@EventHandler public void SpectatorItems(PlayerPickupItemEvent event) { Player p = event.getPlayer(); String pname = p.getName(); for (i = 0; i < plugin.Watching.size(); i++) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i) != null) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i).contains(pname)) { event.setCancelled(true); p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You are spectating, you can't interfere with the game!"); } } } }
@EventHandler public void SpectatorPvP(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) { Entity offense = event.getDamager(); if (offense instanceof Player) { Player Attacker = (Player) event.getDamager(); String attackerName = Attacker.getName(); for (i = 0; i < plugin.Watching.size(); i++) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i) != null) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i).contains(attackerName)) { event.setCancelled(true); Attacker.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "You are spectating, you can't interfere with the game!"); return; } } } for (i = 0; i < plugin.Playing.size(); i++) { if (plugin.Playing.get(i) != null) { if (plugin.Playing.get(i).contains(attackerName)) { event.setCancelled(true); } } } } else if (event.getDamager() instanceof Projectile) { Projectile arrow = (Projectile) offense; if (arrow.getShooter() instanceof Player) { Player BowMan = (Player) arrow.getShooter(); String bowManName = BowMan.getName(); for (i = 0; i < plugin.Watching.size(); i++) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i) != null) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i).contains(bowManName)) { event.setCancelled(true); BowMan.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "You are spectating, you can't interfere with the game!"); return; } } } for (i = 0; i < plugin.Playing.size(); i++) { if (plugin.Playing.get(i) != null) { if (plugin.Playing.get(i).contains(bowManName)) { event.setCancelled(true); } } } } } }
@EventHandler public void MobNerf(EntityTargetEvent event) { Entity target = event.getTarget(); Entity e = event.getEntity(); if (e instanceof Player) { return; } if (target instanceof Player) { String targetName = ((Player) target).getName(); for (i = 0; i < plugin.Watching.size(); i++) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i) != null) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i).contains(targetName)) { event.setTarget(null); } } } } }
@EventHandler public void SpectatorQuit(PlayerQuitEvent event) { Player p = event.getPlayer(); String pname = p.getName(); for (i = 0; i < plugin.Watching.size(); i++) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i) != null) { if (plugin.Watching.get(i).contains(pname)) { plugin.Watching.get(i).remove(pname); String[] Spawncoords = plugin.spawns.getString("Spawn_coords").split(","); String w = Spawncoords[3]; World spawnw = plugin.getServer().getWorld(w); double spawnx = Double.parseDouble(Spawncoords[0]); double spawny = Double.parseDouble(Spawncoords[1]); double spawnz = Double.parseDouble(Spawncoords[2]); final Location Spawn = new Location(spawnw, spawnx, spawny, spawnz); p.teleport(Spawn); p.getScoreboard().clearSlot(DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR); if (plugin.scoreboards.containsKey(p.getName())) plugin.scoreboards.remove(p.getName()); if (plugin.Kills.containsKey(p.getName())) plugin.Kills.remove(p.getName()); } } } }