// For new user created keyspaces (through CQL) public static KSMetaData newKeyspace( String name, String strategyName, Map<String, String> options) throws ConfigurationException { Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> cls = AbstractReplicationStrategy.getClass(strategyName); if (cls.equals(LocalStrategy.class)) throw new ConfigurationException( "Unable to use given strategy class: LocalStrategy is reserved for internal use."); return new KSMetaData(name, cls, options, true, Collections.<CFMetaData>emptyList()); }
public static void expectException(Callable<?> callable, Class<?> exception) { boolean thrown = false; try { callable.call(); } catch (Throwable e) { assert e.getClass().equals(exception) : e.getClass().getName() + " is not " + exception.getName(); thrown = true; } assert thrown : exception.getName() + " not received"; }
public static KSMetaData fromThrift(KsDef ksd, CFMetaData... cfDefs) throws ConfigurationException { Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> cls = AbstractReplicationStrategy.getClass(ksd.strategy_class); if (cls.equals(LocalStrategy.class)) throw new ConfigurationException( "Unable to use given strategy class: LocalStrategy is reserved for internal use."); return new KSMetaData( ksd.name, cls, ksd.strategy_options == null ? Collections.<String, String>emptyMap() : ksd.strategy_options, ksd.durable_writes, Arrays.asList(cfDefs)); }
public KsDef toThrift() { List<CfDef> cfDefs = new ArrayList<CfDef>(); for (CFMetaData cfm : cfMetaData().values()) cfDefs.add(cfm.toThrift()); KsDef ksdef = new KsDef(name, strategyClass.getName(), cfDefs); ksdef.setStrategy_options(strategyOptions); ksdef.setDurable_writes(durableWrites); return ksdef; }
public RowMutation toSchema(long timestamp) { RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE, SystemTable.getSchemaKSKey(name)); ColumnFamily cf = rm.addOrGet(SystemTable.SCHEMA_KEYSPACES_CF); cf.addColumn(Column.create(name, timestamp, "name")); cf.addColumn(Column.create(durableWrites, timestamp, "durable_writes")); cf.addColumn(Column.create(strategyClass.getName(), timestamp, "strategy_class")); cf.addColumn(Column.create(json(strategyOptions), timestamp, "strategy_options")); for (CFMetaData cfm : cfMetaData.values()) cfm.toSchema(rm, timestamp); return rm; }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(name) .append(", rep strategy:") .append(strategyClass.getSimpleName()) .append("{") .append(StringUtils.join(cfMetaData.values(), ", ")) .append("}") .append(", durable_writes: ") .append(durableWrites); return sb.toString(); }