 public MajorType getMajorType() {
   MajorType.Builder b = MajorType.newBuilder();
   if (precision != null) b.setPrecision(precision);
   if (width != null) b.setWidth(width);
   if (scale != null) b.setScale(scale);
   return b.build();
    // The output table's column names always follow the left table,
    // where the output type is chosen based on DRILL's implicit casting rules
    private void inferOutputFields() {
      outputFields = Lists.newArrayList();
      leftSchema = leftSide.getRecordBatch().getSchema();
      rightSchema = rightSide.getRecordBatch().getSchema();
      Iterator<MaterializedField> leftIter = leftSchema.iterator();
      Iterator<MaterializedField> rightIter = rightSchema.iterator();

      int index = 1;
      while (leftIter.hasNext() && rightIter.hasNext()) {
        MaterializedField leftField = leftIter.next();
        MaterializedField rightField = rightIter.next();

        if (hasSameTypeAndMode(leftField, rightField)) {
          outputFields.add(MaterializedField.create(leftField.getPath(), leftField.getType()));
        } else {
          // If the output type is not the same,
          // cast the column of one of the table to a data type which is the Least Restrictive
          MinorType outputMinorType;
          if (leftField.getType().getMinorType() == rightField.getType().getMinorType()) {
            outputMinorType = leftField.getType().getMinorType();
          } else {
            List<MinorType> types = Lists.newLinkedList();
            outputMinorType = TypeCastRules.getLeastRestrictiveType(types);
            if (outputMinorType == null) {
              throw new DrillRuntimeException(
                  "Type mismatch between "
                      + leftField.getType().getMinorType().toString()
                      + " on the left side and "
                      + rightField.getType().getMinorType().toString()
                      + " on the right side in column "
                      + index
                      + " of UNION ALL");

          // The output data mode should be as flexible as the more flexible one from the two input
          // tables
          List<DataMode> dataModes = Lists.newLinkedList();
          DataMode dataMode = TypeCastRules.getLeastRestrictiveDataMode(dataModes);

          MajorType.Builder builder = MajorType.newBuilder();
          outputFields.add(MaterializedField.create(leftField.getPath(), builder.build()));

      assert !leftIter.hasNext() && !rightIter.hasNext()
          : "Mis-match of column count should have been detected when validating sqlNode at planning";