/** @see {@link #newStartEffector()} */
 public Effector<Void> newStopEffector() {
   return Effectors.effector(Startable.STOP)
 /** @see {@link #newStartEffector()} */
 public Effector<Void> newRestartEffector() {
   return Effectors.effector(Startable.RESTART)
 /** @see {@link #newStartEffector()} */
 public Effector<Void> newSuspendEffector() {
   return Effectors.effector(Void.class, "suspend")
       .description("Suspend the process/service represented by an entity")
 interface SelectMasterEffector {
   ConfigKey<String> NEW_MASTER_ID =
           "brooklyncluster.new_master_id", "The ID of the node to become master", null);
   Effector<Void> SELECT_MASTER =
       Effectors.effector(Void.class, "selectMaster")
           .description("Select a new master in the cluster")
  interface UpgradeClusterEffector {
    ConfigKey<String> DOWNLOAD_URL = BrooklynNode.DOWNLOAD_URL.getConfigKey();
    ConfigKey<Map<String, Object>> EXTRA_CONFIG = BrooklynNodeUpgradeEffectorBody.EXTRA_CONFIG;

    Effector<Void> UPGRADE_CLUSTER =
        Effectors.effector(Void.class, "upgradeCluster")
                "Upgrade the cluster with new distribution version, "
                    + "by provisioning new nodes with the new version, failing over, "
                    + "and then deprovisioning the original nodes")
  * Return an effector suitable for setting in a {@code public static final} or attaching
  * dynamically.
  * <p>The effector overrides the corresponding effector from {@link Startable} with the behaviour
  * in this lifecycle class instance.
 public Effector<Void> newStartEffector() {
   return Effectors.effector(Startable.START).impl(newStartEffectorTask()).build();