public boolean unregisterCommands() { CommandMap commandMap = getCommandMap(); List<String> toRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, org.bukkit.command.Command> knownCommands = ReflectionUtil.getField(commandMap, "knownCommands"); Set<String> aliases = ReflectionUtil.getField(commandMap, "aliases"); if (knownCommands == null || aliases == null) { return false; } for (Iterator<org.bukkit.command.Command> i = knownCommands.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { org.bukkit.command.Command cmd =; if (cmd instanceof DynamicPluginCommand && ((DynamicPluginCommand) cmd).getOwner().equals(executor)) { i.remove(); for (String alias : cmd.getAliases()) { org.bukkit.command.Command aliasCmd = knownCommands.get(alias); if (cmd.equals(aliasCmd)) { aliases.remove(alias); toRemove.add(alias); } } } } for (String string : toRemove) { knownCommands.remove(string); } return true; }
/** * Unregisters a command from the server. * * <p>After a command has been unregistered, it will no longer be able to be executed. * * @param command The command to unregister. * @param commandMap The commandMap to unregister the command from. */ public static void unregisterCommand(Command command, CommandMap commandMap) { command.unregister(commandMap); HashMap<String, Command> knownCommands = getKnownCommands(commandMap); if (knownCommands == null) { return; } knownCommands.remove(command.getName()); for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { knownCommands.remove(alias); } }
public static void unregisterCommand(Command command, CommandMap commandMap) { try { command.unregister(commandMap); HashMap<String, Command> knownCommands = getKnownCommands(commandMap); if (knownCommands != null) { knownCommands.remove(command.getName()); for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { knownCommands.remove(alias); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TFM_Log.severe(ex); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean register(String label, String fallbackPrefix, Command command) { label = label.toLowerCase().trim(); fallbackPrefix = fallbackPrefix.toLowerCase().trim(); boolean registered = register(label, command, false, fallbackPrefix); Iterator<String> iterator = command.getAliases().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (!register(, command, true, fallbackPrefix)) { iterator.remove(); } } // If we failed to register under the real name, we need to set the command label to the direct // address if (!registered) { command.setLabel(fallbackPrefix + ":" + label); } // Register to us so further updates of the commands label and aliases are postponed until its // reregistered command.register(this); return registered; }
/** Processes all the commands registered in the server and creates help topics for them. */ public synchronized void initializeCommands() { // ** Load topics from highest to lowest priority order ** Set<String> ignoredPlugins = new HashSet<String>(yaml.getIgnoredPlugins()); // Don't load any automatic help topics if All is ignored if (ignoredPlugins.contains("All")) { return; } // Initialize help topics from the server's command map outer: for (Command command : server.getCommandMap().getCommands()) { if (commandInIgnoredPlugin(command, ignoredPlugins)) { continue; } // Register a topic for (Class c : topicFactoryMap.keySet()) { if (c.isAssignableFrom(command.getClass())) { HelpTopic t = topicFactoryMap.get(c).createTopic(command); if (t != null) addTopic(t); continue outer; } if (command instanceof PluginCommand && c.isAssignableFrom(((PluginCommand) command).getExecutor().getClass())) { HelpTopic t = topicFactoryMap.get(c).createTopic(command); if (t != null) addTopic(t); continue outer; } } addTopic(new GenericCommandHelpTopic(command)); } // Initialize command alias help topics for (Command command : server.getCommandMap().getCommands()) { if (commandInIgnoredPlugin(command, ignoredPlugins)) { continue; } for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { if (!helpTopics.containsKey("/" + alias)) { addTopic(new CommandAliasHelpTopic("/" + alias, "/" + command.getLabel(), this)); } } } // Initialize help topics from the server's fallback commands for (VanillaCommand command : server.getCommandMap().getFallbackCommands()) { if (!commandInIgnoredPlugin(command, ignoredPlugins)) { addTopic(new GenericCommandHelpTopic(command)); } } // Add alias sub-index addTopic( new IndexHelpTopic( "Aliases", "Lists command aliases", null, Collections2.filter( helpTopics.values(), Predicates.instanceOf(CommandAliasHelpTopic.class)))); // Initialize plugin-level sub-topics Map<String, Set<HelpTopic>> pluginIndexes = new HashMap<String, Set<HelpTopic>>(); fillPluginIndexes(pluginIndexes, server.getCommandMap().getCommands()); fillPluginIndexes(pluginIndexes, server.getCommandMap().getFallbackCommands()); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<HelpTopic>> entry : pluginIndexes.entrySet()) { addTopic( new IndexHelpTopic( entry.getKey(), "All commands for " + entry.getKey(), null, entry.getValue(), "Below is a list of all " + entry.getKey() + " commands:")); } // Amend help topics from the help.yml file for (HelpTopicAmendment amendment : yaml.getTopicAmendments()) { if (helpTopics.containsKey(amendment.getTopicName())) { helpTopics .get(amendment.getTopicName()) .amendTopic(amendment.getShortText(), amendment.getFullText()); if (amendment.getPermission() != null) { helpTopics.get(amendment.getTopicName()).amendCanSee(amendment.getPermission()); } } } }
public void help(CommandSender sender, Command command, String[] args) { Integer page = 1; if (args != null && args.length > 1) { try { page = Integer.valueOf(args[1]); } catch (Exception e) { sendMessage( sender, ChatColor.RED + " " + args[1] + " is not a number, showing help for page 1."); } } List<String> available = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> unavailable = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> onlyop = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<Method> dups = new HashSet<Method>(); for (MethodWrapper mw : usage) { if (!dups.add(mw.method)) continue; MCCommand cmd = mw.getCommand(); final String use = "&6/" + command.getName() + " " + mw.usage; if (cmd.op() && !sender.isOp()) continue; else if (cmd.admin() && !hasAdminPerms(sender)) continue; else if (!cmd.perm().isEmpty() && !sender.hasPermission(cmd.perm())) unavailable.add(use); else available.add(use); } int npages = available.size() + unavailable.size(); if (sender.isOp()) npages += onlyop.size(); npages = (int) Math.ceil((float) npages / LINES_PER_PAGE); if (page > npages || page <= 0) { if (npages <= 0) { sendMessage(sender, "&4There are no methods for this command"); } else { sendMessage(sender, "&4That page doesnt exist, try 1-" + npages); } return; } if (command != null && command.getAliases() != null && !command.getAliases().isEmpty()) { String aliases = StringUtils.join(command.getAliases(), ", "); sendMessage( sender, "&eShowing page &6" + page + "/" + npages + "&6 : /" + command.getName() + " help <page number>"); sendMessage(sender, "&e command &6" + command.getName() + "&e has aliases: &6" + aliases); } else { sendMessage( sender, "&eShowing page &6" + page + "/" + npages + "&6 : /cmd help <page number>"); } int i = 0; for (String use : available) { i++; if (i < (page - 1) * LINES_PER_PAGE || i >= page * LINES_PER_PAGE) continue; sendMessage(sender, use); } for (String use : unavailable) { i++; if (i < (page - 1) * LINES_PER_PAGE || i >= page * LINES_PER_PAGE) continue; sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + "[Insufficient Perms] " + use); } if (sender.isOp()) { for (String use : onlyop) { i++; if (i < (page - 1) * LINES_PER_PAGE || i >= page * LINES_PER_PAGE) continue; sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.AQUA + "[OP only] &6" + use); } } }
public final void load() { blockedCommands.clear(); final CommandMap commandMap = TFM_CommandLoader.getInstance().getCommandMap(); if (commandMap == null) { TFM_Log.severe("Error loading commandMap."); return; } List<String> _blockedCommands = (List<String>) TFM_ConfigEntry.BLOCKED_COMMANDS.getList(); for (String rawEntry : _blockedCommands) { final String[] parts = rawEntry.split(":"); if (parts.length < 3 || parts.length > 4) { continue; } final CommandBlockerRank rank = CommandBlockerRank.fromToken(parts[0]); if (rank == null) { continue; } final CommandBlockerAction action = CommandBlockerAction.fromToken(parts[1]); if (action == null) { continue; } String command = parts[2]; if (command == null || command.isEmpty()) { continue; } final Matcher matcher = COMMAND_PATTERN.matcher(command); if (matcher.find()) { command =; if (command == null) { continue; } else { command = command.toLowerCase().trim(); } } else { continue; } String message = null; if (parts.length == 4) { message = parts[3]; } final CommandBlockerEntry blockedCommandEntry = new CommandBlockerEntry(rank, action, command, message); final Command bukkitCommand = commandMap.getCommand(command); if (bukkitCommand == null) { //"Blocking unknown command: " + blockedCommandEntry.getCommand()); blockedCommands.put(blockedCommandEntry.getCommand(), blockedCommandEntry); } else { blockedCommandEntry.setCommand(bukkitCommand.getName().toLowerCase()); //"Blocking command: " + blockedCommandEntry.getCommand()); blockedCommands.put(blockedCommandEntry.getCommand(), blockedCommandEntry); for (String alias : bukkitCommand.getAliases()) { //"Blocking alias: " + alias.toLowerCase() + " of " + // blockedCommandEntry.getCommand()); blockedCommands.put(alias.toLowerCase(), blockedCommandEntry); } } }"Loaded " + blockedCommands.size() + " blocked commands."); }