@Override public void deserializeWalletExtension(Wallet containingWallet, byte[] data) throws Exception { lock.lock(); try { checkState(this.containingWallet == null || this.containingWallet == containingWallet); this.containingWallet = containingWallet; NetworkParameters params = containingWallet.getParams(); ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannels states = ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannels.parseFrom(data); for (ClientState.StoredClientPaymentChannel storedState : states.getChannelsList()) { Transaction refundTransaction = params .getDefaultSerializer() .makeTransaction(storedState.getRefundTransaction().toByteArray()); refundTransaction.getConfidence().setSource(TransactionConfidence.Source.SELF); ECKey myKey = (storedState.getMyKey().isEmpty()) ? containingWallet.findKeyFromPubKey(storedState.getMyPublicKey().toByteArray()) : ECKey.fromPrivate(storedState.getMyKey().toByteArray()); StoredClientChannel channel = new StoredClientChannel( Sha256Hash.wrap(storedState.getId().toByteArray()), params .getDefaultSerializer() .makeTransaction(storedState.getContractTransaction().toByteArray()), refundTransaction, myKey, Coin.valueOf(storedState.getValueToMe()), Coin.valueOf(storedState.getRefundFees()), false); if (storedState.hasCloseTransactionHash()) { Sha256Hash closeTxHash = Sha256Hash.wrap(storedState.getCloseTransactionHash().toByteArray()); channel.close = containingWallet.getTransaction(closeTxHash); } putChannel(channel, false); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
private void doMigrateFrom_v1_0_262(Context context, NetworkParameters migrationParams) throws IOException { Log.d(TAG, "********* MIGRATION FROM v1.0.262 - " + migrationParams.getId() + "*********"); final File rootDir = context.getFilesDir(); final File storageDir; final File archiveDir = new File(rootDir, "archive_" + System.currentTimeMillis()); final File walletFile; final File chainFile; final File newWalletFile; final File newChainFile; if (ClientUtils.isMainNet(migrationParams)) { String walletFilesPrefix = AppConfig.MainNetConfig.get().getWalletFilesPrefix(); storageDir = new File(rootDir, "mainnet_wallet__uuid_object_storage"); walletFile = new File(rootDir, "mainnet_wallet_.wallet"); newWalletFile = new File(rootDir, walletFilesPrefix + ".wallet"); chainFile = new File(rootDir, "mainnet_wallet_.spvchain"); newChainFile = new File(rootDir, walletFilesPrefix + ".spvchain"); } else if (ClientUtils.isTestNet(migrationParams)) { String walletFilesPrefix = AppConfig.TestNetConfig.get().getWalletFilesPrefix(); storageDir = new File(rootDir, "testnet_wallet__uuid_object_storage"); walletFile = new File(rootDir, "testnet_wallet_.wallet"); newWalletFile = new File(rootDir, walletFilesPrefix + ".wallet"); chainFile = new File(rootDir, "testnet_wallet_.spvchain"); newChainFile = new File(rootDir, walletFilesPrefix + ".spvchain"); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Network params not supported (unknown): " + migrationParams.toString()); } final File keyFile = new File(storageDir, "ECKeyWrapper.json"); if (keyFile.exists() && walletFile.exists()) { // Keys: stored in ECKeyWrapper.json /* Key format (JSON): { "...uuid1...": { "isPublicOnly": true, "keyPayload": [...bytes (integers)...], "name": "remote_server_public_key", "uuid": "...uuid1..." }, "...uuid2...": { "isPublicOnly": false, "keyPayload": [...bytes (integers)...], "name": "remote_client_public_key", "uuid": "...uuid2..." } } */ Log.d(TAG, "Key file found: " + keyFile); String keyFileJson = FileUtils.readFileToString(keyFile); Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, ECKeyWrapper>>() {}.getType(); // Note: do not use gson from serializeutils (key is not stored in base64). Map<String, ECKeyWrapper> keys = new Gson().fromJson(keyFileJson, type); ECKey serverKey = null; ECKey clientKey = null; for (ECKeyWrapper key : keys.values()) { if (key.isPublicOnly && key.name.equals("remote_server_public_key")) { serverKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(key.keyPayload); } else if (!key.isPublicOnly && key.name.equals("remote_client_public_key")) { clientKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(key.keyPayload); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Unknown key name: " + key.name); } } if (clientKey != null && serverKey != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Found client and server keys - store in shared preferences."); try { /** ******** Actual Migration Code ********* */ SharedPrefUtils.setClientKey(context, migrationParams, clientKey); SharedPrefUtils.setServerKey(context, migrationParams, serverKey, "n/a - migration"); Log.d( TAG, "Migrated keys:" + " clientPubKey=" + clientKey.getPublicKeyAsHex() + ", serverPubKey=" + serverKey.getPublicKeyAsHex()); // move wallet file Log.d( TAG, "Migrate wallet file: " + walletFile.toString() + " -> " + newWalletFile.toString()); FileUtils.copyFile(walletFile, newWalletFile); Log.d( TAG, "Migrate chain file: " + chainFile.toString() + " -> " + newChainFile.toString()); FileUtils.copyFile(chainFile, newChainFile); SharedPrefUtils.enableMultisig2of2ToCltvForwarder(context); // move everything to an archive file. Log.d(TAG, "Move old files to archive dir: " + archiveDir.toString()); FileUtils.moveToDirectory(storageDir, archiveDir, true); FileUtils.moveToDirectory(walletFile, archiveDir, true); FileUtils.moveToDirectory(chainFile, archiveDir, true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "Exception: ", e); // clear the changes made. SharedPrefUtils.setClientKey(context, migrationParams, null); SharedPrefUtils.setServerKey(context, migrationParams, null, ""); if (newWalletFile.exists()) { newWalletFile.delete(); } } } } else { Log.d( TAG, "Key file or wallet file not found - no migration required - " + String.format( "keyFile: %s (exists: %s), walletFile: %s (exists: %s)", keyFile.toString(), keyFile.exists(), walletFile.toString(), walletFile.exists())); } Log.d(TAG, "********* MIGRATION FROM v1.0.262 FINISHED *********"); }
@Override public ListenableFuture<ECKey.ECDSASignature> signHash(final Sha256Hash hash) { return Futures.immediateFuture(ECKey.fromPrivate(hdWallet.getPrivKey()).sign(hash)); }