private String getDependency(int buildNumber, String rootModulePath, String subModuleName) throws PhrescoException { try { BuildInfo buildInfo = Utility.getBuildInfo( buildNumber, getBuildInfoPath(rootModulePath, subModuleName).toString()); if (buildInfo == null) { throw new PhrescoException("Build info is not found for build number " + buildNumber); } Map<String, Boolean> options = buildInfo.getOptions(); if (options != null) { boolean createIpa = MapUtils.getBooleanValue(buildInfo.getOptions(), CAN_CREATE_IPA); boolean deviceDeploy = MapUtils.getBooleanValue(buildInfo.getOptions(), DEVICE_DEPLOY); if (!createIpa && !deviceDeploy) { // if it is simulator, show popup for following dependency return ""; } else { // if it is device, it should return null and should not show any popup return DEVICE_ID; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PhrescoException(e); } return ""; }
public List<String> getDepartmentsForPrincipalInRoles( String principalId, List<String> roleIds, DateTime asOfDate, boolean isActiveOnly) { Set<String> departments = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, String> qualifiers = new HashMap<String, String>(); qualifiers.put(KPMERoleMemberAttribute.WORK_AREA.getRoleMemberAttributeName(), "%"); qualifiers.put(KPMERoleMemberAttribute.LOCATION.getRoleMemberAttributeName(), "%"); qualifiers.put(KPMERoleMemberAttribute.DEPARTMENT.getRoleMemberAttributeName(), "%"); qualifiers.put(KPMERoleMemberAttribute.GROUP_KEY_CODE.getRoleMemberAttributeName(), "%"); List<Map<String, String>> roleQualifiers = getRoleQualifiers(principalId, roleIds, qualifiers, asOfDate, isActiveOnly); for (Map<String, String> roleQualifier : roleQualifiers) { String department = MapUtils.getString( roleQualifier, KPMERoleMemberAttribute.DEPARTMENT.getRoleMemberAttributeName()); String groupKeyCode = MapUtils.getString( roleQualifier, KPMERoleMemberAttribute.GROUP_KEY_CODE.getRoleMemberAttributeName()); if (department != null && groupKeyCode != null) { departments.add(groupKeyCode + "|" + department); } } List<String> locations = getLocationsForPrincipalInRoles(principalId, roleIds, asOfDate, isActiveOnly); departments.addAll( getDepartmentService().getDepartmentValuesWithLocations(locations, asOfDate.toLocalDate())); return new ArrayList<String>(departments); }
private Policy findPolicy(String policyId) { if (MapUtils.isEmpty(prePolicies)) { log.error("No PreDownloadPolicies found!"); return null; } if (MapUtils.isEmpty(postPolicies)) { log.error("No PostDownloadPolicies found!"); return null; } Policy policy; policy = prePolicies.get(policyId); if (policy != null) { return policy; } policy = postPolicies.get(policyId); if (policy != null) { return policy; } policy = downloadErrorPolicies.get(policyId); if (policy != null) { return policy; } return null; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see net.grinder.ISingleConsole2#getCurrentExecutionCount() */ @Override public long getCurrentExecutionCount() { Map<?, ?> totalStatistics = (Map<?, ?>) getStatictisData().get("totalStatistics"); Double testCount = MapUtils.getDoubleValue(totalStatistics, "Tests", 0D); Double errorCount = MapUtils.getDoubleValue(totalStatistics, "Errors", 0D); return testCount.longValue() + errorCount.longValue(); }
public CopyOfExportTask( String connectUrls, String queryProcedure, Map<String, String> params, String resultProcedure, HttpServletRequest request) { this.connectUrls = connectUrls; this.params = new HashMap<String, String>(); Object[] keys = params.keySet().toArray(); this.keys = new String[keys.length]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { // 把map里所有key转成小写,与执行的存储过程保持一致 String key = keys[i].toString(); this.keys[i] = key.toLowerCase(); this.params.put(key.toLowerCase(), MapUtils.getString(params, key, "")); } this.queryProcedure = handleSql(queryProcedure.toLowerCase(), this.params); this.resultProcedure = resultProcedure.toLowerCase(); this.fileName = MapUtils.getString(params, "modulename", "导出文件") + "_" + new SimpleDateFormat(Constant.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS).format(new Date()) + Constant.EXCEL; this.ip = request.getServerName(); this.port = request.getServerPort(); this.filePath = request.getRealPath(Constant.EXPORT_PATH_FOLDER) + File.separatorChar + this.fileName; this.jt = DBUtil.getReadJdbcTemplate(this.connectUrls); }
@Override public void readProperties(Map<Integer, Object> props, boolean partial) { if (!partial || props.containsKey(SUB_TYPE)) setType(Values.toString(MapUtils.getObject(props, SUB_TYPE, ""))); if (!partial || props.containsKey(SUB_INFO)) setInfo(Values.toString(MapUtils.getObject(props, SUB_INFO, ""))); if (!partial || props.containsKey(SUB_INFO)) flag = (int) Values.toInt(MapUtils.getObject(props, SUB_FLAG, "0")); if (!partial || props.containsKey(SUB_LABEL)) setLabel(Values.toString(MapUtils.getObject(props, SUB_LABEL, ""))); }
/** * Get the list of investigational new drugs which match the input parameters. * * @param paramMap The input parameters. * @return The list of investigational new drugs. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<InvestigationalNewDrug> searchInvestigationalNewDrugs(Map<String, String> paramMap) { return getHibernateTemplate() .findByNamedParam( SEARCH_IND_QUERY, new String[] {"name", "indNo"}, new String[] { "%" + MapUtils.getString(paramMap, "sponsorName", "%") + "%", "%" + MapUtils.getString(paramMap, "strINDNumber", "%") + "%" }); }
/** * 分页列表 * * @param param * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/search", method = RequestMethod.POST) public JsonMessage search(ClientParameter param) throws Exception { Map<String, String> map = ParameterUtils.getMapFromParameter(param); Pagination page = new Pagination( MapUtils.getIntValue(map, "currentPage"), MapUtils.getIntValue(map, "pageSize")); BrandesWeightInfo searchBean = new BrandesWeightInfo(); BeanUtils.populate(searchBean, map); return super.getJsonMessage( CommonConst.SUCCESS, brandesWeightInfoService.searchByClient(searchBean, page)); }
/** * 处理申请 * * @param param 参数 * @return JsonMessage */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/handApply") public JsonMessage handApply(ClientParameter param) throws Exception { Map<String, String> map = ParameterUtils.getMapFromParameter(param); SecurityCert securityCert = new SecurityCert(); BeanUtils.populate(securityCert, map); securityCert.setUserCate(MapUtils.getShort(map, "userCate")); securityCert.setApplyType(MapUtils.getShort(map, "applyType")); securityCert.setActState(MapUtils.getShort(map, "actState")); String actionIp = MapUtils.getString(map, "actionIp"); securityCert.setActionIp(IPUtil.formatStrIpToInt(actionIp)); securityCertService.updateActState(securityCert); return super.getJsonMessage(CommonConst.SUCCESS); }
/** * 列表(分页) * * @param param 参数 * @return JsonMessage */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/search", method = RequestMethod.POST) public JsonMessage search(ClientParameter param) throws Exception { Map<String, String> map = ParameterUtils.getMapFromParameter(param); Pagination page = new Pagination( MapUtils.getIntValue(map, "currentPage"), MapUtils.getIntValue(map, "pageSize")); SecurityCert searchBean = new SecurityCert(); searchBean.setUserCate(MapUtils.getShort(map, "userCate")); searchBean.setApplyType(MapUtils.getShort(map, "applyType")); searchBean.setActState(MapUtils.getShort(map, "actState")); PaginateResult<SecurityCert> result = securityCertService.searchByClient(searchBean, page); return super.getJsonMessage(CommonConst.SUCCESS, result); }
private boolean policyExists(String policyId) { if (MapUtils.isEmpty(prePolicies)) { log.error("No PreDownloadPolicies found!"); return false; } if (MapUtils.isEmpty(postPolicies)) { log.error("No PostDownloadPolicies found!"); return false; } return (prePolicies.containsKey(policyId) || postPolicies.containsKey(policyId) || downloadErrorPolicies.containsKey(policyId)); }
/** * Check if the current test contains too many errors. * * @return true if error is over 20% */ public boolean hasTooManyError() { long currentTestsCount = getCurrentExecutionCount(); double errors = MapUtils.getDoubleValue( (Map<?, ?>) getStatictisData().get("totalStatistics"), "Errors", 0D); return currentTestsCount == 0 ? false : (errors / currentTestsCount) > 0.2; }
/** * Collect and return the subset of hits with the range offset..offset + max * * @param hits * @param options * @return */ public Object collect(CompassHits hits, boolean reload, Map options) { if (hits.length() == 0) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } int offset = MapUtils.getIntValue(options, "offset"); int max = MapUtils.getIntValue(options, "max"); List collectedHits = new ArrayList(max); int low = offset; int high = Math.min(low + max, hits.length()); while (low < high) { collectedHits.add(getObject(, reload)); } return collectedHits; }
@Override public BinaryContent transform(Metacard metacard, Map<String, Serializable> arguments) throws CatalogTransformerException { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); Boolean omitXmlDec = null; if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(arguments)) { omitXmlDec = (Boolean) arguments.get(CswConstants.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION); } if (omitXmlDec == null || !omitXmlDec) { stringWriter.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"); } PrettyPrintWriter writer = new PrettyPrintWriter(stringWriter, new NoNameCoder()); MarshallingContext context = new TreeMarshaller(writer, null, null); copyArgumentsToContext(context, arguments); converterSupplier.get().marshal(metacard, writer, context); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(stringWriter.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); return new BinaryContentImpl(bais, new MimeType()); }
public static String postRequest(String url, Map<String, String> parameters) { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); PostMethod method = new PostMethod(url); method .getParams() .setParameter(HttpMethodParams.RETRY_HANDLER, new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false)); if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(parameters)) { NameValuePair[] pairs = new NameValuePair[parameters.size()]; Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = parameters.entrySet().iterator(); int index = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry = (Map.Entry<String, String>); pairs[index++] = new NameValuePair(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } method.setRequestBody(pairs); } try { int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { logger.error("post method fail.url={},status={}", url, statusCode); return ""; } byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody(); return new String(responseBody, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("url=" + url, e); return ""; } finally { method.releaseConnection(); } }
/** * create batch {@link ConfigItem} instances by name and value. * * @param configItem batch name and value * @return {@link ConfigItem} instances */ public List<ConfigItem> newItems(Map<String, String> configItem) { if (MapUtils.isEmpty(configItem)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Date createDate = new Date(); List<ConfigItem> ret = new ArrayList<ConfigItem>(configItem.size()); Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iter = configItem.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> entry =; ConfigItem item = new ConfigItem(); item.setName(entry.getKey()); item.setVal(entry.getValue()); item.setRef(false); item.setCreateTime(createDate); item.setGroupId(getId()); item.setShareable(false); item.setVersionId(getVersionId()); ret.add(item); } return ret; }
public void addProperty(String name, int value) { if (MapUtils.isEmpty(integerProperties)) { integerProperties = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } integerProperties.put(name, value); }
protected Object receiveAction(AdminNotification action, UMOEventContext context) throws UMOException { UMOMessage result = null; try { UMOEndpointURI endpointUri = new MuleEndpointURI(action.getResourceIdentifier()); UMOEndpoint endpoint = MuleEndpoint.getOrCreateEndpointForUri(endpointUri, UMOEndpoint.ENDPOINT_TYPE_SENDER); UMOMessageDispatcher dispatcher = endpoint.getConnector().getDispatcher(endpoint); long timeout = MapUtils.getLongValue( action.getProperties(), MuleProperties.MULE_EVENT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY, MuleManager.getConfiguration().getSynchronousEventTimeout()); UMOEndpointURI ep = new MuleEndpointURI(action.getResourceIdentifier()); result = dispatcher.receive(ep, timeout); if (result != null) { // See if there is a default transformer on the connector UMOTransformer trans = ((AbstractConnector) endpoint.getConnector()).getDefaultInboundTransformer(); if (trans != null) { Object payload = trans.transform(result.getPayload()); result = new MuleMessage(payload, result); } ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wireFormat.write(out, result); return out.toByteArray(); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { return handleException(result, e); } }
public void addProperty(String name, boolean value) { if (MapUtils.isEmpty(booleanProperties)) { booleanProperties = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); } booleanProperties.put(name, value); }
/** Generates the list of individual deploy actions that has to be sent to each DNode. */ private static Map<String, List<DeployAction>> generateDeployActionsPerDNode( List<DeployRequest> deployRequests, long version) { HashMap<String, List<DeployAction>> actions = new HashMap<String, List<DeployAction>>(); long deployDate = System .currentTimeMillis(); // Here is where we decide the data of the deployment for all // deployed tablespaces for (DeployRequest req : deployRequests) { for (Object obj : req.getReplicationMap()) { ReplicationEntry rEntry = (ReplicationEntry) obj; PartitionEntry pEntry = null; for (PartitionEntry partEntry : req.getPartitionMap()) { if (partEntry.getShard() == rEntry.getShard()) { pEntry = partEntry; } } if (pEntry == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "No Partition metadata for shard: " + rEntry.getShard() + " this is very likely to be a software bug."); } // Normalize DNode ids -> The convention is that DNodes are identified by host:port . So we // need to strip the // protocol, if any for (int i = 0; i < rEntry.getNodes().size(); i++) { String dnodeId = rEntry.getNodes().get(i); if (dnodeId.startsWith("tcp://")) { dnodeId = dnodeId.substring("tcp://".length(), dnodeId.length()); } rEntry.getNodes().set(i, dnodeId); } for (String dNode : rEntry.getNodes()) { List<DeployAction> actionsSoFar = (List<DeployAction>) MapUtils.getObject(actions, dNode, new ArrayList<DeployAction>()); actions.put(dNode, actionsSoFar); DeployAction deployAction = new DeployAction(); deployAction.setDataURI(req.getData_uri() + "/" + rEntry.getShard() + ".db"); deployAction.setTablespace(req.getTablespace()); deployAction.setVersion(version); deployAction.setPartition(rEntry.getShard()); // Add partition metadata to the deploy action for DNodes to save it PartitionMetadata metadata = new PartitionMetadata(); metadata.setMinKey(pEntry.getMin()); metadata.setMaxKey(pEntry.getMax()); metadata.setNReplicas(rEntry.getNodes().size()); metadata.setDeploymentDate(deployDate); metadata.setInitStatements(req.getInitStatements()); deployAction.setMetadata(metadata); actionsSoFar.add(deployAction); } } } return actions; }
private void ensureDestinationImageMap() { if (MapUtils.isEmpty(getParameters().getDiskInfoDestinationMap())) { diskInfoDestinationMap = new HashMap<>(); if (getVmTemplate() == null) { return; } if (!Guid.isNullOrEmpty(getParameters().getStorageDomainId())) { Guid storageId = getParameters().getStorageDomainId(); ArrayList<Guid> storageIds = new ArrayList<>(); storageIds.add(storageId); for (DiskImage image : getVmTemplate().getDiskTemplateMap().values()) { image.setStorageIds(storageIds); diskInfoDestinationMap.put(image.getId(), image); } } else { ImagesHandler.fillImagesMapBasedOnTemplate( getVmTemplate(), diskInfoDestinationMap, destStorages); } } else { diskInfoDestinationMap = getParameters().getDiskInfoDestinationMap(); } storageToDisksMap = ImagesHandler.buildStorageToDiskMap( getVmTemplate().getDiskTemplateMap().values(), diskInfoDestinationMap); }
/** * Parse the template's (Groovy) script. The script must implement {@link IEmailDataScript}. * * @param keyVals * @return */ public Map<String, String> parseScript(Map<String, String> keyVals) { Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (null == _script || "".equals(_script)) { return resultMap; } ClassLoader parent = getClass().getClassLoader(); GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent); Class<?> clazz = loader.parseClass(_script, "EmailDataScript"); IEmailDataScript scriptDelegate; try { scriptDelegate = (IEmailDataScript) clazz.newInstance(); resultMap = scriptDelegate.getEmailData((HashMap<String, String>) keyVals); if (MapUtils.isEmpty(resultMap)) { // This may not necessarily be an error for some parameter values. LOGGER.warn( "sendTemplateEmail no data returned from Groovy script for templateID: " + _templateId); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { LOGGER.error(DetailedException.getMessageOrType(e)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOGGER.error(DetailedException.getMessageOrType(e)); } catch (CompilationFailedException e) { LOGGER.error(DetailedException.getMessageOrType(e)); } return resultMap; }
public static String constructCacheKey( String cacheKeyPrefix, int offset, int limit, RenderProperties renderProperties) { StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(""); if (cacheKeyPrefix != null) { key.append(cacheKeyPrefix); key.append("#"); } key.append(offset); key.append("#"); key.append(limit); if (renderProperties != null && MapUtils.isNotEmpty(renderProperties.getRenderInstructions())) { Map<RenderInstruction, Object> renderInstructions = renderProperties.getRenderInstructions(); // Get RenderInstructions by specific order for (RenderInstruction renderInstruction : RenderInstruction.values()) { if (renderInstructions.containsKey(renderInstruction)) { key.append("#"); key.append(renderInstructions.get(renderInstruction).toString()); } } } return key.toString(); }
public Integer getIntValue(String property) { if (MapUtils.isEmpty(integerProperties) || !integerProperties.containsKey(property)) { return null; } return integerProperties.get(property); }
public StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) { if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(); } if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(entitiesMutated)) { int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<EntityMutations.EntityOperation, List<AtlasEntityHeader>> e : entitiesMutated.entrySet()) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(e.getKey()).append(":"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(e.getValue())) { for (int j = 0; i < e.getValue().size(); j++) { if (j > 0) { sb.append(","); } e.getValue().get(i).toString(sb); } } i++; } } return sb; }
/** * 批量保存品牌权重 * * @param param * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/batchSave", method = RequestMethod.POST) @Deprecated public JsonMessage batchSave(ClientParameter param) { Map<String, String> map = ParameterUtils.getMapFromParameter(param); String data = MapUtils.getString(map, "dataList", ""); List<BrandesWeightInfo> brandesWeightInfos = ParameterUtils.getListObjectFromParameter(data, BrandesWeightInfo.class); JsonMessage jsonMessage = super.getJsonMessage(CommonConst.SUCCESS); try { for (BrandesWeightInfo brandesWeightInfo : brandesWeightInfos) { if (!beanValidator(jsonMessage, brandesWeightInfo)) { return jsonMessage; } brandesWeightInfo.setUpdateTime(CalendarUtils.getCurrentLong()); brandesWeightInfoService.updateByPrimaryKeySelective(brandesWeightInfo); BrandesInfo filter1 = new BrandesInfo(); filter1.setRefrenceId(brandesWeightInfo.getBrandesId()); // 修改品牌索引 brandeSolrHandler.addBrandsInfoList( brandesInfoService.findBrandesInfoToSolr(filter1, null)); // 修改旗下产品索引 ProductInfo filter2 = new ProductInfo(); filter2.setBrandsId(brandesWeightInfo.getBrandesId()); List<ProductInfo> productInfos = productInfoService.findProductToSolr(filter2, null); productSolrHandler.addProductInfoList(productInfos); } } catch (BusinessException e) { logger.error("品牌权重接口,调用保存失败: " + e.getMessage()); return this.getJsonMessage(e.getErrorCode()); } return jsonMessage; }
@Override public AdvDataInquiryResponse invoke() throws DataInquiryException { ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = new ResponseBuilder(dataInquiryRequest, accountId); List<DeviceData> devicesData = new ArrayList<>(dataInquiryRequest.getDeviceDataList()); Map<String, ComponentDataType> componentsMetadata = fetchComponentDataType(devicesData); if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(componentsMetadata)) { String[] measureAttributes; if (dataInquiryRequest.hasRequestMeasuredAttributes()) { measureAttributes = getAttributesFromRequest(); } else { measureAttributes = getAllAttributes(componentsMetadata.keySet()); } dataRetrieveParams.setComponentsAttributes(Arrays.asList(measureAttributes)); dataRetrieveParams.setComponentsMetadata(componentsMetadata); dataRetriever.retrieveAndCount(observationFilterSelector); if (!dataInquiryRequest.isCountOnly()) { ComponentsBuilderParams parameters = new ComponentsBuilderParams(dataInquiryRequest, measureAttributes); AdvancedComponentsBuilder advancedComponentsBuilder = new AdvancedComponentsBuilder( componentsMetadata, dataRetriever.getComponentObservations()); advancedComponentsBuilder.appendComponentsDetails(devicesData, parameters); }, devicesData); } return responseBuilder.getDataInquiryResponse(); }
/** * 删除 * * @param param * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/delete", method = RequestMethod.POST) public JsonMessage delete(ClientParameter param) throws Exception { Map<String, String> map = ParameterUtils.getMapFromParameter(param); rulesCateService.deleteByClient(MapUtils.getString(map, "refrenceId")); return super.getJsonMessage(CommonConst.SUCCESS); }
@Override protected AbstractBTGRuleDataEvent getEvent(final HttpServletRequest request) { RequestParametersUsedBTGRuleDataEvent result = null; final Map<String, String[]> params = request.getParameterMap(); if (!MapUtils.isEmpty(params)) { result = new RequestParametersUsedBTGRuleDataEvent(params); } return result; }
/** * Returns if jRebel property is activated on the sensor. * * @return Returns if jRebel property is activated on the sensor. */ public boolean isJRebelActive() { if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(getParameters())) { Object jRebelValue = getParameters().get("jRebel"); if ("true".equals(jRebelValue)) { return true; } } return false; }