Esempio n. 1
   * Checks that the alignment given by afpChain is sequential. This means that the residue indices
   * of both proteins increase monotonically as a function of the alignment position (ie both
   * proteins are sorted).
   * <p>This will return false for circularly permuted alignments or other non-topological
   * alignments. It will also return false for cases where the alignment itself is sequential but it
   * is not stored in the afpChain in a sorted manner.
   * <p>Since algorithms which create non-sequential alignments split the alignment into multiple
   * blocks, some computational time can be saved by only checking block boundaries for
   * sequentiality. Setting <tt>checkWithinBlocks</tt> to <tt>true</tt> makes this function slower,
   * but detects AFPChains with non-sequential blocks.
   * <p>Note that this method should give the same results as {@link
   * AFPChain#isSequentialAlignment()}. However, the AFPChain version relies on the
   * StructureAlignment algorithm correctly setting this parameter, which is sadly not always the
   * case.
   * @param afpChain An alignment
   * @param checkWithinBlocks Indicates whether individual blocks should be checked for
   *     sequentiality
   * @return True if the alignment is sequential.
  public static boolean isSequentialAlignment(AFPChain afpChain, boolean checkWithinBlocks) {
    int[][][] optAln = afpChain.getOptAln();
    int[] alnLen = afpChain.getOptLen();
    int blocks = afpChain.getBlockNum();

    if (blocks < 1) return true; // trivial case
    if (alnLen[0] < 1) return true;

    // Check that blocks are sequential
    if (checkWithinBlocks) {
      for (int block = 0; block < blocks; block++) {
        if (alnLen[block] < 1) continue; // skip empty blocks

        int prevRes1 = optAln[block][0][0];
        int prevRes2 = optAln[block][1][0];

        for (int pos = 1; pos < alnLen[block]; pos++) {
          int currRes1 = optAln[block][0][pos];
          int currRes2 = optAln[block][1][pos];

          if (currRes1 < prevRes1) {
            return false;
          if (currRes2 < prevRes2) {
            return false;

          prevRes1 = currRes1;
          prevRes2 = currRes2;

    // Check that blocks are sequential
    int prevRes1 = optAln[0][0][alnLen[0] - 1];
    int prevRes2 = optAln[0][1][alnLen[0] - 1];

    for (int block = 1; block < blocks; block++) {
      if (alnLen[block] < 1) continue; // skip empty blocks

      if (optAln[block][0][0] < prevRes1) {
        return false;
      if (optAln[block][1][0] < prevRes2) {
        return false;

      prevRes1 = optAln[block][0][alnLen[block] - 1];
      prevRes2 = optAln[block][1][alnLen[block] - 1];

    return true;
   * Builds an {@link AFPChain} from already-matched arrays of atoms and residues.
   * @param ca1 An array of atoms in the first structure
   * @param ca2 An array of atoms in the second structure
   * @param residues1 An array of {@link ResidueNumber ResidueNumbers} in the first structure that
   *     are aligned. Only null ResidueNumbers are considered to be unaligned
   * @param residues2 An array of {@link ResidueNumber ResidueNumbers} in the second structure that
   *     are aligned. Only null ResidueNumbers are considered to be unaligned
   * @throws StructureException
  private static AFPChain buildAlignment(
      Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, ResidueNumber[] residues1, ResidueNumber[] residues2)
      throws StructureException {

    // remove any gap
    // this includes the ones introduced by the nullifying above
    List<ResidueNumber> alignedResiduesList1 = new ArrayList<ResidueNumber>();
    List<ResidueNumber> alignedResiduesList2 = new ArrayList<ResidueNumber>();
    for (int i = 0; i < residues1.length; i++) {
      if (residues1[i] != null && residues2[i] != null) {

    ResidueNumber[] alignedResidues1 =
        alignedResiduesList1.toArray(new ResidueNumber[alignedResiduesList1.size()]);
    ResidueNumber[] alignedResidues2 =
        alignedResiduesList2.toArray(new ResidueNumber[alignedResiduesList2.size()]);

    AFPChain afpChain = AlignmentTools.createAFPChain(ca1, ca2, alignedResidues1, alignedResidues2);

    AlignmentTools.updateSuperposition(afpChain, ca1, ca2);

    afpChain.setBlockSize(new int[] {afpChain.getNrEQR()});
    afpChain.setBlockRmsd(new double[] {afpChain.getTotalRmsdOpt()});
    afpChain.setBlockGap(new int[] {afpChain.getGapLen()});

    return afpChain;
Esempio n. 3
   * Creates a Map specifying the alignment as a mapping between residue indices of protein 1 and
   * residue indices of protein 2.
   * <p>For example,
   * <pre>
   * 1234
   * 5678</pre>
   * becomes
   * <pre>
   * 1->5
   * 2->6
   * 3->7
   * 4->8</pre>
   * @param afpChain An alignment
   * @return A mapping from aligned residues of protein 1 to their partners in protein 2.
   * @throws StructureException If afpChain is not one-to-one
  public static Map<Integer, Integer> alignmentAsMap(AFPChain afpChain) throws StructureException {
    Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    if (afpChain.getAlnLength() < 1) {
      return map;
    int[][][] optAln = afpChain.getOptAln();
    int[] optLen = afpChain.getOptLen();
    for (int block = 0; block < afpChain.getBlockNum(); block++) {
      for (int pos = 0; pos < optLen[block]; pos++) {
        int res1 = optAln[block][0][pos];
        int res2 = optAln[block][1][pos];
        if (map.containsKey(res1)) {
          throw new StructureException(
              String.format("Residue %d aligned to both %d and %d.", res1, map.get(res1), res2));
        map.put(res1, res2);
    return map;
Esempio n. 4
   * Retrieves the optimum alignment from an AFPChain and returns it as a java collection. The
   * result is indexed in the same way as {@link AFPChain#getOptAln()}, but has the correct size().
   * <pre>
   * List<List<List<Integer>>> aln = getOptAlnAsList(AFPChain afpChain);
   * aln.get(blockNum).get(structureNum={0,1}).get(pos)</pre>
   * @param afpChain
   * @return
  public static List<List<List<Integer>>> getOptAlnAsList(AFPChain afpChain) {
    int[][][] optAln = afpChain.getOptAln();
    int[] optLen = afpChain.getOptLen();
    List<List<List<Integer>>> blocks = new ArrayList<List<List<Integer>>>(afpChain.getBlockNum());
    for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < afpChain.getBlockNum(); blockNum++) {
      // TODO could improve speed an memory by wrapping the arrays with
      // an unmodifiable list, similar to Arrays.asList(...) but with the
      // correct size parameter.
      List<Integer> align1 = new ArrayList<Integer>(optLen[blockNum]);
      List<Integer> align2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(optLen[blockNum]);
      for (int pos = 0; pos < optLen[blockNum]; pos++) {
      List<List<Integer>> block = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(2);

    return blocks;
Esempio n. 5
   * Conditions checked are: score above the threshold, order higher than 1 and refinement
   * succeeded.
   * @return true if significant, false otherwise
  public boolean isSignificant() {

    // In any case if the order is 1 it is asymmetric
    if (symmOrder < 2) return false;

    // If the TM-Score is below the threshold
    if (selfAlignment.getTMScore() < params.getScoreThreshold()) return false;

    // If the refinement was attempted
    if (params.getRefineMethod() != RefineMethod.NOT_REFINED) {
      // Check for minimum length
      if (multipleAlignment.getCoreLength() < params.getMinCoreLength()) return false;
      // Allow 90% of original TM-Score theshold
      if (multipleAlignment.getScore(MultipleAlignmentScorer.AVGTM_SCORE)
          < params.getScoreThreshold() * 0.9) return false;
      return true;

    return true;
Esempio n. 6
   * @param afpChain Input afpchain. UNMODIFIED
   * @param ca1
   * @param ca2
   * @param optLens
   * @param optAln
   * @return A NEW AfpChain based off the input but with the optAln modified
   * @throws StructureException if an error occured during superposition
  public static AFPChain replaceOptAln(
      AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, int blockNum, int[] optLens, int[][][] optAln)
      throws StructureException {
    int optLength = 0;
    for (int blk = 0; blk < blockNum; blk++) {
      optLength += optLens[blk];

    // set everything
    AFPChain refinedAFP = (AFPChain) afpChain.clone();

    // TODO recalculate properties: superposition, tm-score, etc
    Atom[] ca2clone = StructureTools.cloneAtomArray(ca2); // don't modify ca2 positions
    AlignmentTools.updateSuperposition(refinedAFP, ca1, ca2clone);

    AFPAlignmentDisplay.getAlign(refinedAFP, ca1, ca2clone);
    return refinedAFP;
Esempio n. 7
   * After the alignment changes (optAln, optLen, blockNum, at a minimum), many other properties
   * which depend on the superposition will be invalid.
   * <p>This method re-runs a rigid superposition over the whole alignment and repopulates the
   * required properties, including RMSD (TotalRMSD) and TM-Score.
   * @param afpChain
   * @param ca1
   * @param ca2 Second set of ca atoms. Will be modified based on the superposition
   * @throws StructureException
   * @see {@link CECalculator#calc_rmsd(Atom[], Atom[], int, boolean)} contains much of the same
   *     code, but stores results in a CECalculator instance rather than an AFPChain
  public static void updateSuperposition(AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2)
      throws StructureException {

    // Update ca information, because the atom array might also be changed

    // We need this to get the correct superposition
    int[] focusRes1 = afpChain.getFocusRes1();
    int[] focusRes2 = afpChain.getFocusRes2();
    if (focusRes1 == null) {
      focusRes1 = new int[afpChain.getCa1Length()];
    if (focusRes2 == null) {
      focusRes2 = new int[afpChain.getCa2Length()];

    if (afpChain.getNrEQR() == 0) return;

    // create new arrays for the subset of atoms in the alignment.
    Atom[] ca1aligned = new Atom[afpChain.getOptLength()];
    Atom[] ca2aligned = new Atom[afpChain.getOptLength()];
    int pos = 0;
    int[] blockLens = afpChain.getOptLen();
    int[][][] optAln = afpChain.getOptAln();
    assert (afpChain.getBlockNum() <= optAln.length);

    for (int block = 0; block < afpChain.getBlockNum(); block++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < blockLens[block]; i++) {
        int pos1 = optAln[block][0][i];
        int pos2 = optAln[block][1][i];
        Atom a1 = ca1[pos1];
        Atom a2 = (Atom) ca2[pos2].clone();
        ca1aligned[pos] = a1;
        ca2aligned[pos] = a2;

    // this can happen when we load an old XML serialization which did not support modern ChemComp
    // representation of modified residues.
    if (pos != afpChain.getOptLength()) {
          "AFPChainScorer getTMScore: Problems reconstructing alignment! nr of loaded atoms is "
              + pos
              + " but should be "
              + afpChain.getOptLength());
      // we need to resize the array, because we allocated too many atoms earlier on.
      ca1aligned = (Atom[]) resizeArray(ca1aligned, pos);
      ca2aligned = (Atom[]) resizeArray(ca2aligned, pos);

    // Superimpose the two structures in correspondance to the new alignment
    SVDSuperimposer svd = new SVDSuperimposer(ca1aligned, ca2aligned);
    Matrix matrix = svd.getRotation();
    Atom shift = svd.getTranslation();
    Matrix[] blockMxs = new Matrix[afpChain.getBlockNum()];
    Arrays.fill(blockMxs, matrix);
    Atom[] blockShifts = new Atom[afpChain.getBlockNum()];
    Arrays.fill(blockShifts, shift);

    for (Atom a : ca2aligned) {
      Calc.rotate(a, matrix);
      Calc.shift(a, shift);

    // Calculate the RMSD and TM score for the new alignment
    double rmsd = SVDSuperimposer.getRMS(ca1aligned, ca2aligned);
    double tmScore = SVDSuperimposer.getTMScore(ca1aligned, ca2aligned, ca1.length, ca2.length);

    // Calculate the RMSD and TM score for every block of the new alignment
    double[] blockRMSD = new double[afpChain.getBlockNum()];
    double[] blockScore = new double[afpChain.getBlockNum()];
    for (int k = 0; k < afpChain.getBlockNum(); k++) {
      // Create the atom arrays corresponding to the aligned residues in the block
      Atom[] ca1block = new Atom[afpChain.getOptLen()[k]];
      Atom[] ca2block = new Atom[afpChain.getOptLen()[k]];
      int position = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < blockLens[k]; i++) {
        int pos1 = optAln[k][0][i];
        int pos2 = optAln[k][1][i];
        Atom a1 = ca1[pos1];
        Atom a2 = (Atom) ca2[pos2].clone();
        ca1block[position] = a1;
        ca2block[position] = a2;
      if (position != afpChain.getOptLen()[k]) {
            "AFPChainScorer getTMScore: Problems reconstructing block alignment! nr of loaded atoms is "
                + pos
                + " but should be "
                + afpChain.getOptLen()[k]);
        // we need to resize the array, because we allocated too many atoms earlier on.
        ca1block = (Atom[]) resizeArray(ca1block, position);
        ca2block = (Atom[]) resizeArray(ca2block, position);
      // Superimpose the two block structures
      SVDSuperimposer svdb = new SVDSuperimposer(ca1block, ca2block);
      Matrix matrixb = svdb.getRotation();
      Atom shiftb = svdb.getTranslation();
      for (Atom a : ca2block) {
        Calc.rotate(a, matrixb);
        Calc.shift(a, shiftb);
      // Calculate the RMSD and TM score for the block
      double rmsdb = SVDSuperimposer.getRMS(ca1block, ca2block);
      double tmScoreb = SVDSuperimposer.getTMScore(ca1block, ca2block, ca1.length, ca2.length);
      blockRMSD[k] = rmsdb;
      blockScore[k] = tmScoreb;
Esempio n. 8
   * It replaces an optimal alignment of an AFPChain and calculates all the new alignment scores and
   * variables.
  public static AFPChain replaceOptAln(int[][][] newAlgn, AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2)
      throws StructureException {

    // The order is the number of groups in the newAlgn
    int order = newAlgn.length;

    // Calculate the alignment length from all the subunits lengths
    int[] optLens = new int[order];
    for (int s = 0; s < order; s++) {
      optLens[s] = newAlgn[s][0].length;
    int optLength = 0;
    for (int s = 0; s < order; s++) {
      optLength += optLens[s];

    // Create a copy of the original AFPChain and set everything needed for the structure update
    AFPChain copyAFP = (AFPChain) afpChain.clone();

    // Set the new parameters of the optimal alignment

    // Set the block information of the new alignment

    // Recalculate properties: superposition, tm-score, etc
    Atom[] ca2clone = StructureTools.cloneAtomArray(ca2); // don't modify ca2 positions
    AlignmentTools.updateSuperposition(copyAFP, ca1, ca2clone);

    // It re-does the sequence alignment strings from the OptAlgn information only
    AFPAlignmentDisplay.getAlign(copyAFP, ca1, ca2clone);

    return copyAFP;
Esempio n. 9
   * @param a
   * @param ca1
   * @param ca2
   * @return
   * @throws StructureException if an error occurred during superposition
  public static AFPChain splitBlocksByTopology(AFPChain a, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2)
      throws StructureException {
    int[][][] optAln = a.getOptAln();
    int blockNum = a.getBlockNum();
    int[] optLen = a.getOptLen();

    // Determine block lengths
    // Split blocks if residue indices don't increase monotonically
    List<Integer> newBlkLen = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    boolean blockChanged = false;
    for (int blk = 0; blk < blockNum; blk++) {
      int currLen = 1;
      for (int pos = 1; pos < optLen[blk]; pos++) {
        if (optAln[blk][0][pos] <= optAln[blk][0][pos - 1]
            || optAln[blk][1][pos] <= optAln[blk][1][pos - 1]) {
          // start a new block
          currLen = 0;
          blockChanged = true;
      if (optLen[blk] < 2) {
      } else {

    // Check if anything needs to be split
    if (!blockChanged) {
      return a;

    // Split blocks
    List<int[][]> blocks = new ArrayList<int[][]>(newBlkLen.size());

    int oldBlk = 0;
    int pos = 0;
    for (int blkLen : newBlkLen) {
      if (blkLen == optLen[oldBlk]) {
        assert (pos == 0); // should be the whole block
        // Use the old block
      } else {
        int[][] newBlock = new int[2][blkLen];
        assert (pos + blkLen <= optLen[oldBlk]); // don't overrun block
        for (int i = 0; i < blkLen; i++) {
          newBlock[0][i] = optAln[oldBlk][0][pos + i];
          newBlock[1][i] = optAln[oldBlk][1][pos + i];
        pos += blkLen;

        if (pos == optLen[oldBlk]) {
          // Finished this oldBlk, start the next
          pos = 0;

    // Store new blocks
    int[][][] newOptAln = blocks.toArray(new int[0][][]);
    int[] newBlockLens = new int[newBlkLen.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < newBlkLen.size(); i++) {
      newBlockLens[i] = newBlkLen.get(i);

    return replaceOptAln(a, ca1, ca2, blocks.size(), newBlockLens, newOptAln);
Esempio n. 10
   * Fundamentally, an alignment is just a list of aligned residues in each protein. This method
   * converts two lists of ResidueNumbers into an AFPChain.
   * <p>Parameters are filled with defaults (often null) or sometimes calculated.
   * <p>For a way to modify the alignment of an existing AFPChain, see {@link
   * AlignmentTools#replaceOptAln(AFPChain, Atom[], Atom[], Map)}
   * @param ca1 CA atoms of the first protein
   * @param ca2 CA atoms of the second protein
   * @param aligned1 A list of aligned residues from the first protein
   * @param aligned2 A list of aligned residues from the second protein. Must be the same length as
   *     aligned1.
   * @return An AFPChain representing the alignment. Many properties may be null or another default.
   * @throws StructureException if an error occured during superposition
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if aligned1 and aligned2 have different lengths
   * @see AlignmentTools#replaceOptAln(AFPChain, Atom[], Atom[], Map)
  public static AFPChain createAFPChain(
      Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, ResidueNumber[] aligned1, ResidueNumber[] aligned2)
      throws StructureException {
    // input validation
    int alnLen = aligned1.length;
    if (alnLen != aligned2.length) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Alignment lengths are not equal");

    AFPChain a = new AFPChain(AFPChain.UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM);
    try {
      if (ca2[0].getGroup().getChain().getStructure() != null) {
        // common case for cloned ca2
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // One of the structures wasn't fully created. Ignore

    a.setOptLen(new int[] {alnLen});

    Matrix[] ms = new Matrix[a.getBlockNum()];
    Atom[] blockShiftVector = new Atom[a.getBlockNum()];

    String[][][] pdbAln = new String[1][2][alnLen];
    for (int i = 0; i < alnLen; i++) {
      pdbAln[0][0][i] = aligned1[i].getChainId() + ":" + aligned1[i];
      pdbAln[0][1][i] = aligned2[i].getChainId() + ":" + aligned2[i];


    // convert pdbAln to optAln, and fill in some other basic parameters
    AFPChainXMLParser.rebuildAFPChain(a, ca1, ca2);

    return a;

    // Currently a single block. Split into several blocks by sequence if needed
    //		return AlignmentTools.splitBlocksByTopology(a,ca1,ca2);
Esempio n. 11
   * Creates a simple interaction format (SIF) file for an alignment.
   * <p>The SIF file can be read by network software (eg Cytoscape) to analyze alignments as graphs.
   * <p>This function creates a graph with residues as nodes and two types of edges: 1. backbone
   * edges, which connect adjacent residues in the aligned protein 2. alignment edges, which connect
   * aligned residues
   * @param out Stream to write to
   * @param afpChain alignment to write
   * @param ca1 First protein, used to generate node names
   * @param ca2 Second protein, used to generate node names
   * @param backboneInteraction Two-letter string used to identify backbone edges
   * @param alignmentInteraction Two-letter string used to identify alignment edges
   * @throws IOException
  public static void alignmentToSIF(
      Writer out,
      AFPChain afpChain,
      Atom[] ca1,
      Atom[] ca2,
      String backboneInteraction,
      String alignmentInteraction)
      throws IOException {

    // out.write("Res1\tInteraction\tRes2\n");
    String name1 = afpChain.getName1();
    String name2 = afpChain.getName2();
    if (name1 == null) name1 = "";
    else name1 += ":";
    if (name2 == null) name2 = "";
    else name2 += ":";

    // Print alignment edges
    int nblocks = afpChain.getBlockNum();
    int[] blockLen = afpChain.getOptLen();
    int[][][] optAlign = afpChain.getOptAln();
    for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
      for (int r = 0; r < blockLen[b]; r++) {
        int res1 = optAlign[b][0][r];
        int res2 = optAlign[b][1][r];

        ResidueNumber rn1 = ca1[res1].getGroup().getResidueNumber();
        ResidueNumber rn2 = ca2[res2].getGroup().getResidueNumber();

        String node1 = name1 + rn1.getChainId() + rn1.toString();
        String node2 = name2 + rn2.getChainId() + rn2.toString();

        out.write(String.format("%s\t%s\t%s\n", node1, alignmentInteraction, node2));

    // Print first backbone edges
    ResidueNumber rn = ca1[0].getGroup().getResidueNumber();
    String last = name1 + rn.getChainId() + rn.toString();
    for (int i = 1; i < ca1.length; i++) {
      rn = ca1[i].getGroup().getResidueNumber();
      String curr = name1 + rn.getChainId() + rn.toString();
      out.write(String.format("%s\t%s\t%s\n", last, backboneInteraction, curr));
      last = curr;

    // Print second backbone edges, if the proteins differ
    // Do some quick checks for whether the proteins differ
    // (Not perfect, but should detect major differences and CPs.)
    if (!name1.equals(name2)
        || ca1.length != ca2.length
        || (ca1.length > 0
            && ca1[0].getGroup() != null
            && ca2[0].getGroup() != null
            && !ca1[0]
                .equals(ca2[0].getGroup().getResidueNumber()))) {
      rn = ca2[0].getGroup().getResidueNumber();
      last = name2 + rn.getChainId() + rn.toString();
      for (int i = 1; i < ca2.length; i++) {
        rn = ca2[i].getGroup().getResidueNumber();
        String curr = name2 + rn.getChainId() + rn.toString();
        out.write(String.format("%s\t%s\t%s\n", last, backboneInteraction, curr));
        last = curr;
Esempio n. 12
  public void testOldSecOutput() throws Exception {

    String fileName = "/ce_1fdo.A_2iv2.X.out";
    InputStream inStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
    assertNotNull("Could not find file " + fileName + " in resource path. Config error?", inStream);
    String xml = StringManipulationHelper.convertStreamToString(inStream);

    AtomCache cache = new AtomCache();
    String name1 = "1FDO.A";
    String name2 = "2IV2.X";
    Atom[] ca1 = cache.getAtoms(name1);
    Atom[] ca2 = cache.getAtoms(name2);

    assertEquals(715, ca1.length);
    assertEquals(697, ca2.length);

    AFPChain afpChainOrig = AFPChainXMLParser.fromXML(xml, ca1, ca2);

    assertNotNull("Could not get AfpChain object from flat file!", afpChainOrig);

        "Could not find alignment string for prot 1",
        new String(afpChainOrig.getAlnseq1(), 0, afpChainOrig.getAlnLength()));
        "Could not find alignment string for prot 2",
        new String(afpChainOrig.getAlnseq2(), 0, afpChainOrig.getAlnLength()));

    // calc time is hardware dependent.... overwrite...

        "alnLength is wrong! (" + afpChainOrig.getAfpChainLen() + ")",
        "gapLength is wrong! (" + afpChainOrig.getGapLen() + ")", 28, afpChainOrig.getGapLen());

    // identity should be 0.9569
        "alinment ID is < 0.95 ! (" + afpChainOrig.getIdentity() + ")",
        afpChainOrig.getIdentity() > 0.95);
        "alignment ID is > 0.96 ! (" + afpChainOrig.getIdentity() + ")",
        afpChainOrig.getIdentity() < 0.96);

    String xmlComp = AFPChainXMLConverter.toXML(afpChainOrig, ca1, ca2);

    FlipAFPChainTest t = new FlipAFPChainTest();
    t.printFirstMismatch(xml, xmlComp);
    StringManipulationTestsHelper.assertEqualsIgnoreEndline(xml, xmlComp);
    StructureAlignment ce = StructureAlignmentFactory.getAlgorithm(CeMain.algorithmName);

    AFPChain afpChainNew = ce.align(ca1, ca2);

    String xmlNew = AFPChainXMLConverter.toXML(afpChainNew, ca1, ca2);

    StringManipulationTestsHelper.assertEqualsIgnoreEndline(xml, xmlNew);