   * For each of the currently configured message property intercepter instance a string key value
   * is inserted into an Set and returned if the property has a value and is available for a read
   * operation. The Set returned may be manipulated by the receiver without impacting the facade,
   * and an empty set will be returned if there are no matching properties.
   * @param message the JmsMessageFacade instance to read from
   * @param excludeStandardJMSHeaders whether the standard JMS header names should be excluded from
   *     the returned set
   * @return a {@code Set<String>} containing the names of all intercepted properties with a value.
   * @throws JMSException if an error occurs while gathering the message property names.
  public static Set<String> getPropertyNames(
      JmsMessageFacade message, boolean excludeStandardJMSHeaders) throws JMSException {
    Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>();
    for (Entry<String, PropertyIntercepter> entry : PROPERTY_INTERCEPTERS.entrySet()) {
      if (excludeStandardJMSHeaders && STANDARD_HEADERS.contains(entry.getKey())) {

      if (entry.getValue().propertyExists(message)) {


    return names;
  * For each of the currently configured message property intercepter instance a string key value
  * is inserted into an Set and returned.
  * @param message the JmsMessageFacade instance to read property names from.
  * @return a {@code Set<String>} containing the names of all intercepted properties.
  * @throws JMSException if an error occurs while gathering the message property names.
 public static Set<String> getAllPropertyNames(JmsMessageFacade message) throws JMSException {
   Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(PROPERTY_INTERCEPTERS.keySet());
   return names;