Esempio n. 1
  protected final void setFieldValue(final BigDecimal value, final boolean fireEvent) {
    final BigDecimal valueOld = this._valueOld; // backup for event

    // Fix value to set
    final BigDecimal valueNew;
    if (value == null) {
      valueNew = Env.ZERO;
    } else {
      // Qty Editor it shall be a small component and we don't want to clutter it with pointless
      // trailing zeros (06112)
      valueNew = NumberUtils.stripTrailingDecimalZeros(value);

    // Get the number editor
    final ITerminalTextField fNumber = this.fNumber;
    if (isDisposed() || fNumber == null) {
      // shall not happen but we are throwing an exception because we got a weird case (FRESH-331)
      new TerminalException(
              "Atempt to set value but field is disposed."
                  + "\n field: "
                  + this
                  + "\n value: "
                  + valueOld
                  + "->"
                  + valueNew
                  + "\n fireEvent: "
                  + fireEvent
                  + "\n fNumber: "
                  + fNumber)

    // Actually setting the new value
    this._valueOld = valueNew;

    // Fire event
    if (fireEvent) {
      final boolean changed = valueOld == null || valueOld.compareTo(valueNew) != 0;
      if (changed) {
        firePropertyChange(ITerminalField.ACTION_ValueChanged, valueOld, valueNew);
  private ArrayKey createKeyForHUProducer(final I_M_HU_LUTU_Configuration lutuConfiguration) {
    Check.assumeNotNull(lutuConfiguration, "lutuConfiguration not null");

    final List<Object> keyItems = new ArrayList<Object>();

    // LU: PI
    final int luPIItemId = lutuConfiguration.getM_LU_HU_PI_Item_ID();
    final boolean hasLU;
    if (luPIItemId > 0) {
      final int luPIId = lutuConfiguration.getM_LU_HU_PI_ID();
      Check.assume(luPIId > 0, "LU PI ID shall be set for {}", lutuConfiguration);

      keyItems.add(luPIItemId); // LU M_HU_PI_Item_ID
      keyItems.add(luPIId); // LU M_HU_PI_ID
      hasLU = true;
    } else {
      keyItems.add(-1); // LU M_HU_PI_Item_ID
      keyItems.add(-1); // LU M_HU_PI_ID
      hasLU = false;

    // LU: Qty
    // NOTE: we skip QtyLU because it's not relevant when we check if the configuration is still
    // compliant with an HU

    // TU: PI
    final int tuPIId = lutuConfiguration.getM_TU_HU_PI_ID();
    if (tuPIId > 0) {
      keyItems.add(tuPIId); // TU M_HU_PI_ID
    } else {
      keyItems.add(-1); // TU M_HU_PI_ID

    // TU: Qty
    if (lutuConfiguration.isInfiniteQtyTU()) {
      keyItems.add(true); // IsInfiniteQtyTU
      keyItems.add(0); // Qty TU
    // case: there is no LU. In this case we can ignore the QtyTU because it's not relevant when we
    // check if configuration is still compiant with an HU
    else if (!hasLU) {
      keyItems.add(false); // IsInfiniteQtyTU
      keyItems.add("QtyTU_NA"); // Qty TU: N/A
    } else {
      keyItems.add(false); // IsInfiniteQtyTU
      keyItems.add(lutuConfiguration.getQtyTU().intValue()); // Qty TU

    // CU
    final int productId = lutuConfiguration.getM_Product_ID();
    final int uomId = lutuConfiguration.getC_UOM_ID();
    keyItems.add(productId > 0 ? productId : -1);
    keyItems.add(uomId > 0 ? uomId : -1);
    if (lutuConfiguration.isInfiniteQtyCU()) {
      keyItems.add(true); // IsInfiniteQtyCU
      keyItems.add(BigDecimal.ZERO); // Qty CU
    } else {
      final BigDecimal qtyCU = NumberUtils.stripTrailingDecimalZeros(lutuConfiguration.getQtyCU());
      keyItems.add(false); // IsInfiniteQtyCU
      keyItems.add(qtyCU); // Qty CU

    // Misc
    final int locatorId = lutuConfiguration.getM_Locator_ID();
    final int bpartnerId = lutuConfiguration.getC_BPartner_ID();
    final int bpartnerLocationId = lutuConfiguration.getC_BPartner_Location_ID();
    final String huStatus = lutuConfiguration.getHUStatus();
    keyItems.add(locatorId > 0 ? locatorId : -1);
    keyItems.add(bpartnerId > 0 ? bpartnerId : -1);
    keyItems.add(bpartnerLocationId > 0 ? bpartnerLocationId : -1);

    return Util.mkKey(keyItems.toArray());