protected String getFragment(DataRepository data, String rollupID) {
    // check in the cache to see if there is a cached value for
    // this ID.  if so, return it.
    String cachedResult = CACHE.get(rollupID);
    if (cachedResult != null) return cachedResult;

    // lookup the data element [/ROLLUP_ID/Rollup Instance
    // List]. If it is missing or if it contains less than two
    // items, return an empty fragment (and save the empty
    // fragment to the cache).
    String instanceListName = rollupInstanceList(rollupID);
    ListData instanceList = getList(data, instanceListName);
    if (instanceList == null || instanceList.size() < 2) return CACHE.put(rollupID, "");

    // Construct an HTML fragment
    String prompt = resources.format("Rollup_Select_Prompt_FMT", rollupID);
    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        .append("&nbsp;</td>\n    <td colspan=10><select name='[")
    for (int i = 0; i < instanceList.size(); i++) {
      String opt = HTMLUtils.escapeEntities((String) instanceList.get(i));
      result.append("\n<option value=\"").append(opt).append("\">").append(opt);
    return CACHE.put(rollupID, result.toString());
 private void writeMoveFile() {
   File disseminate = new File(oldTeamDataDir, TeamDataConstants.DISSEMINATION_DIRECTORY);
   File moveFile = new File(disseminate, MOVE_FILE_NAME);
   try {
   } catch (IOException e) {
     HTMLUtils.appendQuery(nonfatalProblems, "cannotWriteMoveFile");
     HTMLUtils.appendQuery(nonfatalProblems, "path", moveFile.getPath());
  private String getSnippetParams(boolean fullPage, boolean stripPrefix) {
    String uri = (String) env.get(fullPage ? "cmsFullPageUri" : "cmsSnippetCurrentFrameUri");
    if (uri == null) return null;

    if (stripPrefix) {
      int pos = uri.indexOf("//");
      if (pos == -1) pos = uri.indexOf("/+/") + 1;
      if (pos > 0) uri = uri.substring(pos + 1);
    String result = "?destUri=" + HTMLUtils.urlEncode(uri);

    if (fullPage) {
      String target = (String) env.get("cmsFullPageTarget");
      if (target == null) target = "_top";
      result = result + "&target=" + HTMLUtils.urlEncode(target);

    return result;
   * Print the icon and text for navigating the hierarchy on the team side using frames and relative
   * paths
  private void writeHierarchyIconFrame(String prefix, String projectRoot) {
    String href = WebServer.urlEncodePath(projectRoot) + "//team/setup/selectWBSFrame.class";
    writeHyperlink(href, getSnippetParams(true, true));

        "<img border=0 src='/Images/hier.png' "
            + "title='Drill-down in Hierarchy' "
            + "style='margin-right:2px' width=16 height=23></a>");
    if (prefix.equals(projectRoot)) out.print("/");
    else out.print(HTMLUtils.escapeEntities(prefix.substring(projectRoot.length() + 1)));
  protected void writeContents() throws IOException {

    String prefix = getPrefix();
    PropertyKey projectRootKey = getStartingKey();
    String projectRoot = projectRootKey.path();
    String currentFilter = SelectLabelFilter.getCurrentFilter(getDataRepository(), projectRoot);
    boolean isSnippet = (env.containsKey(SnippetEnvironment.SNIPPET_ID));
    boolean isIndiv = (getID(getPSPProperties(), projectRootKey).indexOf("Indiv") != -1);
    boolean useData = SelectWBSFilterTeamData.usesDataBasedFilter(getDataRepository(), projectRoot);

    out.println("<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/style.css'>");
    if (isSnippet && StringUtils.hasValue(currentFilter))
      out.println("<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/reports/filter-style.css'>");
    out.println(" body { margin: 0pt; padding: 2px }");
    out.println(" h1   { margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt }");
    out.println(" h2   { margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt }");
    out.print("<h1 style='margin-top:0pt'><!-- editLink -->");

    writeFilterIcon(projectRoot, currentFilter);
    if (isIndiv) writeHierarchyIconIndiv(projectRoot);
    else if (useData) writeHierarchyIconData(projectRoot);
    else writeHierarchyIconFrame(prefix, projectRoot);

    String cmsPageTitle = (String) env.get("cmsPageTitle");
    if (cmsPageTitle != null) {
  /** Print the icon and text for choosing a filter */
  private void writeFilterIcon(String projectRoot, String currentFilter) {
    boolean exporting = parameters.containsKey("EXPORT");
    if (currentFilter == null || (exporting && currentFilter.length() == 0))
      // if filtering doesn't make sense, or if we're exporting and no
      // filter is in effect, print nothing.

    if (!exporting) writeHyperlink("selectLabelFilter", getSnippetParams(false, false));

        "<img border=0 src='/Images/filter.png' "
            + "style='margin-right:2px' width='16' height='23' ");
    if (!exporting) out.print("title='Choose label filter'></a>");
    else out.print("title='Filter is in effect'>");

    if (currentFilter.length() > 0) out.print("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
    else out.print(" ");
  private void writeHierarchyIconNonFrame(String projectRoot, String uri) {
    String pathDisplay = "/";
    SimpleData wbsData = getDataContext().getSimpleValue("Project_WBS_ID_Filter");
    if (wbsData != null) {
      pathDisplay = wbsData.format();
      int slashPos = pathDisplay.indexOf('/');
      if (slashPos == -1) pathDisplay = "/";
      else pathDisplay = pathDisplay.substring(slashPos + 1);

    boolean exporting = parameters.containsKey("EXPORT");
    if (!exporting) {
      String href = WebServer.urlEncodePath(projectRoot) + "//team/setup/" + uri;
      writeHyperlink(href, getSnippetParams(false, false));

        "<img border=0 src='/Images/hier.png' "
            + "style='margin-right:2px' width='16' height='23' ");
    if (!exporting) out.print("title='Drill-down in Hierarchy'></a>");
    else if ("/".equals(pathDisplay))
      out.print("title='Showing data from entire project hierarchy'>");
    else out.print("title='Hierarchy Drill-down is in effect'>");


    String dashVersion = (String) env.get("Dash_Package_pspdash");
    if (!exporting && VersionUtils.compareVersions(dashVersion, "1.15.2") > 0) {
      // this is a single rollup with a single data-driven filter. If
      // two pages are open to the same report, a filter change in one
      // will affect the data in the other. Add "active" data elements
      // to the page that will trigger a refresh in that scenario.
      // (Note that we only do this for version 1.15.3 and higher,
      // because this can trigger an infinite reload loop in earlier
      // versions of the dashboard.)
      out.print("<input type='hidden' name='[Project_WBS_ID_Filter]!'>");
      out.print("<input type='hidden' name='[Label//Filter]!'>");
 public ProjectHistoryException(String errorKey, String... arguments) {
   this.errorKey = "Errors." + errorKey;
   for (int i = arguments.length; i-- > 0; ) arguments[i] = HTMLUtils.escapeEntities(arguments[i]);
   this.arguments = arguments;
 private String getUrl(String path, String href) {
   String uri = HTMLUtils.urlEncodePath(path) + "//" + processID + href;
   return Browser.mapURL(uri);
Esempio n. 10
 public String getHTML(String key) {
   return HTMLUtils.escapeEntities(getString(key));
Esempio n. 11
 private void couldNotRepairMasterLinks() {
   HTMLUtils.appendQuery(nonfatalProblems, "cannotUpdateMaster");
   HTMLUtils.appendQuery(nonfatalProblems, "masterPrefix", masterPrefix);