/** * Reset Display * * @param selIndex select index * @return selected activity */ private MWFActivity resetDisplay(int selIndex) { fAnswerText.setVisible(false); fAnswerList.setVisible(false); fAnswerButton.setVisible(false); fAnswerButton.setImage("/images/mWindow.png"); fTextMsg.setReadonly(!(selIndex >= 0)); bZoom.setEnabled(selIndex >= 0); bOK.setEnabled(selIndex >= 0); fForward.setValue(null); fForward.setReadWrite(selIndex >= 0); // statusBar.setStatusDB(String.valueOf(selIndex + 1) + "/" + m_activities.length); m_activity = null; m_column = null; if (m_activities.length > 0) { if (selIndex >= 0 && selIndex < m_activities.length) m_activity = m_activities[selIndex]; } // Nothing to show if (m_activity == null) { fNode.setText(""); fDescription.setText(""); fHelp.setText(""); fHistory.setContent(HISTORY_DIV_START_TAG + " </div>"); statusBar.setStatusDB("0/0"); statusBar.setStatusLine(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "WFNoActivities")); } return m_activity; } // resetDisplay
/** Reload/Load file */ private void cmd_reloadFile() { if (m_file_istream == null) return; m_data.clear(); rawData.setText(""); try { // see NaturalAccountMap ListItem listitem = fCharset.getSelectedItem(); Charset charset = null; if (listitem == null) return; charset = (Charset) listitem.getValue(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(m_file_istream, charset), 10240); // not safe see p108 Network pgm String s = null; String concat = ""; while ((s = in.readLine()) != null) { m_data.add(s); concat += s; concat += "\n"; if (m_data.size() < MAX_LOADED_LINES) { rawData.setValue(concat); } } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); bFile.setLabel(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "FileImportFile")); } int index = 1; // second line as first may be heading if (m_data.size() == 1) index = 0; int length = 0; if (m_data.size() > 0) length = m_data.get(index).toString().length(); info.setValue( Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Records") + "=" + m_data.size() + ", " + Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Length") + "=" + length + " "); // setCursor (Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); log.config("Records=" + m_data.size() + ", Length=" + length); } // cmd_loadFile
/** * Static Init * * @throws Exception */ private void jbInit() throws Exception { Charset[] charsets = Ini.getAvailableCharsets(); for (int i = 0; i < charsets.length; i++) fCharset.appendItem(charsets[i].displayName(), charsets[i]); bFile.setLabel(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "FileImportFile")); bFile.setTooltiptext(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "FileImportFileInfo")); bFile.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); fCharset.setMold("select"); fCharset.setRows(0); fCharset.setTooltiptext(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Charset", false)); info.setValue(" "); labelFormat.setValue(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "AD_ImpFormat_ID")); pickFormat.setMold("select"); pickFormat.setRows(0); bNext.setTooltiptext(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Next")); bNext.setLabel(">"); bNext.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); record.setValue("------"); bPrevious.setTooltiptext(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Previous")); bPrevious.setLabel("<"); bPrevious.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); northPanel.appendChild(bFile); northPanel.appendChild(fCharset); northPanel.appendChild(info); northPanel.appendChild(labelFormat); northPanel.appendChild(pickFormat); northPanel.appendChild(bPrevious); northPanel.appendChild(record); northPanel.appendChild(bNext); rawData.setWidth("100%"); rawData.setCols(80); rawData.setRows(MAX_SHOWN_LINES); rawData.setHeight("40%"); previewPanel.setWidth("100%"); previewPanel.setHeight("58%"); previewPanel.setStyle("overflow: auto"); centerPanel.setWidth("100%"); // Elaine 2008/11/07 - fix text area is not expanded in IE7 centerPanel.setHeight("100%"); centerPanel.appendChild(rawData); centerPanel.appendChild(new Separator()); centerPanel.appendChild(previewPanel); confirmPanel.addActionListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); }
@Override public String getSQLWhere() { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); if (txtDocumentNo.getText().length() > 0) sql.append(" AND UPPER(o.DocumentNo) LIKE ?"); if (txtDescription.getText().length() > 0) sql.append(" AND UPPER(o.Description) LIKE ?"); if (txtOrderRef.getText().length() > 0) sql.append(" AND UPPER(o.POReference) LIKE ?"); // if (editorBPartner.getValue() != null) sql.append(" AND o.C_BPartner_ID=?"); // Date fromDate = null; Date toDate = null; try { fromDate = dateFrom.getValue(); } catch (WrongValueException e) { } try { toDate = dateTo.getValue(); } catch (WrongValueException e) { } if (fromDate == null && toDate != null) { sql.append(" AND TRUNC(o.DateOrdered) <= ?"); } else if (fromDate != null && toDate == null) { sql.append(" AND TRUNC(o.DateOrdered) >= ?"); } else if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) { sql.append(" AND TRUNC(o.DateOrdered) BETWEEN ? AND ?"); } // Double fromAmount = null; Double toAmount = null; if (amountFrom.getText() != null && amountFrom.getText().trim().length() > 0) { try { fromAmount = Double.parseDouble(amountFrom.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } if (amountTo.getText() != null && amountTo.getText().trim().length() > 0) { try { toAmount = Double.parseDouble(amountTo.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } if (fromAmount == null && toAmount != null) { sql.append(" AND o.GrandTotal <= ?"); } else if (fromAmount != null && toAmount == null) { sql.append(" AND o.GrandTotal >= ?"); } else if (fromAmount != null && toAmount != null) { sql.append(" AND o.GrandTotal BETWEEN ? AND ?"); } sql.append(" AND o.IsSOTrx=?"); log.finer(sql.toString()); return sql.toString(); }
/** Display. Fill Editors */ public void display(int index) { log.fine("Index=" + index); // m_activity = resetDisplay(index); // Nothing to show if (m_activity == null) { return; } // Display Activity fNode.setText(m_activity.getNodeName()); fDescription.setValue(m_activity.getNodeDescription()); fHelp.setValue(m_activity.getNodeHelp()); // fHistory.setContent(HISTORY_DIV_START_TAG + m_activity.getHistoryHTML() + "</div>"); // User Actions MWFNode node = m_activity.getNode(); if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserChoice.equals(node.getAction())) { if (m_column == null) m_column = node.getColumn(); if (m_column != null && m_column.get_ID() != 0) { fAnswerList.removeAllItems(); int dt = m_column.getAD_Reference_ID(); if (dt == DisplayType.YesNo) { ValueNamePair[] values = MRefList.getList(Env.getCtx(), 319, false); // _YesNo for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { fAnswerList.appendItem(values[i].getName(), values[i].getValue()); } fAnswerList.setVisible(true); } else if (dt == DisplayType.List) { ValueNamePair[] values = MRefList.getList(Env.getCtx(), m_column.getAD_Reference_Value_ID(), false); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { fAnswerList.appendItem(values[i].getName(), values[i].getValue()); } fAnswerList.setVisible(true); } else // other display types come here { fAnswerText.setText(""); fAnswerText.setVisible(true); } } } // -- else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserWindow.equals(node.getAction()) || MWFNode.ACTION_UserForm.equals(node.getAction())) { fAnswerButton.setLabel(node.getName()); fAnswerButton.setTooltiptext(node.getDescription()); fAnswerButton.setVisible(true); } else log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Node Action: " + node.getAction()); statusBar.setStatusDB((m_index + 1) + "/" + m_activities.length); statusBar.setStatusLine(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "WFActivities")); } // display
/** Initialize component & values from m_mAssignment */ private void setDisplay() { m_setting = true; // Set Resource int S_Resource_ID = m_mAssignment.getS_Resource_ID(); KeyNamePair[] resources = new KeyNamePair[m_lookup.size()]; m_lookup.keySet().toArray(resources); for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { if (resources[i].getKey() == S_Resource_ID) { fResource.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } ListItem listItem = fResource.getSelectedItem(); KeyNamePair check = new KeyNamePair((Integer) listItem.getValue(), listItem.getLabel()); if (check == null || check.getKey() != S_Resource_ID) { if (m_mAssignment.getS_ResourceAssignment_ID() == 0) // new record select first fResource.setSelectedItem(fResource.getSelectedItem()); // initiates UOM display else log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Resource not found ID=" + S_Resource_ID); } // Set Date, Qty fDateFrom.setValue(m_mAssignment.getAssignDateFrom()); fTimeFrom.setValue(m_mAssignment.getAssignDateFrom()); fQty.setValue(m_mAssignment.getQty()); // Name, Description fName.setValue(m_mAssignment.getName()); fDescription.setValue(m_mAssignment.getDescription()); // Set Editor to R/O if confirmed boolean readWrite = true; if (m_mAssignment.isConfirmed()) readWrite = false; confirmPanel.getButton("Cancel").setVisible(readWrite); fResource.setEnabled(readWrite); fDateFrom.setReadonly(!readWrite); fQty.setEnabled(readWrite); m_setting = false; } // dynInit
protected InfoOrderPanel( int WindowNo, String value, boolean multiSelection, String whereClause, boolean lookup) { super(WindowNo, "o", "C_Order_ID", multiSelection, whereClause, lookup); log.info("InfoOrder"); setTitle(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "InfoOrder")); // initComponents(); initLayout(); p_loadedOK = initInfo(); // int no = contentPanel.getRowCount(); setStatusLine( Integer.toString(no) + " " + Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "SearchRows_EnterQuery"), false); setStatusDB(Integer.toString(no)); // if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { String values[] = value.split("_"); txtDocumentNo.setText(values[0]); executeQuery(); renderItems(); } }
public void onEvent(Event e) throws Exception { if (m_setting) return; // Update Assignment ListItem listItem = fResource.getSelectedItem(); KeyNamePair resource = listItem != null ? new KeyNamePair((Integer) listItem.getValue(), listItem.getLabel()) : null; if (resource != null) { int S_Resource_ID = resource.getKey(); m_mAssignment.setS_Resource_ID(S_Resource_ID); } Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); getDateAndTimeFrom(date); Timestamp assignDateFrom = new Timestamp(date.getTimeInMillis()); if (assignDateFrom != null) m_mAssignment.setAssignDateFrom(assignDateFrom); if (fQty.getValue() != null) { BigDecimal qty = fQty.getValue(); m_mAssignment.setQty(qty); } m_mAssignment.setName((String) fName.getValue()); m_mAssignment.setDescription((String) fDescription.getValue()); // Resource - Look up UOM if (e.getTarget() == fResource) { Object o = m_lookup.get(fResource.getSelectedItem()); if (o == null) lUOM.setValue(" ? "); else lUOM.setValue(o.toString()); } // Zoom - InfoResource else if (e.getTarget().getId().equals("Zoom")) { InfoSchedule is = new InfoSchedule(m_mAssignment, true); if (is.getMResourceAssignment() != null) { m_mAssignment = is.getMResourceAssignment(); // setDisplay(); detach(); } is = null; } // cancel - return else if (e.getTarget().getId().equals("Cancel")) { m_cancel = true; detach(); } // delete - delete and return else if (e.getTarget().getId().equals("Delete")) { if (m_mAssignment.delete(true)) { m_mAssignment = null; detach(); } else FDialog.error(0, this, "ResourceAssignmentNotDeleted"); } // OK - Save else if (e.getTarget().getId().equals("Ok")) { if (cmd_save()) detach(); } }
/** * Static Init * * @throws Exception */ private void init() throws Exception { fResource.setMold("select"); fResource.addEventListener(Events.ON_SELECT, this); delete.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); confirmPanel.addComponentsLeft(delete); confirmPanel.addActionListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); // this.appendChild(mainPanel); mainPanel.makeNoStrip(); mainPanel.setStyle("background-color: transparent"); Rows rows = new Rows(); mainPanel.appendChild(rows); Row row = new Row(); row.appendChild(LayoutUtils.makeRightAlign(lResource)); row.appendChild(fResource); row.appendChild(new Label(" ")); rows.appendChild(row); row = new Row(); row.setSpans("1, 2"); row.appendChild(LayoutUtils.makeRightAlign(lDate)); Div div = new Div(); div.appendChild(fDateFrom); div.appendChild(fTimeFrom); fTimeFrom.setStyle("margin-left: 5px"); row.appendChild(div); rows.appendChild(row); row = new Row(); row.appendChild(LayoutUtils.makeRightAlign(lQty)); row.appendChild(fQty); row.appendChild(lUOM); rows.appendChild(row); row = new Row(); row.setSpans("1, 2"); row.appendChild(LayoutUtils.makeRightAlign(lName)); row.appendChild(fName); fName.setStyle("width: 100%"); rows.appendChild(row); row = new Row(); row.setSpans("1, 2"); row.appendChild(LayoutUtils.makeRightAlign(lDescription)); row.appendChild(fDescription); fDescription.setMultiline(true); fDescription.setRows(3); fDescription.setStyle("width: 100%"); rows.appendChild(row); row = new Row(); row.setSpans("3"); row.appendChild(new Label(" ")); rows.appendChild(row); row = new Row(); row.setSpans("3"); row.appendChild(confirmPanel); rows.appendChild(row); // } // jbInit
/** Save */ public void onOK() { log.config("Activity=" + m_activity); if (m_activity == null) { Clients.showBusy(null, false); return; } int AD_User_ID = Env.getAD_User_ID(Env.getCtx()); String textMsg = fTextMsg.getValue(); // MWFNode node = m_activity.getNode(); Object forward = null; // fForward.getValue(); // ensure activity is ran within a transaction - [ 1953628 ] Trx trx = null; try { trx = Trx.get(Trx.createTrxName("FWFA"), true); m_activity.set_TrxName(trx.getTrxName()); if (forward != null) { log.config("Forward to " + forward); int fw = ((Integer) forward).intValue(); if (fw == AD_User_ID || fw == 0) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Forward User="******"CannotForward"); trx.rollback(); trx.close(); return; } } // User Choice - Answer else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserChoice.equals(node.getAction())) { if (m_column == null) m_column = node.getColumn(); // Do we have an answer? int dt = m_column.getAD_Reference_ID(); String value = fAnswerText.getText(); if (dt == DisplayType.YesNo || dt == DisplayType.List) { ListItem li = fAnswerList.getSelectedItem(); if (li != null) value = li.getValue().toString(); } if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { FDialog.error(m_WindowNo, this, "FillMandatory", Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Answer")); trx.rollback(); trx.close(); return; } // log.config("Answer=" + value + " - " + textMsg); try { m_activity.setUserChoice(AD_User_ID, value, dt, textMsg); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, node.getName(), e); FDialog.error(m_WindowNo, this, "Error", e.toString()); trx.rollback(); trx.close(); return; } } // User Action else { log.config("Action=" + node.getAction() + " - " + textMsg); try { // ensure activity is ran within a transaction m_activity.setUserConfirmation(AD_User_ID, textMsg); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, node.getName(), e); FDialog.error(m_WindowNo, this, "Error", e.toString()); trx.rollback(); trx.close(); return; } } trx.commit(); } finally { Clients.showBusy(null, false); if (trx != null) trx.close(); } // Next loadActivities(); display(-1); } // onOK
private void init() { Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.setWidth("100%"); grid.setHeight("100%"); grid.setStyle("margin:0; padding:0; position: absolute; align: center; valign: center;"); grid.makeNoStrip(); grid.setOddRowSclass("even"); Rows rows = new Rows(); grid.appendChild(rows); Row row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); Div div = new Div(); div.setAlign("right"); div.appendChild(lNode); row.appendChild(div); row.appendChild(fNode); fNode.setWidth("100%"); fNode.setReadonly(true); row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); row.setValign("top"); div = new Div(); div.setAlign("right"); div.appendChild(lDesctiption); row.appendChild(div); row.appendChild(fDescription); fDescription.setMultiline(true); fDescription.setWidth("100%"); fDescription.setReadonly(true); row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); div = new Div(); div.setAlign("right"); div.appendChild(lHelp); row.appendChild(div); row.appendChild(fHelp); fHelp.setMultiline(true); fHelp.setWidth("100%"); fHelp.setReadonly(true); fHelp.setRows(3); row.appendChild(new Label()); row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); div = new Div(); div.setAlign("right"); div.appendChild(lHistory); row.appendChild(div); row.appendChild(fHistory); row.appendChild(new Label()); row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); div = new Div(); div.setAlign("right"); div.appendChild(lAnswer); row.appendChild(div); Hbox hbox = new Hbox(); hbox.appendChild(fAnswerText); hbox.appendChild(fAnswerList); hbox.appendChild(fAnswerButton); fAnswerButton.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); row.appendChild(hbox); row.appendChild(bZoom); bZoom.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); div = new Div(); div.setAlign("right"); div.appendChild(lTextMsg); row.appendChild(div); row.appendChild(fTextMsg); fTextMsg.setMultiline(true); fTextMsg.setWidth("100%"); row.appendChild(new Label()); row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); div = new Div(); div.setAlign("right"); div.appendChild(lForward); row.appendChild(div); hbox = new Hbox(); hbox.appendChild(fForward.getComponent()); hbox.appendChild(lOptional); row.appendChild(hbox); row.appendChild(bOK); bOK.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this); Borderlayout layout = new Borderlayout(); layout.setWidth("100%"); layout.setHeight("100%"); layout.setStyle("background-color: transparent; position: absolute;"); North north = new North(); north.appendChild(listbox); north.setSplittable(true); north.setFlex(true); north.setHeight("50%"); layout.appendChild(north); north.setStyle("background-color: transparent"); listbox.addEventListener(Events.ON_SELECT, this); Center center = new Center(); center.appendChild(grid); layout.appendChild(center); center.setStyle("background-color: transparent"); center.setFlex(true); South south = new South(); south.appendChild(statusBar); layout.appendChild(south); south.setStyle("background-color: transparent"); this.appendChild(layout); this.setStyle("height: 100%; width: 100%; position: absolute;"); }
/** * Get SQL WHERE parameter * * @param f field * @return sql */ private String getSQLText(Textbox f) { String s = f.getText().toUpperCase(); if (!s.endsWith("%")) s += "%"; log.fine("String=" + s); return s; } // getSQLText
@Override protected void setParameters(PreparedStatement pstmt, boolean forCount) throws SQLException { int index = 1; if (txtDocumentNo.getText().length() > 0) pstmt.setString(index++, getSQLText(txtDocumentNo)); if (txtDescription.getText().length() > 0) pstmt.setString(index++, getSQLText(txtDescription)); if (txtOrderRef.getText().length() > 0) pstmt.setString(index++, getSQLText(txtOrderRef)); // if (editorBPartner.getValue() != null) { Integer bp = (Integer) editorBPartner.getValue(); pstmt.setInt(index++, bp.intValue()); log.fine("BPartner=" + bp); } // Date fromD = null; Date toD = null; Timestamp from = null; Timestamp to = null; try { if (dateFrom.getValue() != null) { fromD = dateFrom.getValue(); from = new Timestamp(fromD.getTime()); } } catch (WrongValueException e) { } try { if (dateTo.getValue() != null) { toD = dateTo.getValue(); to = new Timestamp(toD.getTime()); } } catch (WrongValueException e) { } log.fine("Date From=" + from + ", To=" + to); if (from == null && to != null) { pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, to); } else if (from != null && to == null) { pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, from); } else if (from != null && to != null) { pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, from); pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, to); } // BigDecimal fromBD = null; BigDecimal toBD = null; Double fromAmt = null; Double toAmt = null; if (amountFrom.getText() != null && amountFrom.getText().trim().length() > 0) { try { fromAmt = Double.parseDouble(amountFrom.getText()); fromBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(fromAmt); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (amountTo.getText() != null && amountTo.getText().trim().length() > 0) { try { toAmt = Double.parseDouble(amountTo.getText()); toBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(toAmt); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (fromBD == null && toBD != null) { pstmt.setBigDecimal(index++, toBD); } else if (fromBD != null && toBD == null) { pstmt.setBigDecimal(index++, fromBD); } else if (fromBD != null && toBD != null) { pstmt.setBigDecimal(index++, fromBD); pstmt.setBigDecimal(index++, toBD); } pstmt.setString(index++, isSoTrx.isChecked() ? "Y" : "N"); }
private void initLayout() { txtDocumentNo.setWidth("100%"); txtDescription.setWidth("100%"); txtOrderRef.setWidth("100%"); dateFrom.setWidth("165px"); dateTo.setWidth("165px"); amountFrom.getDecimalbox().setWidth("155px"); amountTo.getDecimalbox().setWidth("155px"); Grid grid = GridFactory.newGridLayout(); Rows rows = new Rows(); grid.appendChild(rows); Row row = new Row(); rows.appendChild(row); row.appendChild(lblDocumentNo.rightAlign()); row.appendChild(txtDocumentNo); row.appendChild(editorBPartner.getLabel().rightAlign()); row.appendChild(editorBPartner.getComponent()); row.appendChild(isSoTrx); row = new Row(); row.setSpans("1, 1, 1, 2"); rows.appendChild(row); row.appendChild(lblDescription.rightAlign()); row.appendChild(txtDescription); row.appendChild(lblDateOrdered.rightAlign()); Hbox hbox = new Hbox(); hbox.appendChild(dateFrom); hbox.appendChild(new Label("-")); hbox.appendChild(dateTo); row.appendChild(hbox); row = new Row(); row.setSpans("1, 1, 1, 2"); rows.appendChild(row); row.appendChild(lblOrderRef.rightAlign()); row.appendChild(txtOrderRef); row.appendChild(lblGrandTotal.rightAlign()); hbox = new Hbox(); hbox.appendChild(amountFrom); hbox.appendChild(new Label("-")); hbox.appendChild(amountTo); row.appendChild(hbox); layout = new Borderlayout(); layout.setWidth("100%"); layout.setHeight("100%"); if (!isLookup()) { layout.setStyle("position: absolute"); } this.appendChild(layout); North north = new North(); layout.appendChild(north); north.appendChild(grid); Center center = new Center(); layout.appendChild(center); center.setFlex(true); Div div = new Div(); div.appendChild(contentPanel); if (isLookup()) contentPanel.setWidth("99%"); else contentPanel.setStyle("width: 99%; margin: 0px auto;"); contentPanel.setVflex(true); div.setStyle("width :100%; height: 100%"); center.appendChild(div); South south = new South(); layout.appendChild(south); southBody = new Vbox(); southBody.setWidth("100%"); south.appendChild(southBody); southBody.appendChild(confirmPanel); southBody.appendChild(new Separator()); southBody.appendChild(statusBar); }