   * This method processed an arrived real element The method is synchronized to ensure that it
   * cannot interleave with {@link StreamDiscretizer#triggerOnFakeElement(Object)}
   * @param input a real input element
   * @throws Exception
  protected synchronized void processRealElement(IN input) throws Exception {

    // Setting the input element in order to avoid NullFieldException when triggering on fake
    // element
    if (isActiveTrigger) {
      ActiveTriggerPolicy<IN> trigger = (ActiveTriggerPolicy<IN>) triggerPolicy;
      Object[] result = trigger.preNotifyTrigger(input);
      for (Object in : result) {

    boolean isTriggered = false;

    if (triggerPolicy.notifyTrigger(input)) {
      isTriggered = true;

    evict(input, isTriggered);

 public String toString() {
   return "Discretizer(Trigger: "
       + triggerPolicy.toString()
       + ", Eviction: "
       + evictionPolicy.toString()
       + ")";
  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other == null
        || !(other instanceof StreamDiscretizer)
        || (other instanceof GroupedStreamDiscretizer)) {
      return false;
    } else {
      try {
        StreamDiscretizer<IN> otherDiscretizer = (StreamDiscretizer<IN>) other;

        return triggerPolicy.equals(otherDiscretizer.triggerPolicy)
            && evictionPolicy.equals(otherDiscretizer.evictionPolicy);

      } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        return false;