/** @throws Exception If failed. */
  private void checkRemove(CacheAtomicityMode atomicityMode) throws Exception {
    this.atomicityMode = atomicityMode;

    try {
      IgniteCache<IncorrectCacheKey, String> cache = grid(0).cache(null);

      cache.remove(new IncorrectCacheKey(0));

      fail("Key without hashCode()/equals() was successfully used for remove operation.");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      info("Catched expected exception: " + e.getMessage());

          e.getMessage().startsWith("Cache key must override hashCode() and equals() methods"));
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testClientNodeNotInAffinity() throws Exception {
    checkCache(CACHE1, 2);

    checkCache(CACHE2, 2);

    checkCache(CACHE3, 2);

    checkCache(CACHE4, 3);

    checkCache(CACHE5, 2);

    Ignite client = ignite(NODE_CNT - 1);

    CacheConfiguration ccfg = new CacheConfiguration();


    ccfg.setNodeFilter(new TestNodesFilter());

    IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache = client.createCache(ccfg);

    try {
      checkCache(null, 1);
    } finally {

    cache = client.createCache(ccfg, new NearCacheConfiguration());

    try {
      checkCache(null, 1);
    } finally {
   * Tests offset and limit clauses for query.
   * @throws Exception If failed.
  public void testOffsetLimit() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> c =
        ignite(0).getOrCreateCache(cacheConfig("ints", true, Integer.class, Integer.class));

    try {
      List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();

      Random rnd = new GridRandom();

      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        int val = rnd.nextInt(100);

        c.put(i, val);


      String qry = "select _val from Integer order by _val ";

      assertEqualsCollections(res, columnQuery(c, qry));
      assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(0, 0), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ?", 0));
      assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(0, 3), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ?", 3));
      assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(0, 9), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 9, 0));
      assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(3, 7), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 4, 3));
      assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(7, 9), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 2, 7));
      assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(8, 10), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 2, 8));
      assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(9, 10), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 1, 9));
      assertEqualsCollections(res.subList(10, 10), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset ?", 1, 10));
          res.subList(9, 10), columnQuery(c, qry + "limit ? offset abs(-(4 + ?))", 1, 5));
    } finally {
   * Execute individual put and get, getting value in portable format, without de-serializing it.
   * @param cache Cache.
  private static void putGetPortable(IgniteCache<Integer, Organization> cache) {
    // Create new Organization portable object to store in cache.
    Organization org =
        new Organization(
            "Microsoft", // Name.
            new Address("1096 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA", 94109), // Address.
            OrganizationType.PRIVATE, // Type.
            new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); // Last update time.

    // Put created data entry to cache.
    cache.put(1, org);

    // Get cache that will get values as portable objects.
    IgniteCache<Integer, PortableObject> portableCache = cache.withKeepPortable();

    // Get recently created organization as a portable object.
    PortableObject po = portableCache.get(1);

    // Get organization's name from portable object (note that
    // object doesn't need to be fully deserialized).
    String name = po.field("name");

    System.out.println(">>> Retrieved organization name from portable object: " + name);
  /** @throws Exception if failed. */
  public void testDynamicCache() throws Exception {
    IgniteEx ignite = startGrid(0);

    String cacheName = "dynamic";

    CacheConfiguration<Object, Object> ccfg = new CacheConfiguration<>(cacheName);


    IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache = ignite.createCache(ccfg);

    try (IgniteDataStreamer<Object, Object> streamer = ignite.dataStreamer(cacheName)) {

      for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++) streamer.addData(i, i);

    assertEquals(CNT, cache.localSize());

    Ignite ignite2 = startGrid(1);

        CNT, ignite2.cache(cacheName).localSize(CachePeekMode.PRIMARY, CachePeekMode.BACKUP));

    for (int i = 0; i < CNT; i++) assertEquals(i, ignite2.cache(cacheName).localPeek(i));
   * @param cache Cache.
   * @return Cache.
  protected <K, V> GridCacheAdapter<K, V> internalCache(IgniteCache<K, V> cache) {
    if (isMultiJvmObject(cache))
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "Oparetion can't be supported automatically for multi jvm " + "(send closure instead).");

    return ((IgniteKernal) cache.unwrap(Ignite.class)).internalCache(cache.getName());
   * Execute bulk {@code putAll(...)} and {@code getAll(...)} operations.
   * @param cache Cache.
  private static void putGetAll(IgniteCache<Integer, Organization> cache) {
    // Create new Organization portable objects to store in cache.
    Organization org1 =
        new Organization(
            "Microsoft", // Name.
            new Address("1096 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA", 94109), // Address.
            OrganizationType.PRIVATE, // Type.
            new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); // Last update time.

    Organization org2 =
        new Organization(
            "Red Cross", // Name.
            new Address("184 Fidler Drive, San Antonio, TX", 78205), // Address.
            OrganizationType.NON_PROFIT, // Type.
            new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); // Last update time.

    Map<Integer, Organization> map = new HashMap<>();

    map.put(1, org1);
    map.put(2, org2);

    // Put created data entries to cache.

    // Get recently created organizations as a strongly-typed fully de-serialized instances.
    Map<Integer, Organization> mapFromCache = cache.getAll(map.keySet());

    System.out.println(">>> Retrieved organization instances from cache:");

    for (Organization org : mapFromCache.values()) System.out.println(">>>     " + org);
   * Executes example.
   * @param args Command line arguments, none required.
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start("examples/config/portable/example-ignite-portable.xml")) {
      System.out.println(">>> Portable objects cache put-get example started.");

      CacheConfiguration<Integer, Organization> cfg = new CacheConfiguration<>();


      try (IgniteCache<Integer, Organization> cache = ignite.createCache(cfg)) {
        if (ignite.cluster().forDataNodes(cache.getName()).nodes().isEmpty()) {
          System.out.println(">>> This example requires remote cache node nodes to be started.");
          System.out.println(">>> Please start at least 1 remote cache node.");
          System.out.println(">>> Refer to example's javadoc for details on configuration.");



      } finally {
        // Delete cache with its content completely.
   * Data streamer should correctly load entries from HashMap in case of grids with more than one
   * node and with GridOptimizedMarshaller that requires serializable.
   * @throws Exception If failed.
  public void testAddDataFromMap() throws Exception {
    cnt = 0;


    Ignite g0 = grid(0);

    IgniteDataStreamer<Integer, String> dataLdr = g0.dataStreamer(null);

    Map<Integer, String> map = U.newHashMap(KEYS_COUNT);

    for (int i = 0; i < KEYS_COUNT; i++) map.put(i, String.valueOf(i));



    Random rnd = new Random();

    IgniteCache<Integer, String> c = g0.cache(null);

    for (int i = 0; i < KEYS_COUNT; i++) {
      Integer k = rnd.nextInt(KEYS_COUNT);

      String v = c.get(k);

      assertEquals(k.toString(), v);
   * Query all purchases made at a specific store for 3 specific products. This query uses
   * cross-cache joins between {@link DimStore}, {@link DimProduct} objects stored in {@code
   * 'replicated'} cache and {@link FactPurchase} objects stored in {@code 'partitioned'} cache.
   * @throws IgniteException If failed.
  private static void queryProductPurchases() {
    IgniteCache<Integer, FactPurchase> factCache = Ignition.ignite().cache(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME);

    // All purchases for certain product made at store2.
    // =================================================

    DimProduct p1 = rand(dataProduct.values());
    DimProduct p2 = rand(dataProduct.values());
    DimProduct p3 = rand(dataProduct.values());

        "IDs of products [p1=" + p1.getId() + ", p2=" + p2.getId() + ", p3=" + p3.getId() + ']');

    // Create cross cache query to get all purchases made at store2
    // for specified products.
    QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, FactPurchase>> prodPurchases =
            new SqlQuery(
                    "from \""
                        + REPLICATED_CACHE_NAME
                        + "\".DimStore, \""
                        + REPLICATED_CACHE_NAME
                        + "\".DimProduct, "
                        + "\""
                        + PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME
                        + "\".FactPurchase "
                        + "where DimStore.id=FactPurchase.storeId and DimProduct.id=FactPurchase.productId "
                        + "and DimStore.name=? and DimProduct.id in(?, ?, ?)")
                .setArgs("Store2", p1.getId(), p2.getId(), p3.getId()));

        "All purchases made at store2 for 3 specific products:", prodPurchases.getAll());
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testObjectArgument() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<TestKey, Person> cache = ignite(0).cache(null);

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) cache.put(new TestKey(i), new Person("name-" + i));

    SqlQuery<TestKey, Person> qry = new SqlQuery<>(Person.class, "where _key=?");

    IgniteBinary binary = ignite(0).binary();

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      Object key = new TestKey(i);

      if (i % 2 == 0) key = binary.toBinary(key);


      List<Cache.Entry<TestKey, Person>> res = cache.query(qry).getAll();

      assertEquals(1, res.size());

      Person p = res.get(0).getValue();

      assertEquals("name-" + i, p.name);
Esempio n. 12
  * @param cache Cache.
  * @return DHT cache.
 protected static <K, V> GridDhtCacheAdapter<K, V> dht(IgniteCache<K, V> cache) {
   return nearEnabled(cache)
       ? near(cache).dht()
       : ((IgniteKernal) cache.unwrap(Ignite.class))
           .<K, V>internalCache(cache.getName())
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testScanQueryReconnect() throws Exception {
    Ignite cln = grid(serverCount());


    final Ignite srv = clientRouter(cln);

    final IgniteCache<Integer, Person> clnCache = cln.getOrCreateCache(QUERY_CACHE);

    final IgniteCache<Integer, Person> srvCache = srv.getOrCreateCache(QUERY_CACHE);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++) clnCache.put(i, new Person(i, "name-" + i, "surname-" + i));

    final ScanQuery<Integer, Person> scanQry = new ScanQuery<>();


        new IgniteBiPredicate<Integer, Person>() {
          public boolean apply(Integer integer, Person person) {
            return true;

    QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, Person>> qryCursor = clnCache.query(scanQry);

        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            srvCache.put(10_001, new Person(10_001, "name", "surname"));

            try {

            } catch (CacheException e) {

    try {

    } catch (CacheException e) {

    qryCursor = clnCache.query(scanQry);

    assertEquals(10_001, qryCursor.getAll().size());
  /** @throws Exception In case of error. */
  public void testPutWithExpiration() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<String, String> cache1 = ignite1.cache(null);
    IgniteCache<String, String> cache2 = ignite2.cache(null);
    IgniteCache<String, String> cache3 = ignite3.cache(null);

    cache1.put("key", "val");

    Transaction tx = ignite1.transactions().txStart();

    long ttl = 500;

        .withExpiryPolicy(new TouchedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(MILLISECONDS, ttl)))
        .put("key", "val");

    assert cache1.get("key") != null;


    info("Going to sleep for: " + (ttl + 1000));

    // Allow for expiration.
    Thread.sleep(ttl + 1000);

    String v1 = cache1.get("key");
    String v2 = cache2.get("key");
    String v3 = cache3.get("key");

    assert v1 == null : "V1 should be null: " + v1;
    assert v2 == null : "V2 should be null: " + v2;
    assert v3 == null : "V3 should be null: " + v3;
   * Makes initial cache loading.
   * @param cache Cache to load.
  private static void loadCache(IgniteCache<Long, Person> cache) {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Start loading cache from persistent store on all caching nodes.
    cache.loadCache(null, ENTRY_COUNT);

    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

        ">>> Loaded " + cache.size() + " keys with backups in " + (end - start) + "ms.");
 public void execute(ServiceContext ctx) throws Exception {
   log.info("Service execute!");
   Integer a = cache.get("a");
   if (a == null) {
     a = 0;
   while (!ctx.isCancelled()) {
     log.info("Service executing something important...");
     cache.put("a", a++);
  /** @throws Exception If test failed. */
  public void testBasicLock() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<Integer, String> cache = ignite1.cache(null);

    Lock lock = cache.lock(1);


    assert cache.isLocalLocked(1, false);
    assert cache.isLocalLocked(1, true);


    checkUnlocked(cache, 1);
Esempio n. 18
  /** @param ignite Ignite. */
  private static void populateCacheCar(Ignite ignite) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("DEMO: Start cars population...");

    IgniteCache<Integer, Parking> cacheParking = ignite.cache(PARKING_CACHE_NAME);

    for (int i = 0, n = 1; i < PARK_CNT; i++, n++)
      cacheParking.put(i, new Parking(i, "Parking #" + n, n * 10));

    IgniteCache<Integer, Car> cacheCar = ignite.cache(CAR_CACHE_NAME);

    for (int i = 0, n = 1; i < CAR_CNT; i++, n++)
      cacheCar.put(i, new Car(i, rnd.nextInt(PARK_CNT), "Car #" + n));

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("DEMO: Finished cars population.");
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void onEntryAccessed(boolean rmv, EvictableEntry<K, V> entry) {
    if (!entry.isCached()) return;

    IgniteCache<K, V> cache = entry.unwrap(IgniteCache.class);

    int size = cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.ONHEAP);

    for (int i = max; i < size; i++) {
      Cache.Entry<K, V> e = cache.randomEntry();

      if (e != null) e.unwrap(EvictableEntry.class).evict();
Esempio n. 20
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void beforeTestsStarted() throws Exception {

    IgniteCache<Integer, TestObject> cache = grid(0).cache(null);

    assert cache != null;

    TestObject o = createObjectWithData(1);

    cache.put(1, o);
    cache.put(2, new TestObject(2));
    cache.put(3, new TestObject(3));

Esempio n. 21
   * In ATOMIC cache with CLOCK mode if key is updated from different nodes at same time only one
   * update wins others are ignored (can happen in test event when updates are executed from
   * different nodes sequentially), this delay is used to avoid lost updates.
   * @param cache Cache.
   * @throws Exception If failed.
  protected void atomicClockModeDelay(IgniteCache cache) throws Exception {
    CacheConfiguration ccfg = (CacheConfiguration) cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class);

    if (ccfg.getCacheMode() != LOCAL
        && ccfg.getAtomicityMode() == CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC
        && ccfg.getAtomicWriteOrderMode() == CacheAtomicWriteOrderMode.CLOCK) U.sleep(50);
Esempio n. 22
  private <T> void executeWithTimeout(
      Consumer<IgniteCache<K, V>> cacheOp, Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler, long timeout) {
    try {
      IgniteCache<K, V> cache = this.cache.withAsync();
      IgniteFuture<T> future = cache.future();

      if (timeout >= 0) {
        vertx.executeBlocking(f -> future.get(timeout), handler);
      } else {
        future.listen(fut -> vertx.executeBlocking(f -> f.complete(future.get()), handler));
    } catch (Exception e) {
   * Execute individual put and get.
   * @param cache Cache.
  private static void putGet(IgniteCache<Integer, Organization> cache) {
    // Create new Organization portable object to store in cache.
    Organization org =
        new Organization(
            "Microsoft", // Name.
            new Address("1096 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA", 94109), // Address.
            OrganizationType.PRIVATE, // Type.
            new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); // Last update time.

    // Put created data entry to cache.
    cache.put(1, org);

    // Get recently created organization as a strongly-typed fully de-serialized instance.
    Organization orgFromCache = cache.get(1);

    System.out.println(">>> Retrieved organization instance from cache: " + orgFromCache);
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testQueryReconnect() throws Exception {
    Ignite cln = grid(serverCount());


    final Ignite srv = clientRouter(cln);

    final IgniteCache<Integer, Person> clnCache = cln.getOrCreateCache(QUERY_CACHE);

    final IgniteCache<Integer, Person> srvCache = srv.getOrCreateCache(QUERY_CACHE);

    clnCache.put(1, new Person(1, "name1", "surname1"));
    clnCache.put(2, new Person(2, "name2", "surname2"));
    clnCache.put(3, new Person(3, "name3", "surname3"));

    final SqlQuery<Integer, Person> qry = new SqlQuery<>(Person.class, "_key <> 0");


    QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, Person>> cur = clnCache.query(qry);

        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            srvCache.put(4, new Person(4, "name4", "surname4"));

            try {

            } catch (CacheException e) {

    List<Cache.Entry<Integer, Person>> res = cur.getAll();

    assertEquals(4, res.size());
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testGroupIndexOperations() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<Integer, GroupIndexTestValue> c =
            .getOrCreateCache(cacheConfig("grp", false, Integer.class, GroupIndexTestValue.class));

    try {
      // Check group index usage.
      String qry = "select 1 from GroupIndexTestValue ";

      String plan = columnQuery(c, "explain " + qry + "where a = 1 and b > 0").get(0).toString();

      info("Plan: " + plan);


      // Sorted list
      List<GroupIndexTestValue> list =
              new GroupIndexTestValue(0, 0),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(0, 5),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(1, 1),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(1, 3),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(2, -1),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(2, 2));

      // Fill cache.
      for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) c.put(i, list.get(i));

      // Check results.
      assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b = 1").size());
      assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b < 4").size());
      assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b <= 3").size());
      assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b < 3").size());
      assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b > 0").size());
      assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b > 1").size());
      assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b >= 1").size());
      assertEquals(4, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b > 0").size());
      assertEquals(4, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b >= 1").size());
      assertEquals(3, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b > 1").size());
    } finally {
   * Executes transaction with read/write-through to persistent store.
   * @param cache Cache to execute transaction on.
  private static void executeTransaction(IgniteCache<Long, Person> cache) {
    try (Transaction tx = Ignition.ignite().transactions().txStart()) {
      Person val = cache.get(id);

      System.out.println("Read value: " + val);

      val = cache.getAndPut(id, new Person(id, "Isaac", "Newton"));

      System.out.println("Overwrote old value: " + val);

      val = cache.get(id);

      System.out.println("Read value: " + val);


    System.out.println("Read value after commit: " + cache.get(id));
   * @param cache Cache.
   * @param key Key.
   * @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
  private void checkUnlocked(IgniteCache<Integer, String> cache, Integer key)
      throws IgniteCheckedException {
    assert !cache.isLocalLocked(key, true);

    if (partitioned()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
        if (cache.isLocalLocked(key, false)) {
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        } else return;

        "Key locked [key=" + key + ", entries=" + entries(key) + "]",
        cache.isLocalLocked(key, false));
  /** @throws Exception if failed. */
  public void testStaticCache() throws Exception {
    IgniteEx ignite = startGrid(0);

    IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache = ignite.cache(STATIC_CACHE_NAME);

    try (IgniteDataStreamer<Object, Object> streamer = ignite.dataStreamer(STATIC_CACHE_NAME)) {

      for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++) streamer.addData(i, i);

    assertEquals(CNT, cache.localSize());

    Ignite ignite2 = startGrid(1);

        ignite2.cache(STATIC_CACHE_NAME).localSize(CachePeekMode.PRIMARY, CachePeekMode.BACKUP));

    for (int i = 0; i < CNT; i++) assertEquals(i, ignite2.cache(STATIC_CACHE_NAME).localPeek(i));
   * Query all purchases made at a specific store. This query uses cross-cache joins between {@link
   * DimStore} objects stored in {@code 'replicated'} cache and {@link FactPurchase} objects stored
   * in {@code 'partitioned'} cache.
   * @throws IgniteException If failed.
  private static void queryStorePurchases() {
    IgniteCache<Integer, FactPurchase> factCache = Ignition.ignite().cache(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME);

    // All purchases for store1.
    // ========================

    // Create cross cache query to get all purchases made at store1.
    QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, FactPurchase>> storePurchases =
            new SqlQuery(
                    "from \""
                        + REPLICATED_CACHE_NAME
                        + "\".DimStore, \""
                        + PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME
                        + "\".FactPurchase "
                        + "where DimStore.id=FactPurchase.storeId and DimStore.name=?")

    printQueryResults("All purchases made at store1:", storePurchases.getAll());
   * @param g Grid.
   * @throws Exception If failed.
  private void checkNodes(Ignite g) throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<String, String> cache = g.cache("test");

    for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
      String key = Character.toString(c);

      cache.put(key, "val-" + key);

      String v1 = cache.get(key);
      String v2 = cache.get(key); // Get second time.

      info("v1: " + v1);
      info("v2: " + v2);


      if (affinity(cache).mapKeyToNode(key).isLocal()) assertSame(v1, v2);
      else assertEquals(v1, v2);