public void readLangFile(String language) { String filename = getLangFolder() + File.separator + language + ".yml"; try { Configuration config = new Configuration(new File(filename)); config.load(); List<String> keys = config.getKeys(); if (!langDb.containsKey(language)) { langDb.put(language, new HashMap<String, String>()); } Map<String, String> langMap = langDb.get(language); for (Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String key =; Log.v("Adding " + language + "." + key + ";"); langMap.put(key, config.getString(key)); } Log.d("Done parsing localization file '" + filename + "' for language '" + language + "'"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e("Could not load localizaion file '" + filename + "'"); } }
/* Load templates from template folder */ private void loadTemplates() { File templatedir = new File(dataDirectory, "templates"); templatedir.mkdirs(); /* First, prime the templates directory with default standard templates, if needed */ for (String stdtemplate : stdtemplates) { File f = new File(templatedir, stdtemplate); createDefaultFileFromResource("/templates/" + stdtemplate, f); } /* Now process files */ String[] templates = templatedir.list(); /* Go through list - process all ones not starting with 'custom' first */ for (String tname : templates) { /* If matches naming convention */ if (tname.endsWith(".txt") && (!tname.startsWith(CUSTOM_PREFIX))) { File tf = new File(templatedir, tname); org.bukkit.util.config.Configuration cfg = new org.bukkit.util.config.Configuration(tf); cfg.load(); ConfigurationNode cn = new ConfigurationNode(cfg); /* Supplement existing values (don't replace), since configuration.txt is more custom than these */ mergeConfigurationBranch(cn, "templates", false, false); } } /* Go through list again - this time do custom- ones */ for (String tname : templates) { /* If matches naming convention */ if (tname.endsWith(".txt") && tname.startsWith(CUSTOM_PREFIX)) { File tf = new File(templatedir, tname); org.bukkit.util.config.Configuration cfg = new org.bukkit.util.config.Configuration(tf); cfg.load(); ConfigurationNode cn = new ConfigurationNode(cfg); /* This are overrides - replace even configuration.txt content */ mergeConfigurationBranch(cn, "templates", true, false); } } }
public Board( String name, World world, Location pos1, Location pos2, boolean imported, Games plugin, Configuration conf) { = null; this.field = null; this.conf = conf; this.plugin = plugin; pre = String.format("boards.%s.%s.", world.getName(), name); if (imported) { this.x = conf.getInt(pre + "x", 0); this.z = conf.getInt(pre + "z", 0); this.y = conf.getInt(pre + "y", -1); startBlock = world.getBlockAt( conf.getInt(pre + "sx", -1), conf.getInt(pre + "sy", -1), conf.getInt(pre + "sz", -1)); } else { move(pos1, pos2); } = name; }
/** * Sets the option located at the given path for player to val. * * @param player The player whose option is being changed. * @param path The path of the option to change. * @param val The new value of the option. * @return A Boolean representation of the success of the operation. */ public Boolean setPlayerConfig(String player, String path, String val) { players.setProperty("players." + player + "." + path, val);; players.load(); return (players.getString("players." + player + "." + path) == val); }
/** * Deletes the given zone. * * @param zone The zone to delete. * @return A Boolean value representative of the success of the operation. */ public Boolean deleteZone(String zone) { zones.removeProperty("zones." + zone);; zones.load(); return (!zoneExists(zone)); }
/** Reloads all {@link Configuration} files used by DayJobs. */ public void reloadConfigs() { config.load(); zones.load(); players.load(); tickets.load(); spawns.load(); }
/** * Gets the set damage for the given damage type, as defined in config.yml. * * @param player The player to check damage for. * @param dCause The cause of the incurred damage. * @param defaultDamage The default value to return if no option is set for the given damage type. * @return The damage to deal to the player. */ public int getDamage(String player, DamageCause dCause, int defaultDamage) { String job = getJob(player); List<String> damages = config.getKeys("config.all.damages"); int damage = defaultDamage; if (damages != null) { for (String item : damages) { if (item.equalsIgnoreCase( { damage = config.getInt("config.all.damages." + item, defaultDamage); break; } } } damages = config.getKeys("" + job + ".damages"); if (damages != null) { for (String item : damages) { if (item.equalsIgnoreCase( { damage = config.getInt("" + job + ".damages." + item, defaultDamage); break; } } } return damage; }
/** * Attempts to delete the ticket opened by player. * * @param player The player whose ticket is being closed. * @return A Boolean representation of the operation's success. */ public Boolean closeTicket(String player) { tickets.removeProperty("tickets." + player);; tickets.load(); return (!ticketExists(player)); }
private static void setupconf() { File f = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); conf = null; if (f.exists()) { conf = new Configuration(f); conf.load(); } else { File confFile; confFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); conf = new Configuration(confFile); conf.setProperty("APIkey", "Add your API-Key here"); conf.setProperty("servername", "Add your servername here"); conf.setProperty("owner", "Add your name here"); // options conf.setProperty("options.banborder", "-40"); conf.setProperty("options.debugmode", false); // features conf.setProperty("features.usewhitelist", false); conf.setProperty("features.useglobalbans", true); conf.setProperty("features.usebansystem", true); conf.setProperty("features.useprofiles", true); conf.setProperty("features.usecomments", true); conf.setProperty("features.useratings", true);; } }
/** * Checks to see if item ever equals the given jobs permits, or if the permit contains ALL or * NOTHING. * * @param item The item to check a match for. * @param job The job whose permits are being checked. * @param type The type of permit to check. * @return A Boolean value representative of the presence of a match. */ public Boolean checkMatch(String item, String player, String type) { String job = getJob(player); Boolean matched = false; List<String> values = config.getStringList("config.all." + type, null); if (values != null) { for (String val : values) { if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("NOTHING")) { break; } else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase(item) || val.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) { matched = true; break; } } } values = config.getStringList("" + job + "." + type, null); if (values != null) { for (String val : values) { if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("NOTHING")) { matched = false; break; } else if (val.equalsIgnoreCase(item) || val.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) { matched = true; break; } } } return matched; }
public static void updateMinecraftYMLCache() { if (!updated || !getConfigFile().exists()) { synchronized (key) { String current = null; if (getConfigFile().exists()) { try { current = getConfig().getString("current"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (YmlUtils.downloadYmlFile( MINECRAFT_YML, "", getConfigFile())) { // GameUpdater.copy(getConfigFile(), output) config = null; Configuration config = getConfig(); latest = config.getString("latest"); recommended = config.getString("recommended"); if (current != null) { config.setProperty("current", current);; } } updated = true; } } }
/** * Sets the option located at the given path to val. * * @param path The path of the option to be changed. * @param val The new value of the option. * @return A Boolean representation of the success of the operation. */ public Boolean setConfig(String path, String val) { config.setProperty("config." + path, val);; config.load(); return (config.getString("config." + path) == val); }
/** * Attempts to create a new player in players.yml. * * @param player The new player to add to players.yml. * @return Whether or not the player exists after the operation has run. */ public Boolean createPlayer(String player) { players.setProperty("players." + player + ".job", config.getString("config.default-job")); players.setProperty("players." + player + ".exempt", false);; players.load(); return (playerExists(player)); }
/** * Attempts to create a new ticket for the given player. * * @param player The player requesting the job change ticket. * @param job The job that player is requesting a change to. * @param time The timestamp of the change request. * @return A Boolean representation of the operation's success. */ public Boolean createTicket(String player, String job, String time) { tickets.setProperty("tickets." + player + ".job", job); tickets.setProperty("tickets." + player + ".time", time);; tickets.load(); return ticketExists(player); }
/** * Gets the ticket currently opened by the given player. * * @param player The player whose ticket is being retrieved. * @return An array containing the ticket info for the given player.<br> * The first element is the player's desired job, the second is the timestamp of the request. */ public String[] getTicket(String player) { String[] ticket = { tickets.getString("tickets." + player + ".job"), tickets.getString("tickets." + player + ".time") }; return ticket; }
public InstanceConfig(int id, String name, Configuration config) { config.load(); this.instanceName = name; = config.getString("instances." + this.instanceName + ".world", null); this.maxPlayers = config.getInt("instances." + this.instanceName + ".players", 0); this.timer = config.getInt("instances." + this.instanceName + ".timer", 0); this.exp = config.getInt("instances." + this.instanceName + ".exp", 0); }
public static void compRatio(int amount, Configuration config) { BigDecimal base = BigDecimal.valueOf(100000); BigDecimal div = BigDecimal.valueOf(amount); double ratio = div.divide(base, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue(); config.load(); config.setProperty("r", ratio);; }
/** * Toggles exempt status on the given player. * * @param player The player to toggle exempt on. * @return A Boolean representation of the method's success. */ public Boolean toggleExempt(String player) { Boolean exempt = players.getBoolean("players." + player + ".exempt", true); players.setProperty("players." + player + ".exempt", !exempt);; players.load(); return (!exempt == players.getBoolean("players." + player + ".exempt", false)); }
/** * Gets the coordinate set of the given zone. * * @param zone The zone to retrieve coordinates for. * @param type The type of coordinate set to retrieve. * @return The coordinate set of the requested zone, of the requested type. */ public int[] getZoneCoords(String zone, String type) { int[] coords = { zones.getInt("zones." + zone + ".coords." + type + ".x", 0), zones.getInt("zones." + zone + ".coords." + type + ".y", 0), zones.getInt("zones." + zone + ".coords." + type + ".z", 0) }; return coords; }
private void load() { for (String key : keys) { if (config.getProperty(key) == null) config.setProperty(key, defaults.get(key)); strings.put(key, config.getString(key).replace("&", "\u00a7")); } // clear defaults to free memory defaults.clear(); }
public void save() { conf.setProperty(pre + "x", x); conf.setProperty(pre + "z", z); conf.setProperty(pre + "y", y); conf.setProperty(pre + "sx", startBlock.getX()); conf.setProperty(pre + "sy", startBlock.getY()); conf.setProperty(pre + "sz", startBlock.getZ());; }
private void updateTo4(Configuration config) { config.setProperty("Config.modes.cluster.enabled", Boolean.valueOf(true)); config.setProperty("Config.modes.cluster.size", Integer.valueOf(20)); setVersion(4);; LightPoles.log("# updated config.yml to VERSION 4", new Object[0]); LightPoles.log("# added new mode: CLUSTER", new Object[0]); }
private void updateTo8(Configuration config) { LightPoles.log("# updated config.yml to VERSION 8", new Object[0]); LightPoles.log("# added removeTorchAfterConstruction: false", new Object[0]); config.setProperty("Config.modes.power.removeTorchAfterConstruction", Boolean.valueOf(true)); setVersion(8);; }
private Configuration load() { try { Configuration configx = new Configuration(file); configx.load(); return configx; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public Configuration load() { try { Configuration config = new Configuration(configFile); config.load(); return config; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public MVPortal(String name, Configuration config, MultiVerse instance) { this.plugin = instance; this.utils = new MVUtils(plugin); this.config = config; = name; this.owner = config.getString("portals." + name + ".owner", ""); this.price = config.getDouble("portals." + name + ".price", 0.0); setupLocation(); setDestLocation(this.config.getString("portals." + name + ".destlocation", "")); }
public void loadPreferences(String name) { File pref = new File(root + File.separator + name + ".pref"); Configuration c = new Configuration(pref); c.load(); armourType.put(name.toString(), getArmour(c.getString("Preferences.ArmourType", "NONE"))); blockHead.put( name.toString(), new ItemStack((Material.getMaterial(c.getString("Preferences.BlockOnHead", "AIR"))), 1)); swordType.put( name.toString(), Material.getMaterial(c.getString("Preferences.Sword", Material.WOOD_SWORD.toString()))); }
private void updateKeys() { String fromKey, toKey, holder; for (String[] update : keyUpdates) { fromKey = update[0]; if (config.getProperty(fromKey) != null) { toKey = update[1]; holder = config.getString(fromKey); config.removeProperty(fromKey); if (!toKey.equals("")) config.setProperty(toKey, holder); } } }
private Configuration load(File readFile) { try { Configuration config = new Configuration(readFile); config.load(); return config; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** * Changes the current job of the given 'player' * * @param player The player whose job is being changed. * @param job The job that 'player' is being changed to. * @return A Boolean representation of the success of the operation. */ public Boolean changeJob(String player, String job) { if (playerExists(player) && jobExists(job)) { players.setProperty("players." + player + ".job", job);; players.load(); return (getJob(player).equalsIgnoreCase(job)); } else { return false; } }