/** * Null check for arguments sent to Integration() constructor invoked through * IntegrationService.createIntegration() * * @throws Exception */ @Ignore("W-1495981") public void testNullsForIntegrationService() throws Exception { Integration integration = null; assertNotNull("Failed to locate integration service implementation.", service); // All Nulls integration = service.createIntegration(null, null, true, null); assertException(integration); // No Context Path integration = service.createIntegration(null, Mode.UTEST, true, null); assertException(integration); // No mode specified integration = service.createIntegration("", null, true, null); assertException(integration); }
/** Verify initializing attributes and event handlers during component injection. */ public void testAttributesAndEvents() { String attributeMarkup = "<aura:attribute name='strAttr' type='String'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='booleanAttr' type='Boolean'/>"; String eventsMarkup = "<aura:registerevent name='press' type='ui:press'/>" + "<aura:registerevent name='mouseout' type='ui:mouseout'/> "; DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> cmp = addSourceAutoCleanup( ComponentDef.class, String.format(baseComponentTag, "", attributeMarkup + eventsMarkup)); Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); attributes.put("strAttr", ""); attributes.put("booleanAttr", false); attributes.put("press", "function(e){alert('press')}"); attributes.put("mouseout", "function(e){alert('mouseout')}"); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); try { integration.injectComponent(cmp.getDescriptorName(), attributes, "", "", out); } catch (Exception unexpected) { fail( "Exception occured when injecting component with attribute and event handlers. Exception:" + unexpected.getMessage()); } }
/** Verify injecting multiple components using a single Integration Object. */ @UnAdaptableTest public void testInjectingMultipleComponents() throws Exception { DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> cmp1 = addSourceAutoCleanup(ComponentDef.class, String.format(baseComponentTag, "", "")); DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> cmp2 = addSourceAutoCleanup(ComponentDef.class, String.format(baseComponentTag, "", "")); Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); try { integration.injectComponent(cmp1.getDescriptorName(), attributes, "", "", out); integration.injectComponent(cmp2.getDescriptorName(), attributes, "", "", out); } catch (Exception unexpected) { fail("Failed to inject multiple component. Exception:" + unexpected.getMessage()); } // Verify that the boot strap was written only once assertNotNull(out); Pattern frameworkJS = Pattern.compile( "<script src=\"/auraFW/javascript/[^/]+/aura_.{4}.js\\?aura.fwuid=[-0-9A-Za-z_]*\" ></script>"); Matcher m = frameworkJS.matcher(out.toString()); int counter = 0; while (m.find()) { counter++; } assertEquals("Bootstrap template should be written out only once.", 1, counter); }
/** * Integration Service throws exception when used with an unsupported client. * * @throws Exception */ public void testThrowsOnUnsupportedBrowsers() throws Exception { String ie6UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows XP; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"; Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.DEV, true, ie6UserAgent); try { injectSimpleComponent(integration); fail("Integration service should throw exception when used with unsupported browsers."); } catch (UnsupportedUserAgentException e) { // expected } }
/** * Verify that injecting non existing exceptions is flagged with an exception. * * @throws Exception */ public void testInjectingNonExistingComponent() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); try { integration.injectComponent("foo:bared", attributes, "", "", out); fail( "Instantiating component through integration service should have failed because of missing component def."); } catch (DefinitionNotFoundException expected) { // Expected exception assertTrue(expected.getMessage().contains("No COMPONENT named markup://foo:bared found")); } }
/** Verify that only component defs can be injected. */ public void testInjectingApplications() throws Exception { String validApp = "test:laxSecurity"; Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); try { integration.injectComponent(validApp, attributes, "", "", out); fail("Injecting an application through integration service should have failed."); } catch (DefinitionNotFoundException expected) { // TODO: Maybe a better error message? assertTrue( expected.getMessage().contains("No COMPONENT named markup://test:laxSecurity found")); } }
/** * Verify that specifying non existing attributes names for initializing will result in * AuraRunTime exception. */ public void testNonExistingAttributeValues() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); attributes.put("fooBar", ""); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); try { integration.injectComponent(simpleComponentTag, attributes, "", "", out); fail("Using nonexisting attribute names should have failed."); } catch (AuraRuntimeException expected) { // TODO rework after ccollab: Earlier error message was like // "Unknown attribute or event ui:button:fooBar" assertEquals("Unknown attribute or event ui:button - fooBar", expected.getMessage()); } }
/** * AuraExecutionExceptions that occur during component instantiation should not stop the process * of component injection. The exception message should be conveyed to the user. There will be a * UI Test for this scenario. * * @throws Exception */ public void testExceptionDuringComponentInstantiation() throws Exception { DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> cmp = addSourceAutoCleanup( ComponentDef.class, String.format( baseComponentTag, "", "<aura:attribute name='reqAttr' required='true' type='String'/>")); Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); try { integration.injectComponent(cmp.getDescriptorName(), attributes, "", "", out); } catch (Exception unexpected) { fail("Exceptions during component instantiation should be funneled to the client."); } }
@Ignore("W-1505382") public void testNonStringAttributeValuesForEvents() throws Exception { // Non String attribute for functions Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); attributes.put("label", "Click Me"); attributes.put("press", new Integer(10)); try { integration.injectComponent(simpleComponentTag, attributes, "", "", out); fail("Should have failed to accept a non String value for event handler."); } catch (AuraRuntimeException expected) { // Expected } catch (Exception unexpected) { fail( "Failed to detect bad value provided for event handlers. Failed :" + unexpected.getMessage()); } }
/** * Null check for arguments sent to Integration.createIntegration() * * @throws Exception */ @Ignore("W-1495981") public void testNullsForCreateIntegration() throws Exception { Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); attributes.put("label", "Click Me"); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); // No component tag assertException(integration, null, attributes, "", "", out); // No attributes. TODO: Should be okay? assertException(integration, simpleComponentTag, null, "", "", out); // No locatorDomId assertException(integration, simpleComponentTag, attributes, "", null, out); // No stream to write output to assertException(integration, simpleComponentTag, attributes, "", "", null); // No local ID should be fine try { integration.injectComponent(simpleComponentTag, attributes, "", "", out); } catch (Exception unexpected) { fail("Not specifying a localId to injected component should be tolerated."); } }
/** * Verify injection a component with different attribute types. * * @throws Exception */ public void testAttributeTypes() throws Exception { String attributeMarkup = "<aura:attribute name='strAttr' type='String'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='booleanAttr' type='Boolean'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='strList' type='List'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='booleanArray' type='Boolean[]'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='cmps' type='Aura.Component[]'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='obj' type='Object'/>"; String attributeWithDefaultsMarkup = "<aura:attribute name='strAttrDefault' type='String' default='IS'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='booleanAttrDefault' type='Boolean' default='true'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='strListDefault' type='List' default='foo,bar'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='booleanArrayDefault' type='Boolean[]' default='[true,false,false]'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='objDefault' type='Object' default='fooBar'/>" + "<aura:attribute name='cmpsDefault' type='Aura.Component[]'>" + "<div/><span/>text<p/>" + "</aura:attribute>"; DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> cmp = addSourceAutoCleanup( ComponentDef.class, String.format(baseComponentTag, "", attributeMarkup + attributeWithDefaultsMarkup)); Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); attributes.put("strAttr", ""); attributes.put("booleanAttr", false); attributes.put("strList", Lists.newArrayList("food", "bared")); attributes.put("booleanArray", new Boolean[] {true, false}); attributes.put("obj", "Object"); Appendable out = new StringBuffer(); Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", Mode.UTEST, true, null); try { integration.injectComponent(cmp.getDescriptorName(), attributes, "", "", out); } catch (Exception unexpected) { fail( "Exception occured when injecting component with attribute values. Exception:" + unexpected.getMessage()); } }
/** * Sanity check for IntegrationService. * * @throws Exception */ @UnAdaptableTest public void testSanityCheck() throws Exception { assertNotNull("Failed to locate implementation of IntegrationService.", service); Mode[] testModes = new Mode[] {Mode.UTEST, Mode.PROD}; for (Mode m : testModes) { Integration integration = service.createIntegration("", m, true, null); assertNotNull( String.format( "Failed to create an integration object using IntegrationService in %s mode. Returned null.", m), integration); try { injectSimpleComponent(integration); } catch (Exception unexpected) { fail( String.format( "Failed to use IntegrationService to inject a component in %s mode with the following exception:", m) + unexpected.getMessage()); } } }