Esempio n. 1
   * Test sending of HTTP GET requests.
   * @throws Exception exception
  public void postGet() throws Exception {
    // GET1 - just send a GET request
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
            _HTTP_SEND_REQUEST.args("<http:request method='get' href='" + REST_ROOT + "'/>"),
            ctx)) {
      final Value v = qp.value();
      checkResponse(v, 2, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);

      assertEquals(NodeType.DOC, v.itemAt(1).type);

    // GET2 - with override-media-type='text/plain'
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
                "<http:request method='get' override-media-type='text/plain'/>", REST_ROOT),
            ctx)) {
      final Value v = qp.value();
      checkResponse(v, 2, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);

      assertEquals(AtomType.STR, v.itemAt(1).type);

    // Get3 - with status-only='true'
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
            _HTTP_SEND_REQUEST.args("<http:request method='get' status-only='true'/>", REST_ROOT),
            ctx)) {
      checkResponse(qp.value(), 1, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
Esempio n. 2
  * Checks the response to an HTTP request.
  * @param v query result
  * @param itemsCount expected number of items
  * @param expStatus expected status
 private static void checkResponse(final Value v, final int itemsCount, final int expStatus) {
   assertEquals(itemsCount, v.size());
   assertTrue(v.itemAt(0) instanceof FElem);
   final FElem response = (FElem) v.itemAt(0);
   if (!eq(response.attribute(STATUS), token(expStatus))) {
     fail("Expected: " + expStatus + "\nFound: " + response);
Esempio n. 3
  * Returns a string representation of all found arguments.
  * @param args array with arguments
  * @return string representation
 static String foundArgs(final Value[] args) {
   // compose found arguments
   final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   for (final Value v : args) {
     if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append(", ");
     sb.append(v instanceof Jav ? Util.className(((Jav) v).toJava()) : v.seqType());
   return sb.toString();
Esempio n. 4
  * Returns a parameter.
  * @param value value
  * @param name name
  * @param declared variable declaration flags
  * @return parameter
  * @throws QueryException HTTP exception
 private RestXqParam param(final Value value, final QNm name, final boolean[] declared)
     throws QueryException {
   // [CG] RESTXQ: allow identical field names?
   final long vs = value.size();
   if (vs < 2) error(ANN_PARAMS, "%", name.string(), 2);
   // name of parameter
   final String key = toString(value.itemAt(0), name);
   // variable template
   final QNm qnm = checkVariable(toString(value.itemAt(1), name), declared);
   // default value
   final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder();
   for (int v = 2; v < vs; v++) vb.add(value.itemAt(v));
   return new RestXqParam(qnm, key, vb.value());
Esempio n. 5
   * Builds the thesaurus.
   * @param value input nodes
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private void build(final Value value) throws QueryException {
    final Value synonyms = nodes("*:synonym", value);
    if (synonyms.isEmpty()) return;

    final ThesNode term = node(text("*:term", value));
    for (final Item synonym : synonyms) {
      final ThesNode sterm = node(text("*:term", synonym));
      final byte[] rs = text("*:relationship", synonym);
      term.add(sterm, rs);

      final byte[] srs = RSHIPS.get(rs);
      if (srs != null) sterm.add(term, srs);
Esempio n. 6
   * Adds items to the specified list.
   * @param value value
   * @param name name
   * @param list list to add values to
   * @throws QueryException HTTP exception
  private void strings(final Value value, final QNm name, final StringList list)
      throws QueryException {

    final long vs = value.size();
    for (int v = 0; v < vs; v++) list.add(toString(value.itemAt(v), name));
Esempio n. 7
   * Checks a function for RESTFful annotations.
   * @return {@code true} if module contains relevant annotations
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  boolean analyze() throws QueryException {
    // parse all annotations
    final EnumSet<HTTPMethod> mth = EnumSet.noneOf(HTTPMethod.class);
    final boolean[] declared = new boolean[function.args.length];
    boolean found = false;
    final int as = function.ann.size();
    for (int a = 0; a < as; a++) {
      final QNm name = function.ann.names[a];
      final Value value = function.ann.values[a];
      final byte[] local = name.local();
      final byte[] uri = name.uri();
      final boolean rexq = eq(uri, QueryText.RESTXQURI);
      if (rexq) {
        if (eq(PATH, local)) {
          // annotation "path"
          if (path != null) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string());
          path = new RestXqPath(toString(value, name));
          for (final String s : path) {
            if (s.trim().startsWith("{")) checkVariable(s, AtomType.AAT, declared);
        } else if (eq(CONSUMES, local)) {
          // annotation "consumes"
          strings(value, name, consumes);
        } else if (eq(PRODUCES, local)) {
          // annotation "produces"
          strings(value, name, produces);
        } else if (eq(QUERY_PARAM, local)) {
          // annotation "query-param"
          queryParams.add(param(value, name, declared));
        } else if (eq(FORM_PARAM, local)) {
          // annotation "form-param"
          formParams.add(param(value, name, declared));
        } else if (eq(HEADER_PARAM, local)) {
          // annotation "header-param"
          headerParams.add(param(value, name, declared));
        } else if (eq(COOKIE_PARAM, local)) {
          // annotation "cookie-param"
          cookieParams.add(param(value, name, declared));
        } else {
          // method annotations
          final HTTPMethod m = HTTPMethod.get(string(local));
          if (m == null) error(ANN_UNKNOWN, "%", name.string());
          if (!value.isEmpty()) {
            // remember post/put variable
            if (requestBody != null) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string());
            if (m != POST && m != PUT) error(METHOD_VALUE, m);
            requestBody = checkVariable(toString(value, name), declared);
          if (mth.contains(m)) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string());
      } else if (eq(uri, QueryText.OUTPUTURI)) {
        // serialization parameters
        final String key = string(local);
        final String val = toString(value, name);
        if (output.get(key) == null) error(UNKNOWN_SER, key);
        output.set(key, val);
      found |= rexq;
    if (!mth.isEmpty()) methods = mth;

    if (found) {
      if (path == null) error(ANN_MISSING, PATH);
      for (int i = 0; i < declared.length; i++)
        if (!declared[i]) error(VAR_UNDEFINED, function.args[i].name.string());
    return found;