private void insertData(ByteBufferDirectory dir, int bufferSizeInBytes) throws IOException { byte[] test = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput("value1", IOContext.DEFAULT); indexOutput.writeBytes(new byte[] {2, 4, 6, 7, 8}, 5); indexOutput.writeInt(-1); indexOutput.writeLong(10); indexOutput.writeInt(0); indexOutput.writeInt(0); indexOutput.writeBytes(test, 8); indexOutput.writeBytes(test, 5);; indexOutput.writeByte((byte) 8); if (bufferSizeInBytes > 4) {; indexOutput.writeBytes(new byte[] {1, 2}, 2); } indexOutput.close(); }
private void insertData(CoherenceDirectory dir, String fileName) throws IOException { byte[] test = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(fileName); indexOutput.writeBytes(new byte[] {2, 4, 6, 7, 8}, 5); indexOutput.writeInt(-1); indexOutput.writeLong(10); indexOutput.writeInt(0); indexOutput.writeInt(0); indexOutput.writeBytes(test, 8); indexOutput.writeBytes(test, 5);; indexOutput.writeByte((byte) 8); if (dir.getBucketSize() > 4) {; indexOutput.writeBytes(new byte[] {1, 2}, 2); } indexOutput.close(); }
public void testWriteChunks() throws Exception { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME) .chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE) .create(); IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt"); io.writeByte((byte) 66); io.writeByte((byte) 69); io.flush(); io.close(); assert dir.fileExists("MyNewFile.txt"); assert null != cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE)); // test contents by reading: byte[] buf = new byte[9]; IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("MyNewFile.txt"); ii.readBytes(buf, 0, (int) ii.length()); ii.close(); assert new String(new byte[] {66, 69}).equals(new String(buf).trim()); String testText = "This is some rubbish again that will span more than one chunk - one hopes. Who knows, maybe even three or four chunks."; io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt");; io.writeBytes(testText.getBytes(), 0, testText.length()); io.close(); // now compare. byte[] chunk1 = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE)); byte[] chunk2 = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE)); assert null != chunk1; assert null != chunk2; assert testText.equals(new String(chunk1) + new String(chunk2).trim()); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); }
@Override public void seek(long pos) throws IOException {; }
protected void writeTrailer(long dirStart) throws IOException {; out.writeLong(dirStart); }
@Test public void testWriteUsingSeekMethod() throws IOException { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME) .chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE) .create(); String fileName = "SomeText.txt"; IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput(fileName); RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence(); // It writes repeatable text final int REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1501; for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { io.writeByte(bytesGenerator.nextByte()); } io.flush(); assert io.length() == REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE; // Text to write on file with repeatable text final String someText = "This is some text"; final byte[] someTextAsBytes = someText.getBytes(); // 4 points in random order where writing someText: at begin of file, at end of file, within a // single chunk, // between 2 chunks final int[] pointers = {0, 635, REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE, 135}; for (int i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) {[i]); io.writeBytes(someTextAsBytes, someTextAsBytes.length); } io.close(); bytesGenerator.reset(); final long finalSize = REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length; assert io.length() == finalSize; assert io.length() == DirectoryIntegrityCheck.deepCountFileSize(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, fileName), cache); int indexPointer = 0; Arrays.sort(pointers); byte[] buffer = null; int chunkIndex = -1; // now testing the stream is equal to the produced repeatable but including the edits at pointed // positions for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length; i++) { if (i % BUFFER_SIZE == 0) { buffer = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, fileName, ++chunkIndex, BUFFER_SIZE)); } byte predictableByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte(); if (i < pointers[indexPointer]) { // Assert predictable text AssertJUnit.assertEquals(predictableByte, buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE]); } else if (pointers[indexPointer] <= i && i < pointers[indexPointer] + someTextAsBytes.length) { // Assert someText AssertJUnit.assertEquals( someTextAsBytes[i - pointers[indexPointer]], buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE]); } if (i == pointers[indexPointer] + someTextAsBytes.length) { // Change pointer indexPointer++; } } dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); }
@Override public void seek(long l) throws IOException {; }
@Override public void seek(long pos) throws IOException {; }