public void setOrder(Order order) { for (SalesOrderEntry entry : order.getFiles(SalesOrderEntry.class).toList()) { CartItem item = new CartItem(); String productCode = entry.getProductCode(); QueryParameters params = new QueryParameters(); List l = SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .executeQuery( params .setEntity(Product.class) .addRestriction(Restrictions.eq("providedBy", order.getOrderedFrom())) .addRestriction(Restrictions.eq("code", item.getCode())), Util.getRemoteUser()); if (l.size() > 0) { Product p = (Product) l.get(0); entry.setProduct(item, p); item.setProduct(p); item.setQty(entry.getQuantity()); } } update(); }
public static void teminateOnDeath(Container source) { final Order order = (Order) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .getFile(source.getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); BillingInformation bi = order.getBillingInformation(); final String email = bi.getEmail(); EXDynaformPanel panel = new EXDynaformPanel("deceased", "Termination on Death"); panel.setStyle("z-index", "4000"); source.getAncestorOfType(PopupContainer.class).addPopup(panel); panel.addField("Name of person deceased :", new EXInput("nameofperson")); panel.addButton(new EXButton("Send", "Send Mail")); panel.addButton(new EXButton("cancel", "Cancel")); panel .getDescendentByName("Send") .addEvent( new Event() { @Override public void Success(ClientProxy container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean ServerAction(Container container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { String person = container .getAncestorOfType(EXDynaformPanel.class) .getField("nameofperson") .getValue() .toString(); sendMail(person, email); container.getAncestorOfType(EXDynaformPanel.class).remove(); order.setStatus(21); BillingInformation b = order.getBillingInformation(); b.setOtherProperty( "dateTerminated", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format(new Date()));; return true; } @Override public void ClientAction(ClientProxy container) { container .mask(container.getAncestorOfType(EXDynaformPanel.class)) .makeServerRequest(this); } }, Event.CLICK); }
public static void cancel(Container source) { final Order order = (Order) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .getFile(source.getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); BillingInformation bi = order.getBillingInformation(); bi.setOtherProperty("dateCancelled", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format(new Date()));; }
public static void useInvNumber(String invNumber) { Merchant merchant = MallUtil.getCurrentMerchant(); String dir = merchant.getAbsolutePath() + "/invoiceCodes" + "/" + invNumber; try { Value val = (Value) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(dir, Util.getRemoteUser()); val.setStatus(40);; } catch (FileNotFoundException fne) { } }
public EXInviteFriends(String name) { super(name, "div"); setAttribute( "style", "margin: auto; width: 600px; padding: 12px; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top, rgb(36, 36, 39) 0%, rgb(21, 21, 22) 100% ) repeat scroll 0px 0px transparent; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px black;"); addChild( new EXXHTMLFragment( "sd", ResourceUtil.getDownloadURL( "classpath", "org/castafiore/facebook/ui/InviteInfo.xhtml"))); EXGrid grid = new EXGrid("", 4, 1); String facebooklogin = SpringUtil.getBeanOfType(FacebookGraphAPIClient.class) .getAuthorizationUrl( "180567415418654", "ef8be0651a0d0aa94a51ec454b9a9165", ""); Container facebook = new EXContainer("", "a") .setAttribute("href", facebooklogin) .setText( "<img src=></img>"); grid.getCell(0, 0).addChild(facebook); grid.getCell(1, 0) .setText( "<img src=></img>"); grid.getCell(2, 0) .setText( "<img src=></img>"); grid.getCell(3, 0) .setText( "<img src=></img>"); // addChild(grid); addChild( new EXContainer("div", "div") .setAttribute( "style", "padding: 8px; background: none repeat scroll 0px 0px white; margin-top: 12px;") .addChild(grid)); // facebook // linkedin // google+ // twitter // }
public static boolean createItem(ReconcilationDTO tr, CashBook cb) { String ref = tr.getRefNumber(); String amount = tr.getAmount(); try { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ref) && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(amount)) { // BigDecimal bAmount = new BigDecimal(amount); // CashBookEntry entry = cb.createEntry(System.currentTimeMillis() + "" + // StringUtil.nextString(10)); // entry.setAccountCode( ref); // entry.setSummary("Installment " + ref + " "+ tr.getDate()); // entry.setTitle(entry.getSummary()); // entry.setTotal(bAmount); // entry.setDateOfTransaction(new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy").parse(tr.getDate())); //; String nm = new Date().getTime() + StringUtil.nextString(10); String code = StringUtil.nextString(10); String sql = "insert into WFS_FILE (clazz, dateCreated, lastModified, name, parent_id, summary, title, code, paymentMethod,total, accountCode, dateOfTransaction, DTYPE, absolutePath, size, status, commentable, dislikeit, likeit,ratable) values " + "('org.castafiore.accounting.CashBookEntry',now(),now(),'" + nm + "', " + "'/root/users/elieandsons/Applications/e-Shop/elieandsons/DefaultCashBook', " + "'Installment " + tr.getName() + " " + tr.getDate() + "', 'Installment " + tr.getName() + " " + tr.getDate() + "', '" + code + "', 'Standing Order', '" + tr.getAmount() + "', '" + tr.getName() + "',now() ,'CashBookEntry','/root/users/elieandsons/Applications/e-Shop/elieandsons/DefaultCashBook/" + nm + "',1,1,true,1,1, true);"; SpringUtil.getBeanOfType(Dao.class).getSession().createSQLQuery(sql).executeUpdate(); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; }
@Override public boolean ServerAction(Container container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { String selectedFile = container.getAncestorOfType(EXFinderContainer.class).getAttribute("selectedFile"); File f = SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(selectedFile, Util.getRemoteUser()); File parent = f.getParent(); f.remove();; Container c = container.getAncestorOfType(EXFinder.class).getDescendentByName(selectedFile); c.setDisplay(false); // SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().delete(SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(selectedFile, Util.getRemoteUser()), Util.getRemoteUser()); return true; }
public static void analyseImport() throws Exception { Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream("/usr/local/software/clients.xls")); Dao dao = SpringUtil.getBeanOfType(Dao.class); Session session = dao.getReadOnlySession(); Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0); for (int i = 0; i < s.getLastRowNum(); i++) { String code = s.getRow(i).getCell(0).getStringCellValue(); List res = session .createSQLQuery( "select code from WFS_FILE where dtype='Order' and code='" + code + "'") .list(); if (res.size() == 0) { writeLog(code + " Not created"); } else if (res.size() > 1) { writeLog(code + " Duplicate"); } } }
public static String checkInvNumber(String invNumber) { Merchant merchant = MallUtil.getCurrentMerchant(); String dir = merchant.getAbsolutePath() + "/invoiceCodes" + "/" + invNumber; try { Value val = (Value) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(dir, Util.getRemoteUser()); if (val.getStatus() == 40) { return "used"; } else if (val.getStatus() == File.STATE_PUBLISHED) { return "ok"; } else { return "notprinted"; } } catch (FileNotFoundException fne) { Order order = getOrder(invNumber); if (order != null) { return "used"; } else { return "ok"; } } }
private static void sendMail(String person, String email) { String content = IOUtil.getStreamContentAsString( Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("com/eliensons/reminders/terminate.xhtml")); content = content.replace("${person}", person); try { JavaMailSender sender = SpringUtil.getBeanOfType(JavaMailSender.class); MimeMessage message = sender.createMimeMessage(); MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true); helper.setSubject("Sincere sympath from Elie and Sons"); helper.setFrom(MallUtil.getCurrentMerchant().getEmail()); helper.setTo(email); helper.setText(content, true); sender.send(message); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public FileIterator<File> getFiles(FileFilter filter) { List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>(); try { if (children.size() > 0) { for (File f : children) { if (f.getStatus() != File.STATE_DELETED && f.canRead() && (filter == null || filter.accept(f))) { result.add(f); } } } } catch (Exception li) { if (getAbsolutePath() != null) { QueryParameters params = new QueryParameters() .setEntity(FileImpl.class) .addRestriction(Restrictions.eq("parent.absolutePath", getAbsolutePath())); List<File> files = SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().executeQuery(params, Util.getRemoteUser()); for (File f : files) { if (f.getStatus() != File.STATE_DELETED && f.canRead() && (filter == null || filter.accept(f))) { result.add(f); } } } else { throw new RepositoryException( new IllegalStateException("illegal state when getting children", li)); } } return new SimpleFileIterator(result); }
public static Map<String, String> getParams(Order order) { User customer = SpringUtil.getSecurityService().loadUserByUsername(order.getOrderedBy()); BillingInformation bi = order.getBillingInformation(); SalesOrderEntry entry = order.getFiles(SalesOrderEntry.class).get(0); Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<String, String>(); res.put("cname", customer.toString()); res.put("caddress", bi.getAddressLine1() + " " + bi.getAddressLine2()); res.put("cphone", bi.getPhone() + "/" + bi.getMobile()); res.put("email", bi.getEmail()); res.put("fsNumber", order.getCode()); res.put("date", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy").format(order.getDateOfTransaction())); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(order.getDateOfTransaction()); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 6); Date effDate = cal.getTime(); res.put("effDate", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy").format(effDate)); res.put("salesman", order.getOwner()); res.put("plan", entry.getTitle()); res.put("jFee", StringUtil.toCurrency("MUR", order.getJoiningFee())); res.put("inst", StringUtil.toCurrency("MUR", order.getInstallment())); res.put("total", StringUtil.toCurrency("MUR", order.getTotal())); res.put("paymentMode", order.getPaymentMethod()); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -5); res.put("firstInstallment", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy").format(cal.getTime())); Value val = bi.getFile("applicationForm", Value.class); String[] as = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator( val.getString(), "-:;:-"); // StringUtil.split(val.getString(), "-:;:-"); Map<String, String> f = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String s : as) { String[] kv = StringUtil.split(s, ":"); if (kv.length > 1 && !kv[1].equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { f.put(kv[0], kv[1]); } else { if (kv.length > 0) { f.put(kv[0], ""); } } } for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { if (f.containsKey("c" + i + "surname")) { res.put("member" + (i + 1), f.get("c" + i + "surname") + " " + f.get("c" + i + "name")); StringBuilder dob = new StringBuilder(); for (int c = 1; c <= 11; c++) { String key = "c" + i + c; dob.append(f.get(key)); } res.put("dob" + (i + 1), dob.toString()); res.put("sn" + (i + 1), i + ""); } else { res.put("member" + (i + 1), ""); res.put("dob" + (i + 1), ""); res.put("sn" + (i + 1), ""); } } res.put("dob", f.get("pdob")); if (res.containsKey("pidnumber")) { res.put("dob", res.get("pidnumber") + " " + f.get("pdob")); } res.put("cname", f.get("cfullName") + " " + f.get("cSurname")); res.put("address", f.get("presi") + " " + f.get("presi2")); res.put("phone", f.get("ptelhome") + "/" + f.get("pcell")); res.put("email", f.get("email")); res.put("name", f.get("pfullName") + " " + f.get("pSurname")); if (f.containsKey("sSurname") || f.containsKey("sfullName")) { res.put("sname", f.get("sfullName") + " " + f.get("sSurname")); } else { res.put("sname", f.get("")); } if (f.containsKey("sdob")) { res.put("sdob", f.get("sdob")); } else { res.put("sdob", ""); } if (f.containsKey("sidnumber")) { String dob = res.get("sdob"); res.put("sdob", f.get("sidnumber").toString() + " " + dob); } return res; }
@Override public Container getTabContentAt(TabPanel pane, int index) { if (index == 3) { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); Container c = new EXContainer("", "div"); List<Product> sameProvider = MallUtil.getMerchant(p.getProvidedBy()) .getManager() .getMyProducts(Product.STATE_PUBLISHED); for (int i = 0; i < sameProvider.size(); i++) { Product pp = sameProvider.get(i); if (pp.getAbsolutePath().equalsIgnoreCase(getAttribute("path"))) continue; String url = pp.getImageUrl(""); if (!StringUtil.isNotEmpty(url)) { url = "emimg/detail/img1.png"; } Container cc = new EXContainer("sp" + i, "img") .setAttribute("src", "emimg/detail/img1.png") .setStyle("cursor", "pointer"); c.addChild(cc.setAttribute("src", url).setAttribute("path", pp.getAbsolutePath())); } return c.setStyle("min-height", "250px"); } else if (index == 4) { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); Container c = new EXContainer("", "div"); List<Product> sameProvider = MallUtil.getMerchant(p.getProvidedBy()) .getManager() .getMyProducts(Product.STATE_PUBLISHED); for (int i = 0; i < sameProvider.size(); i++) { Product pp = sameProvider.get(i); if (pp.getAbsolutePath().equalsIgnoreCase(getAttribute("path"))) continue; String url = pp.getImageUrl(""); if (!StringUtil.isNotEmpty(url)) { url = "emimg/detail/img1.png"; } Container cc = new EXContainer("hap" + i, "img") .setAttribute("src", "emimg/detail/img1.png") .setStyle("cursor", "pointer"); c.addChild(cc.setAttribute("src", url).setAttribute("path", pp.getAbsolutePath())); } return c.setStyle("min-height", "250px"); } else if (index == 0) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(getAttribute("path"))) { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); return new EXContainer("summary", "div") .setText(p.getSummary()) .setStyle("min-height", "250px"); } else { return new EXContainer("sd", "div"); } } else if (index == 2) { return new EXContainer("", "div") .addChild(new EXContainer("sas", "h5").setText("Coming soon")) .setStyle("min-height", "250px"); } else if (index == 1) { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); List<KeyValuePair> vnps = p.getCategories(); EXFieldSet fs = new EXFieldSet("categories", "Specifications", false); for (KeyValuePair vk : vnps) fs.addField(vk.getKey(), new EXLabel("", vk.getValue())); return new EXContainer("", "div").addChild(fs).setStyle("min-height", "250px"); // return new EXContainer("sas", "h3").setText("Coming soon"); } else return null; }
@Override public boolean ServerAction(Container container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { if (container.getName().equals("title") || container.getName().equals("image") || container.getName().equals("img")) { return false; } if (container.getName().startsWith("sp")) { String path = container.getAttribute("path"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path) && !path.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .getFile(container.getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); setProduct(p); } return true; } if (container.getName().startsWith("star")) { int index = Integer.parseInt(container.getName().replace("star", "")) + 1; Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { getChild("star" + i).setStyle("background", "green"); } String u = Util.getRemoteUser(); if (!StringUtil.isNotEmpty(u)) { u = "anonymous"; } Directory votes = (Directory) p.getFile("votes"); if (votes == null) { votes = p.createFile("votes", Directory.class); } String cur = votes.getProperty(u); if (cur == null) { cur = "0"; } try { Integer.parseInt(cur); } catch (Exception e) { cur = "0"; } votes.setProperty(u, (Integer.parseInt(cur) + index) + "");; return true; } if (container.getName().startsWith("tn")) { for (Container c : getChildren()) { if (c.getName().startsWith("tn")) { c.setStyleClass("uibutton"); } } container.setStyleClass("uibutton uibutton_active"); getChild("image").setAttribute("src", container.getAttribute("src")); return true; } if (container.getName().equals("merchant")) { Merchant m = MallUtil.getMerchant(container.getAttribute("merchant")); // EXMerchantInfo info = new EXMerchantInfo(""); EXMerchantCardV2 info = new EXMerchantCardV2("sd", m); EXPanel panel = new EXPanel("mm", m.getCompanyName()); panel.setBody(info); // info.setMerchant(m); container .getAncestorOfType(PopupContainer.class) .addPopup(panel.setStyle("z-index", "3000").setStyle("width", "704px")); return true; } if (container.getName().equals("thumbUp")) { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); p.thumbUp();; return true; } if (container.getName().equals("thumbDown")) { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); p.thumbDown();; return true; } EXInput in = getDescendentOfType(EXInput.class); int value = Integer.parseInt(in.getValue().toString()); if (container.getName().equals("addQty")) { in.setValue((value + 1) + ""); } else if (container.getName().equals("delQty")) { if (value > 0) { in.setValue((value - 1) + ""); } } else if (container.getName().equals("addToCart")) { if (container.getAncestorOfType(EXMall.class) != null) { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); EXMiniCarts carts = getRoot().getDescendentOfType(EXMiniCarts.class); if (carts.getChildren().size() == 0) { carts.addChild( new EXContainer("totalll", "h4") .addClass("ui-widget-header") .setStyle("margin", "0") .setStyle("width", "100%") .setStyle("text-align", "center")); } EXMiniCart cart = getRoot().getDescendentOfType(EXMiniCarts.class).getMiniCart(p.getProvidedBy()); if (!cart.getTemplateLocation().endsWith("EXMinicartNG.xhtml")) { cart.setTemplateLocation("templates/ng/EXMinicartNG.xhtml"); cart.getParent().setStyle("float", "right").setStyle("margin-top", "12px"); cart.addChild(new EXContainer("images", "div").setStyle("height", "20px")); cart.removeClass("cart-widget") .setStyle("margin", "0") .setStyle("padding", "0") .setStyle("margin-top", "0"); cart.addChild( new EXContainer("checkout", "a") .addEvent(new CartDetailEvent(), Event.CLICK) .setAttribute("href", "#") .setText("<img src=\"blueprint/images/checkout.png\"></img>")); } CartItem item = cart.getItem(p.getAbsolutePath()); if (item == null) { cart.getChild("images") .addChild( new EXContainer("img", "img") .setStyle("cursor", "pointer") .setAttribute("path", p.getAbsolutePath()) .addEvent(this, CLICK) .setStyle("margin", "4px 4px 0px 4px") .setStyle("width", "30px") .setStyle("height", "30px") .setAttribute("src", p.getImageUrl(""))); } CartItem citem = cart.addToCart(p, value, container); } else { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); getRoot().getDescendentOfType(EXMiniCart.class).addToCart(p, 1, container); } } else { Product p = (Product) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService().getFile(getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); try { MallUtil.getCurrentUser().addToFavorite(p.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return true; }
public static void partlyTerminate(Container source) { final Order order = (Order) SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .getFile(source.getAttribute("path"), Util.getRemoteUser()); BillingInformation bi = order.getBillingInformation(); final String email = bi.getEmail(); EXDynaformPanel panel = new EXDynaformPanel("deceased", "Partly terminate on Death"); panel.setStyle("z-index", "4000"); source.getAncestorOfType(PopupContainer.class).addPopup(panel); Map<String, String> props = order.getBillingInformation().getOtherProperties(); List<String> dict = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { // "c1surname","c1name" String key1 = "c" + i + "surname"; String key2 = "c" + i + "name"; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(props.get(key1)) || StringUtil.isNotEmpty(props.get(key2))) { String val = (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(props.get(key1)) ? props.get(key1) + " " : "") + (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(props.get(key2)) ? props.get(key2) : ""); dict.add(val); } } panel.addField("Name of person deceased :", new EXAutoComplete("nameofperson", "", dict)); panel.addButton(new EXButton("Send", "Send Mail")); panel.addButton(new EXButton("cancel", "Cancel")); panel .getDescendentByName("Send") .addEvent( new Event() { @Override public void Success(ClientProxy container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean ServerAction(Container container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { String person = container .getAncestorOfType(EXDynaformPanel.class) .getField("nameofperson") .getValue() .toString(); sendMail(person, email); container.getAncestorOfType(EXDynaformPanel.class).remove(); order.setStatus(21); BillingInformation b = order.getBillingInformation(); b.setOtherProperty( "datePartlyTerminated", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format(new Date()));; return true; } @Override public void ClientAction(ClientProxy container) { container .mask(container.getAncestorOfType(EXDynaformPanel.class)) .makeServerRequest(this); } }, Event.CLICK); }
@Override public boolean ServerAction(Container container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { String sessionId = container.getAttribute("sessionid"); SpringUtil.getSecurityService().logout(sessionId); return true; }
public static List<Order> loadOrders() { List result = SpringUtil.getRepositoryService() .executeQuery(new QueryParameters().setEntity(Order.class), Util.getRemoteUser()); return result; }
public EXRoleWidget(String name) throws Exception { super(name, 3, 0); addClass("ui-widget"); addClass("ui-corner-all"); setStyle("border-collapse", "collapse"); setStyle("margin-left", "2px"); setWidth(Dimension.parse("159px")); SecurityService service = SpringUtil.getBeanOfType(SecurityService.class); List<Group> groups = service.getGroups(); // int index = 0; for (Group g : groups) { String gname = g.getName(); int id = g.getId(); EXRow row = addRow(); row.setAttribute("grp-name", g.getName()); EXCheckBox cb = new EXCheckBox(""); cb.addEvent( new Event() { public void ClientAction(ClientProxy container) { container.makeServerRequest(this); } public boolean ServerAction(Container container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { EXIconButton ic = container .getAncestorOfType(PermissionButton.class) .getDescendentOfType(EXIconButton.class); ic.setAttribute("isdirty", "true"); String text = ic.getLabel(); if (!text.endsWith("*")) { ic.setLabel(text + " *"); } List<Container> checkBoxes = new ArrayList<Container>(); ComponentUtil.getDescendentsOfType( container.getParent().getParent().getDescendentOfType(EXGroupWidget.class), checkBoxes, EXCheckBox.class); for (Container c : checkBoxes) { ((EXCheckBox) c).setChecked(((EXCheckBox) container).isChecked()); } return true; } public void Success(ClientProxy container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }, Event.CHANGE); cb.setAttribute("rId", id + ""); row.addInCell(0, cb); Container uiName = ComponentUtil.getContainer("label", "span", gname, null); row.addInCell(1, uiName); Container span = ComponentUtil.getContainer("", "span", null, "ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus"); span.setAttribute("close", "true"); span.addEvent( new Event() { public void ClientAction(ClientProxy container) { ClientProxy open = container .clone() .setAttribute("close", "false") .removeClass("ui-icon-circle-plus") .addClass("ui-icon-circle-minus") .getParent() .getParent() .getDescendentByName("childWidget") .slideDown(200); ClientProxy close = container .clone() .setAttribute("close", "true") .removeClass("ui-icon-circle-minus") .addClass("ui-icon-circle-plus") .getParent() .getParent() .getDescendentByName("childWidget") .slideUp(200); container.IF(container.getAttribute("close").equal("true"), open, close); // container.getParent().getParent().getDescendentByName("childWidget").slideDown(200); // container.makeServerRequest(this); } public boolean ServerAction(Container container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public void Success(ClientProxy container, Map<String, String> request) throws UIException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }, Event.CLICK); row.addInCell(2, span); row.addClass("ui-widget-content"); row.getChildByIndex(0).setAttribute("valign", "top"); row.getChildByIndex(1).setAttribute("valign", "top"); row.getChildByIndex(2).setAttribute("valign", "top"); row.getChildByIndex(1).setAttribute("width", "125px"); EXContainer gw = new EXContainer("childWidget", "div"); gw.setStyle("padding-top", "3px"); gw.setStyle("padding-left", "1px"); gw.setDisplay(false); gw.addClass("roles-class"); EXGroupWidget gWidget = new EXGroupWidget(""); gWidget.setWidth(Dimension.parse("100%")); gw.addChild(gWidget); row.addInCell(1, gw); // index++; } }