@Override public DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> provide() { BaseComponent<?, ?> component = Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext().getCurrentComponent(); String num = (String) component.getAttributes().getExpression("implNumber"); // Warning: test:test_Provider_providerImpl no longer exist return DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance( "test:test_Provider_providerImpl" + num, ComponentDef.class); }
public DefOverviewModel() throws QuickFixException { AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(); BaseComponent<?, ?> component = context.getCurrentComponent(); String desc = (String) component.getAttributes().getValue("descriptor"); DefType defType = DefType.valueOf(((String) component.getAttributes().getValue("defType")).toUpperCase()); DefinitionService definitionService = Aura.getDefinitionService(); DefDescriptor<?> descriptor = definitionService.getDefDescriptor(desc, defType.getPrimaryInterface()); Definition def = descriptor.getDef(); ReferenceTreeModel.assertAccess(def); Map<DefType, List<DefModel>> depsMap = Maps.newEnumMap(DefType.class); Set<DefDescriptor<?>> deps = Sets.newHashSet(); def.appendDependencies(deps); for (DefDescriptor<?> dep : deps) { DefType type = dep.getDefType(); List<DefModel> depsList = depsMap.get(type); if (depsList == null) { depsList = Lists.newArrayList(); depsMap.put(type, depsList); } depsList.add(new DefModel(dep)); } for (Entry<DefType, List<DefModel>> entry : depsMap.entrySet()) { List<DefModel> list = entry.getValue(); Collections.sort(list); Map<String, Object> group = Maps.newHashMap(); group.put("type", AuraTextUtil.initCap(entry.getKey().toString().toLowerCase())); group.put("list", list); dependencies.add(group); } }
public ComponentDefModel() throws QuickFixException { AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(); BaseComponent<?, ?> component = context.getCurrentComponent(); String desc = (String) component.getAttributes().getValue("descriptor"); DefType defType = DefType.valueOf(((String) component.getAttributes().getValue("defType")).toUpperCase()); DefinitionService definitionService = Aura.getDefinitionService(); descriptor = definitionService.getDefDescriptor(desc, defType.getPrimaryInterface()); definition = descriptor.getDef(); ReferenceTreeModel.assertAccess(definition); String type = null; if (definition instanceof RootDefinition) { RootDefinition rootDef = (RootDefinition) definition; for (AttributeDef attribute : rootDef.getAttributeDefs().values()) { if (ReferenceTreeModel.hasAccess(attribute)) { attributes.add(new AttributeModel(attribute)); } } DocumentationDef docDef = rootDef.getDocumentationDef(); doc = docDef != null ? new DocumentationDefModel(docDef) : null; if (definition instanceof BaseComponentDef) { BaseComponentDef cmpDef = (BaseComponentDef) definition; for (RegisterEventDef reg : cmpDef.getRegisterEventDefs().values()) { if (ReferenceTreeModel.hasAccess(reg)) { events.add(new AttributeModel(reg)); } } for (EventHandlerDef handler : cmpDef.getHandlerDefs()) { handledEvents.add(new AttributeModel(handler)); } for (DefDescriptor<InterfaceDef> intf : cmpDef.getInterfaces()) { if (ReferenceTreeModel.hasAccess(intf.getDef())) { interfaces.add(intf.getNamespace() + ":" + intf.getName()); } } DefDescriptor<?> superDesc = cmpDef.getExtendsDescriptor(); if (superDesc != null) { theSuper = superDesc.getNamespace() + ":" + superDesc.getName(); } else { theSuper = null; } isAbstract = cmpDef.isAbstract(); isExtensible = cmpDef.isExtensible(); } else if (definition instanceof EventDef) { EventDef eventDef = (EventDef) definition; DefDescriptor<?> superDesc = eventDef.getExtendsDescriptor(); if (superDesc != null) { theSuper = superDesc.getNamespace() + ":" + superDesc.getName(); } else { theSuper = null; } type = eventDef.getEventType().name(); isExtensible = true; isAbstract = false; } else { theSuper = null; isExtensible = true; isAbstract = false; } support = rootDef.getSupport().name(); if (definition instanceof RootDefinition) { List<DefDescriptor<?>> deps = ((RootDefinition) definition).getBundle(); for (DefDescriptor<?> dep : deps) { // we already surface the documentation--users don't need to see the source for it. if (dep.getDefType() != DefType.DOCUMENTATION) { Definition def = dep.getDef(); if (ReferenceTreeModel.hasAccess(def)) { defs.add(new DefModel(dep)); } } } } } else { support = null; theSuper = null; isExtensible = false; isAbstract = false; doc = null; } this.type = type; }
private BaseComponent<?, ?> getComponentWithPath(final String path) { BaseComponent<?, ?> comp = Mockito.mock(BaseComponent.class); Mockito.when(comp.getPath()).thenReturn(path); Mockito.when(comp.hasLocalDependencies()).thenReturn(true); return comp; }