Esempio n. 1
   * Sets the enum to operate in linear fashion, as we have found a looping transition at position:
   * we set an upper bound and act like a TermRangeQuery for this portion of the term space.
  private void setLinear(int position) {
    assert linear == false;

    int state = runAutomaton.getInitialState();
    int maxInterval = 0xff;
    for (int i = 0; i < position; i++) {
      state = runAutomaton.step(state, seekBytesRef.bytes[i] & 0xff);
      assert state >= 0 : "state=" + state;
    for (int i = 0; i < allTransitions[state].length; i++) {
      Transition t = allTransitions[state][i];
      if (t.getMin() <= (seekBytesRef.bytes[position] & 0xff)
          && (seekBytesRef.bytes[position] & 0xff) <= t.getMax()) {
        maxInterval = t.getMax();
    // 0xff terms don't get the optimization... not worth the trouble.
    if (maxInterval != 0xff) maxInterval++;
    int length = position + 1; /* position + maxTransition */
    if (linearUpperBound.bytes.length < length) linearUpperBound.bytes = new byte[length];
    System.arraycopy(seekBytesRef.bytes, 0, linearUpperBound.bytes, 0, position);
    linearUpperBound.bytes[position] = (byte) maxInterval;
    linearUpperBound.length = length;

    linear = true;
Esempio n. 2
   * Increments the byte buffer to the next String in binary order after s that will not put the
   * machine into a reject state. If such a string does not exist, returns false.
   * <p>The correctness of this method depends upon the automaton being deterministic, and having no
   * transitions to dead states.
   * @return true if more possible solutions exist for the DFA
  private boolean nextString() {
    int state;
    int pos = 0;
    savedStates.grow(seekBytesRef.length + 1);
    final int[] states = savedStates.ints;
    states[0] = runAutomaton.getInitialState();

    while (true) {
      linear = false;
      // walk the automaton until a character is rejected.
      for (state = states[pos]; pos < seekBytesRef.length; pos++) {
        visited[state] = curGen;
        int nextState = runAutomaton.step(state, seekBytesRef.bytes[pos] & 0xff);
        if (nextState == -1) break;
        states[pos + 1] = nextState;
        // we found a loop, record it for faster enumeration
        if (!finite && !linear && visited[nextState] == curGen) {
        state = nextState;

      // take the useful portion, and the last non-reject state, and attempt to
      // append characters that will match.
      if (nextString(state, pos)) {
        return true;
      } else {
        /* no more solutions exist from this useful portion, backtrack */
        if ((pos = backtrack(pos)) < 0) /* no more solutions at all */ return false;
        final int newState = runAutomaton.step(states[pos], seekBytesRef.bytes[pos] & 0xff);
        if (newState >= 0 && runAutomaton.isAccept(newState))
          /* String is good to go as-is */
          return true;
        /* else advance further */
        // TODO: paranoia? if we backtrack thru an infinite DFA, the loop detection is important!
        // for now, restart from scratch for all infinite DFAs
        if (!finite) pos = 0;
Esempio n. 3
 /** Load frame for target arc(node) on fst */
 Frame loadExpandFrame(Frame top, Frame frame) throws IOException {
   if (!canGrow(top)) {
     return null;
   frame.fstArc = fst.readFirstRealTargetArc(, frame.fstArc, fstReader);
   frame.fsaState = fsa.step(top.fsaState, frame.fstArc.label);
   // if (TEST) System.out.println(" loadExpand frame="+frame);
   if (frame.fsaState == -1) {
     return loadNextFrame(top, frame);
   return frame;
Esempio n. 4
  * Load frame for target arc(node) on fst, so that arc.label >= label and
  * !fsa.reject(arc.label)
 Frame loadCeilFrame(int label, Frame top, Frame frame) throws IOException {
   FST.Arc<FSTTermOutputs.TermData> arc = frame.fstArc;
   arc = Util.readCeilArc(label, fst, top.fstArc, arc, fstReader);
   if (arc == null) {
     return null;
   frame.fsaState = fsa.step(top.fsaState, arc.label);
   // if (TEST) System.out.println(" loadCeil frame="+frame);
   if (frame.fsaState == -1) {
     return loadNextFrame(top, frame);
   return frame;
Esempio n. 5
 /** Load frame for sibling arc(node) on fst */
 Frame loadNextFrame(Frame top, Frame frame) throws IOException {
   if (!canRewind(frame)) {
     return null;
   while (!frame.fstArc.isLast()) {
     frame.fstArc = fst.readNextRealArc(frame.fstArc, fstReader);
     frame.fsaState = fsa.step(top.fsaState, frame.fstArc.label);
     if (frame.fsaState != -1) {
   // if (TEST) System.out.println(" loadNext frame="+frame);
   if (frame.fsaState == -1) {
     return null;
   return frame;