private void processGeneratedKeys(Executor executor, MappedStatement ms, Object parameter) { try { if (parameter != null && keyStatement != null && keyStatement.getKeyProperties() != null) { String keyProperty = keyStatement.getKeyProperties()[0]; // just one key property is supported final Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration(); final MetaObject metaParam = configuration.newMetaObject(parameter); if (keyProperty != null && metaParam.hasSetter(keyProperty)) { // Do not close keyExecutor. // The transaction will be closed by parent executor. Executor keyExecutor = configuration.newExecutor(executor.getTransaction(), ExecutorType.SIMPLE); List<Object> values = keyExecutor.query( keyStatement, parameter, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER); if (values.size() == 0) { throw new ExecutorException("SelectKey returned no data."); } else if (values.size() > 1) { throw new ExecutorException("SelectKey returned more than one value."); } else { metaParam.setValue(keyProperty, values.get(0)); } } } } catch (ExecutorException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutorException( "Error selecting key or setting result to parameter object. Cause: " + e, e); } }
/** * when executing a query operation 1. record this statement's id and it's corresponding Cache * Object into Global Caching Manager; 2. record this statement's id and * * @param invocation * @return * @throws Throwable */ private Object processQuery(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable { Object result = invocation.proceed(); if (cachingManager.isCacheEnabled()) { Object[] args = invocation.getArgs(); MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) args[0]; // 如果本条statementId表示的查询语句配置了 flushCache=true,则清空querCacheOnCommit缓存 if (mappedStatement.isFlushCacheRequired()) { queryCacheOnCommit.clear(); } // 如果本条statementId表示的查询语句配置了使用缓存,并且二级缓存不为空,则将StatementId // 和对应的二级缓存对象映射关系添加到全局缓存映射管理器中 if (mappedStatement.isUseCache() && mappedStatement.getCache() != null) { cachingManager.appendStatementCacheMap(mappedStatement.getId(), mappedStatement.getCache()); } Object parameter = args[1]; RowBounds rowBounds = (RowBounds) args[2]; Executor executor = (Executor) invocation.getTarget(); BoundSql boundSql = mappedStatement.getBoundSql(parameter); // 记录本次查询所产生的CacheKey CacheKey cacheKey = executor.createCacheKey(mappedStatement, parameter, rowBounds, boundSql); queryCacheOnCommit.putElement(mappedStatement.getId(), cacheKey); } return result; }
public void close() throws SQLException, TransactionException { if (executor != null) { try { isolationLevel.restoreIsolationLevel(executor.getTransaction().getConnection()); } finally { executor.close(false); executor = null; } } }
private Object getNestedQueryConstructorValue( ResultSet rs, ResultMapping constructorMapping, String columnPrefix) throws SQLException { final String nestedQueryId = constructorMapping.getNestedQueryId(); final MappedStatement nestedQuery = configuration.getMappedStatement(nestedQueryId); final Class<?> nestedQueryParameterType = nestedQuery.getParameterMap().getType(); final Object nestedQueryParameterObject = prepareParameterForNestedQuery( rs, constructorMapping, nestedQueryParameterType, columnPrefix); Object value = null; if (nestedQueryParameterObject != null) { final BoundSql nestedBoundSql = nestedQuery.getBoundSql(nestedQueryParameterObject); final CacheKey key = executor.createCacheKey( nestedQuery, nestedQueryParameterObject, RowBounds.DEFAULT, nestedBoundSql); final Class<?> targetType = constructorMapping.getJavaType(); final ResultLoader resultLoader = new ResultLoader( configuration, executor, nestedQuery, nestedQueryParameterObject, targetType, key, nestedBoundSql); value = resultLoader.loadResult(); } return value; }
private <E> List<E> selectList() throws SQLException { Executor localExecutor = executor; if (localExecutor.isClosed()) { localExecutor = newExecutor(); } try { return localExecutor.<E>query( mappedStatement, parameterObject, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER, cacheKey, boundSql); } finally { if (localExecutor != executor) { localExecutor.close(false); } } }
/** * @description TODO * @createTime 2016-4-27 下午12:33:11 * @fileName * @author yaojiamin */ private <E> List<E> executeQuery( CacheHandlerBean cacheHandlerBean, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey, Executor executor) throws SQLException { return executor.query( cacheHandlerBean.getMappedStatement(), cacheHandlerBean.getParameterObject(), cacheHandlerBean.getRowBounds(), cacheHandlerBean.getResultHandler(), cacheKey, boundSql); }
private Object getNestedQueryMappingValue( ResultSet rs, MetaObject metaResultObject, ResultMapping propertyMapping, ResultLoaderMap lazyLoader, String columnPrefix) throws SQLException { final String nestedQueryId = propertyMapping.getNestedQueryId(); final String property = propertyMapping.getProperty(); final MappedStatement nestedQuery = configuration.getMappedStatement(nestedQueryId); final Class<?> nestedQueryParameterType = nestedQuery.getParameterMap().getType(); final Object nestedQueryParameterObject = prepareParameterForNestedQuery(rs, propertyMapping, nestedQueryParameterType, columnPrefix); Object value = NO_VALUE; if (nestedQueryParameterObject != null) { final BoundSql nestedBoundSql = nestedQuery.getBoundSql(nestedQueryParameterObject); final CacheKey key = executor.createCacheKey( nestedQuery, nestedQueryParameterObject, RowBounds.DEFAULT, nestedBoundSql); final Class<?> targetType = propertyMapping.getJavaType(); if (executor.isCached(nestedQuery, key)) { executor.deferLoad(nestedQuery, metaResultObject, property, key, targetType); } else { final ResultLoader resultLoader = new ResultLoader( configuration, executor, nestedQuery, nestedQueryParameterObject, targetType, key, nestedBoundSql); if (propertyMapping.isLazy()) { lazyLoader.addLoader(property, metaResultObject, resultLoader); } else { value = resultLoader.loadResult(); } } } return value; }
/** * @description TODO * @createTime 2016-5-31 下午4:53:32 * @fileName * @author yaojiamin * @param boundSql * @param cacheKey */ @SuppressWarnings({}) public <E> List<E> query(Executor executor, CacheHandlerBean cacheHandlerBean) throws Exception { BoundSql boundSql = cacheHandlerBean.getMappedStatement().getBoundSql(cacheHandlerBean.getParameterObject()); CacheKey cacheKey = executor.createCacheKey( cacheHandlerBean.getMappedStatement(), cacheHandlerBean.getParameterObject(), cacheHandlerBean.getRowBounds(), boundSql); MetaObject metaPage = forObject(cacheHandlerBean.getParameterObject()); // 当需要分页查询时,将page参数里的当前页和每页数加到cachekey里 if (isNeedPagination(metaPage)) { executeQuery( cacheHandlerBean, createPageBoundSql(cacheHandlerBean, boundSql), cloneCacheKey(cacheKey), executor); Assert.isTrue(metaPage.getValue(Constants.TOTAL) != null, "Fail to count result!!!"); cacheKey.update(metaPage.getValue(Constants.PAGE_NO)); cacheKey.update(metaPage.getValue(Constants.PAGE_SIZE)); } return executeQuery(cacheHandlerBean, boundSql, cacheKey, executor); }
public void rollback(boolean required) throws SQLException, TransactionException { if (executor != null) { executor.rollback(required); } }
public void commit(boolean required) throws SQLException, TransactionException { if (executor != null) { executor.commit(required); } }