protected AtmosphereHandlerWrapper map(String path) {
   AtmosphereHandlerWrapper atmosphereHandlerWrapper = config.handlers().get(path);
   if (atmosphereHandlerWrapper == null) {
     final Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>();
     for (Map.Entry<String, AtmosphereHandlerWrapper> e : config.handlers().entrySet()) {
       UriTemplate t = new UriTemplate(e.getKey());
       logger.trace("Trying to map {} to {}", t, path);
       if (t.match(path, m)) {
         atmosphereHandlerWrapper = e.getValue();
         logger.trace("Mapped {} to {}", t, e.getValue());
   return atmosphereHandlerWrapper;
   * Invoke the {@link AtmosphereHandler#onRequest} method.
   * @param req the {@link AtmosphereRequest}
   * @param res the {@link AtmosphereResponse}
   * @return action the Action operation.
   * @throws
   * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
  Action action(AtmosphereRequest req, AtmosphereResponse res)
      throws IOException, ServletException {

    boolean webSocketEnabled = false;
    if (req.getHeaders("Connection") != null && req.getHeaders("Connection").hasMoreElements()) {
      String[] e = req.getHeaders("Connection").nextElement().toString().split(",");
      for (String upgrade : e) {
        if (upgrade.equalsIgnoreCase("Upgrade")) {
          webSocketEnabled = true;

    if (webSocketEnabled && !supportWebSocket()) {
      res.addHeader(X_ATMOSPHERE_ERROR, "Websocket protocol not supported");
      return new Action();

    if (config.handlers().isEmpty()) {
          "No AtmosphereHandler found. Make sure you define it inside META-INF/atmosphere.xml");
      throw new AtmosphereMappingException(
          "No AtmosphereHandler found. Make sure you define it insides META-INF/atmosphere.xml");

    if (supportSession()) {
      // Create the session needed to support the Resume
      // operation from disparate requests.
      HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
      // Do not allow times out.
      if (session.getMaxInactiveInterval() == DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT) {

    req.setAttribute(FrameworkConfig.SUPPORT_SESSION, supportSession());

    AtmosphereHandlerWrapper handlerWrapper = map(req);
    // Check Broadcaster state. If destroyed, replace it.
    Broadcaster b = handlerWrapper.broadcaster;
    if (b.isDestroyed()) {
      synchronized (handlerWrapper) {
        config.getBroadcasterFactory().remove(b, b.getID());
        handlerWrapper.broadcaster = config.getBroadcasterFactory().get(b.getID());
    AtmosphereResourceImpl resource =
        new AtmosphereResourceImpl(
            config, handlerWrapper.broadcaster, req, res, this, handlerWrapper.atmosphereHandler);

    req.setAttribute(FrameworkConfig.ATMOSPHERE_RESOURCE, resource);
    req.setAttribute(FrameworkConfig.ATMOSPHERE_HANDLER, handlerWrapper.atmosphereHandler);

    try {
    } catch (IOException t) {
      throw t;

    if (trackActiveRequest
        && resource.getAtmosphereResourceEvent().isSuspended()
        && req.getAttribute(FrameworkConfig.CANCEL_SUSPEND_OPERATION) == null) {
      req.setAttribute(MAX_INACTIVE, System.currentTimeMillis());
      aliveRequests.put(req, resource);
    return resource.action();