   * Loads wallet data from the given protocol buffer and inserts it into the given Wallet object.
   * This is primarily useful when you wish to pre-register extension objects. Note that if loading
   * fails the provided Wallet object may be in an indeterminate state and should be thrown away.
   * <p>A wallet can be unreadable for various reasons, such as inability to open the file, corrupt
   * data, internally inconsistent data, a wallet extension marked as mandatory that cannot be
   * handled and so on. You should always handle {@link UnreadableWalletException} and communicate
   * failure to the user in an appropriate manner.
   * @throws UnreadableWalletException thrown in various error conditions (see description).
  public Wallet readWallet(
      NetworkParameters params, @Nullable WalletExtension[] extensions, Protos.Wallet walletProto)
      throws UnreadableWalletException {
    if (walletProto.getVersion() > 1) throw new UnreadableWalletException.FutureVersion();
    if (!walletProto.getNetworkIdentifier().equals(params.getId()))
      throw new UnreadableWalletException.WrongNetwork();

    int sigsRequiredToSpend = walletProto.getSigsRequiredToSpend();

    // Read the scrypt parameters that specify how encryption and decryption is performed.
    KeyChainGroup chain;
    if (walletProto.hasEncryptionParameters()) {
      Protos.ScryptParameters encryptionParameters = walletProto.getEncryptionParameters();
      final KeyCrypterScrypt keyCrypter = new KeyCrypterScrypt(encryptionParameters);
      chain =
              params, walletProto.getKeyList(), sigsRequiredToSpend, keyCrypter);
    } else {
      chain =
              params, walletProto.getKeyList(), sigsRequiredToSpend);
    Wallet wallet = factory.create(params, chain);

    List<Script> scripts = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Protos.Script protoScript : walletProto.getWatchedScriptList()) {
      try {
        Script script =
            new Script(
                protoScript.getProgram().toByteArray(), protoScript.getCreationTimestamp() / 1000);
      } catch (ScriptException e) {
        throw new UnreadableWalletException("Unparseable script in wallet");


    if (walletProto.hasDescription()) {

    // Read all transactions and insert into the txMap.
    for (Protos.Transaction txProto : walletProto.getTransactionList()) {
      readTransaction(txProto, wallet.getParams());

    // Update transaction outputs to point to inputs that spend them
    for (Protos.Transaction txProto : walletProto.getTransactionList()) {
      WalletTransaction wtx = connectTransactionOutputs(txProto);

    // Update the lastBlockSeenHash.
    if (!walletProto.hasLastSeenBlockHash()) {
    } else {
    if (!walletProto.hasLastSeenBlockHeight()) {
    } else {
    // Will default to zero if not present.

    if (walletProto.hasKeyRotationTime()) {
      wallet.setKeyRotationTime(new Date(walletProto.getKeyRotationTime() * 1000));

    loadExtensions(wallet, extensions != null ? extensions : new WalletExtension[0], walletProto);

    for (Protos.Tag tag : walletProto.getTagsList()) {
      wallet.setTag(tag.getTag(), tag.getData());

    for (Protos.TransactionSigner signerProto : walletProto.getTransactionSignersList()) {
      try {
        Class signerClass = Class.forName(signerProto.getClassName());
        TransactionSigner signer = (TransactionSigner) signerClass.newInstance();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new UnreadableWalletException(
            "Unable to deserialize TransactionSigner instance: " + signerProto.getClassName(), e);

    if (walletProto.hasVersion()) {

    // Make sure the object can be re-used to read another wallet without corruption.

    return wallet;
 public List<String> getKeyChainMnemonic() {
   return keyChainGroup.getActiveKeyChain().getSeed().getMnemonicCode();
 public SigningKey makeSigningKey() {
   ECKey newSignKey = keyChainGroup.freshKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS);
   return new SigningKeyImpl(newSignKey, this.getParams());
 public WalletAppKit getKit() {
   if (kit == null) {
     kit = initKit(keyChainGroup.getActiveKeyChain().getSeed());
   return kit;