Esempio n. 1
 protected ExtendedMap parseForm(HttpServletRequest request, boolean keepEmpty)
     throws FileUploadException, IOException {
   if (FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {
     return parseMultiPartRequest(request);
   } else {
     return parseSimpleRequest(request, keepEmpty);
  public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
      throws IOException, ServletException {
    if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest)) {
      chain.doFilter(request, response);

    HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;

    boolean isMultipartContent = FileUpload.isMultipartContent(httpRequest);
    if (!isMultipartContent) {
      chain.doFilter(request, response);

    DiskFileUpload upload = new DiskFileUpload();
    if (repositoryPath != null) upload.setRepositoryPath(repositoryPath);

    try {
      List list = upload.parseRequest(httpRequest);
      final Map map = new HashMap();
      for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        FileItem item = (FileItem) list.get(i);
        String str = item.getString();
        if (item.isFormField()) map.put(item.getFieldName(), new String[] {str});
        else httpRequest.setAttribute(item.getFieldName(), item);

          new HttpServletRequestWrapper(httpRequest) {
            public Map getParameterMap() {
              return map;

            public String[] getParameterValues(String name) {
              Map map = getParameterMap();
              return (String[]) map.get(name);

            public String getParameter(String name) {
              String[] params = getParameterValues(name);
              if (params == null) return null;
              return params[0];

            public Enumeration getParameterNames() {
              Map map = getParameterMap();
              return Collections.enumeration(map.keySet());
    } catch (FileUploadException ex) {
      ServletException servletEx = new ServletException();
      throw servletEx;
Esempio n. 3
	 * Parse the given servlet request, resolving its multipart elements.
	 * @param request the request to parse
	 * @return the parsing result
	 * @throws MultipartException if multipart resolution failed.
	protected MultipartParsingResult parseRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws MultipartException {
		String[] encoding = determineEncoding(request);
		String contentType = request.getContentType();
		if(contentType != null && !contentType.equals(MultipartResolver.mimetype_application_octet_stream))
			FileUpload fileUpload = prepareFileUpload(encoding[1] == null?encoding[0]:encoding[1]);
			try {
				List fileItems = ((ServletFileUpload) fileUpload).parseRequest(request);
				return parseFileItems(fileItems, encoding,request);
			catch (FileUploadBase.SizeLimitExceededException ex) {
				throw new MaxUploadSizeExceededException(fileUpload.getSizeMax(), ex);
			catch (FileUploadException ex) {
				throw new MultipartException("Could not parse multipart servlet request", ex);
			return parseOctetFileItems(request);
   * Determine an appropriate FileUpload instance for the given encoding.
   * <p>Default implementation returns the shared FileUpload instance if the encoding matches, else
   * creates a new FileUpload instance with the same configuration other than the desired encoding.
   * @param encoding the character encoding to use
   * @return an appropriate FileUpload instance.
  protected FileUpload prepareFileUpload(String encoding) {
    FileUpload fileUpload = getFileUpload();
    FileUpload actualFileUpload = fileUpload;

    // Use new temporary FileUpload instance if the request specifies
    // its own encoding that does not match the default encoding.
    if (encoding != null && !encoding.equals(fileUpload.getHeaderEncoding())) {
      actualFileUpload = newFileUpload(getFileItemFactory());

    return actualFileUpload;
Esempio n. 5
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws IOException, ServletException {
    boolean isMultipart = FileUpload.isMultipartContent(req);
    Hashtable dv = new Hashtable();
    String user = null;
    String password = null;
    String sql = null;
    String dfo = null;
    String enc = null;
    if (isMultipart) {

      ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();

      try {
        FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(req);
        // List<FileItem> items = upload.parseRequest(req);

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          FileItemStream item =;
          // for (int ct = 0;ct < items.size();ct++){

          //         FileItem item = (FileItem)items.get(ct);

          String name = item.getName();
          // (name + " jiql UREEAD 1aay " + item.isFormField() + ":" + name.equals("directValues"));

          InputStream stream = item.openStream();
          // InputStream stream = item.getInputStream();

          //// (name + " jiql UREEAD 1 " + stream.available());
          // byte[] b = StreamUtil.readBytes(stream);

          if (name.equals("directValues")) {
            // (stream.available() + " jiql UREEAD " );

            // ByteArrayInputStream bout = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
            ObjectInputStream dout = new ObjectInputStream(stream);

            // ObjectInputStream dout = new ObjectInputStream(bout);
            dv = (Hashtable) dout.readObject();

      } catch (Exception e) {
        tools.util.LogMgr.err("JS.readDV " + e.toString());
      // ("$$$ DV " + dv);
      Hashtable pars = (Hashtable) dv.get("parameters");
      if (pars != null) {
        Enumeration en = pars.keys();
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
          String n = en.nextElement().toString();
          // ("PARSMS " + n);
          if (n.equals("query")) sql = pars.get(n).toString();
          else if (n.equals("password")) password = pars.get(n).toString();
          else if (n.equals("user")) user = pars.get(n).toString();
          else if (n.equals("date.format")) dfo = pars.get(n).toString();
          else if (n.equals("encoding")) enc = pars.get(n).toString();

    if (user == null) user = req.getParameter("user");
    if (password == null) password = req.getParameter("password");
    if (!StringUtil.isRealString(user) || !StringUtil.isRealString(password)) {
      resp.sendError(403, "Invalid User or Password");

    if (!StringUtil.isRealString(theUser) || !StringUtil.isRealString(thePassword)) {
      resp.sendError(403, "Invalid User OR Password");

    Connection Conn = null;
    Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
    h.put("remote", "true");
    try {
      //	NameValuePairs p = new NameValuePairs(ps);
      if (!user.equals(theUser) || !password.equals(thePassword)) {
        resp.sendError(403, "Invalid User OR Invalid Password");
      // throw new ServletException("Invalid User OR Password");
      if (sql == null) sql = req.getParameter("query");
      // ( "THE SQL " + sql);
      NameValuePairs nvp = new NameValuePairs();
      if (dfo == null) dfo = req.getParameter("date.format");
      if (dfo != null) nvp.put("date.format", dfo);

      if (enc == null) enc = req.getParameter("encoding");
      if (enc != null) nvp.put("encoding", enc);

      Conn = get(nvp);

      org.jiql.jdbc.Statement Stmt = (org.jiql.jdbc.Statement) Conn.createStatement();

      org.jiql.jdbc.ResultSet res = (org.jiql.jdbc.ResultSet) Stmt.getResultSet();

      if (res != null) {

        if (res.getResults() != null) h.put("results", res.getResults());
        if (res.getSQLParser() != null) h.put("sqlparser", res.getSQLParser());
      } else h.put("sqlparser", Stmt.getSQLParser());

      // h.put("remote","true");
      // if (enc != null)
      //	resp.setCharacterEncoding(enc);
      OutputStream fos = resp.getOutputStream();
      ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
      // resp.getWriter(). ("result" + h);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      tools.util.LogMgr.err("JIQLServlet " + ex.toString());
      JGException je = null;
      if (ex instanceof JGException) je = (JGException) ex;
      else je = new JGException(ex.toString());

      h.put("error", je);

      OutputStream fos = resp.getOutputStream();
      ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);

      // throw new ServletException(ex.toString());
    } finally {
      if (Conn != null)
        try {

        } catch (Exception ex) {
Esempio n. 6
   * This method will upload files and store them under the dest_path.
   * <p>File names are formed by <thread_name>_<counter>_originalFileName
   * <p>The returned hashmap contains a list of name value pairs, where a value
   * <p>can either be normal form input parameter or the uploaded file path.
   * @param HttpServletRequest request
   * @param String dest_path upload destination path
   * @return HashMap
  public static HashMap parseMultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String dest_path) {

    HashMap hmfield = new HashMap();

    String threadname = Thread.currentThread().getName();

    RequestContext requestContext = new ServletRequestContext(request);

    int filemaxsize = LPropertyManager.getInt("file.upload.maxsize", 2000000);

    if (FileUpload.isMultipartContent(requestContext)) {

      DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

      factory.setRepository(new File(dest_path));

      ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);


      List items = new ArrayList();

      try {

        items = upload.parseRequest(request);

      } catch (FileUploadException e1) {

        gLogger.fatalize("LUploadUtil", e1.getMessage());

      Iterator it = items.iterator();

      while (it.hasNext()) {

        FileItem fileItem = (FileItem);

        if (fileItem.isFormField()) {

          hmfield.put(fileItem.getFieldName(), fileItem.getString());

        } else {

          if (fileItem.getName() != null && fileItem.getSize() != 0) {

            File fullFile = new File(fileItem.getName());

            String tempfile =
                dest_path + File.separator + threadname + "_" + tick() + "_" + fullFile.getName();

            hmfield.put(fileItem.getFieldName(), tempfile);

            hmfield.put("originalfilename", fullFile.getName());

            File newFile = new File(tempfile);

            try {


            } catch (Exception e) {

              gLogger.fatalize("LUploadUtil", e.getMessage());

          } else {

            gLogger.errorLog("No file is selected or the file is empty!");

    return hmfield;
   * A Helper method which assert whether the HTTP content received in the HTTP monitor is a
   * multi-part form data, with basic-auth and well-formed partnership operation request.
  private void assertHttpRequestReceived() throws Exception {
    // Debug print information.
    Map headers = monitor.getHeaders();

    // #0 Assertion
    assertFalse("No HTTP header found in the captured data.", headers.isEmpty());

    Map.Entry tmp = null;
    Iterator itr = null;
    itr = headers.entrySet().iterator();"Header information");
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      tmp = (Map.Entry); + " : " + tmp.getValue());

    // #1 Check BASIC authentication value.
    String basicAuth = (String) headers.get("Authorization");

    // #1 Assertion
    assertNotNull("No Basic Authentication found in the HTTP Header.", basicAuth);

    String[] authToken = basicAuth.split(" ");

    // There are 2 token, one is the "Basic" and another is the base64 auth value.
    assertTrue(authToken.length == 2);
    assertTrue("Missing basic auth prefix 'Basic'", authToken[0].equalsIgnoreCase("Basic"));
    // #1 Decode the base64 authentication value to see whether it is "corvus:corvus".
    String decodedCredential = new String(new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(authToken[1]), "UTF-8");
    assertEquals("Invalid basic auth content", USER_NAME + ":" + PASSWORD, decodedCredential);

    // #2 Check content Type
    String contentType = monitor.getContentType();
    String mediaType = contentType.split(";")[0];
    assertEquals("Invalid content type", "multipart/form-data", mediaType);

    // #3 Check the multi-part content.
    // Make a request context that bridge the content from our monitor to FileUpload library.
    RequestContext rc =
        new RequestContext() {
          public String getCharacterEncoding() {
            return "charset=ISO-8859-1";

          public int getContentLength() {
            return monitor.getContentLength();

          public String getContentType() {
            return monitor.getContentType();

          public InputStream getInputStream() {
            return monitor.getInputStream();

    FileUpload multipartParser = new FileUpload();
    FileItemIterator item = multipartParser.getItemIterator(rc);
    FileItemStream fstream = null;

     * For each field in the partnership, we have to check the existence of the
     * associated field in the HTTP request. Also we check whether the content
     * of that web form field has same data to the field in the partnership.
    itr =;
    Map data = ((KVPairData);
    Map.Entry e; // an entry representing the partnership data to web form name mapping.
    String formParamName; // a temporary pointer pointing to the value in the entry.
    Object dataValue; // a temporary pointer pointing to the value in the partnership data.

    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      e = (Map.Entry);
      formParamName = (String) e.getValue();
      // Add new part if the mapped key is not null.
      if (formParamName != null) {
        assertTrue("Insufficient number of web form parameter hit.", item.hasNext());
        // Get the next multi-part element.
        fstream =;
        // Assert field name
        assertEquals("Missed web form parameter ?", formParamName, fstream.getFieldName());
        // Assert field content
        dataValue = data.get(e.getKey());
        if (dataValue instanceof String) {
          // Assert content equal.
          assertEquals((String) dataValue, IOHandler.readString(fstream.openStream(), null));
        } else if (dataValue instanceof byte[]) {
          byte[] expectedBytes = (byte[]) dataValue;
          byte[] actualBytes = IOHandler.readBytes(fstream.openStream());
          // Assert byte length equal
          assertEquals(expectedBytes.length, actualBytes.length);
          for (int j = 0; j < expectedBytes.length; j++)
            assertEquals(expectedBytes[j], actualBytes[j]);
        } else {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid content found in multipart.");
        // Log information.
            "Field name found and verifed: "
                + fstream.getFieldName()
                + " content type:"
                + fstream.getContentType());
    /* Check whether the partnership operation in the HTTP request is expected as i thought */
    assertTrue("Missing request_action ?!", item.hasNext());
    fstream =;
    assertEquals("request_action", fstream.getFieldName());
    // Assert the request_action has same content the operation name.
    Map partnershipOpMap =;
        partnershipOpMap.get(new Integer(,
        IOHandler.readString(fstream.openStream(), null));
Esempio n. 8
   * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> methods.
   * @param request servlet request
   * @param response servlet response
   * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
  protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    // not connected
    if (request.getSession().getAttribute("user") == null) {
      request.getSession().setAttribute("backTo", "post_application");
      request.setAttribute("errorMessage", "error_not_logged_applications");
      URLHelper.redirectTo(Page.connection, request, response);
    // form is ok
    else if (FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {

      String msg = "application_posted";
      Connection connection = null;
      MessageProducer messageProducer = null;
      try {
        connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
        Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        messageProducer = session.createProducer(queue);

        ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage();
        // here we create NewsEntity, that will be sent in JMS message
        Application e = new Application();
        // upload File and Icon on the server
        UploadFileHelper.uploadApplication(request, e, getServletContext().getRealPath("/"));
        // create the new app
        // link app to User
        LinuxStoreUser user = (LinuxStoreUser) request.getSession().getAttribute("user");
        e = appFacade.findByName(e.getName());
        List<Application> applist = new LinkedList<Application>();

        //                message.setObject(new UserAndApp(user,e));
        //                messageProducer.send(message);

      } catch (Exception ex) {
        msg = ex.getMessage();
        //                msg = "application_not_posted";
      } finally {
        try {
        } catch (JMSException ex) {
          // do nothing
      if (msg.equals("application_posted")) {
        request.setAttribute("confirmationMessage", msg);
        URLHelper.redirectTo(Page.confirmation, request, response);
      } else {
        request.setAttribute("errorMessage", msg);
        request.setAttribute("categories", Category.values());
        URLHelper.redirectTo(Page.post_application, request, response);
    // access to form
    else {
      request.setAttribute("fileTypes", UploadFileHelper.listOfAppExtensions);
      request.setAttribute("imgTypes", UploadFileHelper.listOfImgExtensions);
      request.setAttribute("categories", Category.values());
      URLHelper.redirectTo(Page.post_application, request, response);