Esempio n. 1
  * Get the content length, including both soap and any attachments.
  * @return the total length of this message in bytes
  * @throws org.apache.axis.AxisFault if there was a problem that prevented the length being
  *     calculated
 public long getContentLength() throws org.apache.axis.AxisFault {
   long ret = mSOAPPart.getContentLength();
   if (mAttachments != null && 0 < mAttachments.getAttachmentCount()) {
     ret = mAttachments.getContentLength();
   return ret;
Esempio n. 2
   * Get the content type of the attachments.
   * @param sc provides the default content type
   * @return a <code>String</code> giving the content type of the attachment
   * @throws AxisFault if there was an error deducing the content type from this message
  public String getContentType(SOAPConstants sc) throws AxisFault {
    boolean soap12 = false;

    if (sc != null) {
      if (sc == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
        soap12 = true;
    } else {
      // Support of SOAP 1.2 HTTP binding
      SOAPEnvelope envelope = getSOAPEnvelope();
      if (envelope != null) {
        if (envelope.getSOAPConstants() == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
          soap12 = true;

    String encoding = XMLUtils.getEncoding(this, msgContext);
    String ret = sc.getContentType() + "; charset=" + encoding.toLowerCase();

    // Support of SOAP 1.2 HTTP binding
    if (soap12) {
      ret = HTTPConstants.HEADER_ACCEPT_APPL_SOAP + "; charset=" + encoding;

    if (getSendType() != Attachments.SEND_TYPE_NONE
        && mAttachments != null
        && 0 != mAttachments.getAttachmentCount()) {
      ret = mAttachments.getContentType();
    return ret;
Esempio n. 3
  * Retrieves all the <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> objects that are part of this <CODE>SOAPMessage
  * </CODE> object.
  * @return an iterator over all the attachments in this message
 public Iterator getAttachments() {
   try {
     if (mAttachments != null && 0 != mAttachments.getAttachmentCount()) {
       return mAttachments.getAttachments().iterator();
   } catch (AxisFault af) {
     log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), af);
   return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
Esempio n. 4
  * Adds the given <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> object to this <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object. An
  * <CODE>
  * AttachmentPart</CODE> object must be created before it can be added to a message.
  * @param attachmentpart an <CODE>
  *     AttachmentPart</CODE> object that is to become part of this <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object
  * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
 public void addAttachmentPart(AttachmentPart attachmentpart) {
   try {
     mAttachments.addAttachmentPart((org.apache.axis.Part) attachmentpart);
   } catch (AxisFault af) {
     log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), af);
Esempio n. 5
  * Updates this <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object with all the changes that have been made to it.
  * This method is called automatically when a message is sent or written to by the methods <CODE>
  * ProviderConnection.send</CODE>, <CODE>
  *</CODE>, or <CODE>
  *   SOAPMessage.writeTo</CODE>. However, if changes are made to a message that was received or to
  * one that has already been sent, the method <CODE>saveChanges</CODE> needs to be called
  * explicitly in order to save the changes. The method <CODE>saveChanges</CODE> also generates any
  * changes that can be read back (for example, a MessageId in profiles that support a message id).
  * All MIME headers in a message that is created for sending purposes are guaranteed to have valid
  * values only after <CODE>saveChanges</CODE> has been called.
  * <p>In addition, this method marks the point at which the data from all constituent <CODE>
  * AttachmentPart</CODE> objects are pulled into the message.
  * @throws SOAPException if there was a problem saving changes to this message.
 public void saveChanges() throws SOAPException {
   if (mAttachments != null && 0 < mAttachments.getAttachmentCount()) {
     try {
       headers.setHeader("Content-Type", mAttachments.getContentType());
     } catch (AxisFault af) {
       log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), af);
   saveRequired = false;
   try {
     /* Fix for Bug 16418 - Start from scratch */
   } catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
     log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), axisFault);
Esempio n. 6
   * Creates a new empty <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> object. Note that the method <CODE>
   * addAttachmentPart</CODE> must be called with this new <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> object as the
   * parameter in order for it to become an attachment to this <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object.
   * @return a new <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> object that can be populated and added to this <CODE>
   *     SOAPMessage</CODE> object
  public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart() {
    if (!isAttachmentSupportEnabled(getMessageContext())) {
      throw new RuntimeException(Messages.getMessage("noAttachments"));

    try {
      return (AttachmentPart) mAttachments.createAttachmentPart();
    } catch (AxisFault af) {
      log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), af);
    return null;
Esempio n. 7
  * Writes this <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object to the given output stream. The externalization
  * format is as defined by the SOAP 1.1 with Attachments specification.
  * <p>If there are no attachments, just an XML stream is written out. For those messages that have
  * attachments, <CODE>writeTo</CODE> writes a MIME-encoded byte stream.
  * @param os the <CODE>OutputStream</CODE> object to which this <CODE>SOAPMessage</CODE> object
  *     will be written
  * @throws SOAPException if there was a problem in externalizing this SOAP message
  * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
 public void writeTo( os) throws SOAPException, IOException {
   // Do it the old fashion way.
   if (getSendType() == Attachments.SEND_TYPE_NONE
       || mAttachments == null
       || 0 == mAttachments.getAttachmentCount()) {
     try {
       String charEncoding = XMLUtils.getEncoding(this, msgContext);
     } catch ( e) {
       log.error(Messages.getMessage("javaIOException00"), e);
   } else {
     try {
     } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
       log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), e);
Esempio n. 8
 /** Dispose of attachments. */
 public void dispose() {
   if (mAttachments != null) {
Esempio n. 9
  * Retrieves all the <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> objects that have header entries that match the
  * specified headers. Note that a returned attachment could have headers in addition to those
  * specified.
  * @param headers a <CODE>MimeHeaders</CODE> object containing the MIME headers for which to
  *     search
  * @return an iterator over all attachments that have a header that matches one of the given
  *     headers
 public Iterator getAttachments(javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders headers) {
   return mAttachments.getAttachments(headers);
Esempio n. 10
  * Gets a count of the number of attachments in this message. This count does not include the SOAP
  * part.
  * @return the number of <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> objects that are part of this <CODE>
  *     SOAPMessage</CODE> object
 public int countAttachments() {
   return mAttachments == null ? 0 : mAttachments.getAttachmentCount();
Esempio n. 11
  * Removes all <CODE>AttachmentPart</CODE> objects that have been added to this <CODE>SOAPMessage
  * </CODE> object.
  * <p>This method does not touch the SOAP part.
 public void removeAllAttachments() {
Esempio n. 12
   * Do the work of construction.
   * @param initialContents may be String, byte[], InputStream, SOAPEnvelope, or AxisFault
   * @param bodyInStream is true if initialContents is an InputStream containing just the SOAP body
   *     (no SOAP-ENV)
   * @param contentType this if the contentType has been already determined (as in the case of
   *     servlets)
   * @param contentLocation the location of the content
   * @param mimeHeaders mime headers for attachments
  private void setup(
      Object initialContents,
      boolean bodyInStream,
      String contentType,
      String contentLocation,
      javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders mimeHeaders) {

    if (contentType == null && mimeHeaders != null) {
      String contentTypes[] = mimeHeaders.getHeader("Content-Type");
      contentType = (contentTypes != null) ? contentTypes[0] : null;
    if (contentLocation == null && mimeHeaders != null) {
      String contentLocations[] = mimeHeaders.getHeader("Content-Location");
      contentLocation = (contentLocations != null) ? contentLocations[0] : null;
    if (contentType != null) {
      int delimiterIndex = contentType.lastIndexOf("charset");
      if (delimiterIndex > 0) {
        String charsetPart = contentType.substring(delimiterIndex);
        int delimiterIndex2 = charsetPart.indexOf(';');
        if (delimiterIndex2 != -1) {
          charsetPart = charsetPart.substring(0, delimiterIndex2);
        int charsetIndex = charsetPart.indexOf('=');
        String charset = charsetPart.substring(charsetIndex + 1).trim();
        if ((charset.startsWith("\"") || charset.startsWith("\'"))) {
          charset = charset.substring(1, charset.length());
        if ((charset.endsWith("\"") || charset.endsWith("\'"))) {
          charset = charset.substring(0, charset.length() - 1);
        try {
          setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, charset);
        } catch (SOAPException e) {
    // Try to construct an AttachmentsImpl object for attachment
    // functionality.
    // If there is no org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl class,
    // it must mean activation.jar is not present and attachments are not
    // supported.
    if (isAttachmentSupportEnabled(getMessageContext())) {
      // Construct one, and cast to Attachments.
      // There must be exactly one constructor of AttachmentsImpl, which
      // must take an org.apache.axis.Message!
      Constructor attachImplConstr = attachImpl.getConstructors()[0];
      try {
        mAttachments =
                    new Object[] {initialContents, contentType, contentLocation});

        // If it can't support it, it wont have a root part.
        mSOAPPart = (SOAPPart) mAttachments.getRootPart();
      } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
        log.fatal(Messages.getMessage("invocationTargetException00"), ex);
        throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
      } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
        log.fatal(Messages.getMessage("instantiationException00"), ex);
        throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
      } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
        log.fatal(Messages.getMessage("illegalAccessException00"), ex);
        throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
    } else if (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("multipart")) {
      throw new RuntimeException(Messages.getMessage("noAttachments"));

    // text/xml
    if (null == mSOAPPart) {
      mSOAPPart = new SOAPPart(this, initialContents, bodyInStream);
    } else mSOAPPart.setMessage(this);

    // The stream was not determined by a more complex type so default to
    if (mAttachments != null) mAttachments.setRootPart(mSOAPPart);

    headers = (mimeHeaders == null) ? new MimeHeaders() : new MimeHeaders(mimeHeaders);