from including this date (first day) */
  public Timestamp getValidFrom();

  /** Column name ValidTo */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_ValidTo = "ValidTo";

  /** Set Valid to. Valid to including this date (last day) */
  public void setValidTo(Timestamp ValidTo);

  /** Get Valid to. Valid to including this date (last day) */
  public Timestamp getValidTo();

  /** Column name Value */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Value = "Value";

  /** Set Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  public void setValue(String Value);

  /** Get Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  public String getValue();
Esempio n. 6
 * Generated Interface for C_AdvComDoc
 * @author Adempiere (generated)
 * @version Release 3.5.4a
public interface I_C_AdvComDoc {

  /** TableName=C_AdvComDoc */
  public static final String Table_Name = "C_AdvComDoc";

  /** AD_Table_ID=540288 */
  public static final int Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(Table_Name);

  KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, Table_Name);

  /** AccessLevel = 1 - Org */
  BigDecimal accessLevel = BigDecimal.valueOf(1);

  /** Load Meta Data */

  /** Column name AD_Client_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID = "AD_Client_ID";

  /** Get Mandant. Mandant für diese Installation. */
  public int getAD_Client_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Org_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";

  /** Set Organisation. Organisatorische Einheit des Mandanten */
  public void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID);

  /** Get Organisation. Organisatorische Einheit des Mandanten */
  public int getAD_Org_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Table_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Table_ID = "AD_Table_ID";

  /** Set DB-Tabelle. Database Table information */
  public void setAD_Table_ID(int AD_Table_ID);

  /** Get DB-Tabelle. Database Table information */
  public int getAD_Table_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Table getAD_Table() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name C_AdvComDoc_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_AdvComDoc_ID = "C_AdvComDoc_ID";

  /** Set Provisionsauslöser */
  public void setC_AdvComDoc_ID(int C_AdvComDoc_ID);

  /** Get Provisionsauslöser */
  public int getC_AdvComDoc_ID();

  /** Column name C_AllocationLine_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_AllocationLine_ID = "C_AllocationLine_ID";

  /** Set Zuordnungs-Position. Zuordnungs-Position */
  public void setC_AllocationLine_ID(int C_AllocationLine_ID);

  /** Get Zuordnungs-Position. Zuordnungs-Position */
  public int getC_AllocationLine_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_C_AllocationLine getC_AllocationLine() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name C_DocType_Ref_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_DocType_Ref_ID = "C_DocType_Ref_ID";

  /** Set Belegart */
  public void setC_DocType_Ref_ID(int C_DocType_Ref_ID);

  /** Get Belegart */
  public int getC_DocType_Ref_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_C_DocType getC_DocType_Ref() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name Created */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";

  /** Get Erstellt. Datum, an dem dieser Eintrag erstellt wurde */
  public Timestamp getCreated();

  /** Column name CreatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy = "CreatedBy";

  /** Get Erstellt durch. Nutzer, der diesen Eintrag erstellt hat */
  public int getCreatedBy();

  /** Column name DateDoc_Ref */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateDoc_Ref = "DateDoc_Ref";

  /** Set Belegdatum */
  public void setDateDoc_Ref(Timestamp DateDoc_Ref);

  /** Get Belegdatum */
  public Timestamp getDateDoc_Ref();

  /** Column name DateFact */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateFact = "DateFact";

  /** Set Valuta-Datum */
  public void setDateFact(Timestamp DateFact);

  /** Get Valuta-Datum */
  public Timestamp getDateFact();

  /** Column name DateFact_Override */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateFact_Override = "DateFact_Override";

  /** Set Abw. Valutadatum */
  public void setDateFact_Override(Timestamp DateFact_Override);

  /** Get Abw. Valutadatum */
  public Timestamp getDateFact_Override();

  /** Column name DocAction */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocAction = "DocAction";

  /** Set Belegverarbeitung. Der zukünftige Status des Belegs */
  public void setDocAction(String DocAction);

  /** Get Belegverarbeitung. Der zukünftige Status des Belegs */
  public String getDocAction();

  /** Column name DocStatus */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocStatus = "DocStatus";

  /** Set Belegstatus. The current status of the document */
  public void setDocStatus(String DocStatus);

  /** Get Belegstatus. The current status of the document */
  public String getDocStatus();

  /** Column name DocumentNo_Ref */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocumentNo_Ref = "DocumentNo_Ref";

  /** Set Belegnummer */
  public void setDocumentNo_Ref(String DocumentNo_Ref);

  /** Get Belegnummer */
  public String getDocumentNo_Ref();

  /** Column name IsActive */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive = "IsActive";

  /** Set Aktiv. Der Eintrag ist im System aktiv */
  public void setIsActive(boolean IsActive);

  /** Get Aktiv. Der Eintrag ist im System aktiv */
  public boolean isActive();

  /** Column name IsApproved */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsApproved = "IsApproved";

  /** Set Freigegeben. Zeigt an, ob dieser Beleg eine Freigabe braucht */
  public void setIsApproved(boolean IsApproved);

  /** Get Freigegeben. Zeigt an, ob dieser Beleg eine Freigabe braucht */
  public boolean isApproved();

  /** Column name IsDateFactOverridable */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsDateFactOverridable = "IsDateFactOverridable";

  /** Set Valutadatum Änderbar */
  public void setIsDateFactOverridable(boolean IsDateFactOverridable);

  /** Get Valutadatum Änderbar */
  public boolean isDateFactOverridable();

  /** Column name IsProcessedByComSystem */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsProcessedByComSystem = "IsProcessedByComSystem";

  /** Set In Buchauszug verbucht. Änderung wurde in den Buchauszug aufgenommen */
  public void setIsProcessedByComSystem(boolean IsProcessedByComSystem);

  /** Get In Buchauszug verbucht. Änderung wurde in den Buchauszug aufgenommen */
  public boolean isProcessedByComSystem();

  /** Column name Processed */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Processed = "Processed";

  /** Set Verarbeitet. The document has been processed */
  public void setProcessed(boolean Processed);

  /** Get Verarbeitet. The document has been processed */
  public boolean isProcessed();

  /** Column name Processing */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Processing = "Processing";

  /** Set Process Now */
  public void setProcessing(boolean Processing);

  /** Get Process Now */
  public boolean isProcessing();

  /** Column name Record_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Record_ID = "Record_ID";

  /** Set Datensatz-ID. Direct internal record ID */
  public void setRecord_ID(int Record_ID);

  /** Get Datensatz-ID. Direct internal record ID */
  public int getRecord_ID();

  /** Column name Updated */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated = "Updated";

  /** Get Aktualisiert. Datum, an dem dieser Eintrag aktualisiert wurde */
  public Timestamp getUpdated();

  /** Column name UpdatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy = "UpdatedBy";

  /** Get Aktualisiert durch. Nutzer, der diesen Eintrag aktualisiert hat */
  public int getUpdatedBy();
 * Generated Interface for HR_SalaryStructure
 * @author Adempiere (generated)
 * @version Release 3.8.0
public interface I_HR_SalaryStructure {

  /** TableName=HR_SalaryStructure */
  public static final String Table_Name = "HR_SalaryStructure";

  /** AD_Table_ID=53689 */
  public static final int Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(Table_Name);

  KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, Table_Name);

  /** AccessLevel = 3 - Client - Org */
  BigDecimal accessLevel = BigDecimal.valueOf(3);

  /** Load Meta Data */

  /** Column name AD_Client_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID = "AD_Client_ID";

  /** Get Client. Client/Tenant for this installation. */
  public int getAD_Client_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Org_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";

  /** Set Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID);

  /** Get Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public int getAD_Org_ID();

  /** Column name Created */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";

  /** Get Created. Date this record was created */
  public Timestamp getCreated();

  /** Column name CreatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy = "CreatedBy";

  /** Get Created By. User who created this records */
  public int getCreatedBy();

  /** Column name Description */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Description = "Description";

  /** Set Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public void setDescription(String Description);

  /** Get Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public String getDescription();

  /** Column name HR_SalaryStructure_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_HR_SalaryStructure_ID = "HR_SalaryStructure_ID";

  /** Set Salary Structure. Salary Structure of an Employee */
  public void setHR_SalaryStructure_ID(int HR_SalaryStructure_ID);

  /** Get Salary Structure. Salary Structure of an Employee */
  public int getHR_SalaryStructure_ID();

  /** Column name IsActive */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive = "IsActive";

  /** Set Active. The record is active in the system */
  public void setIsActive(boolean IsActive);

  /** Get Active. The record is active in the system */
  public boolean isActive();

  /** Column name Name */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Name = "Name";

  /** Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public void setName(String Name);

  /** Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public String getName();

  /** Column name Updated */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated = "Updated";

  /** Get Updated. Date this record was updated */
  public Timestamp getUpdated();

  /** Column name UpdatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy = "UpdatedBy";

  /** Get Updated By. User who updated this records */
  public int getUpdatedBy();

  /** Column name ValidTo */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_ValidTo = "ValidTo";

  /** Set Valid to. Valid to including this date (last day) */
  public void setValidTo(Timestamp ValidTo);

  /** Get Valid to. Valid to including this date (last day) */
  public Timestamp getValidTo();

  /** Column name Value */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Value = "Value";

  /** Set Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  public void setValue(String Value);

  /** Get Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  public String getValue();
Esempio n. 8
 * Generated Interface for LMX_Addenda
 * @author Adempiere (generated)
 * @version Release 3.8.0
public interface I_LMX_Addenda {

  /** TableName=LMX_Addenda */
  public static final String Table_Name = "LMX_Addenda";

  /** AD_Table_ID=53904 */
  public static final int Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(Table_Name);

  KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, Table_Name);

  /** AccessLevel = 3 - Client - Org */
  BigDecimal accessLevel = BigDecimal.valueOf(3);

  /** Load Meta Data */

  /** Column name AD_Client_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID = "AD_Client_ID";

  /** Get Client. Client/Tenant for this installation. */
  public int getAD_Client_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Org_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";

  /** Set Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID);

  /** Get Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public int getAD_Org_ID();

  /** Column name AD_PrintFormat_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintFormat_ID = "AD_PrintFormat_ID";

  /** Set Print Format. Data Print Format */
  public void setAD_PrintFormat_ID(int AD_PrintFormat_ID);

  /** Get Print Format. Data Print Format */
  public int getAD_PrintFormat_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_PrintFormat getAD_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name C_BPartner_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID = "C_BPartner_ID";

  /** Set Business Partner . Identifies a Business Partner */
  public void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID);

  /** Get Business Partner . Identifies a Business Partner */
  public int getC_BPartner_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name CFDISchema_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CFDISchema_ID = "CFDISchema_ID";

  /** Set CFDI Schema XML. CFDI Schema XML */
  public void setCFDISchema_ID(int CFDISchema_ID);

  /** Get CFDI Schema XML. CFDI Schema XML */
  public int getCFDISchema_ID();

  /** Column name CFDITransformerAD_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CFDITransformerAD_ID = "CFDITransformerAD_ID";

  /** Set CFDI ADempiere Transformer XSLT. CFDI ADempiere Transformer XSLT */
  public void setCFDITransformerAD_ID(int CFDITransformerAD_ID);

  /** Get CFDI ADempiere Transformer XSLT. CFDI ADempiere Transformer XSLT */
  public int getCFDITransformerAD_ID();

  /** Column name CFDITransformer_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CFDITransformer_ID = "CFDITransformer_ID";

  /** Set CFDI Transformer XSLT. CFDI Transformer XSLT */
  public void setCFDITransformer_ID(int CFDITransformer_ID);

  /** Get CFDI Transformer XSLT. CFDI Transformer XSLT */
  public int getCFDITransformer_ID();

  /** Column name CFDITransformerString_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CFDITransformerString_ID = "CFDITransformerString_ID";

  /** Set CFDI Transformer String XSLT. CFDI Transformer String XSLT */
  public void setCFDITransformerString_ID(int CFDITransformerString_ID);

  /** Get CFDI Transformer String XSLT. CFDI Transformer String XSLT */
  public int getCFDITransformerString_ID();

  /** Column name Created */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";

  /** Get Created. Date this record was created */
  public Timestamp getCreated();

  /** Column name CreatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy = "CreatedBy";

  /** Get Created By. User who created this records */
  public int getCreatedBy();

  /** Column name Description */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Description = "Description";

  /** Set Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public void setDescription(String Description);

  /** Get Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public String getDescription();

  /** Column name IsActive */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive = "IsActive";

  /** Set Active. The record is active in the system */
  public void setIsActive(boolean IsActive);

  /** Get Active. The record is active in the system */
  public boolean isActive();

  /** Column name LMX_Addenda_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_LMX_Addenda_ID = "LMX_Addenda_ID";

  /** Set Localization México Addenda. Localization México Addenda */
  public void setLMX_Addenda_ID(int LMX_Addenda_ID);

  /** Get Localization México Addenda. Localization México Addenda */
  public int getLMX_Addenda_ID();

  /** Column name Name */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Name = "Name";

  /** Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public void setName(String Name);

  /** Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public String getName();

  /** Column name Updated */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated = "Updated";

  /** Get Updated. Date this record was updated */
  public Timestamp getUpdated();

  /** Column name UpdatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy = "UpdatedBy";

  /** Get Updated By. User who updated this records */
  public int getUpdatedBy();

  /** Column name Value */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Value = "Value";

  /** Set Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  public void setValue(String Value);

  /** Get Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  public String getValue();
 * Generated Interface for PP_Order_Node
 * @author Adempiere (generated)
 * @version Release 3.7.0LTS
public interface I_PP_Order_Node {

  /** TableName=PP_Order_Node */
  public static final String Table_Name = "PP_Order_Node";

  /** AD_Table_ID=53022 */
  public static final int Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(Table_Name);

  KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, Table_Name);

  /** AccessLevel = 3 - Client - Org */
  BigDecimal accessLevel = BigDecimal.valueOf(3);

  /** Load Meta Data */

  /** Column name Action */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Action = "Action";

  /** Set Action. Indicates the Action to be performed */
  public void setAction(String Action);

  /** Get Action. Indicates the Action to be performed */
  public String getAction();

  /** Column name AD_Client_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID = "AD_Client_ID";

  /** Get Client. Client/Tenant for this installation. */
  public int getAD_Client_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Column_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Column_ID = "AD_Column_ID";

  /** Set Column. Column in the table */
  public void setAD_Column_ID(int AD_Column_ID);

  /** Get Column. Column in the table */
  public int getAD_Column_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Column getAD_Column() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_Form_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Form_ID = "AD_Form_ID";

  /** Set Special Form. Special Form */
  public void setAD_Form_ID(int AD_Form_ID);

  /** Get Special Form. Special Form */
  public int getAD_Form_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Form getAD_Form() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_Image_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Image_ID = "AD_Image_ID";

  /** Set Image. Image or Icon */
  public void setAD_Image_ID(int AD_Image_ID);

  /** Get Image. Image or Icon */
  public int getAD_Image_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Image getAD_Image() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_Org_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";

  /** Set Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID);

  /** Get Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public int getAD_Org_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Process_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Process_ID = "AD_Process_ID";

  /** Set Process. Process or Report */
  public void setAD_Process_ID(int AD_Process_ID);

  /** Get Process. Process or Report */
  public int getAD_Process_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Process getAD_Process() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_Task_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Task_ID = "AD_Task_ID";

  /** Set OS Task. Operation System Task */
  public void setAD_Task_ID(int AD_Task_ID);

  /** Get OS Task. Operation System Task */
  public int getAD_Task_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Task getAD_Task() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_WF_Block_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_WF_Block_ID = "AD_WF_Block_ID";

  /** Set Workflow Block. Workflow Transaction Execution Block */
  public void setAD_WF_Block_ID(int AD_WF_Block_ID);

  /** Get Workflow Block. Workflow Transaction Execution Block */
  public int getAD_WF_Block_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_WF_Block getAD_WF_Block() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_WF_Node_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_WF_Node_ID = "AD_WF_Node_ID";

  /** Set Node. Workflow Node (activity), step or process */
  public void setAD_WF_Node_ID(int AD_WF_Node_ID);

  /** Get Node. Workflow Node (activity), step or process */
  public int getAD_WF_Node_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_WF_Node getAD_WF_Node() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_WF_Responsible_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_WF_Responsible_ID = "AD_WF_Responsible_ID";

  /** Set Workflow Responsible. Responsible for Workflow Execution */
  public void setAD_WF_Responsible_ID(int AD_WF_Responsible_ID);

  /** Get Workflow Responsible. Responsible for Workflow Execution */
  public int getAD_WF_Responsible_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_WF_Responsible getAD_WF_Responsible() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_Window_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Window_ID = "AD_Window_ID";

  /** Set Window. Data entry or display window */
  public void setAD_Window_ID(int AD_Window_ID);

  /** Get Window. Data entry or display window */
  public int getAD_Window_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Window getAD_Window() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AD_Workflow_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Workflow_ID = "AD_Workflow_ID";

  /** Set Workflow. Workflow or combination of tasks */
  public void setAD_Workflow_ID(int AD_Workflow_ID);

  /** Get Workflow. Workflow or combination of tasks */
  public int getAD_Workflow_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Workflow getAD_Workflow() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name AttributeName */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AttributeName = "AttributeName";

  /** Set Attribute Name. Name of the Attribute */
  public void setAttributeName(String AttributeName);

  /** Get Attribute Name. Name of the Attribute */
  public String getAttributeName();

  /** Column name AttributeValue */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AttributeValue = "AttributeValue";

  /** Set Attribute Value. Value of the Attribute */
  public void setAttributeValue(String AttributeValue);

  /** Get Attribute Value. Value of the Attribute */
  public String getAttributeValue();

  /** Column name C_BPartner_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID = "C_BPartner_ID";

  /** Set Business Partner . Identifies a Business Partner */
  public void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID);

  /** Get Business Partner . Identifies a Business Partner */
  public int getC_BPartner_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name Cost */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Cost = "Cost";

  /** Set Cost. Cost information */
  public void setCost(BigDecimal Cost);

  /** Get Cost. Cost information */
  public BigDecimal getCost();

  /** Column name Created */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";

  /** Get Created. Date this record was created */
  public Timestamp getCreated();

  /** Column name CreatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy = "CreatedBy";

  /** Get Created By. User who created this records */
  public int getCreatedBy();

  /** Column name DateFinish */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateFinish = "DateFinish";

  /** Set Finish Date. Finish or (planned) completion date */
  public void setDateFinish(Timestamp DateFinish);

  /** Get Finish Date. Finish or (planned) completion date */
  public Timestamp getDateFinish();

  /** Column name DateFinishSchedule */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateFinishSchedule = "DateFinishSchedule";

  /** Set Date Finish Schedule. Scheduled Finish date for this Order */
  public void setDateFinishSchedule(Timestamp DateFinishSchedule);

  /** Get Date Finish Schedule. Scheduled Finish date for this Order */
  public Timestamp getDateFinishSchedule();

  /** Column name DateStart */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateStart = "DateStart";

  /** Set Date Start. Date Start for this Order */
  public void setDateStart(Timestamp DateStart);

  /** Get Date Start. Date Start for this Order */
  public Timestamp getDateStart();

  /** Column name DateStartSchedule */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateStartSchedule = "DateStartSchedule";

  /** Set Date Start Schedule. Scheduled start date for this Order */
  public void setDateStartSchedule(Timestamp DateStartSchedule);

  /** Get Date Start Schedule. Scheduled start date for this Order */
  public Timestamp getDateStartSchedule();

  /** Column name Description */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Description = "Description";

  /** Set Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public void setDescription(String Description);

  /** Get Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public String getDescription();

  /** Column name DocAction */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocAction = "DocAction";

  /** Set Document Action. The targeted status of the document */
  public void setDocAction(String DocAction);

  /** Get Document Action. The targeted status of the document */
  public String getDocAction();

  /** Column name DocStatus */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocStatus = "DocStatus";

  /** Set Document Status. The current status of the document */
  public void setDocStatus(String DocStatus);

  /** Get Document Status. The current status of the document */
  public String getDocStatus();

  /** Column name Duration */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Duration = "Duration";

  /** Set Duration. Normal Duration in Duration Unit */
  public void setDuration(int Duration);

  /** Get Duration. Normal Duration in Duration Unit */
  public int getDuration();

  /** Column name DurationReal */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DurationReal = "DurationReal";

  /** Set Duration Real */
  public void setDurationReal(int DurationReal);

  /** Get Duration Real */
  public int getDurationReal();

  /** Column name DurationRequired */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DurationRequired = "DurationRequired";

  /** Set Duration Required */
  public void setDurationRequired(int DurationRequired);

  /** Get Duration Required */
  public int getDurationRequired();

  /** Column name EntityType */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_EntityType = "EntityType";

  /** Set Entity Type. Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization */
  public void setEntityType(String EntityType);

  /** Get Entity Type. Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization */
  public String getEntityType();

  /** Column name FinishMode */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_FinishMode = "FinishMode";

  /** Set Finish Mode. Workflow Activity Finish Mode */
  public void setFinishMode(String FinishMode);

  /** Get Finish Mode. Workflow Activity Finish Mode */
  public String getFinishMode();

  /** Column name Help */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Help = "Help";

  /** Set Comment/Help. Comment or Hint */
  public void setHelp(String Help);

  /** Get Comment/Help. Comment or Hint */
  public String getHelp();

  /** Column name IsActive */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive = "IsActive";

  /** Set Active. The record is active in the system */
  public void setIsActive(boolean IsActive);

  /** Get Active. The record is active in the system */
  public boolean isActive();

  /** Column name IsCentrallyMaintained */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsCentrallyMaintained = "IsCentrallyMaintained";

  /** Set Centrally maintained. Information maintained in System Element table */
  public void setIsCentrallyMaintained(boolean IsCentrallyMaintained);

  /** Get Centrally maintained. Information maintained in System Element table */
  public boolean isCentrallyMaintained();

  /** Column name IsMilestone */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsMilestone = "IsMilestone";

  /** Set Is Milestone */
  public void setIsMilestone(boolean IsMilestone);

  /** Get Is Milestone */
  public boolean isMilestone();

  /** Column name IsSubcontracting */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsSubcontracting = "IsSubcontracting";

  /** Set Is Subcontracting */
  public void setIsSubcontracting(boolean IsSubcontracting);

  /** Get Is Subcontracting */
  public boolean isSubcontracting();

  /** Column name JoinElement */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_JoinElement = "JoinElement";

  /** Set Join Element. Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions */
  public void setJoinElement(String JoinElement);

  /** Get Join Element. Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions */
  public String getJoinElement();

  /** Column name Limit */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Limit = "Limit";

  /** Set Duration Limit. Maximum Duration in Duration Unit */
  public void setLimit(int Limit);

  /** Get Duration Limit. Maximum Duration in Duration Unit */
  public int getLimit();

  /** Column name MovingTime */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_MovingTime = "MovingTime";

  /** Set Moving Time */
  public void setMovingTime(int MovingTime);

  /** Get Moving Time */
  public int getMovingTime();

  /** Column name Name */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Name = "Name";

  /** Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public void setName(String Name);

  /** Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public String getName();

  /** Column name OverlapUnits */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_OverlapUnits = "OverlapUnits";

   * Set Overlap Units. Overlap Units are number of units that must be completed before they are
   * moved the next activity
  public void setOverlapUnits(int OverlapUnits);

   * Get Overlap Units. Overlap Units are number of units that must be completed before they are
   * moved the next activity
  public int getOverlapUnits();

  /** Column name PP_Order_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_PP_Order_ID = "PP_Order_ID";

  /** Set Manufacturing Order. Manufacturing Order */
  public void setPP_Order_ID(int PP_Order_ID);

  /** Get Manufacturing Order. Manufacturing Order */
  public int getPP_Order_ID();

  public org.eevolution.model.I_PP_Order getPP_Order() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name PP_Order_Node_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_PP_Order_Node_ID = "PP_Order_Node_ID";

  /** Set Manufacturing Order Activity. Workflow Node (activity), step or process */
  public void setPP_Order_Node_ID(int PP_Order_Node_ID);

  /** Get Manufacturing Order Activity. Workflow Node (activity), step or process */
  public int getPP_Order_Node_ID();

  /** Column name PP_Order_Workflow_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_PP_Order_Workflow_ID = "PP_Order_Workflow_ID";

  /** Set Manufacturing Order Workflow */
  public void setPP_Order_Workflow_ID(int PP_Order_Workflow_ID);

  /** Get Manufacturing Order Workflow */
  public int getPP_Order_Workflow_ID();

  public org.eevolution.model.I_PP_Order_Workflow getPP_Order_Workflow() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name Priority */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Priority = "Priority";

  /** Set Priority. Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. */
  public void setPriority(int Priority);

  /** Get Priority. Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. */
  public int getPriority();

  /** Column name QtyDelivered */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_QtyDelivered = "QtyDelivered";

  /** Set Delivered Quantity. Delivered Quantity */
  public void setQtyDelivered(BigDecimal QtyDelivered);

  /** Get Delivered Quantity. Delivered Quantity */
  public BigDecimal getQtyDelivered();

  /** Column name QtyReject */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_QtyReject = "QtyReject";

  /** Set Qty Reject */
  public void setQtyReject(BigDecimal QtyReject);

  /** Get Qty Reject */
  public BigDecimal getQtyReject();

  /** Column name QtyRequired */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_QtyRequired = "QtyRequired";

  /** Set Qty Required */
  public void setQtyRequired(BigDecimal QtyRequired);

  /** Get Qty Required */
  public BigDecimal getQtyRequired();

  /** Column name QtyScrap */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_QtyScrap = "QtyScrap";

  /** Set Scrap %. Scrap % Quantity for this componet */
  public void setQtyScrap(BigDecimal QtyScrap);

  /** Get Scrap %. Scrap % Quantity for this componet */
  public BigDecimal getQtyScrap();

  /** Column name QueuingTime */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_QueuingTime = "QueuingTime";

  /** Set Queuing Time. Queue time is the time a job waits at a work center before begin handled. */
  public void setQueuingTime(int QueuingTime);

  /** Get Queuing Time. Queue time is the time a job waits at a work center before begin handled. */
  public int getQueuingTime();

  /** Column name SetupTime */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_SetupTime = "SetupTime";

  /** Set Setup Time. Setup time before starting Production */
  public void setSetupTime(int SetupTime);

  /** Get Setup Time. Setup time before starting Production */
  public int getSetupTime();

  /** Column name SetupTimeReal */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_SetupTimeReal = "SetupTimeReal";

  /** Set Setup Time Real */
  public void setSetupTimeReal(int SetupTimeReal);

  /** Get Setup Time Real */
  public int getSetupTimeReal();

  /** Column name SetupTimeRequired */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_SetupTimeRequired = "SetupTimeRequired";

  /** Set Setup Time Required */
  public void setSetupTimeRequired(int SetupTimeRequired);

  /** Get Setup Time Required */
  public int getSetupTimeRequired();

  /** Column name SplitElement */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_SplitElement = "SplitElement";

  /** Set Split Element. Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions */
  public void setSplitElement(String SplitElement);

  /** Get Split Element. Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions */
  public String getSplitElement();

  /** Column name S_Resource_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_S_Resource_ID = "S_Resource_ID";

  /** Set Resource. Resource */
  public void setS_Resource_ID(int S_Resource_ID);

  /** Get Resource. Resource */
  public int getS_Resource_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_S_Resource getS_Resource() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name StartMode */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_StartMode = "StartMode";

  /** Set Start Mode. Workflow Activity Start Mode */
  public void setStartMode(String StartMode);

  /** Get Start Mode. Workflow Activity Start Mode */
  public String getStartMode();

  /** Column name SubflowExecution */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_SubflowExecution = "SubflowExecution";

  /** Set Subflow Execution. Mode how the sub-workflow is executed */
  public void setSubflowExecution(String SubflowExecution);

  /** Get Subflow Execution. Mode how the sub-workflow is executed */
  public String getSubflowExecution();

  /** Column name UnitsCycles */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_UnitsCycles = "UnitsCycles";

   * Set Units by Cycles. The Units by Cycles are defined for process type Flow Repetitive Dedicated
   * and indicated the product to be manufactured on a production line for duration unit.
  public void setUnitsCycles(int UnitsCycles);

   * Get Units by Cycles. The Units by Cycles are defined for process type Flow Repetitive Dedicated
   * and indicated the product to be manufactured on a production line for duration unit.
  public int getUnitsCycles();

  /** Column name Updated */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated = "Updated";

  /** Get Updated. Date this record was updated */
  public Timestamp getUpdated();

  /** Column name UpdatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy = "UpdatedBy";

  /** Get Updated By. User who updated this records */
  public int getUpdatedBy();

  /** Column name ValidFrom */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_ValidFrom = "ValidFrom";

  /** Set Valid from. Valid from including this date (first day) */
  public void setValidFrom(Timestamp ValidFrom);

  /** Get Valid from. Valid from including this date (first day) */
  public Timestamp getValidFrom();

  /** Column name ValidTo */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_ValidTo = "ValidTo";

  /** Set Valid to. Valid to including this date (last day) */
  public void setValidTo(Timestamp ValidTo);

  /** Get Valid to. Valid to including this date (last day) */
  public Timestamp getValidTo();

  /** Column name Value */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Value = "Value";

  /** Set Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  public void setValue(String Value);

  /** Get Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique */
  public String getValue();

  /** Column name WaitingTime */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_WaitingTime = "WaitingTime";

  /** Set Waiting Time. Workflow Simulation Waiting time */
  public void setWaitingTime(int WaitingTime);

  /** Get Waiting Time. Workflow Simulation Waiting time */
  public int getWaitingTime();

  /** Column name Workflow_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Workflow_ID = "Workflow_ID";

  /** Set Workflow. Workflow or tasks */
  public void setWorkflow_ID(int Workflow_ID);

  /** Get Workflow. Workflow or tasks */
  public int getWorkflow_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Workflow getWorkflow() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name WorkingTime */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_WorkingTime = "WorkingTime";

  /** Set Working Time. Workflow Simulation Execution Time */
  public void setWorkingTime(int WorkingTime);

  /** Get Working Time. Workflow Simulation Execution Time */
  public int getWorkingTime();

  /** Column name XPosition */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_XPosition = "XPosition";

  /** Set X Position. Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  public void setXPosition(int XPosition);

  /** Get X Position. Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  public int getXPosition();

  /** Column name Yield */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Yield = "Yield";

   * Set Yield %. The Yield is the percentage of a lot that is expected to be of acceptable wuality
   * may fall below 100 percent
  public void setYield(int Yield);

   * Get Yield %. The Yield is the percentage of a lot that is expected to be of acceptable wuality
   * may fall below 100 percent
  public int getYield();

  /** Column name YPosition */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_YPosition = "YPosition";

  /** Set Y Position. Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  public void setYPosition(int YPosition);

  /** Get Y Position. Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  public int getYPosition();
Esempio n. 10
 public ProcessHelper setTableId(String tableName) {
   this.tableId = MTable.getTable_ID(tableName);
   return this;
 * Generated Interface for LVE_Deposit
 * @author Adempiere (generated)
 * @version 3.6.0LTS+P20120111
public interface I_LVE_Deposit {

  /** TableName=LVE_Deposit */
  public static final String Table_Name = "LVE_Deposit";

  /** AD_Table_ID=1000030 */
  public static final int Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(Table_Name);

  KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, Table_Name);

  /** AccessLevel = 3 - Client - Org */
  BigDecimal accessLevel = BigDecimal.valueOf(3);

  /** Load Meta Data */

  /** Column name AD_Client_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID = "AD_Client_ID";

  /** Get Client. Client/Tenant for this installation. */
  public int getAD_Client_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Org_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";

  /** Set Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID);

  /** Get Organization. Organizational entity within client */
  public int getAD_Org_ID();

  /** Column name CashAmt */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CashAmt = "CashAmt";

  /** Set Cash Amount */
  public void setCashAmt(BigDecimal CashAmt);

  /** Get Cash Amount */
  public BigDecimal getCashAmt();

  /** Column name C_BankAccount_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_BankAccount_ID = "C_BankAccount_ID";

  /** Set Bank Account. Account at the Bank */
  public void setC_BankAccount_ID(int C_BankAccount_ID);

  /** Get Bank Account. Account at the Bank */
  public int getC_BankAccount_ID();

  public I_C_BankAccount getC_BankAccount() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name C_DocType_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_DocType_ID = "C_DocType_ID";

  /** Set Document Type. Document type or rules */
  public void setC_DocType_ID(int C_DocType_ID);

  /** Get Document Type. Document type or rules */
  public int getC_DocType_ID();

  public I_C_DocType getC_DocType() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name CheckAmt */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CheckAmt = "CheckAmt";

  /** Set Check Amount */
  public void setCheckAmt(BigDecimal CheckAmt);

  /** Get Check Amount */
  public BigDecimal getCheckAmt();

  /** Column name Created */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";

  /** Get Created. Date this record was created */
  public Timestamp getCreated();

  /** Column name CreatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy = "CreatedBy";

  /** Get Created By. User who created this records */
  public int getCreatedBy();

  /** Column name CreateFrom */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreateFrom = "CreateFrom";

   * Set Create lines from. Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing
   * document
  public void setCreateFrom(String CreateFrom);

   * Get Create lines from. Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing
   * document
  public String getCreateFrom();

  /** Column name DateTrx */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateTrx = "DateTrx";

  /** Set Transaction Date. Transaction Date */
  public void setDateTrx(Timestamp DateTrx);

  /** Get Transaction Date. Transaction Date */
  public Timestamp getDateTrx();

  /** Column name DepositAmt */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DepositAmt = "DepositAmt";

  /** Set Deposit Amt */
  public void setDepositAmt(BigDecimal DepositAmt);

  /** Get Deposit Amt */
  public BigDecimal getDepositAmt();

  /** Column name DepositNo */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DepositNo = "DepositNo";

  /** Set Deposit No */
  public void setDepositNo(String DepositNo);

  /** Get Deposit No */
  public String getDepositNo();

  /** Column name DepositUser_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DepositUser_ID = "DepositUser_ID";

  /** Set DepositUser_ID */
  public void setDepositUser_ID(int DepositUser_ID);

  /** Get DepositUser_ID */
  public int getDepositUser_ID();

  public I_AD_User getDepositUser() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name Description */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Description = "Description";

  /** Set Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public void setDescription(String Description);

  /** Get Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public String getDescription();

  /** Column name DocAction */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocAction = "DocAction";

  /** Set Document Action. The targeted status of the document */
  public void setDocAction(String DocAction);

  /** Get Document Action. The targeted status of the document */
  public String getDocAction();

  /** Column name DocStatus */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocStatus = "DocStatus";

  /** Set Document Status. The current status of the document */
  public void setDocStatus(String DocStatus);

  /** Get Document Status. The current status of the document */
  public String getDocStatus();

  /** Column name DocumentNo */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocumentNo = "DocumentNo";

  /** Set Document No. Document sequence number of the document */
  public void setDocumentNo(String DocumentNo);

  /** Get Document No. Document sequence number of the document */
  public String getDocumentNo();

  /** Column name IsActive */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive = "IsActive";

  /** Set Active. The record is active in the system */
  public void setIsActive(boolean IsActive);

  /** Get Active. The record is active in the system */
  public boolean isActive();

  /** Column name IsApproved */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsApproved = "IsApproved";

  /** Set Approved. Indicates if this document requires approval */
  public void setIsApproved(boolean IsApproved);

  /** Get Approved. Indicates if this document requires approval */
  public boolean isApproved();

  /** Column name IsPreparate */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsPreparate = "IsPreparate";

  /** Set Is Preparate */
  public void setIsPreparate(boolean IsPreparate);

  /** Get Is Preparate */
  public boolean isPreparate();

  /** Column name IsReconciled */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsReconciled = "IsReconciled";

  /** Set Reconciled. Payment is reconciled with bank statement */
  public void setIsReconciled(boolean IsReconciled);

  /** Get Reconciled. Payment is reconciled with bank statement */
  public boolean isReconciled();

  /** Column name LVE_Deposit_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_LVE_Deposit_ID = "LVE_Deposit_ID";

  /** Set Bank Deposit */
  public void setLVE_Deposit_ID(int LVE_Deposit_ID);

  /** Get Bank Deposit */
  public int getLVE_Deposit_ID();

  /** Column name Processed */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Processed = "Processed";

  /** Set Processed. The document has been processed */
  public void setProcessed(boolean Processed);

  /** Get Processed. The document has been processed */
  public boolean isProcessed();

  /** Column name Processing */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Processing = "Processing";

  /** Set Process Now */
  public void setProcessing(boolean Processing);

  /** Get Process Now */
  public boolean isProcessing();

  /** Column name Updated */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated = "Updated";

  /** Get Updated. Date this record was updated */
  public Timestamp getUpdated();

  /** Column name UpdatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy = "UpdatedBy";

  /** Get Updated By. User who updated this records */
  public int getUpdatedBy();
Esempio n. 12
 * Generated Interface for C_AdvCommissionPayroll
 * @author Adempiere (generated)
 * @version Release 3.5.4a
public interface I_C_AdvCommissionPayroll {

  /** TableName=C_AdvCommissionPayroll */
  public static final String Table_Name = "C_AdvCommissionPayroll";

  /** AD_Table_ID=540084 */
  public static final int Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(Table_Name);

  KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, Table_Name);

  /** AccessLevel = 1 - Org */
  BigDecimal accessLevel = BigDecimal.valueOf(1);

  /** Load Meta Data */

  /** Column name AD_Client_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID = "AD_Client_ID";

  /** Get Mandant. Mandant fð² ¤iese Installation. */
  public int getAD_Client_ID();

  /** Column name AD_Org_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";

  /** Set Organisation. Organisatorische Einheit des Mandanten */
  public void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID);

  /** Get Organisation. Organisatorische Einheit des Mandanten */
  public int getAD_Org_ID();

  /** Column name C_AdvCommissionPayroll_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_AdvCommissionPayroll_ID = "C_AdvCommissionPayroll_ID";

  /** Set Anlage zur Provisionsabrechnung */
  public void setC_AdvCommissionPayroll_ID(int C_AdvCommissionPayroll_ID);

  /** Get Anlage zur Provisionsabrechnung */
  public int getC_AdvCommissionPayroll_ID();

  /** Column name C_BPartner_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID = "C_BPartner_ID";

  /** Set Geschäftspartner. Bezeichnet einen Geschäftspartner */
  public void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID);

  /** Get Geschäftspartner. Bezeichnet einen Geschäftspartner */
  public int getC_BPartner_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name C_Period_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_Period_ID = "C_Period_ID";

  /** Set Periode. Periode des Kalenders */
  public void setC_Period_ID(int C_Period_ID);

  /** Get Periode. Periode des Kalenders */
  public int getC_Period_ID();

  public org.compiere.model.I_C_Period getC_Period() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name Created */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";

  /** Get Erstellt. Datum, an dem dieser Eintrag erstellt wurde */
  public Timestamp getCreated();

  /** Column name CreatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy = "CreatedBy";

  /** Get Erstellt durch. Nutzer, der diesen Eintrag erstellt hat */
  public int getCreatedBy();

  /** Column name C_Sponsor_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_Sponsor_ID = "C_Sponsor_ID";

  /** Set Sponsor */
  public void setC_Sponsor_ID(int C_Sponsor_ID);

  /** Get Sponsor */
  public int getC_Sponsor_ID();

  public de.metas.commission.model.I_C_Sponsor getC_Sponsor() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name DateCalculated */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateCalculated = "DateCalculated";

  /** Set Berechnungsdatum */
  public void setDateCalculated(Timestamp DateCalculated);

  /** Get Berechnungsdatum */
  public Timestamp getDateCalculated();

  /** Column name DocumentNo */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_DocumentNo = "DocumentNo";

  /** Set Document No. Document sequence number of the document */
  public void setDocumentNo(String DocumentNo);

  /** Get Document No. Document sequence number of the document */
  public String getDocumentNo();

  /** Column name M_AttributeSetInstance_ID */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID";

  /** Set Ausprägung Merkmals-Satz. Instanz des Merkmals-Satzes zum Produkt */
  public void setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);

  /** Get Ausprägung Merkmals-Satz. Instanz des Merkmals-Satzes zum Produkt */
  public int getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID();

  public I_M_AttributeSetInstance getM_AttributeSetInstance() throws RuntimeException;

  /** Column name IsActive */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive = "IsActive";

  /** Set Aktiv. Der Eintrag ist im System aktiv */
  public void setIsActive(boolean IsActive);

  /** Get Aktiv. Der Eintrag ist im System aktiv */
  public boolean isActive();

  /** Column name Processed */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Processed = "Processed";

  /** Set Verarbeitet. The document has been processed */
  public void setProcessed(boolean Processed);

  /** Get Verarbeitet. The document has been processed */
  public boolean isProcessed();

  /** Column name Updated */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated = "Updated";

  /** Get Aktualisiert. Datum, an dem dieser Eintrag aktualisiert wurde */
  public Timestamp getUpdated();

  /** Column name UpdatedBy */
  public static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy = "UpdatedBy";

  /** Get Aktualisiert durch. Nutzer, der diesen Eintrag aktualisiert hat */
  public int getUpdatedBy();