public void testReferenceSize() {
    if (!isSupportedJVM()) {
      System.err.println("WARN: Your JVM does not support certain Oracle/Sun extensions.");
      System.err.println(" Memory estimates may be inaccurate.");
      System.err.println(" Please report this to the Lucene mailing list.");
      System.err.println("JVM version: " + RamUsageEstimator.JVM_INFO_STRING);
      for (JvmFeature f : RamUsageEstimator.getUnsupportedFeatures()) {
        System.err.print(" - " + f.toString());
        if (f == RamUsageEstimator.JvmFeature.OBJECT_ALIGNMENT) {
              "; Please note: 32bit Oracle/Sun VMs don't allow exact OBJECT_ALIGNMENT retrieval, this is a known issue.");

    assertTrue(NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF == 4 || NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF == 8);
    if (!Constants.JRE_IS_64BIT) {
      assertEquals("For 32bit JVMs, reference size must always be 4?", 4, NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF);