public static SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getIndexInfo(IndexReader reader, boolean countTerms) throws IOException { Directory dir =; SimpleOrderedMap<Object> indexInfo = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); indexInfo.add("numDocs", reader.numDocs()); indexInfo.add("maxDoc", reader.maxDoc()); if (countTerms) { TermEnum te = null; try { te = reader.terms(); int numTerms = 0; while ( { numTerms++; } indexInfo.add("numTerms", numTerms); } finally { if (te != null) te.close(); } } indexInfo.add( "version", reader.getVersion()); // TODO? Is this different then: IndexReader.getCurrentVersion( dir )? indexInfo.add("optimized", reader.isOptimized()); indexInfo.add("current", reader.isCurrent()); indexInfo.add("hasDeletions", reader.hasDeletions()); indexInfo.add("directory", dir); indexInfo.add("lastModified", new Date(IndexReader.lastModified(dir))); return indexInfo; }
/** * Returns a <code>NamedList</code> with each entry having the "key" of the interval as name and * the count of docs in that interval as value. All intervals added in the request are included in * the returned <code>NamedList</code> (included those with 0 count), and it's required that the * order of the intervals is deterministic and equals in all shards of a distributed request, * otherwise the collation of results will fail. */ public NamedList<Object> getFacetIntervalCounts() throws IOException, SyntaxError { NamedList<Object> res = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); String[] fields = global.getParams(FacetParams.FACET_INTERVAL); if (fields == null || fields.length == 0) return res; for (String field : fields) { final ParsedParams parsed = parseParams(FacetParams.FACET_INTERVAL, field); String[] intervalStrs = parsed.required.getFieldParams(parsed.facetValue, FacetParams.FACET_INTERVAL_SET); SchemaField schemaField = searcher.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField(parsed.facetValue); if (parsed.params.getBool(GroupParams.GROUP_FACET, false)) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Interval Faceting can't be used with " + GroupParams.GROUP_FACET); } SimpleOrderedMap<Integer> fieldResults = new SimpleOrderedMap<Integer>(); res.add(parsed.key, fieldResults); IntervalFacets intervalFacets = new IntervalFacets(schemaField, searcher,, intervalStrs, parsed.params); for (FacetInterval interval : intervalFacets) { fieldResults.add(interval.getKey(), interval.getCount()); } } return res; }
private static void populateFieldInfo( IndexSchema schema, Map<String, List<String>> typeusemap, SimpleOrderedMap<Object> fields, SchemaField uniqueField, SchemaField f) { FieldType ft = f.getType(); SimpleOrderedMap<Object> field = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); field.add("type", ft.getTypeName()); field.add("flags", getFieldFlags(f)); if (f.isRequired()) { field.add("required", f.isRequired()); } if (f.getDefaultValue() != null) { field.add("default", f.getDefaultValue()); } if (f == uniqueField) { field.add("uniqueKey", true); } if (ft.getAnalyzer().getPositionIncrementGap(f.getName()) != 0) { field.add("positionIncrementGap", ft.getAnalyzer().getPositionIncrementGap(f.getName())); } field.add("copyDests", schema.getCopyFields(f.getName())); field.add("copySources", schema.getCopySources(f.getName())); fields.add(f.getName(), field); List<String> v = typeusemap.get(ft.getTypeName()); if (v == null) { v = new ArrayList<String>(); } v.add(f.getName()); typeusemap.put(ft.getTypeName(), v); }
/** * Convert this object to a SimpleOrderedMap, making it easier to serialize. * * @return the equivalent SimpleOrderedMap for this object. */ public SimpleOrderedMap<Object> toMap() { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> map = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); if (label != null) { map.add(LABEL_KEY, label); } map.add(VALUE_KEY, value); map.add(COUNT_KEY, count); map.add(TOTAL_KEY, getTotal()); if (hierarchy != null && hierarchy.size() > 0) { // Recurse through the child nodes, converting each to a map List<NamedList<Object>> hierarchyList =; map.add(HIERARCHY_KEY, hierarchyList); } return map; }
void addStats(SimpleOrderedMap<Object> target, int slotNum) throws IOException { int count = countAcc.getCount(slotNum); target.add("count", count); if (count > 0 || freq.processEmpty) { for (SlotAcc acc : accs) { acc.setValues(target, slotNum); } } }
protected void processStats(SimpleOrderedMap<Object> bucket, DocSet docs, int docCount) throws IOException { if (docCount == 0 && !freq.processEmpty || freq.getFacetStats().size() == 0) { bucket.add("count", docCount); return; } createAccs(docCount, 1); int collected = collect(docs, 0); countAcc.incrementCount(0, collected); assert collected == docCount; addStats(bucket, 0); }
protected void sendError(Throwable ex) throws IOException { Exception exp = null; SolrCore localCore = null; try { SolrQueryResponse solrResp = new SolrQueryResponse(); if (ex instanceof Exception) { solrResp.setException((Exception) ex); } else { solrResp.setException(new RuntimeException(ex)); } localCore = core; if (solrReq == null) { final SolrParams solrParams; if (req != null) { // use GET parameters if available: solrParams = SolrRequestParsers.parseQueryString(req.getQueryString()); } else { // we have no params at all, use empty ones: solrParams = new MapSolrParams(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); } solrReq = new SolrQueryRequestBase(core, solrParams) {}; } QueryResponseWriter writer = core.getQueryResponseWriter(solrReq); writeResponse(solrResp, writer, Method.GET); } catch (Exception e) { // This error really does not matter exp = e; } finally { try { if (exp != null) { SimpleOrderedMap info = new SimpleOrderedMap(); int code = ResponseUtils.getErrorInfo(ex, info, log); sendError(code, info.toString()); } } finally { if (core == null && localCore != null) { localCore.close(); } } } }
private static SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getAnalyzerInfo(Analyzer analyzer) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> aninfo = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); aninfo.add("className", analyzer.getClass().getName()); if (analyzer instanceof TokenizerChain) { TokenizerChain tchain = (TokenizerChain) analyzer; CharFilterFactory[] cfiltfacs = tchain.getCharFilterFactories(); SimpleOrderedMap<Map<String, Object>> cfilters = new SimpleOrderedMap<Map<String, Object>>(); for (CharFilterFactory cfiltfac : cfiltfacs) { Map<String, Object> tok = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String className = cfiltfac.getClass().getName(); tok.put("className", className); tok.put("args", cfiltfac.getArgs()); cfilters.add(className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1), tok); } if (cfilters.size() > 0) { aninfo.add("charFilters", cfilters); } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> tokenizer = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); TokenizerFactory tfac = tchain.getTokenizerFactory(); tokenizer.add("className", tfac.getClass().getName()); tokenizer.add("args", tfac.getArgs()); aninfo.add("tokenizer", tokenizer); TokenFilterFactory[] filtfacs = tchain.getTokenFilterFactories(); SimpleOrderedMap<Map<String, Object>> filters = new SimpleOrderedMap<Map<String, Object>>(); for (TokenFilterFactory filtfac : filtfacs) { Map<String, Object> tok = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String className = filtfac.getClass().getName(); tok.put("className", className); tok.put("args", filtfac.getArgs()); filters.add(className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1), tok); } if (filters.size() > 0) { aninfo.add("filters", filters); } } return aninfo; }
@Override public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) throws IOException { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> system = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); rsp.add("system", system); ThreadMXBean tmbean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); // Thread Count SimpleOrderedMap<Object> nl = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); nl.add("current", tmbean.getThreadCount()); nl.add("peak", tmbean.getPeakThreadCount()); nl.add("daemon", tmbean.getDaemonThreadCount()); system.add("threadCount", nl); // Deadlocks ThreadInfo[] tinfos; long[] tids = tmbean.findMonitorDeadlockedThreads(); if (tids != null) { tinfos = tmbean.getThreadInfo(tids, Integer.MAX_VALUE); NamedList<SimpleOrderedMap<Object>> lst = new NamedList<SimpleOrderedMap<Object>>(); for (ThreadInfo ti : tinfos) { if (ti != null) { lst.add("thread", getThreadInfo(ti, tmbean)); } } system.add("deadlocks", lst); } // Now show all the threads.... tids = tmbean.getAllThreadIds(); tinfos = tmbean.getThreadInfo(tids, Integer.MAX_VALUE); NamedList<SimpleOrderedMap<Object>> lst = new NamedList<SimpleOrderedMap<Object>>(); for (ThreadInfo ti : tinfos) { if (ti != null) { lst.add("thread", getThreadInfo(ti, tmbean)); } } system.add("threadDump", lst); rsp.setHttpCaching(false); }
void processSubs(SimpleOrderedMap<Object> response, Query filter, DocSet domain) throws IOException { // TODO: what if a zero bucket has a sub-facet with an exclusion that would yield results? // should we check for domain-altering exclusions, or even ask the sub-facet for // it's domain and then only skip it if it's 0? if (domain == null || domain.size() == 0 && !freq.processEmpty) { return; } for (Map.Entry<String, FacetRequest> sub : freq.getSubFacets().entrySet()) { // make a new context for each sub-facet since they can change the domain FacetContext subContext = fcontext.sub(filter, domain); FacetProcessor subProcessor = sub.getValue().createFacetProcessor(subContext); if (fcontext.getDebugInfo() != null) { // if fcontext.debugInfo != null, it means rb.debug() == true FacetDebugInfo fdebug = new FacetDebugInfo(); subContext.setDebugInfo(fdebug); fcontext.getDebugInfo().addChild(fdebug); fdebug.setReqDescription(sub.getValue().getFacetDescription()); fdebug.setProcessor(subProcessor.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (subContext.filter != null) fdebug.setFilter(subContext.filter.toString()); final RTimer timer = new RTimer(); subProcessor.process(); long timeElapsed = (long) timer.getTime(); fdebug.setElapse(timeElapsed); fdebug.putInfoItem("domainSize", (long) subContext.base.size()); } else { subProcessor.process(); } response.add(sub.getKey(), subProcessor.getResponse()); } }
private void testErrorHandling() throws Exception { final String baseUrl = getBaseUrl((HttpSolrServer) clients.get(0)); // try a bad action ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set("action", "BADACTION"); String collectionName = "badactioncollection"; params.set("name", collectionName); params.set("numShards", 2); QueryRequest request = new QueryRequest(params); request.setPath("/admin/collections"); boolean gotExp = false; NamedList<Object> resp = null; try { resp = createNewSolrServer("", baseUrl).request(request); } catch (SolrException e) { gotExp = true; } assertTrue(gotExp); // leave out required param name params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set("action", CollectionAction.CREATE.toString()); params.set("numShards", 2); collectionName = "collection"; // No Name // params.set("name", collectionName); if (secondConfigSet) { params.set("collection.configName", "conf1"); } request = new QueryRequest(params); request.setPath("/admin/collections"); gotExp = false; resp = null; try { resp = createNewSolrServer("", baseUrl).request(request); } catch (SolrException e) { gotExp = true; } assertTrue(gotExp); // Too many replicas params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set("action", CollectionAction.CREATE.toString()); collectionName = "collection"; params.set("name", collectionName); params.set("numShards", 2); if (secondConfigSet) { params.set("collection.configName", "conf1"); } params.set(REPLICATION_FACTOR, 10); request = new QueryRequest(params); request.setPath("/admin/collections"); gotExp = false; resp = null; try { resp = createNewSolrServer("", baseUrl).request(request); } catch (SolrException e) { gotExp = true; } assertTrue(gotExp); // No numShards should fail params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set("action", CollectionAction.CREATE.toString()); collectionName = "acollection"; params.set("name", collectionName); params.set(REPLICATION_FACTOR, 10); if (secondConfigSet) { params.set("collection.configName", "conf1"); } request = new QueryRequest(params); request.setPath("/admin/collections"); gotExp = false; resp = null; try { resp = createNewSolrServer("", baseUrl).request(request); } catch (SolrException e) { gotExp = true; } assertTrue(gotExp); // 0 numShards should fail params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set("action", CollectionAction.CREATE.toString()); collectionName = "acollection"; params.set("name", collectionName); params.set(REPLICATION_FACTOR, 10); params.set("numShards", 0); if (secondConfigSet) { params.set("collection.configName", "conf1"); } request = new QueryRequest(params); request.setPath("/admin/collections"); gotExp = false; resp = null; try { resp = createNewSolrServer("", baseUrl).request(request); } catch (SolrException e) { gotExp = true; } assertTrue(gotExp); // Fail on one node // first we make a core with the core name the collections api // will try and use - this will cause our mock fail Create createCmd = new Create(); createCmd.setCoreName("halfcollection_shard1_replica1"); createCmd.setCollection("halfcollectionblocker"); String dataDir = SolrTestCaseJ4.dataDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis() + "halfcollection" + "_3n"; createCmd.setDataDir(dataDir); createCmd.setNumShards(1); if (secondConfigSet) { createCmd.setCollectionConfigName("conf1"); } createNewSolrServer("", baseUrl).request(createCmd); createCmd = new Create(); createCmd.setCoreName("halfcollection_shard1_replica1"); createCmd.setCollection("halfcollectionblocker2"); dataDir = SolrTestCaseJ4.dataDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis() + "halfcollection" + "_3n"; createCmd.setDataDir(dataDir); createCmd.setNumShards(1); if (secondConfigSet) { createCmd.setCollectionConfigName("conf1"); } createNewSolrServer("", getBaseUrl((HttpSolrServer) clients.get(1))).request(createCmd); params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set("action", CollectionAction.CREATE.toString()); collectionName = "halfcollection"; params.set("name", collectionName); params.set("numShards", 2); params.set("wt", "xml"); if (secondConfigSet) { params.set("collection.configName", "conf1"); } String nn1 = ((SolrDispatchFilter) jettys.get(0).getDispatchFilter().getFilter()) .getCores() .getZkController() .getNodeName(); String nn2 = ((SolrDispatchFilter) jettys.get(1).getDispatchFilter().getFilter()) .getCores() .getZkController() .getNodeName(); params.set(OverseerCollectionProcessor.CREATE_NODE_SET, nn1 + "," + nn2); request = new QueryRequest(params); request.setPath("/admin/collections"); gotExp = false; resp = createNewSolrServer("", baseUrl).request(request); SimpleOrderedMap success = (SimpleOrderedMap) resp.get("success"); SimpleOrderedMap failure = (SimpleOrderedMap) resp.get("failure"); assertNotNull(resp.toString(), success); assertNotNull(resp.toString(), failure); String val1 = success.getVal(0).toString(); String val2 = failure.getVal(0).toString(); assertTrue(val1.contains("SolrException") || val2.contains("SolrException")); }
@Override public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) throws Exception { // Don't do anything if the framework is unknown if (watcher == null) { rsp.add("error", "Logging Not Initalized"); return; } rsp.add("watcher", watcher.getName()); SolrParams params = req.getParams(); if (params.get("threshold") != null) { watcher.setThreshold(params.get("threshold")); } // Write something at each level if (params.get("test") != null) { log.trace("trace message"); log.debug("debug message");"info (with exception)", new RuntimeException("test")); log.warn("warn (with exception)", new RuntimeException("test")); log.error("error (with exception)", new RuntimeException("test")); } String[] set = params.getParams("set"); if (set != null) { for (String pair : set) { String[] split = pair.split(":"); if (split.length != 2) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Invalid format, expected level:value, got " + pair); } String category = split[0]; String level = split[1]; watcher.setLogLevel(category, level); } } String since = req.getParams().get("since"); if (since != null) { long time = -1; try { time = Long.parseLong(since); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "invalid timestamp: " + since); } AtomicBoolean found = new AtomicBoolean(false); SolrDocumentList docs = watcher.getHistory(time, found); if (docs == null) { rsp.add("error", "History not enabled"); return; } else { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> info = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); if (time > 0) { info.add("since", time); info.add("found", found); } else { info.add("levels", watcher.getAllLevels()); // show for the first request } info.add("last", watcher.getLastEvent()); info.add("buffer", watcher.getHistorySize()); info.add("threshold", watcher.getThreshold()); rsp.add("info", info); rsp.add("history", docs); } } else { rsp.add("levels", watcher.getAllLevels()); List<LoggerInfo> loggers = new ArrayList<LoggerInfo>(watcher.getAllLoggers()); Collections.sort(loggers); List<SimpleOrderedMap<?>> info = new ArrayList<SimpleOrderedMap<?>>(); for (LoggerInfo wrap : loggers) { info.add(wrap.getInfo()); } rsp.add("loggers", info); } rsp.setHttpCaching(false); }
/** * Get a map of property name -> value for this field. If showDefaults is true, include default * properties (those inherited from the declared property type and not overridden in the field * declaration). */ public SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getNamedPropertyValues(boolean showDefaults) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> properties = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); properties.add(FIELD_NAME, getName()); properties.add(TYPE_NAME, getType().getTypeName()); if (showDefaults) { if (null != getDefaultValue()) { properties.add(DEFAULT_VALUE, getDefaultValue()); } properties.add(getPropertyName(INDEXED), indexed()); properties.add(getPropertyName(STORED), stored()); properties.add(getPropertyName(DOC_VALUES), hasDocValues()); properties.add(getPropertyName(STORE_TERMVECTORS), storeTermVector()); properties.add(getPropertyName(STORE_TERMPOSITIONS), storeTermPositions()); properties.add(getPropertyName(STORE_TERMOFFSETS), storeTermOffsets()); properties.add(getPropertyName(STORE_TERMPAYLOADS), storeTermPayloads()); properties.add(getPropertyName(OMIT_NORMS), omitNorms()); properties.add(getPropertyName(OMIT_TF_POSITIONS), omitTermFreqAndPositions()); properties.add(getPropertyName(OMIT_POSITIONS), omitPositions()); properties.add(getPropertyName(STORE_OFFSETS), storeOffsetsWithPositions()); properties.add(getPropertyName(MULTIVALUED), multiValued()); if (sortMissingFirst()) { properties.add(getPropertyName(SORT_MISSING_FIRST), sortMissingFirst()); } else if (sortMissingLast()) { properties.add(getPropertyName(SORT_MISSING_LAST), sortMissingLast()); } properties.add(getPropertyName(REQUIRED), isRequired()); properties.add(getPropertyName(TOKENIZED), isTokenized()); properties.add(getPropertyName(USE_DOCVALUES_AS_STORED), useDocValuesAsStored()); // The BINARY property is always false // properties.add(getPropertyName(BINARY), isBinary()); } else { for (Map.Entry<String, ?> arg : args.entrySet()) { String key = arg.getKey(); Object value = arg.getValue(); if (key.equals(DEFAULT_VALUE)) { properties.add(key, value); } else { boolean boolVal = value instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) value : Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString()); properties.add(key, boolVal); } } } return properties; }
@Override public void prepare(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException { SolrQueryRequest req = rb.req; SolrParams params = req.getParams(); // A runtime param can skip if (!params.getBool(QueryElevationParams.ENABLE, true)) { return; } boolean exclusive = params.getBool(QueryElevationParams.EXCLUSIVE, false); // A runtime parameter can alter the config value for forceElevation boolean force = params.getBool(QueryElevationParams.FORCE_ELEVATION, forceElevation); boolean markExcludes = params.getBool(QueryElevationParams.MARK_EXCLUDES, false); String boostStr = params.get(QueryElevationParams.IDS); String exStr = params.get(QueryElevationParams.EXCLUDE); Query query = rb.getQuery(); String qstr = rb.getQueryString(); if (query == null || qstr == null) { return; } ElevationObj booster = null; try { if (boostStr != null || exStr != null) { List<String> boosts = (boostStr != null) ? StrUtils.splitSmart(boostStr, ",", true) : new ArrayList<String>(0); List<String> excludes = (exStr != null) ? StrUtils.splitSmart(exStr, ",", true) : new ArrayList<String>(0); booster = new ElevationObj(qstr, boosts, excludes); } else { IndexReader reader = req.getSearcher().getIndexReader(); qstr = getAnalyzedQuery(qstr); booster = getElevationMap(reader, req.getCore()).get(qstr); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error loading elevation", ex); } if (booster != null) { rb.req.getContext().put(BOOSTED, booster.ids); // Change the query to insert forced documents if (exclusive == true) { // we only want these results rb.setQuery(booster.include); } else { BooleanQuery newq = new BooleanQuery(true); newq.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); newq.add(booster.include, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); if (booster.exclude != null) { if (markExcludes == false) { for (TermQuery tq : booster.exclude) { newq.add(new BooleanClause(tq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT)); } } else { // we are only going to mark items as excluded, not actually exclude them. This works // with the EditorialMarkerFactory rb.req.getContext().put(EXCLUDED, booster.excludeIds); } } rb.setQuery(newq); } ElevationComparatorSource comparator = new ElevationComparatorSource(booster); // if the sort is 'score desc' use a custom sorting method to // insert documents in their proper place SortSpec sortSpec = rb.getSortSpec(); if (sortSpec.getSort() == null) { sortSpec.setSortAndFields( new Sort( new SortField[] { new SortField("_elevate_", comparator, true), new SortField(null, SortField.Type.SCORE, false) }), Arrays.asList(new SchemaField[2])); } else { // Check if the sort is based on score SortSpec modSortSpec = this.modifySortSpec(sortSpec, force, comparator); if (null != modSortSpec) { rb.setSortSpec(modSortSpec); } } // alter the sorting in the grouping specification if there is one GroupingSpecification groupingSpec = rb.getGroupingSpec(); if (groupingSpec != null) { SortField[] groupSort = groupingSpec.getGroupSort().getSort(); Sort modGroupSort = this.modifySort(groupSort, force, comparator); if (modGroupSort != null) { groupingSpec.setGroupSort(modGroupSort); } SortField[] withinGroupSort = groupingSpec.getSortWithinGroup().getSort(); Sort modWithinGroupSort = this.modifySort(withinGroupSort, force, comparator); if (modWithinGroupSort != null) { groupingSpec.setSortWithinGroup(modWithinGroupSort); } } } // Add debugging information if (rb.isDebug()) { List<String> match = null; if (booster != null) { // Extract the elevated terms into a list match = new ArrayList<String>(booster.priority.size()); for (Object o : booster.include.clauses()) { TermQuery tq = (TermQuery) ((BooleanClause) o).getQuery(); match.add(tq.getTerm().text()); } } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> dbg = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); dbg.add("q", qstr); dbg.add("match", match); if (rb.isDebugQuery()) { rb.addDebugInfo("queryBoosting", dbg); } } }
/** Return info from the index */ private static SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getSchemaInfo(IndexSchema schema) { Map<String, List<String>> typeusemap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); SimpleOrderedMap<Object> fields = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); SchemaField uniqueField = schema.getUniqueKeyField(); for (SchemaField f : schema.getFields().values()) { populateFieldInfo(schema, typeusemap, fields, uniqueField, f); } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> dynamicFields = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); for (SchemaField f : schema.getDynamicFieldPrototypes()) { populateFieldInfo(schema, typeusemap, dynamicFields, uniqueField, f); } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> types = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); for (FieldType ft : schema.getFieldTypes().values()) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> field = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); field.add("fields", typeusemap.get(ft.getTypeName())); field.add("tokenized", ft.isTokenized()); field.add("className", ft.getClass().getName()); field.add("indexAnalyzer", getAnalyzerInfo(ft.getAnalyzer())); field.add("queryAnalyzer", getAnalyzerInfo(ft.getQueryAnalyzer())); types.add(ft.getTypeName(), field); } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> finfo = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); finfo.add("fields", fields); finfo.add("dynamicFields", dynamicFields); finfo.add("uniqueKeyField", null == uniqueField ? null : uniqueField.getName()); finfo.add("defaultSearchField", schema.getDefaultSearchFieldName()); finfo.add("types", types); return finfo; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getIndexedFieldsInfo( final SolrIndexSearcher searcher, final Set<String> fields, final int numTerms) throws Exception { IndexReader reader = searcher.getReader(); IndexSchema schema = searcher.getSchema(); // Walk the term enum and keep a priority queue for each map in our set Map<String, TopTermQueue> ttinfo = null; if (numTerms > 0) { ttinfo = getTopTerms(reader, fields, numTerms, null); } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> finfo = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); Collection<String> fieldNames = reader.getFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption.ALL); for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { if (fields != null && !fields.contains(fieldName)) { continue; // if a field is specified, only them } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> f = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); SchemaField sfield = schema.getFieldOrNull(fieldName); FieldType ftype = (sfield == null) ? null : sfield.getType(); f.add("type", (ftype == null) ? null : ftype.getTypeName()); f.add("schema", getFieldFlags(sfield)); if (sfield != null && schema.isDynamicField(sfield.getName()) && schema.getDynamicPattern(sfield.getName()) != null) { f.add("dynamicBase", schema.getDynamicPattern(sfield.getName())); } // If numTerms==0, the call is just asking for a quick field list if (ttinfo != null && sfield != null && sfield.indexed()) { Query q = new TermRangeQuery(fieldName, null, null, false, false); TopDocs top =, 1); if (top.totalHits > 0) { // Find a document with this field try { Document doc = searcher.doc(top.scoreDocs[0].doc); Fieldable fld = doc.getFieldable(fieldName); if (fld != null) { f.add("index", getFieldFlags(fld)); } else { // it is a non-stored field... f.add("index", "(unstored field)"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("error reading field: " + fieldName); } } f.add("docs", top.totalHits); TopTermQueue topTerms = ttinfo.get(fieldName); if (topTerms != null) { f.add("distinct", topTerms.distinctTerms); // Include top terms f.add("topTerms", topTerms.toNamedList(searcher.getSchema())); // Add a histogram f.add("histogram", topTerms.histogram.toNamedList()); } } // Add the field finfo.add(fieldName, f); } return finfo; }
private static SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getDocumentFieldsInfo( Document doc, int docId, IndexReader reader, IndexSchema schema) throws IOException { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> finfo = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); for (Object o : doc.getFields()) { Fieldable fieldable = (Fieldable) o; SimpleOrderedMap<Object> f = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); SchemaField sfield = schema.getFieldOrNull(; FieldType ftype = (sfield == null) ? null : sfield.getType(); f.add("type", (ftype == null) ? null : ftype.getTypeName()); f.add("schema", getFieldFlags(sfield)); f.add("flags", getFieldFlags(fieldable)); Term t = new Term(, ftype != null ? ftype.storedToIndexed(fieldable) : fieldable.stringValue()); f.add("value", (ftype == null) ? null : ftype.toExternal(fieldable)); // TODO: this really should be "stored" f.add("internal", fieldable.stringValue()); // may be a binary number byte[] arr = fieldable.getBinaryValue(); if (arr != null) { f.add("binary", Base64.byteArrayToBase64(arr, 0, arr.length)); } f.add("boost", fieldable.getBoost()); f.add( "docFreq", t.text() == null ? 0 : reader.docFreq(t)); // this can be 0 for non-indexed fields // If we have a term vector, return that if (fieldable.isTermVectorStored()) { try { TermFreqVector v = reader.getTermFreqVector(docId,; if (v != null) { SimpleOrderedMap<Integer> tfv = new SimpleOrderedMap<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { tfv.add(v.getTerms()[i], v.getTermFrequencies()[i]); } f.add("termVector", tfv); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("error writing term vector", ex); } } finfo.add(, f); } return finfo; }
/** @return a key to what each character means */ public static SimpleOrderedMap<String> getFieldFlagsKey() { SimpleOrderedMap<String> key = new SimpleOrderedMap<String>(); key.add(String.valueOf(FieldFlag.INDEXED.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.INDEXED.getDisplay()); key.add( String.valueOf(FieldFlag.TOKENIZED.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.TOKENIZED.getDisplay()); key.add(String.valueOf(FieldFlag.STORED.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.STORED.getDisplay()); key.add( String.valueOf(FieldFlag.MULTI_VALUED.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.MULTI_VALUED.getDisplay()); key.add( String.valueOf(FieldFlag.TERM_VECTOR_STORED.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.TERM_VECTOR_STORED.getDisplay()); key.add( String.valueOf(FieldFlag.TERM_VECTOR_OFFSET.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.TERM_VECTOR_OFFSET.getDisplay()); key.add( String.valueOf(FieldFlag.TERM_VECTOR_POSITION.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.TERM_VECTOR_POSITION.getDisplay()); key.add( String.valueOf(FieldFlag.OMIT_NORMS.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.OMIT_NORMS.getDisplay()); key.add(String.valueOf(FieldFlag.LAZY.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.LAZY.getDisplay()); key.add(String.valueOf(FieldFlag.BINARY.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.BINARY.getDisplay()); key.add( String.valueOf(FieldFlag.SORT_MISSING_FIRST.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.SORT_MISSING_FIRST.getDisplay()); key.add( String.valueOf(FieldFlag.SORT_MISSING_LAST.getAbbreviation()), FieldFlag.SORT_MISSING_LAST.getDisplay()); return key; }
@Override public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) throws Exception { IndexSchema schema = req.getSchema(); SolrIndexSearcher searcher = req.getSearcher(); IndexReader reader = searcher.getReader(); SolrParams params = req.getParams(); int numTerms = params.getInt(NUMTERMS, DEFAULT_COUNT); // Always show the core lucene info rsp.add("index", getIndexInfo(reader, numTerms > 0)); Integer docId = params.getInt(DOC_ID); if (docId == null && params.get(ID) != null) { // Look for something with a given solr ID SchemaField uniqueKey = schema.getUniqueKeyField(); String v = uniqueKey.getType().toInternal(params.get(ID)); Term t = new Term(uniqueKey.getName(), v); docId = searcher.getFirstMatch(t); if (docId < 0) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.NOT_FOUND, "Can't find document: " + params.get(ID)); } } // Read the document from the index if (docId != null) { Document doc = null; try { doc = reader.document(docId); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (doc == null) { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.NOT_FOUND, "Can't find document: " + docId); } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> info = getDocumentFieldsInfo(doc, docId, reader, schema); SimpleOrderedMap<Object> docinfo = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); docinfo.add("docId", docId); docinfo.add("lucene", info); docinfo.add("solr", doc); rsp.add("doc", docinfo); } else if ("schema".equals(params.get("show"))) { rsp.add("schema", getSchemaInfo(req.getSchema())); } else { // If no doc is given, show all fields and top terms Set<String> fields = null; if (params.get(CommonParams.FL) != null) { fields = new HashSet<String>(); for (String f : params.getParams(CommonParams.FL)) { fields.add(f); } } rsp.add("fields", getIndexedFieldsInfo(searcher, fields, numTerms)); } // Add some generally helpful information NamedList<Object> info = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); info.add("key", getFieldFlagsKey()); info.add( "NOTE", "Document Frequency (df) is not updated when a document is marked for deletion. df values include deleted documents."); rsp.add("info", info); rsp.setHttpCaching(false); }
/** * Get a map of property name -> value for this field type. * * @param showDefaults if true, include default properties. */ public SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getNamedPropertyValues(boolean showDefaults) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> namedPropertyValues = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); namedPropertyValues.add(TYPE_NAME, getTypeName()); namedPropertyValues.add(CLASS_NAME, getClassArg()); if (showDefaults) { Map<String, String> fieldTypeArgs = getNonFieldPropertyArgs(); if (null != fieldTypeArgs) { for (String key : fieldTypeArgs.keySet()) { if (!CLASS_NAME.equals(key) && !TYPE_NAME.equals(key)) { namedPropertyValues.add(key, fieldTypeArgs.get(key)); } } } if (this instanceof TextField) { namedPropertyValues.add( AUTO_GENERATE_PHRASE_QUERIES, ((TextField) this).getAutoGeneratePhraseQueries()); } namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(INDEXED), hasProperty(INDEXED)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(STORED), hasProperty(STORED)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(DOC_VALUES), hasProperty(DOC_VALUES)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(STORE_TERMVECTORS), hasProperty(STORE_TERMVECTORS)); namedPropertyValues.add( getPropertyName(STORE_TERMPOSITIONS), hasProperty(STORE_TERMPOSITIONS)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(STORE_TERMOFFSETS), hasProperty(STORE_TERMOFFSETS)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(OMIT_NORMS), hasProperty(OMIT_NORMS)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(OMIT_TF_POSITIONS), hasProperty(OMIT_TF_POSITIONS)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(OMIT_POSITIONS), hasProperty(OMIT_POSITIONS)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(STORE_OFFSETS), hasProperty(STORE_OFFSETS)); namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(MULTIVALUED), hasProperty(MULTIVALUED)); if (hasProperty(SORT_MISSING_FIRST)) { namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(SORT_MISSING_FIRST), true); } else if (hasProperty(SORT_MISSING_LAST)) { namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(SORT_MISSING_LAST), true); } namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(TOKENIZED), isTokenized()); // The BINARY property is always false // namedPropertyValues.add(getPropertyName(BINARY), hasProperty(BINARY)); if (null != getPostingsFormat()) { namedPropertyValues.add(POSTINGS_FORMAT, getPostingsFormat()); } if (null != getDocValuesFormat()) { namedPropertyValues.add(DOC_VALUES_FORMAT, getDocValuesFormat()); } } else { // Don't show defaults Set<String> fieldProperties = new HashSet<>(); for (String propertyName : FieldProperties.propertyNames) { fieldProperties.add(propertyName); } for (String key : args.keySet()) { if (fieldProperties.contains(key)) { namedPropertyValues.add(key, StrUtils.parseBool(args.get(key))); } else if (!CLASS_NAME.equals(key) && !TYPE_NAME.equals(key)) { namedPropertyValues.add(key, args.get(key)); } } } if (null != getSimilarityFactory()) { namedPropertyValues.add(SIMILARITY, getSimilarityFactory().getNamedPropertyValues()); } if (this instanceof HasImplicitIndexAnalyzer) { if (isExplicitQueryAnalyzer()) { namedPropertyValues.add(QUERY_ANALYZER, getAnalyzerProperties(getQueryAnalyzer())); } } else { if (isExplicitAnalyzer()) { String analyzerProperty = isExplicitQueryAnalyzer() ? INDEX_ANALYZER : ANALYZER; namedPropertyValues.add(analyzerProperty, getAnalyzerProperties(getIndexAnalyzer())); } if (isExplicitQueryAnalyzer()) { String analyzerProperty = isExplicitAnalyzer() ? QUERY_ANALYZER : ANALYZER; namedPropertyValues.add(analyzerProperty, getAnalyzerProperties(getQueryAnalyzer())); } } if (this instanceof TextField) { if (((TextField) this).isExplicitMultiTermAnalyzer()) { namedPropertyValues.add( MULTI_TERM_ANALYZER, getAnalyzerProperties(((TextField) this).getMultiTermAnalyzer())); } } return namedPropertyValues; }
private static SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getThreadInfo(ThreadInfo ti, ThreadMXBean tmbean) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> info = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); long tid = ti.getThreadId(); info.add("id", tid); info.add("name", ti.getThreadName()); info.add("state", ti.getThreadState().toString()); if (ti.getLockName() != null) { info.add("lock", ti.getLockName()); } if (ti.isSuspended()) { info.add("suspended", true); } if (ti.isInNative()) { info.add("native", true); } if (tmbean.isThreadCpuTimeSupported()) { info.add("cpuTime", formatNanos(tmbean.getThreadCpuTime(tid))); info.add("userTime", formatNanos(tmbean.getThreadUserTime(tid))); } if (ti.getLockOwnerName() != null) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> owner = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>(); owner.add("name", ti.getLockOwnerName()); owner.add("id", ti.getLockOwnerId()); } // Add the stack trace int i = 0; String[] trace = new String[ti.getStackTrace().length]; for (StackTraceElement ste : ti.getStackTrace()) { trace[i++] = ste.toString(); } info.add("stackTrace", trace); return info; }
public void merge(ResponseBuilder rb, ShardRequest sreq) { // id to shard mapping, to eliminate any accidental dups HashMap<Object, String> uniqueDoc = new HashMap<>(); NamedList<Object> shardInfo = null; if (rb.req.getParams().getBool(ShardParams.SHARDS_INFO, false)) { shardInfo = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); rb.rsp.getValues().add(ShardParams.SHARDS_INFO, shardInfo); } IndexSchema schema = rb.req.getSchema(); SchemaField uniqueKeyField = schema.getUniqueKeyField(); long numFound = 0; Float maxScore = null; boolean partialResults = false; List<ShardDoc> shardDocs = new ArrayList(); for (ShardResponse srsp : sreq.responses) { SolrDocumentList docs = null; if (shardInfo != null) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> nl = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); if (srsp.getException() != null) { Throwable t = srsp.getException(); if (t instanceof SolrServerException) { t = ((SolrServerException) t).getCause(); } nl.add("error", t.toString()); StringWriter trace = new StringWriter(); t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(trace)); nl.add("trace", trace.toString()); if (srsp.getShardAddress() != null) { nl.add("shardAddress", srsp.getShardAddress()); } } else { docs = (SolrDocumentList) srsp.getSolrResponse().getResponse().get("response"); nl.add("numFound", docs.getNumFound()); nl.add("maxScore", docs.getMaxScore()); nl.add("shardAddress", srsp.getShardAddress()); } if (srsp.getSolrResponse() != null) { nl.add("time", srsp.getSolrResponse().getElapsedTime()); } shardInfo.add(srsp.getShard(), nl); } // now that we've added the shard info, let's only proceed if we have no error. if (srsp.getException() != null) { partialResults = true; continue; } if (docs == null) { // could have been initialized in the shards info block above docs = (SolrDocumentList) srsp.getSolrResponse().getResponse().get("response"); } NamedList<?> responseHeader = (NamedList<?>) srsp.getSolrResponse().getResponse().get("responseHeader"); if (responseHeader != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals( responseHeader.get(SolrQueryResponse.RESPONSE_HEADER_PARTIAL_RESULTS_KEY))) { partialResults = true; } // calculate global maxScore and numDocsFound if (docs.getMaxScore() != null) { maxScore = maxScore == null ? docs.getMaxScore() : Math.max(maxScore, docs.getMaxScore()); } numFound += docs.getNumFound(); SortSpec ss = rb.getSortSpec(); Sort sort = ss.getSort(); NamedList sortFieldValues = (NamedList) (srsp.getSolrResponse().getResponse().get("merge_values")); NamedList unmarshalledSortFieldValues = unmarshalSortValues(ss, sortFieldValues, schema); List lst = (List) unmarshalledSortFieldValues.getVal(0); for (int i = 0; i < docs.size(); i++) { SolrDocument doc = docs.get(i); Object id = doc.getFieldValue(uniqueKeyField.getName()); String prevShard = uniqueDoc.put(id, srsp.getShard()); if (prevShard != null) { // duplicate detected numFound--; // For now, just always use the first encountered since we can't currently // remove the previous one added to the priority queue. If we switched // to the Java5 PriorityQueue, this would be easier. continue; // make which duplicate is used deterministic based on shard // if (prevShard.compareTo(srsp.shard) >= 0) { // TODO: remove previous from priority queue // continue; // } } ShardDoc shardDoc = new ShardDoc(); = id; shardDoc.shard = srsp.getShard(); shardDoc.orderInShard = i; Object scoreObj = lst.get(i); if (scoreObj != null) { shardDoc.score = ((Integer) scoreObj).floatValue(); } shardDocs.add(shardDoc); } // end for-each-doc-in-response } // end for-each-response Collections.sort( shardDocs, new Comparator<ShardDoc>() { @Override public int compare(ShardDoc o1, ShardDoc o2) { if (o1.score < o2.score) { return 1; } else if (o1.score > o2.score) { return -1; } else { return 0; // To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File // Templates. } } }); int resultSize = shardDocs.size(); Map<Object, ShardDoc> resultIds = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < shardDocs.size(); i++) { ShardDoc shardDoc = shardDocs.get(i); shardDoc.positionInResponse = i; // Need the toString() for correlation with other lists that must // be strings (like keys in highlighting, explain, etc) resultIds.put(, shardDoc); } // Add hits for distributed requests // rb.rsp.addToLog("hits", numFound); SolrDocumentList responseDocs = new SolrDocumentList(); if (maxScore != null) responseDocs.setMaxScore(maxScore); responseDocs.setNumFound(numFound); responseDocs.setStart(0); // size appropriately for (int i = 0; i < resultSize; i++) responseDocs.add(null); // save these results in a private area so we can access them // again when retrieving stored fields. // TODO: use ResponseBuilder (w/ comments) or the request context? rb.resultIds = resultIds; rb.setResponseDocs(responseDocs); if (partialResults) { rb.rsp .getResponseHeader() .add(SolrQueryResponse.RESPONSE_HEADER_PARTIAL_RESULTS_KEY, Boolean.TRUE); } }
/** * Returns a description of the given analyzer, by either reporting the Analyzer class name (and * optionally luceneMatchVersion) if it's not a TokenizerChain, or if it is, querying each * analysis factory for its name and args. */ protected static SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getAnalyzerProperties(Analyzer analyzer) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> analyzerProps = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); if (analyzer instanceof TokenizerChain) { Map<String, String> factoryArgs; TokenizerChain tokenizerChain = (TokenizerChain) analyzer; CharFilterFactory[] charFilterFactories = tokenizerChain.getCharFilterFactories(); if (0 < charFilterFactories.length) { List<SimpleOrderedMap<Object>> charFilterProps = new ArrayList<>(); for (CharFilterFactory charFilterFactory : charFilterFactories) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> props = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); props.add(CLASS_NAME, charFilterFactory.getClassArg()); factoryArgs = charFilterFactory.getOriginalArgs(); if (null != factoryArgs) { for (String key : factoryArgs.keySet()) { if (!CLASS_NAME.equals(key)) { if (LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM.equals(key)) { if (charFilterFactory.isExplicitLuceneMatchVersion()) { props.add(key, factoryArgs.get(key)); } } else { props.add(key, factoryArgs.get(key)); } } } } charFilterProps.add(props); } analyzerProps.add(CHAR_FILTERS, charFilterProps); } SimpleOrderedMap<Object> tokenizerProps = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory = tokenizerChain.getTokenizerFactory(); tokenizerProps.add(CLASS_NAME, tokenizerFactory.getClassArg()); factoryArgs = tokenizerFactory.getOriginalArgs(); if (null != factoryArgs) { for (String key : factoryArgs.keySet()) { if (!CLASS_NAME.equals(key)) { if (LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM.equals(key)) { if (tokenizerFactory.isExplicitLuceneMatchVersion()) { tokenizerProps.add(key, factoryArgs.get(key)); } } else { tokenizerProps.add(key, factoryArgs.get(key)); } } } } analyzerProps.add(TOKENIZER, tokenizerProps); TokenFilterFactory[] filterFactories = tokenizerChain.getTokenFilterFactories(); if (0 < filterFactories.length) { List<SimpleOrderedMap<Object>> filterProps = new ArrayList<>(); for (TokenFilterFactory filterFactory : filterFactories) { SimpleOrderedMap<Object> props = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); props.add(CLASS_NAME, filterFactory.getClassArg()); factoryArgs = filterFactory.getOriginalArgs(); if (null != factoryArgs) { for (String key : factoryArgs.keySet()) { if (!CLASS_NAME.equals(key)) { if (LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM.equals(key)) { if (filterFactory.isExplicitLuceneMatchVersion()) { props.add(key, factoryArgs.get(key)); } } else { props.add(key, factoryArgs.get(key)); } } } } filterProps.add(props); } analyzerProps.add(FILTERS, filterProps); } } else { // analyzer is not instanceof TokenizerChain analyzerProps.add(CLASS_NAME, analyzer.getClass().getName()); if (analyzer.getVersion() != Version.LATEST) { analyzerProps.add(LUCENE_MATCH_VERSION_PARAM, analyzer.getVersion().toString()); } } return analyzerProps; }
public static String getResponseHeaderParam(QueryResponse rsp, String param) { SimpleOrderedMap paramMap = (SimpleOrderedMap) rsp.getHeader().get(Response.HEADER_PARAMS_KEY); String paramValue = (String) paramMap.get(param); return paramValue != null ? paramValue : ""; }