/** * Create Balancing Entry * * @param asDefaultAccts acct schema default accounts * @param journal journal * @param drTotal dr * @param crTotal cr * @param AD_Org_ID org * @param lineNo base line no */ private void createBalancing( MAcctSchemaDefault asDefaultAccts, MJournal journal, BigDecimal drTotal, BigDecimal crTotal, int AD_Org_ID, int lineNo) { if (journal == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jornal is null"); // CR Entry = Gain if (drTotal.signum() != 0) { MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal); line.setLine(lineNo + 1); MAccount base = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getUnrealizedGain_Acct()); MAccount acct = MAccount.get( getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID, asDefaultAccts.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), base.getAccount_ID(), base.getC_SubAcct_ID(), base.getM_Product_ID(), base.getC_BPartner_ID(), base.getAD_OrgTrx_ID(), base.getC_LocFrom_ID(), base.getC_LocTo_ID(), base.getC_SalesRegion_ID(), base.getC_Project_ID(), base.getC_Campaign_ID(), base.getC_Activity_ID(), base.getUser1_ID(), base.getUser2_ID(), base.getUserElement1_ID(), base.getUserElement2_ID(), null); line.setDescription(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "UnrealizedGain_Acct")); line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(acct.getC_ValidCombination_ID()); line.setAmtSourceCr(drTotal); line.setAmtAcctCr(drTotal); line.saveEx(); } // DR Entry = Loss if (crTotal.signum() != 0) { MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal); line.setLine(lineNo + 2); MAccount base = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getUnrealizedLoss_Acct()); MAccount acct = MAccount.get( getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID, asDefaultAccts.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), base.getAccount_ID(), base.getC_SubAcct_ID(), base.getM_Product_ID(), base.getC_BPartner_ID(), base.getAD_OrgTrx_ID(), base.getC_LocFrom_ID(), base.getC_LocTo_ID(), base.getC_SalesRegion_ID(), base.getC_Project_ID(), base.getC_Campaign_ID(), base.getC_Activity_ID(), base.getUser1_ID(), base.getUser2_ID(), base.getUserElement1_ID(), base.getUserElement2_ID(), null); line.setDescription(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "UnrealizedLoss_Acct")); line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(acct.getC_ValidCombination_ID()); line.setAmtSourceDr(crTotal); line.setAmtAcctDr(crTotal); line.saveEx(); } } // createBalancing
/** * Create GL Journal * * @return document info */ private String createGLJournal() { // FR: [ 2214883 ] Remove SQL code and Replace for Query final String whereClause = "AD_PInstance_ID=?"; List<X_T_InvoiceGL> list = new Query(getCtx(), X_T_InvoiceGL.Table_Name, whereClause, get_TrxName()) .setParameters(getAD_PInstance_ID()) .setOrderBy("AD_Org_ID") .list(); // FR: [ 2214883 ] Remove SQL code and Replace for Query if (list.size() == 0) return " - No Records found"; // MAcctSchema as = MAcctSchema.get(getCtx(), p_C_AcctSchema_ID); MAcctSchemaDefault asDefaultAccts = MAcctSchemaDefault.get(getCtx(), p_C_AcctSchema_ID); MGLCategory cat = MGLCategory.getDefaultSystem(getCtx()); if (cat == null) { MDocType docType = MDocType.get(getCtx(), p_C_DocTypeReval_ID); cat = MGLCategory.get(getCtx(), docType.getGL_Category_ID()); } // MJournalBatch batch = new MJournalBatch(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName()); batch.setDescription(getName()); batch.setC_DocType_ID(p_C_DocTypeReval_ID); batch.setDateDoc(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); batch.setDateAcct(p_DateReval); batch.setC_Currency_ID(as.getC_Currency_ID()); if (!batch.save()) return " - Could not create Batch"; // MJournal journal = null; BigDecimal drTotal = Env.ZERO; BigDecimal crTotal = Env.ZERO; int AD_Org_ID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { X_T_InvoiceGL gl = list.get(i); if (gl.getAmtRevalDrDiff().signum() == 0 && gl.getAmtRevalCrDiff().signum() == 0) continue; MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(getCtx(), gl.getC_Invoice_ID(), null); if (invoice.getC_Currency_ID() == as.getC_Currency_ID()) continue; // if (journal == null) { journal = new MJournal(batch); journal.setC_AcctSchema_ID(as.getC_AcctSchema_ID()); journal.setC_Currency_ID(as.getC_Currency_ID()); journal.setC_ConversionType_ID(p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID); MOrg org = MOrg.get(getCtx(), gl.getAD_Org_ID()); journal.setDescription(getName() + " - " + org.getName()); journal.setGL_Category_ID(cat.getGL_Category_ID()); if (!journal.save()) return " - Could not create Journal"; } // MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal); line.setLine((i + 1) * 10); line.setDescription(invoice.getSummary()); // MFactAcct fa = new MFactAcct(getCtx(), gl.getFact_Acct_ID(), null); line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(MAccount.get(fa)); BigDecimal dr = gl.getAmtRevalDrDiff(); BigDecimal cr = gl.getAmtRevalCrDiff(); drTotal = drTotal.add(dr); crTotal = crTotal.add(cr); line.setAmtSourceDr(dr); line.setAmtAcctDr(dr); line.setAmtSourceCr(cr); line.setAmtAcctCr(cr); line.saveEx(); // if (AD_Org_ID == 0) // invoice org id AD_Org_ID = gl.getAD_Org_ID(); // Change in Org if (AD_Org_ID != gl.getAD_Org_ID()) { createBalancing(asDefaultAccts, journal, drTotal, crTotal, AD_Org_ID, (i + 1) * 10); // AD_Org_ID = gl.getAD_Org_ID(); drTotal = Env.ZERO; crTotal = Env.ZERO; journal = null; } } createBalancing(asDefaultAccts, journal, drTotal, crTotal, AD_Org_ID, (list.size() + 1) * 10); return " - " + batch.getDocumentNo() + " #" + list.size(); } // createGLJournal