public JobBuilder compressType(CompressionType type) throws IOException { if (type == CompressionType.NONE) { _jobConf.setBoolean("mapred.output.compress", false); } else { _jobConf.setBoolean("mapred.output.compress", true); } _jobConf.set("mapred.output.compression.type", type.toString()); return this; }
private JobConf createJobConf() { JobConf job = new NutchJob(getConf()); job.setBoolean("",; job.setBoolean("segment.reader.fe", this.fe); job.setBoolean("",; job.setBoolean("",; job.setBoolean("segment.reader.pd", this.pd); job.setBoolean("",; return job; }
public JobBuilder compressor(CompressionType type, Class<? extends CompressionCodec> codec) throws IOException { _jobConf.setBoolean("mapred.output.compress", true); _jobConf.set("mapred.output.compression.type", type.toString()); _jobConf.setClass("mapred.output.compression.codec", codec, CompressionCodec.class); return this; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool#run(java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { JobConf configuration = new JobConf(getConf(), WordCountExtended.class); configuration.setJobName(JOB_NAME); configuration.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); configuration.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class); configuration.setMapperClass(Map.class); configuration.setCombinerClass(Reduce.class); configuration.setReducerClass(Reduce.class); configuration.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class); configuration.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class); List<String> otherArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (JOB_SKIP_ARGUMENT.equals(args[i])) { DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new Path(args[++i]).toUri(), configuration); configuration.setBoolean(JOB_PARAMETER_SKIP_PATTERNS, true); } else { otherArgs.add(args[i]); } } FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(configuration, new Path(otherArgs.get(0))); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(configuration, new Path(otherArgs.get(1))); JobClient.runJob(configuration); return 0; }
@Test public void testEncryptedMerger() throws Throwable { jobConf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.MR_ENCRYPTED_INTERMEDIATE_DATA, true); conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.MR_ENCRYPTED_INTERMEDIATE_DATA, true); Credentials credentials = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getCredentials(); TokenCache.setShuffleSecretKey(new byte[16], credentials); UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().addCredentials(credentials); testInMemoryAndOnDiskMerger(); }
/** * Creates and initializes a JobConf object that can be used to execute the DAG. The configuration * object will contain configurations from mapred-site overlaid with key/value pairs from the * hiveConf object. Finally it will also contain some hive specific configurations that do not * change from DAG to DAG. * * @param hiveConf Current hiveConf for the execution * @return JobConf base configuration for job execution * @throws IOException */ public JobConf createConfiguration(HiveConf hiveConf) throws IOException { hiveConf.setBoolean("", false); JobConf conf = (JobConf) MRHelpers.getBaseMRConfiguration(hiveConf); conf.set("mapred.output.committer.class", NullOutputCommitter.class.getName()); conf.setBoolean("mapred.committer.job.setup.cleanup.needed", false); conf.setBoolean("mapred.committer.job.task.cleanup.needed", false); conf.setClass("mapred.output.format.class", HiveOutputFormatImpl.class, OutputFormat.class); conf.set(MRJobConfig.OUTPUT_KEY_CLASS, HiveKey.class.getName()); conf.set(MRJobConfig.OUTPUT_VALUE_CLASS, BytesWritable.class.getName()); conf.set("mapred.partitioner.class", HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEPARTITIONER)); conf.set("tez.runtime.partitioner.class", MRPartitioner.class.getName()); return conf; }
/** * Test if {@link CompressionEmulationUtil#configureCompressionEmulation( * org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)} can extract compression * related configuration parameters. */ @Test public void testExtractCompressionConfigs() { JobConf source = new JobConf(); JobConf target = new JobConf(); // set the default values source.setBoolean(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS, false); source.set(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_CODEC, "MyDefaultCodec"); source.set(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_TYPE, "MyDefaultType"); source.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS, false); source.set(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS_CODEC, "MyDefaultCodec2"); CompressionEmulationUtil.configureCompressionEmulation(source, target); // check default values assertFalse(target.getBoolean(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS, true)); assertEquals("MyDefaultCodec", target.get(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_CODEC)); assertEquals("MyDefaultType", target.get(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_TYPE)); assertFalse(target.getBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS, true)); assertEquals("MyDefaultCodec2", target.get(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS_CODEC)); assertFalse(CompressionEmulationUtil.isInputCompressionEmulationEnabled(target)); // set new values source.setBoolean(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS, true); source.set(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_CODEC, "MyCodec"); source.set(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_TYPE, "MyType"); source.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS, true); source.set(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS_CODEC, "MyCodec2"); org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(source, "file.gz"); target = new JobConf(); // reset CompressionEmulationUtil.configureCompressionEmulation(source, target); // check new values assertTrue(target.getBoolean(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS, false)); assertEquals("MyCodec", target.get(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_CODEC)); assertEquals("MyType", target.get(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_TYPE)); assertTrue(target.getBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS, false)); assertEquals("MyCodec2", target.get(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS_CODEC)); assertTrue(CompressionEmulationUtil.isInputCompressionEmulationEnabled(target)); }
@Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { final int ret = parseArgs(args); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } JobConf config = new JobConf(getConf(), TfIdfNovelty.class); config.setJobName("Influence-TfIdfNovelty"); config.set(Fields.BASIS.get(), basisPath); if (datesPath != null) { config.set(Fields.DOC_DATES.get(), datesPath); } config.setBoolean(Fields.IGNORE.get(), ignoreDocs); if (bands > 0) { config.setInt(Fields.BANDS.get(), bands); } if (rows > 0) { config.setInt(Fields.ROWS.get(), rows); } SetupHelper.getInstance() .setSequenceInput(config, inputPath) .setSequenceOutput(config, outputPath); config.setMapOutputKeyClass(HashBandWritable.class); config.setMapOutputValueClass(DocumentWithVectorWritable.class); config.setMapperClass(TfIdfNoveltyLshMapper.class); if (outputBuckets) { config.setOutputKeyClass(HashBandWritable.class); config.setOutputValueClass(IntArrayWritable.class); config.setReducerClass(TfIdfNoveltyIdentityReducer.class); } else { config.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); config.setOutputValueClass(VectorWritable.class); config.setReducerClass(TfIdfNoveltyReducer.class); } // Delete the output directory if it exists already. FileSystem.get(getConf()).delete(new Path(outputPath), true); JobClient.runJob(config); return 0; }
public static void seekTest(FileSystem fs, boolean fastCheck) throws Exception { fs.delete(READ_DIR, true); JobConf job = new JobConf(conf, TestFileSystem.class); job.setBoolean("fs.test.fastCheck", fastCheck); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, CONTROL_DIR); job.setInputFormat(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); job.setMapperClass(SeekMapper.class); job.setReducerClass(LongSumReducer.class); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, READ_DIR); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(LongWritable.class); job.setNumReduceTasks(1); JobClient.runJob(job); }
public void testTotalOrderBinarySearch() throws Exception { TotalOrderPartitioner<Text, NullWritable> partitioner = new TotalOrderPartitioner<Text, NullWritable>(); JobConf job = new JobConf(); Path p = TestTotalOrderPartitioner.<Text>writePartitionFile( "totalorderbinarysearch", job, splitStrings); job.setBoolean("total.order.partitioner.natural.order", false); job.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); try { partitioner.configure(job); NullWritable nw = NullWritable.get(); for (Check<Text> chk : testStrings) { assertEquals(, chk.part, partitioner.getPartition(, nw, splitStrings.length + 1)); } } finally { p.getFileSystem(job).delete(p); } }
public void testTotalOrderCustomComparator() throws Exception { TotalOrderPartitioner<Text, NullWritable> partitioner = new TotalOrderPartitioner<Text, NullWritable>(); JobConf job = new JobConf(); Text[] revSplitStrings = Arrays.copyOf(splitStrings, splitStrings.length); Arrays.sort(revSplitStrings, new ReverseStringComparator()); Path p = TestTotalOrderPartitioner.<Text>writePartitionFile( "totalordercustomcomparator", job, revSplitStrings); job.setBoolean("total.order.partitioner.natural.order", false); job.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputKeyComparatorClass(ReverseStringComparator.class); ArrayList<Check<Text>> revCheck = new ArrayList<Check<Text>>(); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("aaaaa"), 9)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("aaabb"), 9)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("aabbb"), 9)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("aaaaa"), 9)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("babbb"), 8)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("baabb"), 8)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("yai"), 1)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("yak"), 1)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("z"), 0)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("ddngo"), 4)); revCheck.add(new Check<Text>(new Text("hi"), 3)); try { partitioner.configure(job); NullWritable nw = NullWritable.get(); for (Check<Text> chk : revCheck) { assertEquals(, chk.part, partitioner.getPartition(, nw, splitStrings.length + 1)); } } finally { p.getFileSystem(job).delete(p); } }
/** * Test {@link CompressionEmulationUtil#getPossiblyDecompressedInputStream(Path, Configuration, * long)} and {@link CompressionEmulationUtil#getPossiblyCompressedOutputStream(Path, * Configuration)}. */ @Test public void testPossiblyCompressedDecompressedStreams() throws IOException { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); FileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); String inputLine = "Hi Hello!"; CompressionEmulationUtil.setCompressionEmulationEnabled(conf, true); CompressionEmulationUtil.setInputCompressionEmulationEnabled(conf, true); conf.setBoolean(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS, true); conf.setClass(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS_CODEC, GzipCodec.class, CompressionCodec.class); // define the test's root temp directory Path rootTempDir = new Path(System.getProperty("", "/tmp")) .makeQualified(lfs.getUri(), lfs.getWorkingDirectory()); Path tempDir = new Path(rootTempDir, "TestPossiblyCompressedDecompressedStreams"); lfs.delete(tempDir, true); // create a compressed file Path compressedFile = new Path(tempDir, "test"); OutputStream out = CompressionEmulationUtil.getPossiblyCompressedOutputStream(compressedFile, conf); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out)); writer.write(inputLine); writer.close(); // now read back the data from the compressed stream compressedFile = compressedFile.suffix(".gz"); InputStream in = CompressionEmulationUtil.getPossiblyDecompressedInputStream(compressedFile, conf, 0); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String readLine = reader.readLine(); assertEquals("Compression/Decompression error", inputLine, readLine); reader.close(); }
/** * Initialize DFSCopyFileMapper specific job-configuration. * * @param conf : The dfs/mapred configuration. * @param jobConf : The handle to the jobConf object to be initialized. * @param args Arguments */ private static void setup(Configuration conf, JobConf jobConf, final Arguments args) throws IOException { jobConf.set(DST_DIR_LABEL, args.dst.toUri().toString()); // set boolean values final boolean update = args.flags.contains(Options.UPDATE); final boolean overwrite = !update && args.flags.contains(Options.OVERWRITE); jobConf.setBoolean(Options.UPDATE.propertyname, update); jobConf.setBoolean(Options.OVERWRITE.propertyname, overwrite); jobConf.setBoolean( Options.IGNORE_READ_FAILURES.propertyname, args.flags.contains(Options.IGNORE_READ_FAILURES)); jobConf.setBoolean( Options.PRESERVE_STATUS.propertyname, args.flags.contains(Options.PRESERVE_STATUS)); final String randomId = getRandomId(); JobClient jClient = new JobClient(jobConf); Path jobDirectory = new Path(jClient.getSystemDir(), NAME + "_" + randomId); jobConf.set(JOB_DIR_LABEL, jobDirectory.toString()); FileSystem dstfs = args.dst.getFileSystem(conf); boolean dstExists = dstfs.exists(args.dst); boolean dstIsDir = false; if (dstExists) { dstIsDir = dstfs.getFileStatus(args.dst).isDir(); } // default logPath Path logPath = args.log; if (logPath == null) { String filename = "_distcp_logs_" + randomId; if (!dstExists || !dstIsDir) { Path parent = args.dst.getParent(); if (!dstfs.exists(parent)) { dstfs.mkdirs(parent); } logPath = new Path(parent, filename); } else { logPath = new Path(args.dst, filename); } } FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(jobConf, logPath); // create src list, dst list FileSystem jobfs = jobDirectory.getFileSystem(jobConf); Path srcfilelist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_distcp_src_files"); jobConf.set(SRC_LIST_LABEL, srcfilelist.toString()); SequenceFile.Writer src_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter( jobfs, jobConf, srcfilelist, LongWritable.class, FilePair.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE); Path dstfilelist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_distcp_dst_files"); SequenceFile.Writer dst_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter( jobfs, jobConf, dstfilelist, Text.class, Text.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE); Path dstdirlist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_distcp_dst_dirs"); jobConf.set(DST_DIR_LIST_LABEL, dstdirlist.toString()); SequenceFile.Writer dir_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter( jobfs, jobConf, dstdirlist, Text.class, FilePair.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE); // handle the case where the destination directory doesn't exist // and we've only a single src directory OR we're updating/overwriting // the contents of the destination directory. final boolean special = (args.srcs.size() == 1 && !dstExists) || update || overwrite; int srcCount = 0, cnsyncf = 0, dirsyn = 0; long fileCount = 0L, byteCount = 0L, cbsyncs = 0L; try { for (Iterator<Path> srcItr = args.srcs.iterator(); srcItr.hasNext(); ) { final Path src =; FileSystem srcfs = src.getFileSystem(conf); FileStatus srcfilestat = srcfs.getFileStatus(src); Path root = special && srcfilestat.isDir() ? src : src.getParent(); if (srcfilestat.isDir()) { ++srcCount; } Stack<FileStatus> pathstack = new Stack<FileStatus>(); for (pathstack.push(srcfilestat); !pathstack.empty(); ) { FileStatus cur = pathstack.pop(); FileStatus[] children = srcfs.listStatus(cur.getPath()); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { boolean skipfile = false; final FileStatus child = children[i]; final String dst = makeRelative(root, child.getPath()); ++srcCount; if (child.isDir()) { pathstack.push(child); } else { // skip file if the src and the dst files are the same. skipfile = update && sameFile(srcfs, child, dstfs, new Path(args.dst, dst)); // skip file if it exceed file limit or size limit skipfile |= fileCount == args.filelimit || byteCount + child.getLen() > args.sizelimit; if (!skipfile) { ++fileCount; byteCount += child.getLen(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("adding file " + child.getPath()); } ++cnsyncf; cbsyncs += child.getLen(); if (cnsyncf > SYNC_FILE_MAX || cbsyncs > BYTES_PER_MAP) { src_writer.sync(); dst_writer.sync(); cnsyncf = 0; cbsyncs = 0L; } } } if (!skipfile) { src_writer.append( new LongWritable(child.isDir() ? 0 : child.getLen()), new FilePair(child, dst)); } dst_writer.append(new Text(dst), new Text(child.getPath().toString())); } if (cur.isDir()) { String dst = makeRelative(root, cur.getPath()); dir_writer.append(new Text(dst), new FilePair(cur, dst)); if (++dirsyn > SYNC_FILE_MAX) { dirsyn = 0; dir_writer.sync(); } } } } } finally { checkAndClose(src_writer); checkAndClose(dst_writer); checkAndClose(dir_writer); } FileStatus dststatus = null; try { dststatus = dstfs.getFileStatus(args.dst); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { + " does not exist."); } // create dest path dir if copying > 1 file if (dststatus == null) { if (srcCount > 1 && !dstfs.mkdirs(args.dst)) { throw new IOException("Failed to create" + args.dst); } } final Path sorted = new Path(jobDirectory, "_distcp_sorted"); checkDuplication(jobfs, dstfilelist, sorted, conf); if (dststatus != null && args.flags.contains(Options.DELETE)) { deleteNonexisting(dstfs, dststatus, sorted, jobfs, jobDirectory, jobConf, conf); } Path tmpDir = new Path( (dstExists && !dstIsDir) || (!dstExists && srcCount == 1) ? args.dst.getParent() : args.dst, "_distcp_tmp_" + randomId); jobConf.set(TMP_DIR_LABEL, tmpDir.toUri().toString());"srcCount=" + srcCount); jobConf.setInt(SRC_COUNT_LABEL, srcCount); jobConf.setLong(TOTAL_SIZE_LABEL, byteCount); setMapCount(byteCount, jobConf); }
/** * Set if native hadoop libraries, if present, can be used for this job. * * @param jobConf job configuration * @param loadNativeLibraries can native hadoop libraries be loaded */ public void setLoadNativeLibraries(JobConf jobConf, boolean loadNativeLibraries) { jobConf.setBoolean("hadoop.native.lib", loadNativeLibraries); }
boolean createJobConfAndParseArgs(String... args) throws ParseException, IOException { job = new JobConf(getConf(), Crush.class); /* * Turn off speculative execution because that's just wasting network io. */ job.setMapSpeculativeExecution(false); job.setReduceSpeculativeExecution(false); /* * Turn off pre-emption because we don't want to kill a task after two hours of network io. */ job.set("mapred.fairscheduler.preemption", "false"); tmpDir = new Path("tmp/crush-" + UUID.randomUUID()); outDir = new Path(tmpDir, "out"); double threshold = 0.75; List<String> regexes = asList(".+"); List<String> replacements = asList("crushed_file-${crush.timestamp}-${crush.task.num}-${crush.file.num}"); List<String> inFormats = asList(SequenceFileInputFormat.class.getName()); List<String> outFormats = asList(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class.getName()); String crushTimestamp; Options options = buildOptions(); CommandLine cli = new GnuParser().parse(options, args); if (cli.hasOption("?")) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("help.txt"))); try { String line; while (null != (line = reader.readLine())) { System.out.println(line); } } finally { reader.close(); } return false; } if (cli.hasOption("verbose")) { console = Verbosity.VERBOSE; } else if (cli.hasOption("info")) { console = Verbosity.INFO; } else { console = Verbosity.NONE; } if (cli.hasOption("ignore-regex")) { ignoredFiles = Pattern.compile(cli.getOptionValue("ignore-regex")).matcher(""); } excludeSingleFileDirs = !cli.hasOption("include-single-file-dirs"); String[] nonOptions = cli.getArgs(); if (2 == nonOptions.length) { /* * Stand alone mode accepts two arguments. */ mode = Mode.STAND_ALONE; srcDir = new Path(nonOptions[0]); dest = new Path(nonOptions[1]); if (cli.hasOption("input-format")) { inFormats = asList(cli.getOptionValue("input-format")); } if (cli.hasOption("output-format")) { outFormats = asList(cli.getOptionValue("output-format")); } replacements = asList(dest.getName()); crushTimestamp = Long.toString(currentTimeMillis()); } else { /* * The previous version expected three or four arguments. The third one specified the number of tasks to use, which is an * integral number, just like the third argument in the new version, which is a timestamp. We tell the two apart by looking * at the value of the argument. A timestamp is going to be a huge, 14-digit number while the number of tasks should be much * smaller. */ if ((args.length == 4 || args.length == 3) && args.length == nonOptions.length && args[2].length() != 14) { int maxTasks = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); if (maxTasks <= 0 || maxTasks > 4000) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tasks must be in the range [1, 4000]: " + maxTasks); } job.setInt("mapred.reduce.tasks", maxTasks); maxFileBlocks = Integer.MAX_VALUE; crushTimestamp = Long.toString(currentTimeMillis()); srcDir = new Path(args[0]); dest = new Path(args[1]); mode = Mode.CLONE; if (args.length == 4) { if (args[3].equals("TEXT")) { /* * These are the defaults except with text input and output formats. */ inFormats = asList(TextInputFormat.class.getName()); outFormats = asList(TextOutputFormat.class.getName()); } else if (!args[3].equals("SEQUENCE")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type must be either TEXT or SEQUENCE: " + args[3]); } } } else { /* * V2 style arguments. */ if (cli.hasOption("threshold")) { threshold = Double.parseDouble(cli.getOptionValue("threshold")); if (0 >= threshold || 1 < threshold || Double.isInfinite(threshold) || Double.isNaN(threshold)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Block size threshold must be in (0, 1]: " + threshold); } } if (cli.hasOption("max-file-blocks")) { int maxFileBlocksOption = Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue("max-file-blocks")); if (0 > maxFileBlocksOption) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Maximum file size in blocks must be positive: " + maxFileBlocksOption); } maxFileBlocks = maxFileBlocksOption; } else { maxFileBlocks = 8; } if (cli.hasOption("regex")) { regexes = asList(cli.getOptionValues("regex")); } if (cli.hasOption("replacement")) { replacements = asList(cli.getOptionValues("replacement")); } if (cli.hasOption("input-format")) { inFormats = asList(cli.getOptionValues("input-format")); } if (cli.hasOption("output-format")) { outFormats = asList(cli.getOptionValues("output-format")); } if (3 != nonOptions.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find source directory, out directory, and job timestamp"); } srcDir = new Path(nonOptions[0]); dest = new Path(nonOptions[1]); crushTimestamp = nonOptions[2]; if (cli.hasOption("clone")) { mode = Mode.CLONE; } else { mode = Mode.MAP_REDUCE; } if (!crushTimestamp.matches("\\d{14}")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Crush timestamp must be 14 digits yyyymmddhhMMss: " + crushTimestamp); } } dfsBlockSize = Long.parseLong(job.get("dfs.blocksize")); maxEligibleSize = (long) (dfsBlockSize * threshold); } /* * Add the crush specs and compression options to the configuration. */ job.set("crush.timestamp", crushTimestamp); if (ignoredFiles != null) { job.set("crush.ignore-regex", ignoredFiles.pattern().pattern()); } if (regexes.size() != replacements.size() || replacements.size() != inFormats.size() || inFormats.size() != outFormats.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must be an equal number of regex, replacement, in-format, and out-format options"); } job.setInt("crush.num.specs", regexes.size()); matchers = new ArrayList<Matcher>(regexes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < regexes.size(); i++) { job.set(format("crush.%d.regex", i), regexes.get(i)); matchers.add(Pattern.compile(regexes.get(i)).matcher("dummy")); job.set(format("crush.%d.regex.replacement", i), replacements.get(i)); String inFmt = inFormats.get(i); if ("sequence".equals(inFmt)) { inFmt = SequenceFileInputFormat.class.getName(); } else if ("text".equals(inFmt)) { inFmt = TextInputFormat.class.getName(); } else { try { if (!FileInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(Class.forName(inFmt))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a FileInputFormat:" + inFmt); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a FileInputFormat:" + inFmt); } } job.set(format("crush.%d.input.format", i), inFmt); String outFmt = outFormats.get(i); if ("sequence".equals(outFmt)) { outFmt = SequenceFileOutputFormat.class.getName(); } else if ("text".equals(outFmt)) { outFmt = TextOutputFormat.class.getName(); } else { try { if (!FileOutputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(Class.forName(outFmt))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a FileOutputFormat:" + outFmt); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a FileOutputFormat:" + outFmt); } } job.set(format("crush.%d.output.format", i), outFmt); } String codec = cli.getOptionValue("compress"); if (null == codec) { codec = DefaultCodec.class.getName(); } else if ("none".equals(codec)) { codec = null; } else if ("gzip".equals(codec)) { codec = GzipCodec.class.getName(); } else { try { if (!CompressionCodec.class.isAssignableFrom(Class.forName(codec))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a CompressionCodec: " + codec); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a CompressionCodec: " + codec); } } if (null == codec) { job.setBoolean("mapred.output.compress", false); } else { job.setBoolean("mapred.output.compress", true); job.set("mapred.output.compression.type", "BLOCK"); job.set("mapred.output.compression.codec", codec); try { CompressionCodec instance = (CompressionCodec) Class.forName(codec).newInstance(); codecExtension = instance.getDefaultExtension(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(); } } return true; }
@Test public void testReduceProcessor() throws Exception { final String dagName = "mrdag0"; String mapVertexName = MultiStageMRConfigUtil.getInitialMapVertexName(); String reduceVertexName = MultiStageMRConfigUtil.getFinalReduceVertexName(); JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(defaultConf); setUpJobConf(jobConf); MRHelpers.translateVertexConfToTez(jobConf); jobConf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0); jobConf.set( MRFrameworkConfigs.TASK_LOCAL_RESOURCE_DIR, new Path(workDir, "localized-resources").toUri().toString()); jobConf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.MR_TEZ_SPLITS_VIA_EVENTS, false); Path mapInput = new Path(workDir, "map0"); MapUtils.generateInputSplit(localFs, workDir, jobConf, mapInput); InputSpec mapInputSpec = new InputSpec( "NullSrcVertex", new InputDescriptor(MRInputLegacy.class.getName()) .setUserPayload(MRHelpers.createMRInputPayload(jobConf, null)), 1); OutputSpec mapOutputSpec = new OutputSpec( "NullDestVertex", new OutputDescriptor(LocalOnFileSorterOutput.class.getName()) .setUserPayload(TezUtils.createUserPayloadFromConf(jobConf)), 1); // Run a map LogicalIOProcessorRuntimeTask mapTask = MapUtils.createLogicalTask( localFs, workDir, jobConf, 0, mapInput, new TestUmbilical(), dagName, mapVertexName, Collections.singletonList(mapInputSpec), Collections.singletonList(mapOutputSpec)); mapTask.initialize();; mapTask.close();"Starting reduce..."); Token<JobTokenIdentifier> shuffleToken = new Token<JobTokenIdentifier>(); jobConf.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); jobConf.set( MRFrameworkConfigs.TASK_LOCAL_RESOURCE_DIR, new Path(workDir, "localized-resources").toUri().toString()); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(jobConf, new Path(workDir, "output")); ProcessorDescriptor reduceProcessorDesc = new ProcessorDescriptor(ReduceProcessor.class.getName()) .setUserPayload(TezUtils.createUserPayloadFromConf(jobConf)); InputSpec reduceInputSpec = new InputSpec( mapVertexName, new InputDescriptor(LocalMergedInput.class.getName()) .setUserPayload(TezUtils.createUserPayloadFromConf(jobConf)), 1); OutputSpec reduceOutputSpec = new OutputSpec( "NullDestinationVertex", new OutputDescriptor(MROutputLegacy.class.getName()) .setUserPayload(TezUtils.createUserPayloadFromConf(jobConf)), 1); // Now run a reduce TaskSpec taskSpec = new TaskSpec( TezTestUtils.getMockTaskAttemptId(0, 1, 0, 0), dagName, reduceVertexName, reduceProcessorDesc, Collections.singletonList(reduceInputSpec), Collections.singletonList(reduceOutputSpec), null); Map<String, ByteBuffer> serviceConsumerMetadata = new HashMap<String, ByteBuffer>(); serviceConsumerMetadata.put( ShuffleUtils.SHUFFLE_HANDLER_SERVICE_ID, ShuffleUtils.convertJobTokenToBytes(shuffleToken)); LogicalIOProcessorRuntimeTask task = new LogicalIOProcessorRuntimeTask( taskSpec, 0, jobConf, new String[] {workDir.toString()}, new TestUmbilical(), serviceConsumerMetadata, HashMultimap.<String, String>create()); task.initialize();; task.close(); // MRTask mrTask = (MRTask)t.getProcessor(); // TODO NEWTEZ Verify the partitioner has not been created // Likely not applicable anymore. // Assert.assertNull(mrTask.getPartitioner()); // Only a task commit happens, hence the data is still in the temporary directory. Path reduceOutputDir = new Path( new Path(workDir, "output"), "_temporary/0/" + IDConverter.toMRTaskIdForOutput(TezTestUtils.getMockTaskId(0, 1, 0))); Path reduceOutputFile = new Path(reduceOutputDir, "part-v001-o000-00000"); SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(localFs, reduceOutputFile, jobConf); LongWritable key = new LongWritable(); Text value = new Text(); long prev = Long.MIN_VALUE; while (, value)) { if (prev != Long.MIN_VALUE) { Assert.assertTrue(prev < key.get()); prev = key.get(); } } reader.close(); }
/* * Helper function to create Vertex from MapWork. */ private Vertex createVertex( JobConf conf, MapWork mapWork, LocalResource appJarLr, List<LocalResource> additionalLr, FileSystem fs, Path mrScratchDir, Context ctx, TezWork tezWork) throws Exception { Path tezDir = getTezDir(mrScratchDir); // set up the operator plan Utilities.setMapWork(conf, mapWork, mrScratchDir, false); // create the directories FileSinkOperators need Utilities.createTmpDirs(conf, mapWork); // Tez ask us to call this even if there's no preceding vertex MultiStageMRConfToTezTranslator.translateVertexConfToTez(conf, null); // finally create the vertex Vertex map = null; // use tez to combine splits boolean useTezGroupedSplits = false; int numTasks = -1; Class amSplitGeneratorClass = null; InputSplitInfo inputSplitInfo = null; Class inputFormatClass = conf.getClass("mapred.input.format.class", InputFormat.class); boolean vertexHasCustomInput = false; if (tezWork != null) { for (BaseWork baseWork : tezWork.getParents(mapWork)) { if (tezWork.getEdgeType(baseWork, mapWork) == EdgeType.CUSTOM_EDGE) { vertexHasCustomInput = true; } } } if (vertexHasCustomInput) { useTezGroupedSplits = false; // grouping happens in execution phase. Setting the class to TezGroupedSplitsInputFormat // here would cause pre-mature grouping which would be incorrect. inputFormatClass = HiveInputFormat.class; conf.setClass("mapred.input.format.class", HiveInputFormat.class, InputFormat.class); // mapreduce.tez.input.initializer.serialize.event.payload should be set to false when using // this plug-in to avoid getting a serialized event at run-time. conf.setBoolean("mapreduce.tez.input.initializer.serialize.event.payload", false); } else { // we'll set up tez to combine spits for us iff the input format // is HiveInputFormat if (inputFormatClass == HiveInputFormat.class) { useTezGroupedSplits = true; conf.setClass( "mapred.input.format.class", TezGroupedSplitsInputFormat.class, InputFormat.class); } } if (HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_AM_SPLIT_GENERATION)) { // if we're generating the splits in the AM, we just need to set // the correct plugin. amSplitGeneratorClass = MRInputAMSplitGenerator.class; } else { // client side split generation means we have to compute them now inputSplitInfo = MRHelpers.generateInputSplits( conf, new Path(tezDir, "split_" + mapWork.getName().replaceAll(" ", "_"))); numTasks = inputSplitInfo.getNumTasks(); } byte[] serializedConf = MRHelpers.createUserPayloadFromConf(conf); map = new Vertex( mapWork.getName(), new ProcessorDescriptor(MapTezProcessor.class.getName()).setUserPayload(serializedConf), numTasks, getContainerResource(conf)); Map<String, String> environment = new HashMap<String, String>(); MRHelpers.updateEnvironmentForMRTasks(conf, environment, true); map.setTaskEnvironment(environment); map.setJavaOpts(getContainerJavaOpts(conf)); assert mapWork.getAliasToWork().keySet().size() == 1; String alias = mapWork.getAliasToWork().keySet().iterator().next(); byte[] mrInput = null; if (useTezGroupedSplits) { mrInput = MRHelpers.createMRInputPayloadWithGrouping( serializedConf, HiveInputFormat.class.getName()); } else { mrInput = MRHelpers.createMRInputPayload(serializedConf, null); } map.addInput( alias, new InputDescriptor(MRInputLegacy.class.getName()).setUserPayload(mrInput), amSplitGeneratorClass); Map<String, LocalResource> localResources = new HashMap<String, LocalResource>(); localResources.put(getBaseName(appJarLr), appJarLr); for (LocalResource lr : additionalLr) { localResources.put(getBaseName(lr), lr); } if (inputSplitInfo != null) { // only relevant for client-side split generation map.setTaskLocationsHint(inputSplitInfo.getTaskLocationHints()); MRHelpers.updateLocalResourcesForInputSplits( FileSystem.get(conf), inputSplitInfo, localResources); } map.setTaskLocalResources(localResources); return map; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (!validArgs(args)) { printUsage(); return; } // These are the temp paths that are created on HDFS String dir1 = "/user/miyuru/csrconverter-output"; String dir2 = "/user/miyuru/csrconverter-output-sorted"; // We first delete the temporary directories if they exist on the HDFS FileSystem fs1 = FileSystem.get(new JobConf()); System.out.println("Deleting the dir : " + dir1); if (fs1.exists(new Path(dir1))) { fs1.delete(new Path(dir1), true); } System.out.println("Done deleting the dir : " + dir1); System.out.println("Deleting the dir : " + dir2); if (fs1.exists(new Path(dir2))) { fs1.delete(new Path(dir2), true); } Path notinPath = new Path("/user/miyuru/notinverts/notinverts"); if (!fs1.exists(notinPath)) { fs1.create(notinPath); } System.out.println("Done deleting the dir : " + dir2); // Note on Aug 23 2014: Sometimes after this the mapReduce job hangs. need to see why. VertexCounterClient.setDefaultGraphID(args[3], args[2]); // First job creates the inverted index JobConf conf = new JobConf(CSRConverter.class); conf.set("org.acacia.partitioner.hbase.zookeeper.quorum", args[1]); conf.set("org.acacia.partitioner.hbase.table", args[2]); conf.set("org.acacia.partitioner.hbase.contacthost", args[3]); conf.setOutputKeyClass(LongWritable.class); conf.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); // conf.setMapperClass(InvertedMapper.class); conf.setReducerClass(InvertedReducer.class); // conf.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class); conf.setInputFormat(NLinesInputFormat.class); conf.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class); // FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, new Path(args[0])); MultipleInputs.addInputPath( conf, new Path(args[0]), NLinesInputFormat.class, InvertedMapper.class); MultipleInputs.addInputPath( conf, new Path("/user/miyuru/notinverts/notinverts"), TextInputFormat.class, InvertedMapper.class); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(dir1)); // Also for the moment we turn-off the speculative execution conf.setBoolean("", false); conf.setBoolean("mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution", false); conf.setNumMapTasks(96); conf.setNumReduceTasks(96); conf.setPartitionerClass(VertexPartitioner.class); conf.set("vertex-count", args[4]); conf.set("zero-flag", args[5]); Job job = new Job(conf, "csr_inverter"); job.setSortComparatorClass(SortComparator.class); job.waitForCompletion(true); }
@Override public void localizeConfiguration(JobConf jobConf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { super.localizeConfiguration(jobConf); jobConf.setBoolean(JobContext.TASK_ISMAP, true); }
public void merge(Path out, Path[] segs, boolean filter, long slice) throws Exception { String segmentName = Generator.generateSegmentName(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Merging " + segs.length + " segments to " + out + "/" + segmentName); } JobConf job = new NutchJob(getConf()); job.setJobName("mergesegs " + out + "/" + segmentName); job.setBoolean("segment.merger.filter", filter); job.setLong("segment.merger.slice", slice); job.set("segment.merger.segmentName", segmentName); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(getConf()); // prepare the minimal common set of input dirs boolean g = true; boolean f = true; boolean p = true; boolean c = true; boolean pd = true; boolean pt = true; for (int i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { if (!fs.exists(segs[i])) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Input dir " + segs[i] + " doesn't exist, skipping."); } segs[i] = null; continue; } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"SegmentMerger: adding " + segs[i]); } Path cDir = new Path(segs[i], Content.DIR_NAME); Path gDir = new Path(segs[i], CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME); Path fDir = new Path(segs[i], CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME); Path pDir = new Path(segs[i], CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME); Path pdDir = new Path(segs[i], ParseData.DIR_NAME); Path ptDir = new Path(segs[i], ParseText.DIR_NAME); c = c && fs.exists(cDir); g = g && fs.exists(gDir); f = f && fs.exists(fDir); p = p && fs.exists(pDir); pd = pd && fs.exists(pdDir); pt = pt && fs.exists(ptDir); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (c) sb.append(" " + Content.DIR_NAME); if (g) sb.append(" " + CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME); if (f) sb.append(" " + CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME); if (p) sb.append(" " + CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME); if (pd) sb.append(" " + ParseData.DIR_NAME); if (pt) sb.append(" " + ParseText.DIR_NAME); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"SegmentMerger: using segment data from:" + sb.toString()); } for (int i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { if (segs[i] == null) continue; if (g) { Path gDir = new Path(segs[i], CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME); job.addInputPath(gDir); } if (c) { Path cDir = new Path(segs[i], Content.DIR_NAME); job.addInputPath(cDir); } if (f) { Path fDir = new Path(segs[i], CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME); job.addInputPath(fDir); } if (p) { Path pDir = new Path(segs[i], CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME); job.addInputPath(pDir); } if (pd) { Path pdDir = new Path(segs[i], ParseData.DIR_NAME); job.addInputPath(pdDir); } if (pt) { Path ptDir = new Path(segs[i], ParseText.DIR_NAME); job.addInputPath(ptDir); } } job.setInputFormat(ObjectInputFormat.class); job.setMapperClass(SegmentMerger.class); job.setReducerClass(SegmentMerger.class); job.setOutputPath(out); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(MetaWrapper.class); job.setOutputFormat(SegmentOutputFormat.class); setConf(job); JobClient.runJob(job); }
/** Runs this tool. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { JobConf job = new JobConf(getConf(), Docnos2Titles.class); // Read commandline arguments CommandLine cmdline = parseArgs(args); if (cmdline == null) { printUsage(); } String eCollectionPath = cmdline.getOptionValue(ECOLLECTION_OPTION); String fCollectionPath = cmdline.getOptionValue(FCOLLECTION_OPTION); String pwsimOutputPath = cmdline.getOptionValue(PWSIM_OPTION); String titlePairsPath = cmdline.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_PATH_OPTION); String eLang = cmdline.getOptionValue(ELANG_OPTION); String fLang = cmdline.getOptionValue(FLANG_OPTION); String samplesFile = cmdline.getOptionValue(SAMPLEDOCNOS_OPTION); job.setJobName("Docnos2Titles_" + fLang + "-" + eLang); FileInputFormat.addInputPaths(job, eCollectionPath); FileInputFormat.addInputPaths(job, fCollectionPath); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(titlePairsPath)); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI(pwsimOutputPath), job); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI(samplesFile), job); job.set("eLang", eLang); job.set("fLang", fLang); job.set("PwsimPairs", pwsimOutputPath); job.set("Ivory.SampleFile", samplesFile); job.setInt("mapred.task.timeout", 60000000); job.set("", "3000"); job.set("", "-Xmx3000m"); job.setBoolean("", false); job.setBoolean("mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution", false); job.setNumMapTasks(100); job.setNumReduceTasks(1); job.setInt("mapred.min.split.size", 2000000000); job.setFloat("mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps", 0.9f); job.setInputFormat(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); job.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class); job.setMapOutputKeyClass(PairOfInts.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(PairOfIntString.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); job.setMapperClass(MyMapper.class); job.setReducerClass(MyReducer.class);"Running job " + job.getJobName() + "...");"E-collection path: " + eCollectionPath);"F-collection path: " + fCollectionPath);"Pwsim output path: " + pwsimOutputPath);"Output path: " + titlePairsPath);"Sample file?: " + ((samplesFile != null) ? samplesFile : "none")); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); JobClient.runJob(job); System.out.println( "Job finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0 + " seconds"); return 0; }
/** * Run a compactor job. * * @param conf Hive configuration file * @param jobName name to run this job with * @param t metastore table * @param sd metastore storage descriptor * @param txns list of valid transactions * @param isMajor is this a major compaction? * @throws if the job fails */ void run( HiveConf conf, String jobName, Table t, StorageDescriptor sd, ValidTxnList txns, boolean isMajor, Worker.StatsUpdater su) throws IOException { JobConf job = new JobConf(conf); job.setJobName(jobName); job.setOutputKeyClass(NullWritable.class); job.setOutputValueClass(NullWritable.class); job.setJarByClass(CompactorMR.class); LOG.debug("User jar set to " + job.getJar()); job.setMapperClass(CompactorMap.class); job.setNumReduceTasks(0); job.setInputFormat(CompactorInputFormat.class); job.setOutputFormat(NullOutputFormat.class); job.setOutputCommitter(CompactorOutputCommitter.class); String queueName = conf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.COMPACTOR_JOB_QUEUE); if (queueName != null && queueName.length() > 0) { job.setQueueName(queueName); } job.set(FINAL_LOCATION, sd.getLocation()); job.set(TMP_LOCATION, sd.getLocation() + "/" + TMPDIR + "_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()); job.set(INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS_NAME, sd.getInputFormat()); job.set(OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS_NAME, sd.getOutputFormat()); job.setBoolean(IS_MAJOR, isMajor); job.setBoolean(IS_COMPRESSED, sd.isCompressed()); job.set(TABLE_PROPS, new StringableMap(t.getParameters()).toString()); job.setInt(NUM_BUCKETS, sd.getNumBuckets()); job.set(ValidTxnList.VALID_TXNS_KEY, txns.toString()); setColumnTypes(job, sd.getCols()); // Figure out and encode what files we need to read. We do this here (rather than in // getSplits below) because as part of this we discover our minimum and maximum transactions, // and discovering that in getSplits is too late as we then have no way to pass it to our // mapper. AcidUtils.Directory dir = AcidUtils.getAcidState(new Path(sd.getLocation()), conf, txns, false); StringableList dirsToSearch = new StringableList(); Path baseDir = null; if (isMajor) { // There may not be a base dir if the partition was empty before inserts or if this // partition is just now being converted to ACID. baseDir = dir.getBaseDirectory(); if (baseDir == null) { List<HdfsFileStatusWithId> originalFiles = dir.getOriginalFiles(); if (!(originalFiles == null) && !(originalFiles.size() == 0)) { // There are original format files for (HdfsFileStatusWithId stat : originalFiles) { Path path = stat.getFileStatus().getPath(); dirsToSearch.add(path); LOG.debug("Adding original file " + path + " to dirs to search"); } // Set base to the location so that the input format reads the original files. baseDir = new Path(sd.getLocation()); } } else { // add our base to the list of directories to search for files in. LOG.debug("Adding base directory " + baseDir + " to dirs to search"); dirsToSearch.add(baseDir); } } List<AcidUtils.ParsedDelta> parsedDeltas = dir.getCurrentDirectories(); if (parsedDeltas == null || parsedDeltas.size() == 0) { // Seriously, no deltas? Can't compact that. LOG.error("No delta files found to compact in " + sd.getLocation()); return; } StringableList deltaDirs = new StringableList(); long minTxn = Long.MAX_VALUE; long maxTxn = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (AcidUtils.ParsedDelta delta : parsedDeltas) { LOG.debug("Adding delta " + delta.getPath() + " to directories to search"); dirsToSearch.add(delta.getPath()); deltaDirs.add(delta.getPath()); minTxn = Math.min(minTxn, delta.getMinTransaction()); maxTxn = Math.max(maxTxn, delta.getMaxTransaction()); } if (baseDir != null) job.set(BASE_DIR, baseDir.toString()); job.set(DELTA_DIRS, deltaDirs.toString()); job.set(DIRS_TO_SEARCH, dirsToSearch.toString()); job.setLong(MIN_TXN, minTxn); job.setLong(MAX_TXN, maxTxn); LOG.debug("Setting minimum transaction to " + minTxn); LOG.debug("Setting maximume transaction to " + maxTxn); RunningJob rj = JobClient.runJob(job); "Submitted " + (isMajor ? CompactionType.MAJOR : CompactionType.MINOR) + " compaction job '" + jobName + "' with jobID=" + rj.getID() + " to " + job.getQueueName() + " queue. " + "(current delta dirs count=" + dir.getCurrentDirectories().size() + ", obsolete delta dirs count=" + dir.getObsolete()); rj.waitForCompletion(); su.gatherStats(); }
public void indexSolr( String solrUrl, Path crawlDb, Path linkDb, List<Path> segments, boolean noCommit, boolean deleteGone, String solrParams, boolean filter, boolean normalize) throws IOException { filter = false; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"SolrIndexer: starting at " + sdf.format(start)); final JobConf job = new NutchJob(getConf()); job.setJobName("index-solr " + solrUrl);"SolrIndexer: deleting gone documents: " + deleteGone);"SolrIndexer: URL filtering: " + filter);"SolrIndexer: URL normalizing: " + normalize); IndexerMapReduce.initMRJob(crawlDb, linkDb, segments, job); job.set(SolrConstants.SERVER_URL, solrUrl); job.setBoolean(IndexerMapReduce.INDEXER_DELETE, deleteGone); job.setBoolean(IndexerMapReduce.URL_FILTERING, filter); job.setBoolean(IndexerMapReduce.URL_NORMALIZING, normalize); if (solrParams != null) { job.set(SolrConstants.PARAMS, solrParams); } NutchIndexWriterFactory.addClassToConf(job, SolrWriter.class); job.setReduceSpeculativeExecution(false); final Path tmp = new Path("tmp_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + new Random().nextInt()); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, tmp); try { JobClient.runJob(job); // do the commits once and for all the reducers in one go SolrServer solr = SolrUtils.getCommonsHttpSolrServer(job); if (!noCommit) { solr.commit(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); "SolrIndexer: finished at " + sdf.format(end) + ", elapsed: " + TimingUtil.elapsedTime(start, end)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.toString()); } finally { FileSystem.get(job).delete(tmp, true); } }