Esempio n. 1
   * Computes required handlers. This method does not manipulate any non-immutable fields, so does
   * not need to be synchronized.
   * @return the required handler list.
  public List getRequiredHandlerList() {
    List list = new ArrayList();
    Element[] elems = m_componentMetadata.getElements();
    for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
      Element current = elems[i];
      if (!"manipulation".equals(current.getName())) {
        RequiredHandler req = new RequiredHandler(current.getName(), current.getNameSpace());
        if (!list.contains(req)) {

    // Add architecture if architecture != 'false'
    String arch = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("architecture");
    if (arch == null || arch.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
      list.add(new RequiredHandler("architecture", null));

    // Determine if the component must be immediate.
    // A component becomes immediate if it doesn't provide a service,
    // and does not specified that the component is not immediate.
    if (m_componentMetadata.getElements("provides") == null) {
      String imm = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("immediate");
      if (imm == null) { // immediate not specified, set the immediate attribute to true
            .log(Logger.INFO, "The component type " + getFactoryName() + " becomes immediate");
        m_componentMetadata.addAttribute(new Attribute("immediate", "true"));

    // Add lifecycle callback if immediate = true
    RequiredHandler reqCallback = new RequiredHandler("callback", null);
    String imm = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("immediate");
    if (!list.contains(reqCallback) && imm != null && imm.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {

    return list;
   * Computes required handlers. This method does not manipulate any non-immutable fields, so does
   * not need to be synchronized. This method checks the {@link
   * ComponentFactory#HANDLER_AUTO_PRIMITIVE} system property to add the listed handlers to the
   * required handler set.
   * @return the required handler list.
  public List<RequiredHandler> getRequiredHandlerList() {
    List<RequiredHandler> list = new ArrayList<RequiredHandler>();
    Element[] elems = m_componentMetadata.getElements();
    for (Element current : elems) {
      if (!"manipulation".equals(current.getName())) { // Remove the manipulation element
        RequiredHandler req = new RequiredHandler(current.getName(), current.getNameSpace());
        if (!list.contains(req)) {

    // Add architecture if architecture != 'false'
    String arch = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("architecture");
    if (arch == null || arch.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
      list.add(new RequiredHandler("architecture", null));

    // Determine if the component must be immediate.
    // A component becomes immediate if it doesn't provide a service,
    // and does not specified that the component is not immediate.
    if (m_componentMetadata.getElements("provides") == null) {
      String imm = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("immediate");
      if (imm == null) { // immediate not specified, set the immediate attribute to true
            .log(Logger.INFO, "The component type " + getFactoryName() + " becomes immediate");
        m_componentMetadata.addAttribute(new Attribute("immediate", "true"));

    // Add lifecycle callback if immediate = true
    RequiredHandler reqCallback = new RequiredHandler("callback", null);
    String imm = m_componentMetadata.getAttribute("immediate");
    if (!list.contains(reqCallback) && imm != null && imm.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {

    // Manage auto attached handler.
    String v = System.getProperty(HANDLER_AUTO_PRIMITIVE);
    if (v != null && v.length() != 0) {
      String[] hs = ParseUtils.split(v, ",");
      for (String h1 : hs) {
        String h = h1.trim();
        String[] segments = ParseUtils.split(h, ":");
        RequiredHandler rq = null;
        if (segments.length == 2) { // External handler
          rq = new RequiredHandler(segments[1], segments[0]);
        } else if (segments.length == 1) { // Core handler
          rq = new RequiredHandler(segments[1], null);
        } // Others case are ignored.

        if (rq != null) {
          // Check it's not already contained
          if (!list.contains(rq)) {

    return list;