public void testImplicitPermissions() throws IOException { File zipFile = getTestFile("target/output/"); ZipArchiver archiver = getZipArchiver(zipFile); archiver.setDefaultDirectoryMode(0777); archiver.setDirectoryMode(0641); archiver.setFileMode(0222); archiver.addFile(new File("pom.xml"), "fizz/buzz/pom.xml"); archiver.setDefaultDirectoryMode(0530); archiver.setDirectoryMode(-1); // Not forced mode archiver.setFileMode(0111); archiver.addFile(new File("pom.xml"), "fazz/bazz/pam.xml"); archiver.createArchive(); assertTrue(zipFile.exists()); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(zipFile); ZipArchiveEntry fizz = zf.getEntry("fizz/"); assertEquals(040641, fizz.getUnixMode()); ZipArchiveEntry pom = zf.getEntry("fizz/buzz/pom.xml"); assertEquals(0100222, pom.getUnixMode()); ZipArchiveEntry fazz = zf.getEntry("fazz/"); assertEquals(040530, fazz.getUnixMode()); ZipArchiveEntry pam = zf.getEntry("fazz/bazz/pam.xml"); assertEquals(0100111, pam.getUnixMode()); }
@Test public void testThatExternalAttributesFieldIsFunctional() throws IOException { // Prepare some sample modes to write into the zip file. final ImmutableList<String> samples = ImmutableList.of("rwxrwxrwx", "rw-r--r--", "--x--x--x", "---------"); for (String stringMode : samples) { long mode = MorePosixFilePermissions.toMode(PosixFilePermissions.fromString(stringMode)); // Write a tiny sample zip file, which sets the external attributes per the // permission sample above. try (CustomZipOutputStream out = ZipOutputStreams.newOutputStream(output, OVERWRITE_EXISTING)) { CustomZipEntry entry = new CustomZipEntry("test"); entry.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); entry.setExternalAttributes(mode << 16); out.putNextEntry(entry); out.write(new byte[0]); } // Now re-read the zip file using apache's commons-compress, which supports parsing // the external attributes field. try (ZipFile in = new ZipFile(output.toFile())) { Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> entries = in.getEntries(); ZipArchiveEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); assertEquals(mode, entry.getExternalAttributes() >> 16); assertFalse(entries.hasMoreElements()); } } }
private void createArchive(ZipArchiver archiver) throws ArchiverException, IOException { archiver.createArchive(); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(archiver.getDestFile()); Enumeration e = zf.getEntries(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ZipArchiveEntry ze = (ZipArchiveEntry) e.nextElement(); if (ze.isDirectory()) { if (ze.getName().startsWith("worldwritable")) { fileModeAssert(0777, UnixStat.PERM_MASK & ze.getUnixMode()); } else if (ze.getName().startsWith("groupwritable")) { fileModeAssert(0070, UnixStat.PERM_MASK & ze.getUnixMode()); } else { fileModeAssert(0500, UnixStat.PERM_MASK & ze.getUnixMode()); } } else { if (ze.getName().equals("one.txt")) { fileModeAssert(0640, UnixStat.PERM_MASK & ze.getUnixMode()); } else if (ze.getName().equals("two.txt")) { fileModeAssert(0664, UnixStat.PERM_MASK & ze.getUnixMode()); } else if (ze.isUnixSymlink()) { // assertEquals( ze.getName(), 0500, UnixStat.PERM_MASK & ze.getUnixMode() ); } else { fileModeAssert(0400, UnixStat.PERM_MASK & ze.getUnixMode()); } } } }
/** extract zip file */ public void extract(String outputDir) throws IOException { file = null; InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { file = new, fileEncoding); Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> entries = file.getEntries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipArchiveEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); String entryName = entry.getName(); if (entry.isDirectory()) { forceMkdir(new File(outputDir + File.separator + entryName)); continue; } out = openOutputStream(new File(outputDir + File.separator + entryName)); in = file.getInputStream(entry); copy(in, out); closeQuietly(in); closeQuietly(out); } } finally { closeQuietly(in); closeQuietly(out);; } }
/** * Test of compressPathToZip method, of class ZipManager. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCompressPathToZip() throws Exception { File path = new File(mavenTargetDirectoryRule.getResourceTestDirFile(), "ZipSample"); File outfile = new File(tempDir, ""); ZipUtil.compressPathToZip(path, outfile); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(outfile, CharEncoding.UTF_8); try { Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.getEntries(); assertThat(zipFile.getEncoding(), is(CharEncoding.UTF_8)); int nbEntries = 0; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); nbEntries++; } assertThat(nbEntries, is(5)); assertThat(zipFile.getEntry("ZipSample/simple.txt"), is(notNullValue())); assertThat(zipFile.getEntry("ZipSample/level1/simple.txt"), is(notNullValue())); assertThat(zipFile.getEntry("ZipSample/level1/level2b/simple.txt"), is(notNullValue())); assertThat(zipFile.getEntry("ZipSample/level1/level2a/simple.txt"), is(notNullValue())); ZipEntry accentuatedEntry = zipFile.getEntry("ZipSample/level1/level2a/s\u00efmplifi\u00e9.txt"); if (accentuatedEntry == null) { accentuatedEntry = zipFile.getEntry( "ZipSample/level1/level2a/" + new String("sïmplifié.txt".getBytes("UTF-8"), Charset.defaultCharset())); } assertThat(accentuatedEntry, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(zipFile.getEntry("ZipSample/level1/level2c/"), is(nullValue())); } finally { zipFile.close(); } }
public void testZipNonConcurrentResourceCollection() throws Exception { final File tarFile = getTestFile("target/output/zip-non-concurrent.tar"); TarArchiver tarArchiver = (TarArchiver) lookup(Archiver.ROLE, "tar"); tarArchiver.setDestFile(tarFile); // We're testing concurrency issue so we need large amount of files for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { tarArchiver.addFile( getTestFile("src/test/resources/manifests/"), "" + i); // Directories are added separately so let's test them too tarArchiver.addFile( getTestFile("src/test/resources/manifests/"), "subdir" + i + "/"); } tarArchiver.createArchive(); final File zipFile = new File("target/output/"); ZipArchiver zipArchive = getZipArchiver(zipFile); zipArchive.addArchivedFileSet(tarFile, "prfx/"); zipArchive.setEncoding("UTF-8"); zipArchive.createArchive(); final TarFile cmp1 = new TarFile(tarFile); final ZipFile cmp2 = new ZipFile(zipFile); ArchiveFileComparator.assertEquals(cmp1, cmp2, "prfx/"); cmp1.close(); cmp2.close(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void unzipFolder(File uncompressFile, File descPathFile, boolean override) { ZipFile zipFile = null; try { zipFile = new ZipFile(uncompressFile, "GBK"); Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> entries = zipFile.getEntries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipArchiveEntry zipEntry = entries.nextElement(); String name = zipEntry.getName(); name = name.replace("\\", "/"); File currentFile = new File(descPathFile, name); // 非覆盖 跳过 if (currentFile.isFile() && currentFile.exists() && !override) { continue; } if (name.endsWith("/")) { currentFile.mkdirs(); continue; } else { currentFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(currentFile); InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry); IOUtils.copy(is, fos); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fos); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("解压缩失败", e); } finally { if (zipFile != null) { try { zipFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } }
public void testOverddidenPermissions() throws IOException { File zipFile = getTestFile("target/output/"); ZipArchiver archiver = getZipArchiver(zipFile); archiver.setDefaultDirectoryMode(0777); archiver.setDirectoryMode(0641); archiver.setFileMode(0777); archiver.addDirectory(new File("src/test/resources/symlinks/src")); archiver.createArchive(); assertTrue(zipFile.exists()); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(zipFile); ZipArchiveEntry fizz = zf.getEntry("symDir"); assertTrue(fizz.isUnixSymlink()); ZipArchiveEntry symR = zf.getEntry("symR"); assertTrue(symR.isUnixSymlink()); }
/** * Test of compressStreamToZip method, of class ZipManager. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCompressStreamToZip() throws Exception { InputStream inputStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("FrenchScrum.odp"); String filePathNameToCreate = separatorChar + "dir1" + separatorChar + "dir2" + separatorChar + "FrenchScrum.odp"; File outfile = new File(tempDir, ""); ZipUtil.compressStreamToZip(inputStream, filePathNameToCreate, outfile.getPath()); inputStream.close(); assertThat(outfile, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(outfile.exists(), is(true)); assertThat(outfile.isFile(), is(true)); int result = ZipUtil.getNbFiles(outfile); assertThat(result, is(1)); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(outfile); assertThat(zipFile.getEntry("/dir1/dir2/FrenchScrum.odp"), is(notNullValue())); zipFile.close(); }
/** * Grab lists of all root-level files and all directories contained in the given archive. * * @param file . * @param files . * @param dirs . * @throws . */ protected static void grabFilesAndDirs(String file, List<String> dirs, List<String> files) throws IOException { File zipFile = new File(file); if (!zipFile.exists()) { Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger(Logger.LEVEL_INFO, "console"); logger.error("JarArchive skipping non-existing file: " + zipFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (zipFile.isDirectory()) { Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger(Logger.LEVEL_INFO, "console");"JarArchiver skipping indexJar " + zipFile + " because it is not a jar"); } else { zf = null; try { zf = new, "utf-8"); Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> entries = zf.getEntries(); HashSet<String> dirSet = new HashSet<String>(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipArchiveEntry ze = entries.nextElement(); String name = ze.getName(); // avoid index for manifest-only jars. if (!name.equals(META_INF_NAME) && !name.equals(META_INF_NAME + '/') && !name.equals(INDEX_NAME) && !name.equals(MANIFEST_NAME)) { if (ze.isDirectory()) { dirSet.add(name); } else if (!name.contains("/")) { files.add(name); } else { // a file, not in the root // since the jar may be one without directory // entries, add the parent dir of this file as // well. dirSet.add(name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); } } } dirs.addAll(dirSet); } finally { if (zf != null) { zf.close(); } } } }
public ZipDirResource(File file) throws IOException { this.zipFile = new ZipFile(file); initialize(); Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> entries = zipFile.getEntries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry = entries.nextElement(); String entryPath = zipArchiveEntry.getName(); createResource(entryPath, zipArchiveEntry); } }
public void testCreateResourceCollection() throws Exception { final File srcDir = new File("src"); final File zipFile = new File("target/output/"); ZipArchiver zipArchiver = getZipArchiver(zipFile); zipArchiver.addDirectory(srcDir, null, FileUtils.getDefaultExcludes()); zipArchiver.setEncoding("UTF-8"); FileUtils.removePath(zipFile.getPath()); zipArchiver.createArchive(); final File zipFile2 = new File("target/output/"); ZipArchiver zipArchiver2 = getZipArchiver(zipFile2); zipArchiver2.addArchivedFileSet(zipFile, "prfx/"); zipArchiver2.setEncoding("UTF-8"); FileUtils.removePath(zipFile2.getPath()); zipArchiver2.createArchive(); final ZipFile cmp1 = new ZipFile(zipFile); final ZipFile cmp2 = new ZipFile(zipFile2); ArchiveFileComparator.assertEquals(cmp1, cmp2, "prfx/"); cmp1.close(); cmp2.close(); }
/* package */ File createAndAddCustomizedAndroidManifestToSelendroidServer() throws IOException, ShellCommandException, AndroidSdkException { String targetPackageName = applicationUnderTest.getBasePackage(); File tempdir = new File( FileUtils.getTempDirectoryPath() + File.separatorChar + targetPackageName + System.currentTimeMillis()); if (!tempdir.exists()) { tempdir.mkdirs(); } File customizedManifest = new File(tempdir, "AndroidManifest.xml"); "Adding target package '" + targetPackageName + "' to " + customizedManifest.getAbsolutePath()); // add target package InputStream inputStream = getResourceAsStream(selendroidApplicationXmlTemplate); if (inputStream == null) { throw new SelendroidException("AndroidApplication.xml template file was not found."); } String content = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, Charset.defaultCharset().displayName()); // find the first occurance of "package" and appending the targetpackagename to begining int i = content.toLowerCase().indexOf("package"); int cnt = 0; for (; i < content.length(); i++) { if (content.charAt(i) == '\"') { cnt++; } if (cnt == 2) { break; } } content = content.substring(0, i) + "." + targetPackageName + content.substring(i);"Final Manifest File:\n" + content); content = content.replaceAll(SELENDROID_TEST_APP_PACKAGE, targetPackageName); // Seems like this needs to be done if (content.contains(ICON)) { content = content.replaceAll(ICON, ""); } OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(customizedManifest); IOUtils.write(content, outputStream, Charset.defaultCharset().displayName()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outputStream); // adding the xml to an empty apk CommandLine createManifestApk = new CommandLine(AndroidSdk.aapt()); createManifestApk.addArgument("package", false); createManifestApk.addArgument("-M", false); createManifestApk.addArgument(customizedManifest.getAbsolutePath(), false); createManifestApk.addArgument("-I", false); createManifestApk.addArgument(AndroidSdk.androidJar(), false); createManifestApk.addArgument("-F", false); createManifestApk.addArgument( tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + "manifest.apk", false); createManifestApk.addArgument("-f", false);, 20000L)); ZipFile manifestApk = new ZipFile(new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + "manifest.apk")); ZipArchiveEntry binaryManifestXml = manifestApk.getEntry("AndroidManifest.xml"); File finalSelendroidServerFile = new File(tempdir.getAbsolutePath() + "selendroid-server.apk"); ZipArchiveOutputStream finalSelendroidServer = new ZipArchiveOutputStream(finalSelendroidServerFile); finalSelendroidServer.putArchiveEntry(binaryManifestXml); IOUtils.copy(manifestApk.getInputStream(binaryManifestXml), finalSelendroidServer); ZipFile selendroidPrebuildApk = new ZipFile(selendroidServer.getAbsolutePath()); Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> entries = selendroidPrebuildApk.getEntries(); for (; entries.hasMoreElements(); ) { ZipArchiveEntry dd = entries.nextElement(); finalSelendroidServer.putArchiveEntry(dd); IOUtils.copy(selendroidPrebuildApk.getInputStream(dd), finalSelendroidServer); } finalSelendroidServer.closeArchiveEntry(); finalSelendroidServer.close(); manifestApk.close();"file: " + finalSelendroidServerFile.getAbsolutePath()); return finalSelendroidServerFile; }
public void testCreateArchiveWithDetectedModes() throws Exception { String[] executablePaths = {"path/to/executable", "path/to/executable.bat"}; String[] confPaths = {"path/to/etc/file", "path/to/etc/file2"}; String[] logPaths = {"path/to/logs/log.txt"}; int exeMode = 0777; int confMode = 0600; int logMode = 0640; if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) { StackTraceElement e = new Throwable().getStackTrace()[0]; System.out.println( "Cannot execute test: " + e.getMethodName() + " on " + System.getProperty("")); return; } File tmpDir = null; try { tmpDir = File.createTempFile("zip-with-chmod.", ".dir"); tmpDir.delete(); tmpDir.mkdirs(); for (String executablePath : executablePaths) { writeFile(tmpDir, executablePath, exeMode); } for (String confPath : confPaths) { writeFile(tmpDir, confPath, confMode); } for (String logPath : logPaths) { writeFile(tmpDir, logPath, logMode); } { Map<String, PlexusIoResourceAttributes> attributesByPath = PlexusIoResourceAttributeUtils.getFileAttributesByPath(tmpDir); for (String path : executablePaths) { PlexusIoResourceAttributes attrs = attributesByPath.get(path); if (attrs == null) { attrs = attributesByPath.get(new File(tmpDir, path).getAbsolutePath()); } assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals( "Wrong mode for: " + path + "; expected: " + exeMode, exeMode, attrs.getOctalMode()); } for (String path : confPaths) { PlexusIoResourceAttributes attrs = attributesByPath.get(path); if (attrs == null) { attrs = attributesByPath.get(new File(tmpDir, path).getAbsolutePath()); } assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals( "Wrong mode for: " + path + "; expected: " + confMode, confMode, attrs.getOctalMode()); } for (String path : logPaths) { PlexusIoResourceAttributes attrs = attributesByPath.get(path); if (attrs == null) { attrs = attributesByPath.get(new File(tmpDir, path).getAbsolutePath()); } assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals( "Wrong mode for: " + path + "; expected: " + logMode, logMode, attrs.getOctalMode()); } } File zipFile = getTestFile("target/output/"); ZipArchiver archiver = getZipArchiver(zipFile); archiver.addDirectory(tmpDir); archiver.createArchive(); assertTrue(zipFile.exists()); File zipFile2 = getTestFile("target/output/"); archiver = getZipArchiver(); archiver.setDestFile(zipFile2); archiver.addArchivedFileSet(zipFile); archiver.createArchive(); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(zipFile2); for (String path : executablePaths) { ZipArchiveEntry ze = zf.getEntry(path); int mode = ze.getUnixMode() & UnixStat.PERM_MASK; assertEquals("Wrong mode for: " + path + "; expected: " + exeMode, exeMode, mode); } for (String path : confPaths) { ZipArchiveEntry ze = zf.getEntry(path); int mode = ze.getUnixMode() & UnixStat.PERM_MASK; assertEquals("Wrong mode for: " + path + "; expected: " + confMode, confMode, mode); } for (String path : logPaths) { ZipArchiveEntry ze = zf.getEntry(path); int mode = ze.getUnixMode() & UnixStat.PERM_MASK; assertEquals("Wrong mode for: " + path + "; expected: " + logMode, logMode, mode); } } finally { if (tmpDir != null && tmpDir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.forceDelete(tmpDir); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
private cfQueryResultData performZiplist(cfSession session, File zipfile, String charset) throws IOException { ZipFile zFile = null; try { cfQueryResultData filesQuery = new cfQueryResultData( new String[] { "name", "type", "compressedsize", "size", "compressedpercent", "datelastmodified", "comment" }, "CFZIP"); zFile = new ZipFile(zipfile, charset); List<Map<String, cfData>> allResultRows = new ArrayList<Map<String, cfData>>(); Map<String, cfData> resultRow; Enumeration<? extends ZipArchiveEntry> files = zFile.getEntries(); ZipArchiveEntry nextEntry = null; long size; double compressed; while (files.hasMoreElements()) { nextEntry = (ZipArchiveEntry) files.nextElement(); resultRow = new FastMap<String, cfData>(8); resultRow.put("name", new cfStringData(nextEntry.getName())); resultRow.put("comment", new cfStringData(nextEntry.getComment())); resultRow.put("datelastmodified", new cfDateData(nextEntry.getTime())); if (nextEntry.isDirectory()) { resultRow.put("compressedsize", new cfNumberData(0)); resultRow.put("size", new cfNumberData(0)); resultRow.put("type", new cfStringData("Dir")); resultRow.put("compressedpercent", new cfNumberData(0)); } else { size = nextEntry.getSize(); resultRow.put( "compressedsize", new cfStringData(String.valueOf(nextEntry.getCompressedSize()))); resultRow.put("size", new cfStringData(String.valueOf(size))); resultRow.put("type", new cfStringData("File")); if (size != 0) { compressed = ((float) nextEntry.getCompressedSize() / (float) size); resultRow.put( "compressedpercent", new cfStringData(String.valueOf(100 - (int) (compressed * 100)))); } else { resultRow.put("compressedpercent", new cfStringData("0")); } } allResultRows.add(resultRow); } filesQuery.populateQuery(allResultRows); return filesQuery; } finally { try { zFile.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } }
public static int unpackFileToFolder( @Nonnull final Log logger, @Nullable final String folder, @Nonnull final File archiveFile, @Nonnull final File destinationFolder, final boolean makeAllExecutable) throws IOException { final String normalizedName = archiveFile.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); final ArchEntryGetter entryGetter; boolean modeZipFile = false; final ZipFile theZipFile; final ArchiveInputStream archInputStream; if (normalizedName.endsWith(".zip")) { logger.debug("Detected ZIP archive"); modeZipFile = true; theZipFile = new ZipFile(archiveFile); archInputStream = null; entryGetter = new ArchEntryGetter() { private final Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> iterator = theZipFile.getEntries(); @Override @Nullable public ArchiveEntry getNextEntry() throws IOException { ArchiveEntry result = null; if (this.iterator.hasMoreElements()) { result = this.iterator.nextElement(); } return result; } }; } else { theZipFile = null; final InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(archiveFile)); try { if (normalizedName.endsWith(".tar.gz")) { logger.debug("Detected TAR.GZ archive"); archInputStream = new TarArchiveInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(in)); entryGetter = new ArchEntryGetter() { @Override @Nullable public ArchiveEntry getNextEntry() throws IOException { return ((TarArchiveInputStream) archInputStream).getNextTarEntry(); } }; } else { logger.debug("Detected OTHER archive"); archInputStream = ARCHIVE_STREAM_FACTORY.createArchiveInputStream(in); logger.debug("Created archive stream : " + archInputStream.getClass().getName()); entryGetter = new ArchEntryGetter() { @Override @Nullable public ArchiveEntry getNextEntry() throws IOException { return archInputStream.getNextEntry(); } }; } } catch (ArchiveException ex) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); throw new IOException("Can't recognize or read archive file : " + archiveFile, ex); } catch (CantReadArchiveEntryException ex) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); throw new IOException("Can't read entry from archive file : " + archiveFile, ex); } } try { final String normalizedFolder = folder == null ? null : FilenameUtils.normalize(folder, true) + '/'; int unpackedFilesCounter = 0; while (true) { final ArchiveEntry entry = entryGetter.getNextEntry(); if (entry == null) { break; } final String normalizedPath = FilenameUtils.normalize(entry.getName(), true); logger.debug("Detected archive entry : " + normalizedPath); if (normalizedFolder == null || normalizedPath.startsWith(normalizedFolder)) { final File targetFile = new File( destinationFolder, normalizedFolder == null ? normalizedPath : normalizedPath.substring(normalizedFolder.length())); if (entry.isDirectory()) { logger.debug("Folder : " + normalizedPath); if (!targetFile.exists() && !targetFile.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Can't create folder " + targetFile); } } else { final File parent = targetFile.getParentFile(); if (parent != null && !parent.isDirectory() && !parent.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Can't create folder : " + parent); } final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetFile); try { if (modeZipFile) { logger.debug("Unpacking ZIP entry : " + normalizedPath); final InputStream zipEntryInStream = theZipFile.getInputStream((ZipArchiveEntry) entry); try { if (IOUtils.copy(zipEntryInStream, fos) != entry.getSize()) { throw new IOException( "Can't unpack file, illegal unpacked length : " + entry.getName()); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(zipEntryInStream); } } else { logger.debug("Unpacking archive entry : " + normalizedPath); if (!archInputStream.canReadEntryData(entry)) { throw new IOException("Can't read archive entry data : " + normalizedPath); } if (IOUtils.copy(archInputStream, fos) != entry.getSize()) { throw new IOException( "Can't unpack file, illegal unpacked length : " + entry.getName()); } } } finally { fos.close(); } if (makeAllExecutable) { try { targetFile.setExecutable(true, true); } catch (SecurityException ex) { throw new IOException("Can't make file executable : " + targetFile, ex); } } unpackedFilesCounter++; } } else { logger.debug("Archive entry " + normalizedPath + " ignored"); } } return unpackedFilesCounter; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(theZipFile); IOUtils.closeQuietly(archInputStream); } }
public void testForcedFileModes() throws IOException { File step1file = new File("target/output/"); { final ZipArchiver zipArchiver = getZipArchiver(step1file); zipArchiver.setFileMode(0077); zipArchiver.setDirectoryMode(0007); PlexusIoResourceAttributes attrs = new SimpleResourceAttributes(123, "fred", 22, "filntstones", 0111); PlexusIoResource resource = ResourceFactory.createResource( new File("src/test/resources/folders/File.txt"), "Test.txt", null, attrs); zipArchiver.addResource(resource, "Test2.txt", 0707); PlexusIoFileResourceCollection files = new PlexusIoFileResourceCollection(); files.setBaseDir(new File("src/test/resources/folders")); files.setPrefix("sixsixsix/"); zipArchiver.addResources(files); zipArchiver.createArchive(); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(step1file); fileModeAssert(040007, zf.getEntry("sixsixsix/a/").getUnixMode()); fileModeAssert(0100077, zf.getEntry("sixsixsix/b/FileInB.txt").getUnixMode()); fileModeAssert(0100707, zf.getEntry("Test2.txt").getUnixMode()); zf.close(); } File Step2file = new File("target/output/"); { final ZipArchiver za2 = getZipArchiver(Step2file); za2.setFileMode(0666); za2.setDirectoryMode(0676); PlexusIoZipFileResourceCollection zipSrc = new PlexusIoZipFileResourceCollection(); zipSrc.setFile(step1file); zipSrc.setPrefix("zz/"); za2.addResources(zipSrc); za2.createArchive(); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(Step2file); fileModeAssert(040676, zf.getEntry("zz/sixsixsix/a/").getUnixMode()); fileModeAssert(0100666, zf.getEntry("zz/Test2.txt").getUnixMode()); zf.close(); } File step3file = new File("target/output/"); { final ZipArchiver za2 = getZipArchiver(step3file); za2.setFileMode(0666); za2.setDirectoryMode(0676); PlexusArchiverZipFileResourceCollection zipSrc = new PlexusArchiverZipFileResourceCollection(); zipSrc.setFile(step1file); zipSrc.setPrefix("zz/"); za2.addResources(zipSrc); za2.createArchive(); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(Step2file); fileModeAssert(040676, zf.getEntry("zz/sixsixsix/a/").getUnixMode()); fileModeAssert(0100666, zf.getEntry("zz/Test2.txt").getUnixMode()); zf.close(); } }