@Test public void testRpcFailover() throws Exception { String appPath = testMeta.dir; Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); final AtomicBoolean timedout = new AtomicBoolean(); StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol impl = MockitoUtil.mockProtocol(StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol.class); Mockito.doAnswer( new org.mockito.stubbing.Answer<Void>() { @Override public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) { LOG.debug("got call: " + invocation.getMethod()); if (!timedout.get()) { try { timedout.set(true); Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } // throw new RuntimeException("fail"); } return null; } }) .when(impl) .log("containerId", "timeout"); Server server = new RPC.Builder(conf) .setProtocol(StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol.class) .setInstance(impl) .setBindAddress("") .setPort(0) .setNumHandlers(1) .setVerbose(false) .build(); server.start(); InetSocketAddress address = NetUtils.getConnectAddress(server); LOG.info("Mock server listening at " + address); int rpcTimeoutMillis = 500; int retryDelayMillis = 100; int retryTimeoutMillis = 500; FSRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(appPath, conf); URI uri = RecoverableRpcProxy.toConnectURI( address, rpcTimeoutMillis, retryDelayMillis, retryTimeoutMillis); recoveryHandler.writeConnectUri(uri.toString()); RecoverableRpcProxy rp = new RecoverableRpcProxy(appPath, conf); StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol protocolProxy = rp.getProxy(); protocolProxy.log("containerId", "msg"); // simulate socket read timeout try { protocolProxy.log("containerId", "timeout"); Assert.fail("expected socket timeout"); } catch (java.net.SocketTimeoutException e) { // expected } Assert.assertTrue("timedout", timedout.get()); rp.close(); // test success on retry timedout.set(false); retryTimeoutMillis = 1500; uri = RecoverableRpcProxy.toConnectURI( address, rpcTimeoutMillis, retryDelayMillis, retryTimeoutMillis); recoveryHandler.writeConnectUri(uri.toString()); protocolProxy.log("containerId", "timeout"); Assert.assertTrue("timedout", timedout.get()); rp.close(); server.stop(); }
/** Stop all Collector threads and wait for all to finish. */ public void stop() { running = false; if (server != null) server.stop(); if (aggregateDaemon != null) aggregateDaemon.interrupt(); }