/** * Copy the checkstyle configuration of a check configuration into another configuration. * * @param source the source check configuration * @param target the target check configuartion * @throws CheckstylePluginException Error copying the configuration */ public static void copyConfiguration(ICheckConfiguration source, ICheckConfiguration target) throws CheckstylePluginException { // use the export function ;-) File targetFile = FileUtils.toFile(target.getResolvedConfigurationFileURL()); File sourceFile = FileUtils.toFile(source.getResolvedConfigurationFileURL()); // copying from a file to the same file will destroy it. if (ObjectUtils.equals(targetFile, sourceFile)) { return; } exportConfiguration(targetFile, source); }
public Map<String, Map<GM_Position, Double>> readMatResultsFile(final String pStrFilter) { MatFileReader lMatFileReader = null; final MatFileFilter lMatFilter = new MatFileFilter(); Map<String, Map<GM_Position, Double>> lRes = null; try { if (pStrFilter != null) { lMatFilter.addArrayName(STR_XP_NAME); lMatFilter.addArrayName(STR_YP_NAME); lMatFilter.addArrayName(pStrFilter); } if (m_strResultsFile == null) { lMatFileReader = new MatFileReader(FileUtils.toFile(m_resultsFile.getURL()), lMatFilter); } else { lMatFileReader = new MatFileReader(m_strResultsFile, lMatFilter); } } catch (final Exception e) { // throw new MatlabIOException( "Cannot open or read SWAN result matlab file." ); } if (lMatFileReader != null) { try { final GM_Position lShiftPosition = SWANDataConverterHelper.readCoordinateShiftValues(m_resultsFile); m_doubleShiftX = lShiftPosition.getX(); m_doubleShiftY = lShiftPosition.getY(); final Map<String, MLArray> lMapData = lMatFileReader.getContent(); // printDebugParsedSWANRawData( lMatFileReader, null ); lRes = getValuesFormatedNameDatePosition(lMapData); // printDebugResultData( lRes, null ); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return lRes; }
private boolean OpenFile() throws Exception { data.oneFileOpened = true; String realFilename = environmentSubstitute(meta.getFilename()); if (log.isBasic()) { logBasic(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "AccessOutput.log.WritingToFile", realFilename)); } FileObject fileObject = KettleVFS.getFileObject(realFilename, getTransMeta()); File file = FileUtils.toFile(fileObject.getURL()); // First open or create the access file if (!file.exists()) { if (meta.isFileCreated()) { data.db = Database.create(file); } else { logError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "AccessOutput.InitError.FileDoesNotExist", realFilename)); return false; } } else { data.db = Database.open(file); } // Add the filename to the result object... // if (meta.isAddToResultFiles()) { ResultFile resultFile = new ResultFile( ResultFile.FILE_TYPE_GENERAL, fileObject, getTransMeta().getName(), toString()); resultFile.setComment("This file was created with an access output step"); addResultFile(resultFile); } return true; }
static { File testResources = FileUtils.toFile(TestUtils.class.getResource("/TestUtils.txt")); HOME = testResources // home/tests/src/tests/resources .getParentFile() // home/tests/src/tests .getParentFile() // home/tests/src .getParentFile() // home/tests .getParentFile(); // home }
@BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { simpleSchema = AvroUtils.inputStreamToString( AvroDaoTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/SchemaTool/SimpleHBaseRecord.avsc")); simpleSchemaFile = FileUtils.toFile(AvroDaoTest.class.getResource("/SchemaTool/SimpleHBaseRecord.avsc")); HBaseTestUtils.getMiniCluster(); }
private void generateAdministrationData() throws IOException { File file = FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/cpr34200.csv")); boolean first = true; List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file); for (String line : lines) { if (first) { // first row is column metadata first = false; continue; } String[] splits = line.split(";"); String recnum = splits[0]; String sygehus = splits[1]; String afdeling = splits[2]; String type = splits[3]; String cpr = splits[4]; String idate = splits[5]; String udate = splits[6]; String itime = splits[7]; if (itime.length() == 0) { itime = "0"; } String utime = splits[8]; if (utime.length() == 0) { utime = "0"; } StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append( "INSERT INTO T_ADM (V_RECNUM, C_SGH, C_AFD, V_CPR, D_INDDTO,D_UDDTO,V_INDTIME,V_UDTIME, C_PATTYPE) VALUES ("); sql.append(recnum); sql.append(", '"); sql.append(sygehus); sql.append("', '"); sql.append(afdeling); sql.append("', '"); sql.append(cpr); sql.append("', '"); sql.append(idate); sql.append("', '"); sql.append(udate); sql.append("', "); sql.append(itime); sql.append(", "); sql.append(utime); sql.append(", "); sql.append(type); sql.append(");"); System.out.println(sql.toString()); } }
/** * Search for a test resource in the classpath. For example * getResource("org/sonar/MyClass/foo.txt"); * * @param path the starting slash is optional * @return the resource. Null if resource not found */ public static File getResource(String path) { String resourcePath = path; if (!resourcePath.startsWith("/")) { resourcePath = "/" + resourcePath; } URL url = TestUtils.class.getResource(resourcePath); if (url != null) { return FileUtils.toFile(url); } return null; }
@Test public void exceptionHandlingRequiredFilesMissing() throws Exception { TakstParser takstParser = new TakstParser(); File dir = FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/incomplete/")); try { takstParser.parseFiles(dir.listFiles()); fail("expected the parser to complain about missing file"); } catch (ParserException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("lms28.txt")); // the missing file } }
public String getClasspath() { // this assumes we run in Maven StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); URLClassLoader ucl = (URLClassLoader) getClass().getClassLoader(); for (URL url : ucl.getURLs()) { if (buf.length() > 0) { buf.append(File.pathSeparatorChar); } buf.append(FileUtils.toFile(url)); // assume all of them are file URLs } return buf.toString(); }
@Test public void exceptionHandlingUnparsable() throws Exception { TakstParser takstParser = new TakstParser(); File dir = FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/unparsable/")); try { takstParser.parseFiles(dir.listFiles()); fail("expected the parser to complain about missing file"); } catch (ParserException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("8100009555S")); // the offending value assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Laegemiddel")); // the name of the entity involved } }
/** * @return <code>true</code> if given {@link URL} represents {@link File} with non-canonical * path, such as using incorrect case on Windows. JDT compiler tried to detect if given name * "test" is name of package or not, by searching for "test.class" resource. But on Windows * file system is not case sensitive, so "Test.class" resource returned, so it is considered * not as package, but as type. */ private boolean isWrongURL(URL url) { if (EnvironmentUtils.IS_WINDOWS) { File file = FileUtils.toFile(url); if (file != null && file.exists()) { try { String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); String canonicalPath = file.getCanonicalPath(); return !absolutePath.equals(canonicalPath); } catch (Throwable e) { } } } return false; }
public class AutorisationParserIntegrationTest { private static final File valid = FileUtils.toFile( AutorisationParserIntegrationTest.class .getClassLoader() .getResource("data/aut/valid/20090915AutDK.csv")); private AutorisationImporter importer = new AutorisationImporter(); private Connection connection; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { connection = new ConnectionManager().getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.execute("truncate table Autorisation"); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { connection.rollback(); connection.close(); } @Test public void should_return_true_if_expected_files_are_present() { File[] files = new File[] {valid}; assertTrue(importer.validateInputStructure(files)); } @Test public void should_return_false_if_no_file_are_present() { File[] file = new File[] {}; assertFalse(importer.validateInputStructure(file)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void should_successfully_import_a_file() throws Exception { AuditingPersister persister = Mockito.spy(new AuditingPersister(connection)); File[] files = new File[] {valid}; importer.parse(files, persister, null); verify(persister).persistCompleteDataset(Mockito.any(CompleteDataset.class)); } }
protected Provider<SmtpAgentConfig> createCompatConfigProvider(URL configURL) { Provider<SmtpAgentConfig> provider; if (configURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("HTTP") || configURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("HTTPS")) { // web services based provider = new WSSmtpAgentConfigProvider(configURL, null); } else { // use the default XML configuration // convert URL to file location File fl = FileUtils.toFile(configURL); provider = new XMLSmtpAgentConfigProvider(fl.getAbsolutePath(), null); } return provider; }
private static String createConfig(String rootDir) throws IOException { URL configURL = TestDbService.class.getResource("db-test.yaml"); if (configURL == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find cassandra.yaml"); } File path = FileUtils.toFile(configURL); String data = FileUtils.readFileToString(path, "UTF-8"); StrSubstitutor substitutor = new StrSubstitutor(Collections.singletonMap("rootDir", rootDir)); String contents = substitutor.replace(data); File configFile = File.createTempFile("db-test", ".yaml"); configFile.deleteOnExit(); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(configFile, contents, "UTF-8"); return "file:" + configFile.getAbsolutePath(); }
@Test public void renderJavaFile() throws IOException { File java = FileUtils.toFile( getClass().getResource("/org/sonar/colorizer/HtmlRendererTest/Sample.java")); String html = new HtmlRenderer() .render( new FileReader(java), Arrays.<Channel<HtmlCodeBuilder>>asList(javaKeywordTokenizer)); assertThat(html, containsString("<html>")); assertThat(html, containsString("<style")); assertThat(html, containsString("<table class=\"code\"")); assertThat(html, containsString("public")); assertThat(html, containsString("class")); assertThat(html, containsString("Sample")); assertThat(html, containsString("</html>")); }
public void readLsat7Data() { lsat7 = new byte[1000][5]; try { File f = FileUtils.toFile(this.getClass().getResource("/testdata/lsat7-expanded.txt")); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)); String line = ""; String[] s = null; int row = 0; br.readLine(); // eliminate column names by skipping first row while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { s = line.split(","); for (int j = 0; j < s.length; j++) { lsat7[row][j] = Byte.parseByte(s[j]); } row++; } br.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Write manifest in the install jar. */ @Override public void writeManifest() throws IOException { IXMLElement data = resourceFinder.getXMLTree(); IXMLElement guiPrefsElement = data.getFirstChildNamed("guiprefs"); // Add splash screen configuration List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(getClass().getResourceAsStream("MANIFEST.MF")); IXMLElement splashNode = guiPrefsElement.getFirstChildNamed("splash"); if (splashNode != null) { // Add splash image to installer jar File splashImage = FileUtils.toFile( resourceFinder.findProjectResource(splashNode.getContent(), "Resource", splashNode)); String destination = String.format("META-INF/%s", splashImage.getName()); mergeManager.addResourceToMerge(splashImage.getAbsolutePath(), destination); lines.add(String.format("SplashScreen-Image: %s", destination)); } lines.add(""); File tempManifest = com.izforge.izpack.util.file.FileUtils.createTempFile("MANIFEST", ".MF"); FileUtils.writeLines(tempManifest, lines); mergeManager.addResourceToMerge(tempManifest.getAbsolutePath(), "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isConfigurable(ICheckConfiguration checkConfiguration) { boolean isConfigurable = true; boolean isProtected = Boolean.valueOf(checkConfiguration.getAdditionalData().get(KEY_PROTECT_CONFIG)) .booleanValue(); isConfigurable = !isProtected; if (!isProtected) { // The configuration can be changed when the external configuration // file can is writable try { isConfigurable = FileUtils.toFile(checkConfiguration.getResolvedConfigurationFileURL()).canWrite(); } catch (CheckstylePluginException e) { CheckstyleLog.log(e); isConfigurable = false; } } return isConfigurable; }
public static File toFile(URL url) { return FileUtils.toFile(url); }
@Test public void testAllInOneFile() { parser.parse(FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getResource("/parser/cSharpSyntaxAllInOneFile.cs"))); }
@Test public void testLinqFile() { parser.parse(FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getResource("/parser/LinqBridge-1.2.cs"))); }
@Test public void testParsingRealLifeSourceFile() { parser.parse(FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getResource("/parser/NUnitFramework.cs"))); }
@Test public void testParsingSimpleSourceFile() { parser.parse(FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getResource("/parser/simpleFile.cs"))); }
@Before public void setUp() throws ConfigurationException { File configFile = FileUtils.toFile(this.getClass().getResource("/phresco-unit.xml")); configmanagerImpl = new ConfigManagerImpl(configFile); }
protected File readFile(String path) { return FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getResource(path)); }
private static File getDriverRootDirectory() { File resourcesDirectory = FileUtils.toFile(DriverConfigurationFileHelper.class.getResource("/")); File targetDirectory = resourcesDirectory.getParentFile(); return targetDirectory.getParentFile(); }
/** User: maplesod Date: 06/08/13 Time: 14:15 */ public class CegmaV24Test { @Rule public TemporaryFolder temp = new TemporaryFolder(); private String pwd; private static String testDir; private static String correctCommand; private static String correctFullCommand; @Before public void setup() { String pwdFull = new File(".").getAbsolutePath(); this.pwd = pwdFull.substring(0, pwdFull.length() - 2); this.testDir = temp.getRoot().getAbsolutePath(); correctCommand = "cegma --genome " + pwd + "/assembly.fa --output " + testDir + "/cegma-output --threads 16 2>&1"; correctFullCommand = "cd " + testDir + "; CEGMATMP=" + testDir + "/temp; " + "sed 's/>/>seq_/g' " + pwd + "/assembly.fa > " + testDir + "/assembly.fa.mod.fa; " + "cegma --genome " + testDir + "/assembly.fa.mod.fa --output " + testDir + "/cegma-output --threads 16 2>&1" + "; cd " + pwd; } private CegmaV24 createProcess() { CegmaV24.Args args = new CegmaV24.Args(); args.setGenomeFile(new File("assembly.fa")); args.setOutputPrefix(new File(testDir, "cegma-output")); args.setThreads(16); return new CegmaV24(null, args); } @Test public void testCommand() { CegmaV24 process = createProcess(); String command = process.getCommand(); assertTrue(command.equals(correctCommand)); } @Test public void testFullCommand() throws IOException, ConanParameterException { CegmaV24 process = createProcess(); process.initialise(); String fullCommand = process.getFullCommand(); assertTrue(fullCommand.equals(correctFullCommand)); } private File cegmaReportFile = FileUtils.toFile(this.getClass().getResource("/stats/cegma-report.txt")); @Test public void testQuastReport() throws IOException { CegmaV24.Report report = new CegmaV24.Report(cegmaReportFile); assertTrue(report.getPcComplete() == 93.55); assertTrue(report.getPcPartial() == 93.95); } }