Esempio n. 1
  @JSTranslation(ignore = true)
  public void testJavaDates() {
    long feb_1_1970 = 60907593600000L;
    Field f =
            new Object[] {
              new Date(feb_1_1970),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 2 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 3 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 4 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 5 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 6 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 7 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 8 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 9 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 10 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
              new Date(feb_1_1970 + 20 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)

    f.set("numeric", true);
    f.set("date", true);
    assertEquals("Feb 1 00:00", f.valueFormatted(0));
    assertEquals("Feb 2 00:00", f.valueFormatted(1));
    assertEquals("Feb 3 00:00", f.valueFormatted(2));
    assertEquals("Feb 11 00:00", f.valueFormatted(10));
    assertEquals("Feb 21 00:00", f.valueFormatted(11));
Esempio n. 2
  public void testProperties() {
    Field f = Data.makeColumnField("a", "label", new Object[0]);
    f.set("xyz", "12");
    assertEquals("12", f.stringProperty("xyz"));
    assertEquals(12.00001, f.numericProperty("xyz"), 0.001);

    f.set("abc", false);
    f.set("abc", true);
Esempio n. 3
 private void setProperties(String f, Field to, Field src) {
   // Nothing to set for a list
   if (f.equals("list")) {
     // Need to keep the date format
     to.copyProperties(src, "dateFormat");
     to.set("list", true);
   } else if (f.equals("count") || f.equals("percent") || f.equals("valid") || f.equals("unique"))
     // These are numeric, but do not preserve properties
     // All properties copy over
     Fields.copyBaseProperties(src, to);
Esempio n. 4
  public void testPadding() {
    Field a =
        Data.toNumeric(Data.makeColumnField("a", "label", new Object[] {100, 200, 120, 200, 3100}));
    a.set("transform", "linear");
        "linear : 70 3130 : |500|1000|1500|2000|2500|3000",
            NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, false, 0.0, new double[] {0.01, 0.01}, 5, false), a));

    // Does not pad past zero
        "linear : -200 3400 : |0|1000|2000|3000",
            NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, false, 0.0, new double[] {0.1, 0.1}, 5, false), a));
Esempio n. 5
  public void testLinearScale() {
    double[] pad = {0, 0};

    Field a = Data.makeColumnField("a", "label", new Object[] {2, 4, 7, 120, 45, 120, 200, 3345});
    a = Data.toNumeric(a);
    a.set("transform", "linear");
        "linear : 2 3345 : |500|1000|1500|2000|2500|3000",
        asString(NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, false, 0.0, pad, 5, false), a));
        "linear : 2 3345 : |200|400|600|800|1000|1200|1400|1600|1800|2000|2200|2400|2600|2800|3000|3200",
        asString(NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, false, 0.0, pad, 15, false), a));
        "linear : 2 3345 : |1000|2000|3000",
        asString(NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, false, 0.0, pad, 2, false), a));
        "linear : 2 3345 : |2000",
        asString(NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, false, 0.0, pad, 1, false), a));
        "linear : 0 3345 : |0|500|1000|1500|2000|2500|3000",
        asString(NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, false, 0.01, pad, 7, false), a));
        "linear : 0 3500 : |0|500|1000|1500|2000|2500|3000|3500",
        asString(NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, true, 0.0, pad, 7, false), a));

    a = Data.makeColumnField("a", "label", new Object[] {-22.2, -22.201, -22.9, -22.7});
    a = Data.toNumeric(a);
        "linear : -23 -22 : |-23|-22.8|-22.6|-22.4|-22.2|-22",
        asString(Auto.makeNumericScale(a, true, pad, 0.0, 5, false), a));
        "linear : -22.9 -22.2 : |-22.8|-22.6|-22.4|-22.2",
        asString(NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, false, 0.0, pad, 4, false), a));
        "linear : -23 -22 : |-23|-22.5|-22",
        asString(Auto.makeNumericScale(a, true, pad, 0.0, 4, false), a));
        "linear : -23 -22 : |-23|-22.5|-22",
        asString(Auto.makeNumericScale(a, true, pad, 0.95, 4, false), a));
        "linear : -30 0 : |-30|-20|-10|0",
        asString(NumericScale.makeLinearScale(a, true, 0.99, pad, 4, false), a));
Esempio n. 6
  private Field[] make() {

    // Assemble arrays of fields
    Field[] dimensionFields = getFields(dimensions);
    Field[] percentBaseFields = percentBase.toArray(new Field[percentBase.size()]);
    Field[] measureFields = getFields(measures);

    // The comparators to let us know when rows differ
    FieldRowComparison dimComparison = new FieldRowComparison(dimensionFields, null, false);
    FieldRowComparison percentBaseComparison =
        new FieldRowComparison(percentBaseFields, null, false);

    // group[row] gives the index of the summary group for row 'row'; 'groupCount' is the number of
    // groups
    int[] group = new int[rowCount];
    int groupCount = buildGroups(group, dimComparison);

    // These are just like the summary groups, but only for the percent bases
    // The percent groups nest within each base group: rows with the same group have the same
    // summary group also
    // we do not create these if they are not needed, for efficiency
    int[] percentGroup = percentNeeded ? new int[rowCount] : null;
    int percentGroupCount = percentNeeded ? buildGroups(percentGroup, percentBaseComparison) : 0;

    // Create the summary values for each group, and percentage sums
    SummaryValues[] summaries = new SummaryValues[groupCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < summaries.length; i++)
      summaries[i] = new SummaryValues(measureFields, percentBaseFields, dimensionFields);
    double[][] percentSums = new double[percentGroupCount][measureFields.length];

    // Perform the Aggregation
    for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
      SummaryValues value = summaries[group[row]];
      if (percentNeeded) {
        // If the group has not had percent sums set yet, then set it
        if (value.percentSums == null) value.percentSums = percentSums[percentGroup[row]];
        // Then add the values to the percentage count
        for (int i = 0; i < measureFields.length; i++) {
          if (measures.get(i).isPercent()) {
            Double v = Data.asNumeric(measureFields[i].value(row));
            if (v != null) value.percentSums[i] += v;
      // Add the current row to that group, with the relevant 'sums' for percentages

    Object[][] dimData = new Object[dimensions.size()][groupCount];
    Object[][] measureData = new Object[measures.size()][groupCount];

    for (int g = 0; g < groupCount; g++) {
      SummaryValues values = summaries[g];
      int originalRow = values.firstRow();
      // Set the dimension values
      for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.size(); i++)
        dimData[i][g] = dimensionFields[i].value(originalRow);
      // Set the measure values
      for (int i = 0; i < measures.size(); i++) {
        MeasureField m = measures.get(i);
        measureData[i][g] = values.get(i, m);

    // Assemble fields
    Field[] fields = new Field[dimData.length + measureData.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < dimData.length; i++) {
      DimensionField f = dimensions.get(i);
      fields[i] = Fields.makeColumnField(f.rename, f.label(), dimData[i]);
      Fields.copyBaseProperties(f.field, fields[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < measureData.length; i++) {
      MeasureField m = measures.get(i);
      Field result = Fields.makeColumnField(m.rename, m.label(), measureData[i]);
      setProperties(m.method, result, m.field);
      result.set("summary", m.method);
      result.set("calculated", true);
      if (m.field != null) result.set("originalLabel", m.field.label);
      fields[dimData.length + i] = result;
    return fields;