@Test public void testMapRowTo3() throws Exception { RowReaderFactory<SampleJavaBean> rrf = mapRowTo(SampleJavaBean.class, Pair.of("a", "b"), Pair.of("c", "d")); assertThat(rrf, instanceOf(ClassBasedRowReaderFactory.class)); assertThat(rrf.targetClass().getName(), is(SampleJavaBean.class.getName())); }
/** * Gets a {@link Pair} of Boolean, String that represents the block comment status and the current * string * * @param blockComment whether there is an active block comment * @param string the current string * @return the pair of boolean and string */ public Pair<Boolean, String> removeComments(boolean blockComment, String string) { if (blockComment) { int endBlock = indexOf(string, "*/", true); if (endBlock >= 0) { return removeComments(false, string.substring(endBlock + 2)); } return Pair.of(true, ""); } else { int startBlock = indexOf(string, "/*", true); int inlineBlock = indexOf(string, "//", true); if (startBlock < 0 && inlineBlock < 0) { return Pair.of(false, string); } if (startBlock >= 0 && (inlineBlock < 0 || startBlock < inlineBlock)) { Pair<Boolean, String> booleanStringPair = removeComments(true, string.substring(startBlock + 2)); return Pair.of( booleanStringPair.getLeft(), string.substring(0, startBlock) + booleanStringPair.getRight()); } if (inlineBlock >= 0 && (startBlock < 0 || inlineBlock < startBlock)) { return Pair.of(false, string.substring(0, inlineBlock)); } } return null; }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private static Pair<String, KnowledgeObject<?>> getObject(char type, String identifier) { KnowledgeObject<?> obj = null; String text = null; boolean isHEE = identifier.charAt(0) == '~' && identifier.length() > 1; if (isHEE) identifier = identifier.substring(1); switch (type) { case 'b': case 'i': int metaIndex = identifier.indexOf('/'), meta = 0; if (metaIndex != -1 && metaIndex + 1 < identifier.length()) { meta = DragonUtil.tryParse(identifier.substring(metaIndex + 1), 0); identifier = identifier.substring(0, metaIndex); } Item item = GameRegistry.findItem(isHEE ? "HardcoreEnderExpansion" : "minecraft", identifier); if (item != null) { text = StatCollector.translateToLocal( item.getUnlocalizedName(new ItemStack(item, 1, meta)) + ".name"); obj = KnowledgeObject.fromObject( type == 'b' ? (item instanceof ItemBlock ? new BlockInfo(((ItemBlock) item).field_150939_a, meta) : null) : item); } break; case 'e': if (isHEE) text = ItemSpawnEggs.getMobName( (Class<?>) EntityList.stringToClassMapping.get( identifier = ("HardcoreEnderExpansion." + identifier))); else text = StatCollector.translateToLocal("entity." + identifier + ".name"); Class<?> cls = (Class<?>) EntityList.stringToClassMapping.get(identifier); if (cls != null) obj = KnowledgeObject.fromObject(cls); break; case 'd': obj = KnowledgeObject.fromObject(identifier); if (obj != null) text = obj.getTranslatedTooltip(); break; } if (text == null || obj == null) { Log.warn("Invalid object type or identifier: $0:$1", type, identifier); return Pair.<String, KnowledgeObject<?>>of(text == null ? identifier : text, obj); } else return Pair.<String, KnowledgeObject<?>>of(text, obj); }
@Override public Pair<? extends IFlexibleBakedModel, Matrix4f> handlePerspective( TransformType cameraTransformType) { if (transforms.isEmpty()) return Pair.of(this, null); Pair<Baked, TRSRTransformation> p = transforms.get(cameraTransformType); return Pair.of(p.getLeft(), p.getRight().getMatrix()); }
@Override public void run(int runs) { try { Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); long min = Long.MAX_VALUE; Pair<Long, Long> total = Pair.of(0l, 0l); long max = Long.MIN_VALUE; long start, elapsed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { Map<String, String> values = ImmutableMap.of("email", RandomEmail.generateEmailAddress()); PreparedStatement insert = new Insert("emails", values).getStatement(connection); start = System.nanoTime(); insert.execute(); elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000; min = Math.min(elapsed, min); max = Math.max(elapsed, max); total = Pair.of(total.getLeft() + elapsed, total.getRight() + 1); } connection.commit(); connection.close(); log.info( "N. of Insert with deferred commit executed: {} Total Excution Time: {} us, Mean per query: {} us, Max: {} us, Min: {} us", total.getRight(), total.getLeft(), total.getLeft() / total.getRight(), max, min); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("An error occured while executing Insert Benchmark using manual commit", e); } }
@Override public Pair<IBakedModel, Matrix4f> handlePerspective( ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType cameraTransformType) { // gui renders as 2D sprite; this is apparently also what renders when the item is dropped if (cameraTransformType == ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType.GUI) { RenderItem.applyVanillaTransform(baseModel.getItemCameraTransforms().gui); return Pair.of(baseModel, null); } GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GL11.glScalef(0.1F, 0.1F, 0.1F); switch (cameraTransformType) { case FIRST_PERSON: GlStateManager.translate(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F); GlStateManager.rotate(180.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); GlStateManager.rotate(-40.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); GlStateManager.translate(-0.75F, 1.5F, 0.5F); break; case THIRD_PERSON: GlStateManager.rotate(100.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); GlStateManager.rotate(90.0F, 0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); GlStateManager.translate(0.3F, -0.3F, 0.2F); GlStateManager.scale(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F); break; default: break; } Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(getTexture1()); // first Entity parameter not used for anything in ModelLegendsSword, so null is safe swordModel.render(null, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0475F); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); // return empty model to render nothing - bomb model already rendered return Pair.of(emptyModel, null); }
@Override public Pair<? extends IFlexibleBakedModel, Matrix4f> handlePerspective( ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType cameraTransformType) { if (cameraTransformType == ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType.THIRD_PERSON) return Pair.of(IFlexibleBakedModel.class.cast(this), ThirdPerson); return Pair.of(IFlexibleBakedModel.class.cast(this), null); }
@Override public Pair<? extends IBakedModel, Matrix4f> handlePerspective( TransformType cameraTransformType) { if (itemModel instanceof IPerspectiveAwareModel) return Pair.of( this, ((IPerspectiveAwareModel) itemModel).handlePerspective(cameraTransformType).getRight()); return Pair.of(this, TRSRTransformation.identity().getMatrix()); }
/** * Validate certain tel * * @param tel tel to validate * @return a pair, key represents if tel is valid, value represents invalid information if invalid */ public Pair<Boolean, String> validate(String tel) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(tel)) { return Pair.of(false, "电话号码不能为空"); } else if (!tel.matches("^\\d{11}$")) { return Pair.of(false, "电话号码必须为11位数字"); } else { return Pair.of(true, null); } }
@Test public void testConvertToMap() throws Exception { Map<String, String> map1 = convertToMap(new Pair[0]); assertThat(map1.size(), is(0)); Map<String, String> map2 = convertToMap(new Pair[] {Pair.of("one", "1"), Pair.of("two", "2")}); assertThat(map2.size(), is(2)); assertThat(map2.get("one"), is("1")); assertThat(map2.get("two"), is("2")); }
public static ItemStack identifyQuality(ItemStack stack) { if (stack == null) return null; Item item = stack.getItem(); if (item instanceof ItemGemstone) { if (((ItemGemstone) item).getQuality(stack) != null) return stack; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Pair<ItemStack, String>> gems = Lists.newArrayList( Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemRuby, "gemRuby"), Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemSapphire, "gemSapphire"), Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemCitrine, "gemCitrine"), Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemAgate, "gemAgate"), Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemQuartz, "gemQuartz"), Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemSerendibite, "gemSerendibite"), Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemEmerald, "gemEmerald"), Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemAmethyst, "gemAmethyst"), Pair.of(ElementsOfPower.gemDiamond, "gemDiamond")); int[] ids = OreDictionary.getOreIDs(stack); Set<String> names = Sets.newHashSet(); for (int i : ids) { names.add(OreDictionary.getOreName(i)); } for (Pair<ItemStack, String> target : gems) { if (names.contains(target.getRight())) { return setRandomQualityVariant(target.getLeft().copy()); } } return stack; }
private SealedProduct.Template getBoosterTemplate() { return new SealedProduct.Template( ImmutableList.of( Pair.of( BoosterSlots.COMMON, FModel.getQuestPreferences().getPrefInt(QPref.BOOSTER_COMMONS)), Pair.of( BoosterSlots.UNCOMMON, FModel.getQuestPreferences().getPrefInt(QPref.BOOSTER_UNCOMMONS)), Pair.of( BoosterSlots.RARE_MYTHIC, FModel.getQuestPreferences().getPrefInt(QPref.BOOSTER_RARES)))); }
public WeightedRandomModel(ModelResourceLocation parent, Variants variants) { this.variants = variants.getVariants(); ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<IModel, IModelState>> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Variant v : (List<Variant>) variants.getVariants()) { ResourceLocation loc = v.getModelLocation(); locations.add(loc); IModel model = null; try { model = getModel(loc); } catch (Exception e) { /* * Vanilla eats this, which makes it only show variants that have models. * But that doesn't help debugging, so we maintain the missing model * so that resource pack makers have a hint that their states are broken. */ FMLLog.warning( "Unable to load block model: \'" + loc + "\' for variant: \'" + parent + "\': " + e.toString()); model = getMissingModel(); } if (v instanceof ISmartVariant) { model = ((ISmartVariant) v).process(model, ModelLoader.this); try { resolveDependencies(model); } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.getLogger() .error("Exception resolving indirect dependencies for model" + loc, e); } textures.addAll(model.getTextures()); // Kick this, just in case. } models.add(model); builder.add(Pair.of(model, v.getState())); } if (models.size() == 0) // If all variants are missing, add one with the missing model and default rotation. { IModel missing = getMissingModel(); models.add(missing); builder.add(Pair.<IModel, IModelState>of(missing, TRSRTransformation.identity())); } defaultState = new MultiModelState(builder.build()); }
/** Tests converting names from names with spaces, etc. into column names. */ @Test public void testGetQueryName() { List<Pair<String, String>> testNames = Lists.newArrayList( Pair.of("hello", "hello"), Pair.of("HelLo", "hello"), Pair.of("Hello Kitty", "hello_kitty"), Pair.of(" Hello Kitty ", "_hello__kitty_"), Pair.of("", "")); for (Pair<String, String> testCase : testNames) { TestCase.assertEquals(testCase.getRight(), ColumnUtil.getQueryName(testCase.getLeft())); } }
/** Records a blob update. */ public void recordBlob(T state, Blob blob, BaseDocument<T> doc) { List<Pair<T, Blob>> list = blobWriteInfosPerDoc.get(doc); if (list == null) { blobWriteInfosPerDoc.put(doc, list = new ArrayList<>()); } list.add(Pair.of(state, blob)); }
private Pair<String, String> findChangedColNames( List<FieldSchema> oldColList, List<FieldSchema> newColList) { HashMap<FieldSchema, Integer> oldColHashMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<FieldSchema, Integer> newColHashMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < oldColList.size(); i++) { oldColHashMap.put(oldColList.get(i), i); newColHashMap.put(newColList.get(i), i); } String changedColStringOldName = oldColList.get(0).getName(); String changedColStringNewName = changedColStringOldName; for (int i = 0; i < oldColList.size(); i++) { if (!newColHashMap.containsKey(oldColList.get(i))) { changedColStringOldName = oldColList.get(i).getName(); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < newColList.size(); i++) { if (!oldColHashMap.containsKey(newColList.get(i))) { changedColStringNewName = newColList.get(i).getName(); break; } } return Pair.of(changedColStringOldName, changedColStringNewName); }
/** * Extract the text from a HTML based string. This is similar to what HTML.fromHtml(...) does, but * this method also removes the embedded images instead of replacing them by a small rectangular * representation character. * * @param html * @return */ public static String extractText(CharSequence html) { String result = html.toString(); // recognize images in textview HTML contents if (html instanceof Spanned) { Spanned text = (Spanned) html; Object[] styles = text.getSpans(0, text.length(), Object.class); ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> removals = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); for (Object style : styles) { if (style instanceof ImageSpan) { int start = text.getSpanStart(style); int end = text.getSpanEnd(style); removals.add(Pair.of(start, end)); } } // sort reversed and delete image spans Collections.sort( removals, new Comparator<Pair<Integer, Integer>>() { @Override public int compare(Pair<Integer, Integer> lhs, Pair<Integer, Integer> rhs) { return rhs.getRight().compareTo(lhs.getRight()); } }); result = text.toString(); for (Pair<Integer, Integer> removal : removals) { result = result.substring(0, removal.getLeft()) + result.substring(removal.getRight()); } } // some line breaks are still in the text, source is unknown return StringUtils.replace(result, "<br />", "\n").trim(); }
@Override public Iterable<Entry<VocabWord, INDArray>> call( Iterator<Tuple2<List<VocabWord>, Long>> pairIter) { while (pairIter.hasNext()) { List<Pair<List<VocabWord>, Long>> batch = new ArrayList<>(); while (pairIter.hasNext() && batch.size() < batchSize) { Tuple2<List<VocabWord>, Long> pair = pairIter.next(); List<VocabWord> vocabWordsList = pair._1(); Long sentenceCumSumCount = pair._2(); batch.add(Pair.of(vocabWordsList, sentenceCumSumCount)); } for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { // System.out.println("Training sentence: " + vocabWordsList); for (Pair<List<VocabWord>, Long> pair : batch) { List<VocabWord> vocabWordsList = pair.getKey(); Long sentenceCumSumCount = pair.getValue(); double currentSentenceAlpha = Math.max( minAlpha, alpha - (alpha - minAlpha) * (sentenceCumSumCount / (double) totalWordCount)); trainSentence(vocabWordsList, currentSentenceAlpha); } } } return indexSyn0VecMap.entrySet(); }
@Override public ListenableFuture<Pair<byte[], String>> signAsync( final byte[] digest, final String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (digest == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("encryptedKey "); } // Interpret the requested algorithm if (Strings.isNullOrWhiteSpace(algorithm)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("algorithm"); } // Interpret the requested algorithm Algorithm baseAlgorithm = AlgorithmResolver.Default.get(algorithm); if (baseAlgorithm == null || !(baseAlgorithm instanceof AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm)) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException(algorithm); } Rs256 algo = (Rs256) baseAlgorithm; ISignatureTransform signer = algo.createSignatureTransform(_keyPair); try { return Futures.immediateFuture(Pair.of(signer.sign(digest), Rs256.ALGORITHM_NAME)); } catch (Exception e) { return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(e); } }
public Pair<Integer, JsonNode> getErrorResponse() { Map<String, List<String>> errors = Collections.singletonMap( "errors", Collections.singletonList(getMessage() == null ? toString() : getMessage())); JsonNode responseBody = OBJECT_MAPPER.convertValue(errors, JsonNode.class); return Pair.of(getStatus(), responseBody); }
public static Pair<Integer, Integer> getAnnotationProjection( ComponentAnnotation sourceAnno, ArrayListMultimap<StanfordCorenlpToken, StanfordCorenlpToken> tokenAlignment) { // compute aligned start and end int earliestStart = -1; int latestEnd = -1; boolean isFirstToken = true; for (StanfordCorenlpToken token : JCasUtil.selectCovered(StanfordCorenlpToken.class, sourceAnno)) { for (StanfordCorenlpToken projectedToken : tokenAlignment.get(token)) { if (isFirstToken) { earliestStart = projectedToken.getBegin(); latestEnd = projectedToken.getEnd(); } else { if (earliestStart > projectedToken.getBegin()) { earliestStart = projectedToken.getBegin(); } if (latestEnd < projectedToken.getEnd()) { latestEnd = projectedToken.getEnd(); } } isFirstToken = false; } } return Pair.of(earliestStart, latestEnd); }
private Pair<Integer, Integer> walk( final Set<Coordinate> visited, final Coordinate[] shape1Coords, final Coordinate[] shape2Coords, final int start1, final int start2, final DirectionFactory factory) { final int upPos = takeBiggestStep( visited, shape2Coords[start2], shape1Coords, factory.createLeftFootDirection(start1, shape1Coords.length)); // even if the left foot was stationary, try to move the right foot final int downPos = takeBiggestStep( visited, shape1Coords[upPos], shape2Coords, factory.createRightFootDirection(start2, shape2Coords.length)); // if the right step moved, then see if another l/r step can be taken if (downPos != start2) { return walk(visited, shape1Coords, shape2Coords, upPos, downPos, factory); } return Pair.of(upPos, start2); }
public static <Solution_> PartitionChangeMove<Solution_> createMove( InnerScoreDirector<Solution_> scoreDirector) { SolutionDescriptor<Solution_> solutionDescriptor = scoreDirector.getSolutionDescriptor(); Solution_ workingSolution = scoreDirector.getWorkingSolution(); int entityCount = solutionDescriptor.getEntityCount(workingSolution); Map<GenuineVariableDescriptor<Solution_>, List<Pair<Object, Object>>> changeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(solutionDescriptor.getEntityDescriptors().size() * 3); for (EntityDescriptor<Solution_> entityDescriptor : solutionDescriptor.getEntityDescriptors()) { for (GenuineVariableDescriptor<Solution_> variableDescriptor : entityDescriptor.getDeclaredGenuineVariableDescriptors()) { changeMap.put(variableDescriptor, new ArrayList<>(entityCount)); } } for (Iterator<Object> it = solutionDescriptor.extractAllEntitiesIterator(workingSolution); it.hasNext(); ) { Object entity = it.next(); EntityDescriptor<Solution_> entityDescriptor = solutionDescriptor.findEntityDescriptorOrFail(entity.getClass()); if (entityDescriptor.isMovable(scoreDirector, entity)) { for (GenuineVariableDescriptor<Solution_> variableDescriptor : entityDescriptor.getGenuineVariableDescriptors()) { Object value = variableDescriptor.getValue(entity); changeMap.get(variableDescriptor).add(Pair.of(entity, value)); } } } return new PartitionChangeMove<>(changeMap); }
@Override public int getCADStatValue(ItemStack stack, EnumCADStat stat) { Pair p = Pair.of(stat, stack.getItemDamage()); if (stats.containsKey(p)) return stats.get(p); return 0; }
@Override public ListenableFuture<Pair<byte[], String>> wrapKeyAsync( final byte[] key, final String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("key"); } // Interpret the requested algorithm String algorithmName = (Strings.isNullOrWhiteSpace(algorithm) ? getDefaultKeyWrapAlgorithm() : algorithm); Algorithm baseAlgorithm = AlgorithmResolver.Default.get(algorithmName); if (baseAlgorithm == null || !(baseAlgorithm instanceof AsymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm)) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException(algorithmName); } AsymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm algo = (AsymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm) baseAlgorithm; ICryptoTransform transform; ListenableFuture<Pair<byte[], String>> result; try { transform = algo.CreateEncryptor(_keyPair, _provider); result = Futures.immediateFuture(Pair.of(transform.doFinal(key), algorithmName)); } catch (Exception e) { result = Futures.immediateFailedFuture(e); } return result; }
private Map<TaskId, List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>> computeTaskConnectivity( JobRun jobRun, Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> activityPlanMap, Set<ActivityId> activities) { Map<TaskId, List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>> taskConnectivity = new HashMap<TaskId, List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>>(); ActivityClusterGraph acg = jobRun.getActivityClusterGraph(); BitSet targetBitmap = new BitSet(); for (ActivityId ac1 : activities) { ActivityCluster ac = acg.getActivityMap().get(ac1); Task[] ac1TaskStates = activityPlanMap.get(ac1).getTasks(); int nProducers = ac1TaskStates.length; List<IConnectorDescriptor> outputConns = ac.getActivityOutputMap().get(ac1); if (outputConns != null) { for (IConnectorDescriptor c : outputConns) { ConnectorDescriptorId cdId = c.getConnectorId(); ActivityId ac2 = ac.getConsumerActivity(cdId); Task[] ac2TaskStates = activityPlanMap.get(ac2).getTasks(); int nConsumers = ac2TaskStates.length; if (c.allProducersToAllConsumers()) { List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>> cInfoList = new ArrayList<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>(); for (int j = 0; j < nConsumers; j++) { TaskId targetTID = ac2TaskStates[j].getTaskId(); cInfoList.add(Pair.<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>of(targetTID, cdId)); } for (int i = 0; i < nProducers; ++i) { taskConnectivity.put(ac1TaskStates[i].getTaskId(), cInfoList); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < nProducers; ++i) { c.indicateTargetPartitions(nProducers, nConsumers, i, targetBitmap); List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>> cInfoList = taskConnectivity.get(ac1TaskStates[i].getTaskId()); if (cInfoList == null) { cInfoList = new ArrayList<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>(); taskConnectivity.put(ac1TaskStates[i].getTaskId(), cInfoList); } for (int j = targetBitmap.nextSetBit(0); j >= 0; j = targetBitmap.nextSetBit(j + 1)) { TaskId targetTID = ac2TaskStates[j].getTaskId(); cInfoList.add(Pair.<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>of(targetTID, cdId)); } } } } } } return taskConnectivity; }
private Map.Entry<K, Versioned<V>> fromRawEntry(Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>> e) { return Pair.of( dK(e.getKey()), new Versioned<>( serializer.decode(e.getValue().value()), e.getValue().version(), e.getValue().creationTime())); }
@Override public Pair<IBakedModel, Matrix4f> handlePerspective(TransformType cameraTransformType) { TRSRTransformation tr = transforms.get(cameraTransformType); Matrix4f mat = null; if (tr != null && tr != TRSRTransformation.identity()) mat = TRSRTransformation.blockCornerToCenter(tr).getMatrix(); return Pair.of((IBakedModel) this, mat); }
public BarChartTrader getBarchartTrader(String experimentAccession, String accessKey) { try { return barchartTraders.get(Pair.of(experimentAccession, accessKey)); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new IllegalStateException( "Exception while loading histogram data from file: " + e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } }
private Supplier<Pair<Integer, JsonNode>> handleRequest( StateContext state, BiFunction<Data<Resource>, RequestScope, Boolean> handler) { Data<Resource> data = state.getJsonApiDocument().getData(); if (data == null) { throw new InvalidEntityBodyException("Expected data but received null"); } handler.apply(data, state.getRequestScope()); return () -> Pair.of(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT, null); }