@Override public Value value(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final int o = (int) ctx.resources.output.size(); final Updates updates = ctx.resources.updates(); final ContextModifier tmp = updates.mod; final TransformModifier pu = new TransformModifier(); updates.mod = pu; try { for (final Let fo : copies) { final Iter ir = ctx.iter(fo.expr); Item i = ir.next(); if (!(i instanceof ANode) || ir.next() != null) throw UPCOPYMULT.get(fo.info, fo.var.name); // copy node to main memory data instance i = ((ANode) i).dbCopy(ctx.context.options); // add resulting node to variable ctx.set(fo.var, i, info); pu.addData(i.data()); } final Value v = ctx.value(expr[0]); if (!v.isEmpty()) throw BASEX_MOD.get(info); updates.prepare(); updates.apply(); return ctx.value(expr[1]); } finally { ctx.resources.output.size(o); updates.mod = tmp; } }
@Override public Value value(final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException { final FItem getKey = checkArity(exprs[1], 1, qc); final long k = Math.min(toLong(exprs[2], qc), Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (k < 1) return Empty.SEQ; final Iter iter = exprs[0].iter(qc); final MinHeap<Item, Item> heap = new MinHeap<>( new Comparator<Item>() { @Override public int compare(final Item it1, final Item it2) { try { return OpV.LT.eval(it1, it2, sc.collation, sc, info) ? -1 : 1; } catch (final QueryException qe) { throw new QueryRTException(qe); } } }); try { for (Item it; (it = iter.next()) != null; ) { heap.insert(checkNoEmpty(getKey.invokeItem(qc, info, it)), it); if (heap.size() > k) heap.removeMin(); } } catch (final QueryRTException ex) { throw ex.getCause(); } final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder(); while (!heap.isEmpty()) vb.addFront(heap.removeMin()); return vb.value(); }
@Override public Item item(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException { final Iter ir = iter(qc); final Item it = ir.next(); if (it == null || ir.size() == 1) return it; final Item n = ir.next(); if (n != null) { final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder().add(it).add(n); if (ir.next() != null) vb.add(Str.get(DOTS)); throw SEQFOUND_X.get(info, vb.value()); } return it; }
@Override public Value value(final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException { final FItem f = checkArity(exprs[1], 1, qc); final Iter iter = exprs[0].iter(qc); Item it = iter.next(); if (it == null) return Empty.SEQ; final Value v1 = f.invokeValue(qc, info, it); it = iter.next(); if (it == null) return v1; final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder().add(v1); do { vb.add(f.invokeValue(qc, info, it)); } while ((it = iter.next()) != null); return vb.value(); }
@Override public final Item ebv(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException { final Item it; if (seqType().zeroOrOne()) { it = item(qc, info); } else { final Iter ir = iter(qc); it = ir.next(); if (it != null && !(it instanceof ANode)) { final Item n = ir.next(); if (n != null) { final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder().add(it).add(n); if (ir.next() != null) vb.add(Str.get(DOTS)); throw EBV_X.get(info, vb.value()); } } } return it == null ? Bln.FALSE : it; }
@Override public Iter iter(final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException { final Iter ir = exprs[0].iter(qc); final long len = ir.size(); if (len == 0) throw ONEORMORE.get(info); if (len > 0) return ir; return new Iter() { private boolean first = true; @Override public Item next() throws QueryException { final Item it = ir.next(); if (first) { if (it == null) throw ONEORMORE.get(info); first = false; } return it; } }; }
/** * Returns the next token of the specified iterator or {@code null}. * * @param iter iterator to be checked * @return item * @throws QueryException query exception */ private byte[] nextToken(final Iter iter) throws QueryException { final Item it = iter.next(); return it == null ? null : toToken(it); }
/** * Evaluates the specified query. * * @param query query * @return success flag */ final boolean query(final String query) { final Performance p = new Performance(); String error; if (exception != null) { error = Util.message(exception); } else { try { long hits = 0; final boolean run = options.get(MainOptions.RUNQUERY); final boolean serial = options.get(MainOptions.SERIALIZE); final int runs = Math.max(1, options.get(MainOptions.RUNS)); for (int r = 0; r < runs; ++r) { // reuse existing processor instance if (r != 0) qp = null; qp(query, context); parse(p); if (r == 0) plan(false); qp.compile(); info.compiling += p.time(); if (r == 0) plan(true); if (!run) continue; final PrintOutput po = r == 0 && serial ? out : new NullOutput(); try (final Serializer ser = qp.getSerializer(po)) { if (maxResults >= 0) { result = qp.cache(maxResults); info.evaluating += p.time(); result.serialize(ser); hits = result.size(); } else { hits = 0; final Iter ir = qp.iter(); info.evaluating += p.time(); for (Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null; ) { ser.serialize(it); ++hits; checkStop(); } } } qp.close(); info.serializing += p.time(); } // dump some query info // out.flush(); // remove string list if global locking is used and if query is updating if (soptions.get(StaticOptions.GLOBALLOCK) && qp.updating) { info.readLocked = null; info.writeLocked = null; } return info(info.toString(qp, out.size(), hits, options.get(MainOptions.QUERYINFO))); } catch (final QueryException | IOException ex) { exception = ex; error = Util.message(ex); } catch (final ProcException ex) { error = INTERRUPTED; } catch (final StackOverflowError ex) { Util.debug(ex); error = BASX_STACKOVERFLOW.desc; } catch (final RuntimeException ex) { extError(""); Util.debug(info()); throw ex; } finally { // close processor after exceptions if (qp != null) qp.close(); } } return extError(error); }