private static Long latestVersion(Hashtable<String, String> config, dbutil db_util) throws Exception { if (!config.get("timestamp_stop").equals(Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE))) { return new Long(config.get("timestamp_stop")); } String rowName = config.get("file_id") + config.get("run_id") + "_"; if (config.get("task_id") != "") { try { rowName = rowName + String.format("%04d", new Integer(config.get("task_id"))); } catch (NumberFormatException E) { rowName = rowName + config.get("task_id"); } } Get timestampGet = new Get(rowName.getBytes()); timestampGet.addColumn("d".getBytes(), "update".getBytes()); Result timestampResult = db_util.doGet(config.get("db_name_updates"), timestampGet); KeyValue tsKv = timestampResult.getColumnLatest("d".getBytes(), "update".getBytes()); if (tsKv == null) { rowName = config.get("file_id") + "_"; timestampGet = new Get(rowName.getBytes()); timestampGet.addColumn("d".getBytes(), "update".getBytes()); timestampResult = db_util.doGet(config.get("db_name_updates"), timestampGet); tsKv = timestampResult.getColumnLatest("d".getBytes(), "update".getBytes()); } if (tsKv == null) { return new Long(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } Long latestVersion = new Long(tsKv.getTimestamp()); return latestVersion; }
public Optional<byte[]> get( Optional<String> table, Optional<String> family, Optional<String> qualifier, Optional<String> key) { if (!valid) { Logger.error("CANNOT GET! NO VALID CONNECTION"); return Optional.empty(); } if (table.isPresent() && family.isPresent() && qualifier.isPresent() && key.isPresent() && !key.get().isEmpty()) { try { final Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(table.get())); Result result = htable.get(new Get(key.get().getBytes("UTF8"))); return Optional.ofNullable( result.getValue(family.get().getBytes("UTF8"), qualifier.get().getBytes("UTF8"))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return Optional.empty(); }
public Optional<Response> get(Optional<Request> request) { if (!valid) { Logger.error("CANNOT GET! NO VALID CONNECTION"); return Optional.empty(); } Response response = new Response(); if (request.isPresent()) { Request r = request.get(); response.key = r.key; response.table = r.table; try { final Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(r.table)); Result result = htable.get(new Get(r.key)); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } r.columns.forEach( c -> response.columns.add( new Request.Column(, c.qualifier, result.getValue(, c.qualifier.getBytes())))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return Optional.of(response); }
private static boolean hasFile( dbutil db_util, FileSystem fs, String db_name, String file_id, String file_path) throws Exception { Get file_id_get = new Get(file_id.getBytes()); Result file_result = db_util.doGet(db_name, file_id_get); KeyValue file_names = file_result.getColumnLatest("d".getBytes(), "filenames".getBytes()); if (file_names == null) { return false; } String all_files = new String(file_names.getValue()); String[] files = all_files.split("\n"); for (String line : files) { if (line.equals(file_path)) { if (fs.globStatus(new Path(line + "*")).length == 0) { Put new_put = new Put(file_id.getBytes()); new_put.add( "d".getBytes(), "filenames".getBytes(), all_files.replace(file_path + "\n", "").getBytes()); db_util.doPut(db_name, new_put); return false; } return true; } } return false; }
private static boolean putFileEntry( dbutil db_util, FileSystem fs, String db_name, String file_id, String file_path, String source) throws Exception { String all_paths = file_path; if (hasFile(db_util, fs, db_name, file_id, file_path)) { logger.debug("File already found, putFileEntry aborting"); return false; } else { Get file_id_get = new Get(file_id.getBytes()); Result file_result = db_util.doGet(db_name, file_id_get); KeyValue file_names = file_result.getColumnLatest("d".getBytes(), "filenames".getBytes()); if (file_names != null) { String paths = new String(file_names.getValue()); all_paths = paths + "\n" + file_path; } } Put file_id_put = new Put(file_id.getBytes()); file_id_put.add("d".getBytes(), "source".getBytes(), source.getBytes()); if (!source.equals("fullfile")) { file_id_put.add("d".getBytes(), "filenames".getBytes(), all_paths.getBytes()); } db_util.doPut(db_name, file_id_put); return true; }
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration argConf = getConf(); // JobConf conf = new JobConf(diffdb.class); Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); HBaseAdmin hbAdmin = new HBaseAdmin(config); dbutil db_util = new dbutil(config); HTable runTable = new HTable(config, "gestore_runs"); Get runGet = new Get(argConf.get("id").getBytes()); Result pipeline = runTable.get(runGet); NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> pipeMap = pipeline.getFamilyMap("d".getBytes()); Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> results = pipeMap.pollFirstEntry(); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> resultMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(); while (results != null) { String resultKey = new String(results.getKey()); String resultValue = new String(results.getValue()); String field = "type"; HashMap<String, String> tempMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String entry = resultKey; if (resultKey.endsWith("_db_timestamp")) { field = "db_timestamp"; entry = resultKey.substring(0, resultKey.lastIndexOf("_db_timestamp")); } else if (resultKey.endsWith("_filename")) { field = "filename"; entry = resultKey.substring(0, resultKey.lastIndexOf("_filename")); } else if (resultKey.endsWith("_regex")) { field = "regex"; entry = resultKey.substring(0, resultKey.lastIndexOf("_regex")); } if (resultMap.containsKey(entry)) { tempMap = resultMap.get(entry); } tempMap.put(field, resultValue); resultMap.put(entry, tempMap); // System.out.println("Key: " + resultKey + " Value: " + resultValue); results = pipeMap.pollFirstEntry(); } for (String key : resultMap.keySet()) { System.out.println("File ID: " + key); for (String subKey : resultMap.get(key).keySet()) { // System.out.println("\t " + subKey + "\t\t" + resultMap.get(key).get(subKey)); System.out.format(" %1$-20s %2$s\n", subKey, resultMap.get(key).get(subKey)); } } return 0; }
private static String getSource(dbutil db_util, String db_name, String file_id) throws Exception { Get file_id_get = new Get(file_id.getBytes()); Result file_result = db_util.doGet(db_name, file_id_get); KeyValue file_source = file_result.getColumnLatest("d".getBytes(), "source".getBytes()); if (file_source == null) { return "local"; } return new String(file_source.getValue()); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); HTableInterface literaturesTable = new HTable(conf, "pb_literatures"); Scan s = new Scan(); s.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("info")); ResultScanner rs = literaturesTable.getScanner(s); for (Result r : rs) { byte[] b = r.getValue(Bytes.toBytes("info"), Bytes.toBytes("title")); System.out.println(Bytes.toString(b)); } }
private static String isDatabase(dbutil db_util, String db_name, String file_id) throws Exception { Get file_id_get = new Get(file_id.getBytes()); Result file_result = db_util.doGet(db_name, file_id_get); KeyValue file_db = file_result.getColumnLatest("d".getBytes(), "database".getBytes()); if (file_db == null) { return "n"; } String db = new String(file_db.getValue()); if (db.equals("y")) { return "y"; } else { return "n"; } }
/** Return the number of rows in the given table. */ public static int countMobRows(final Table table) throws IOException { Scan scan = new Scan(); ResultScanner results = table.getScanner(scan); int count = 0; for (Result res : results) { count++; List<Cell> cells = res.listCells(); for (Cell cell : cells) { // Verify the value Assert.assertTrue(CellUtil.cloneValue(cell).length > 0); } } results.close(); return count; }
private static String getFileNames( dbutil db_util, String db_name, String file_id, String file_path) throws Exception { Get file_id_get = new Get(file_id.getBytes()); Result file_result = db_util.doGet(db_name, file_id_get); KeyValue file_names = file_result.getColumnLatest("d".getBytes(), "filenames".getBytes()); if (file_names == null) { return ""; } String all_files = new String(file_names.getValue()); String[] files = all_files.split("\n"); for (String line : files) { if (line.equals(file_path)) { return all_files; } } return all_files + "\n" + file_path; }
@Test public void testHostRank() throws Exception { if (System.getProperty("prop.mapred.job.tracker") != null) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"testHBaseInputOutput: Ignore this test if not local mode."); return; } File jarTest = new File(System.getProperty("prop.jarLocation")); if (!jarTest.exists()) { fail( "Could not find Giraph jar at " + "location specified by 'prop.jarLocation'. " + "Make sure you built the main Giraph artifact?."); } MiniHBaseCluster cluster = null; MiniZooKeeperCluster zkCluster = null; FileSystem fs = null; try { // using the restart method allows us to avoid having the hbase // root directory overwritten by /home/$username zkCluster = testUtil.startMiniZKCluster(); testUtil.restartHBaseCluster(2); cluster = testUtil.getMiniHBaseCluster(); final byte[] OL_BYTES = Bytes.toBytes("ol"); final byte[] S_BYTES = Bytes.toBytes("s"); final byte[] METADATA_BYTES = Bytes.toBytes("mtdt"); final byte[] HR_BYTES = Bytes.toBytes("_hr_"); final byte[] TAB = Bytes.toBytes(TABLE_NAME); Configuration conf = cluster.getConfiguration(); HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(TAB); desc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(OL_BYTES)); desc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(S_BYTES)); desc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(METADATA_BYTES)); HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin = new HBaseAdmin(conf); if (hbaseAdmin.isTableAvailable(TABLE_NAME)) { hbaseAdmin.disableTable(TABLE_NAME); hbaseAdmin.deleteTable(TABLE_NAME); } hbaseAdmin.createTable(desc); /** * Enter the initial data (a,b), (b,c), (a,c) a = 1.0 - google b = 1.0 - yahoo c = 1.0 - bing */ HTable table = new HTable(conf, TABLE_NAME); Put p1 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("")); p1.add(OL_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(""), Bytes.toBytes("ab")); Put p2 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("")); p2.add(OL_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(""), Bytes.toBytes("ac")); p2.add(OL_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(""), Bytes.toBytes("invalid1")); p2.add(OL_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(""), Bytes.toBytes("invalid2")); Put p3 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("")); p3.add(OL_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(""), Bytes.toBytes("bc")); // p3.add(OL_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(""), Bytes.toBytes("invalid4")); Put p4 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("")); // TODO: Handle below case. use apache isValid method. p4.add(OL_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes("http://invalidurl"), Bytes.toBytes("invalid5")); p4.add(S_BYTES, S_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(10.0d)); Put p5 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("dummy")); p5.add(S_BYTES, S_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(10.0d)); table.put(p1); table.put(p2); table.put(p3); table.put(p4); table.put(p5); // Set Giraph configuration // now operate over HBase using Vertex I/O formats conf.set(TableInputFormat.INPUT_TABLE, TABLE_NAME); conf.set(TableOutputFormat.OUTPUT_TABLE, TABLE_NAME); // Start the giraph job GiraphJob giraphJob = new GiraphJob(conf, BspCase.getCallingMethodName()); GiraphConfiguration giraphConf = giraphJob.getConfiguration(); giraphConf.setZooKeeperConfiguration(cluster.getMaster().getZooKeeper().getQuorum()); setupConfiguration(giraphJob); giraphConf.setComputationClass(LinkRankComputation.class); giraphConf.setMasterComputeClass(LinkRankVertexMasterCompute.class); giraphConf.setOutEdgesClass(ByteArrayEdges.class); giraphConf.setVertexInputFormatClass(Nutch2HostInputFormat.class); giraphConf.setVertexOutputFormatClass(Nutch2HostOutputFormat.class); giraphConf.setInt("giraph.linkRank.superstepCount", 10); giraphConf.setInt("giraph.linkRank.scale", 10); giraphConf.set("", "mtdt"); giraphConf.set("giraph.linkRank.qualifier", "_hr_"); giraphConf.setVertexInputFilterClass(HostRankVertexFilter.class); assertTrue(; if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Giraph job successful. Checking output qualifier."); /** Check the results * */ Result result; String key; byte[] calculatedScoreByte; HashMap expectedValues = new HashMap<String, Double>(); expectedValues.put("", 1.3515060339386287d); expectedValues.put("", 4.144902009567587d); expectedValues.put("", 9.063893290511482d); for (Object keyObject : expectedValues.keySet()) { key = keyObject.toString(); result = table.get(new Get(key.getBytes())); calculatedScoreByte = result.getValue(METADATA_BYTES, HR_BYTES); assertNotNull(calculatedScoreByte); assertTrue(calculatedScoreByte.length > 0); Assert.assertEquals( "Scores are not the same", (Double) expectedValues.get(key), Bytes.toDouble(calculatedScoreByte), DELTA); } } finally { if (cluster != null) { cluster.shutdown(); } if (zkCluster != null) { zkCluster.shutdown(); } // clean test files if (fs != null) { fs.delete(hbaseRootdir); } } }
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { // printUsage(); /* * SETUP */ Configuration argConf = getConf(); Hashtable<String, String> confArg = new Hashtable<String, String>(); setup(confArg, argConf); Date currentTime = new Date(); Date endDate = new Date(new Long(confArg.get("timestamp_stop"))); Boolean full_run = confArg.get("intermediate").matches("(?i).*true.*"); Boolean quick_add = confArg.get("quick_add").matches("(?i).*true.*");"Running GeStore"); // ZooKeeper setup Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); zkWatcher = new ZooKeeperWatcher(config, "Testing", new HBaseAdmin(config)); zkInstance = new ZooKeeper( ZKConfig.getZKQuorumServersString(config), config.getInt("zookeeper.session.timeout", -1), zkWatcher); if (!confArg.get("task_id").isEmpty()) { confArg.put("temp_path", confArg.get("temp_path") + confArg.get("task_id")); } String lockRequest = confArg.get("file_id"); if (!confArg.get("run_id").isEmpty()) lockRequest = lockRequest + "_" + confArg.get("run_id") + "_"; if (!confArg.get("task_id").isEmpty()) lockRequest = lockRequest + "_" + confArg.get("task_id") + "_"; // Get type of movement toFrom type_move = checkArgs(confArg); if (type_move == toFrom.LOCAL2REMOTE && !confArg.get("format").equals("unknown")) { List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>(); arguments.add("-Dinput=" + confArg.get("local_path")); arguments.add("-Dtable=" + confArg.get("file_id")); arguments.add("-Dtimestamp=" + confArg.get("timestamp_stop")); arguments.add("-Dtype=" + confArg.get("format")); arguments.add("-Dtarget_dir=" + confArg.get("base_path") + "_" + confArg.get("file_id")); arguments.add("-Dtemp_hdfs_path=" + confArg.get("temp_path")); arguments.add("-Drun_id=" + confArg.get("run_id")); if (!confArg.get("run_id").isEmpty()) arguments.add("-Drun_id=" + confArg.get("run_id")); if (!confArg.get("task_id").isEmpty()) arguments.add("-Dtask_id=" + confArg.get("task_id")); if (quick_add) arguments.add("-Dquick_add=" + confArg.get("quick_add")); String lockName = lock(lockRequest); String[] argumentString = arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()]); adddb.main(argumentString); unlock(lockName); System.exit(0); } // Database registration dbutil db_util = new dbutil(config); db_util.register_database(confArg.get("db_name_files"), true); db_util.register_database(confArg.get("db_name_runs"), true); db_util.register_database(confArg.get("db_name_updates"), true); FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(config); FileSystem localFS = FileSystem.getLocal(config); // Get source type confArg.put("source", getSource(db_util, confArg.get("db_name_files"), confArg.get("file_id"))); confArg.put( "database", isDatabase(db_util, confArg.get("db_name_files"), confArg.get("file_id"))); if (!confArg.get("source").equals("local") && type_move == toFrom.REMOTE2LOCAL && !confArg.get("timestamp_stop").equals(Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE))) { confArg.put("timestamp_stop", Long.toString(latestVersion(confArg, db_util))); } /* * Get previous timestamp */ Get run_id_get = new Get(confArg.get("run_id").getBytes()); Result run_get = db_util.doGet(confArg.get("db_name_runs"), run_id_get); KeyValue run_file_prev = run_get.getColumnLatest( "d".getBytes(), (confArg.get("file_id") + "_db_timestamp").getBytes()); String last_timestamp = new String("0"); if (null != run_file_prev && !confArg.get("source").equals("local")) { long last_timestamp_real = run_file_prev.getTimestamp(); Long current_timestamp = new Long(confArg.get("timestamp_real")); if ((current_timestamp - last_timestamp_real) > 36000) { last_timestamp = new String(run_file_prev.getValue()); Integer lastTimestamp = new Integer(last_timestamp); lastTimestamp += 1; last_timestamp = lastTimestamp.toString();"Last timestamp: " + last_timestamp + " End data: " + endDate); Date last_run = new Date(run_file_prev.getTimestamp()); if (last_run.before(endDate) && !full_run) { confArg.put("timestamp_start", last_timestamp); } } } Integer tse = new Integer(confArg.get("timestamp_stop")); Integer tss = new Integer(confArg.get("timestamp_start")); if (tss > tse) {"No new version of requested file."); return 0; } /* * Generate file */ String lockName = lock(lockRequest); Get file_id_get = new Get(confArg.get("file_id").getBytes()); Result file_get = db_util.doGet(confArg.get("db_name_files"), file_id_get); if (!file_get.isEmpty()) { boolean found = hasFile( db_util, hdfs, confArg.get("db_name_files"), confArg.get("file_id"), getFullPath(confArg)); if (confArg.get("source").equals("fullfile")) { found = false; } String filenames_put = getFileNames( db_util, confArg.get("db_name_files"), confArg.get("file_id"), getFullPath(confArg)); // Filename not found in file database if (!found && type_move == toFrom.REMOTE2LOCAL) { if (!confArg.get("source").equals("local")) { // Generate intermediate file if (getFile(hdfs, confArg, db_util) == null) { unlock(lockName); return 1; } // Put generated file into file database if (!confArg.get("format").equals("fullfile")) { putFileEntry( db_util, hdfs, confArg.get("db_name_files"), confArg.get("file_id"), confArg.get("full_file_name"), confArg.get("source")); } } else { logger.warn("Remote file not found, and cannot be generated! File: " + confArg); unlock(lockName); return 1; } } } else { if (type_move == toFrom.REMOTE2LOCAL) { logger.warn("Remote file not found, and cannot be generated."); unlock(lockName); return 1; } } /* * Copy file * Update tables */ if (type_move == toFrom.LOCAL2REMOTE) { if (!confArg.get("format").equals("fullfile")) { putFileEntry( db_util, hdfs, confArg.get("db_name_files"), confArg.get("file_id"), getFullPath(confArg), confArg.get("source")); } putRunEntry( db_util, confArg.get("db_name_runs"), confArg.get("run_id"), confArg.get("file_id"), confArg.get("type"), confArg.get("timestamp_real"), confArg.get("timestamp_stop"), getFullPath(confArg), confArg.get("delimiter")); hdfs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(confArg.get("local_path")), new Path(getFullPath(confArg))); } else if (type_move == toFrom.REMOTE2LOCAL) { FileStatus[] files = hdfs.globStatus(new Path(getFullPath(confArg) + "*")); putRunEntry( db_util, confArg.get("db_name_runs"), confArg.get("run_id"), confArg.get("file_id"), confArg.get("type"), confArg.get("timestamp_real"), confArg.get("timestamp_stop"), getFullPath(confArg), confArg.get("delimiter")); unlock(lockName); for (FileStatus file : files) { Path cur_file = file.getPath(); Path cur_local_path = new Path(new String(confArg.get("local_path") + confArg.get("file_id"))); String suffix = getSuffix(getFileName(confArg), cur_file.getName()); if (suffix.length() > 0) { cur_local_path = cur_local_path.suffix(new String("." + suffix)); } if (confArg.get("copy").equals("true")) { String crc = hdfs.getFileChecksum(cur_file).toString(); if (checksumLocalTest(cur_local_path, crc)) { continue; } else { hdfs.copyToLocalFile(cur_file, cur_local_path); writeChecksum(cur_local_path, crc); } } else { System.out.println(cur_local_path + "\t" + cur_file); } } } unlock(lockName); return 0; }