private void databases(HttpServletResponse response) { try { JSONArray json = new JSONArray(); for (String dbName : DBUtils.getLocalDBNames()) { JSONArray tables = new JSONArray(); for (String tableName : DBUtils.getTableNames(new TemplateLocalhostConnection(), dbName)) { JSONObject table = new JSONObject(); table.put("table", tableName); table.put( "size", DBUtils.getTableCount(new TemplateLocalhostConnection(), dbName, tableName)); tables.add(table); } JSONObject database = new JSONObject(); database.put("name", dbName); database.put("tables", tables); json.add(database); } response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.getWriter().println(json); } catch (Exception e) { new TalesException(new Throwable(), e); } }
private JSONArray getChildrenOfGroup(Integer groupId, String _site) { List<Group> groups = dao.listByParams(Group.class, "from Group where parentId = ? and _site=?", groupId, _site); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); for (Group g : groups) { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); jobj.put("name",; jobj.put("id",; jobj.put("type", "group"); jobj.put("key", "group_" +; jobj.put("isParent", true); JSONArray children = getChildrenOfGroup(, _site); if (!children.isEmpty()) { jobj.put("children", children); } arr.add(jobj); } List<Map> users = dao.listAsMap( "select as name , as id from User u , UserGroup ug where = ug.uid and ug.gid=? and u._site=?", groupId, _site); for (Map u : users) { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); jobj.put("name", u.get("name")); jobj.put("id", u.get("id")); jobj.put("key", "user_" + u.get("id")); jobj.put("type", "user"); arr.add(jobj); } return arr; }
public JSONObject mappingElementsUsedInMapping() { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONArray used = new JSONArray(); JSONArray not_used = new JSONArray(); JSONArray parent_used = new JSONArray(); JSONObject mappings = this.getTargetDefinition(); Map<String, MappingElement> map = this.inputSchema.getMap(); Collection<String> list = MappingSummary.getMappedXPathList(mappings); Iterator<String> keys = map.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String id =; String xpath = map.get(id).getXPath(); for (String xp : list) { if (xp.length() > xpath.length() && xp.indexOf(xpath) > -1) { parent_used.add(id); break; } } if (list.contains(xpath)) { used.add(id); } else { not_used.add(id); } } return result .element("used", used) .element("not_used", not_used) .element("parent_used", parent_used); }
private JSONArray getAlbumTreeFromList(List<Album> albumList, String parentId) { JSONArray results = new JSONArray(); if ("-1".equals(parentId)) { JSONObject allAlbum = new JSONObject(); allAlbum.put("id", "allPicture"); allAlbum.put("text", "所有图片"); allAlbum.put("leaf", Boolean.valueOf(true)); results.add(allAlbum); JSONObject album = new JSONObject(); album.put("id", "0"); album.put("text", "我的相册"); album.put("leaf", Boolean.valueOf(false)); results.add(album); } else if (albumList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < albumList.size(); i++) { JSONObject albumNode = new JSONObject(); albumNode.put("id", ((Album) albumList.get(i)).getAlbumId()); albumNode.put("text", ((Album) albumList.get(i)).getAlbumName()); albumNode.put("leaf", Constants.ISLEAF_MAP.get(((Album) albumList.get(i)).getIsleaf())); results.add(albumNode); } } return results; }
private String jsonArtistes(Map<String, Artiste> artistes) { Map<String, Artiste> artistesTrie = new TreeMap<String, Artiste>(artistes); JSONObject jsonResultat = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonArtistes = new JSONArray(); for (String nome : artistesTrie.keySet()) { Artiste artiste = artistesTrie.get(nome); JSONObject jsonArtiste = new JSONObject(); jsonArtiste.put("nom", nome); JSONArray jsonAlbums = new JSONArray(); for (Integer annee : artiste.getAlbums().keySet()) { Album album = artiste.getAlbums().get(annee); JSONObject newAlbum = new JSONObject(); newAlbum.put("id", album.getId()); newAlbum.put("titre", album.getTitre()); newAlbum.put("annee", album.getAnnee()); newAlbum.put("qte", album.getQuantite()); jsonAlbums.add(newAlbum); } jsonArtiste.accumulate("albums", jsonAlbums); jsonArtistes.add(jsonArtiste); } jsonResultat.accumulate("artistes", jsonArtistes); return jsonResultat.toString(2); }
@Override public void syncSharedConnectorSettings( final long apiKeyId, final SharedConnector sharedConnector) { JSONObject jsonSettings = new JSONObject(); if (sharedConnector.filterJson != null) jsonSettings = JSONObject.fromObject(sharedConnector.filterJson); // get calendars, add new configs for new calendars... // we use the data in the connector settings, which have either just been synched (see // UpdateWorker's syncSettings) // or were synched when the connector was last updated; in either cases, we know that the data // is up-to-date final GoogleCalendarConnectorSettings connectorSettings = (GoogleCalendarConnectorSettings) settingsService.getConnectorSettings(apiKeyId); final List<CalendarConfig> calendars = connectorSettings.calendars; JSONArray sharingSettingsCalendars = new JSONArray(); if (jsonSettings.has("calendars")) sharingSettingsCalendars = jsonSettings.getJSONArray("calendars"); there: for (CalendarConfig calendarConfig : calendars) { for (int i = 0; i < sharingSettingsCalendars.size(); i++) { JSONObject sharingSettingsCalendar = sharingSettingsCalendars.getJSONObject(i); if (sharingSettingsCalendar.getString("id").equals( continue there; } JSONObject sharingConfig = new JSONObject(); sharingConfig.accumulate("id",; sharingConfig.accumulate("summary", calendarConfig.summary); sharingConfig.accumulate("description", calendarConfig.description); sharingConfig.accumulate("shared", false); sharingSettingsCalendars.add(sharingConfig); } // and remove configs for deleted notebooks - leave others untouched JSONArray settingsToDelete = new JSONArray(); there: for (int i = 0; i < sharingSettingsCalendars.size(); i++) { JSONObject sharingSettingsCalendar = sharingSettingsCalendars.getJSONObject(i); for (CalendarConfig calendarConfig : calendars) { if (sharingSettingsCalendar.getString("id").equals( continue there; } settingsToDelete.add(sharingSettingsCalendar); } for (int i = 0; i < settingsToDelete.size(); i++) { JSONObject toDelete = settingsToDelete.getJSONObject(i); for (int j = 0; j < sharingSettingsCalendars.size(); j++) { if (sharingSettingsCalendars .getJSONObject(j) .getString("id") .equals(toDelete.getString("id"))) { sharingSettingsCalendars.remove(j); } } } jsonSettings.put("calendars", sharingSettingsCalendars); String toPersist = jsonSettings.toString(); coachingService.setSharedConnectorFilter(sharedConnector.getId(), toPersist); }
// 子节点列表 @RequestMapping(value = "/path/list") public void getChildren(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String searchPath = request.getParameter("searchPath"); // 搜索路径 /* * 第一层 searchPath =/content/* 第二层 searchPath * =/content/folder[@name='总经理组']/* */ CRNConnect connection = this.getConnect(); // cognos8连接 if (connection != null) { try { JSONArray result = new JSONArray(); // 返回结果 if (searchPath != null) { // 非根节点 BaseClass[] queryList = cognos8Service.getChildren(connection, searchPath); // 查询子节点 if (queryList != null && queryList.length > 0) { for (BaseClass c : queryList) { result.add( new JSONObject() .element("searchPath", c.getSearchPath().getValue()) // searchPath .element("name", c.getDefaultName().getValue()) // 节点名称 .element("isexpand", false) // 不自动展开 .element("children", new JSONArray()) // 类型 .element("className", c.getClass().getName()) .element("id", c.getStoreID().getValue().getValue())); // ID } } } else { // 根节点 result.add( new JSONObject() .element("searchPath", "/content") // searchPath .element("name", "公共文件夹") // 节点名称 .element("isexpand", false) // 不自动展开 .element("children", new JSONArray()) // 类型 .element("className", "com.cognos.developer.schemas.bibus._3.Folder") .element("id", "-1")); } response.getWriter().print(result.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("", e); } } }
/** * 将用户分配的权限转换成主菜单的JSON数据,输出到前台 * * @param authorizedFuncs 用户分配的功能权限 * @param funcType 主菜单 * @return */ private String convertFuncsToMenu(List<FuncModel> authorizedFuncs, Integer funcType) { System.setProperty("java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort", "true"); Collections.sort( authorizedFuncs, new Comparator<FuncModel>() { public int compare(FuncModel obj1, FuncModel obj2) { return obj2.getMenuSort() - obj1.getMenuSort(); } }); String webPath = getRequest().getContextPath(); /** 查找数据库的主菜单的顶级菜单项记录,然后将功能权限作为子菜单加入到顶级菜单中,如果顶级菜单下没有权限,将忽略不显示 */ String hsql = "from FuncModel where parentId = ? and funcType = ? and deleted = ? order by menuSort"; List<FuncModel> subSysFuncs = this.getBaseService().query(hsql, new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(-1), 1, false}); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); for (FuncModel func : subSysFuncs) { List<FuncModel> childSysFuns = findChidFuncByParentId(func.getEntityId(), authorizedFuncs); JSONObject menuItem = new JSONObject(); menuItem.put("id", "" + func.getEntityId()); menuItem.put("text", func.getDescr()); menuItem.put("icon", func.getIcon()); JSONObject attributes = new JSONObject(); attributes.put("url", func.getUrl()); menuItem.put("attributes", attributes); JSONArray childMenuItems = new JSONArray(); for (FuncModel childSysFunc : childSysFuns) { JSONObject childItem = new JSONObject(); childItem.put("id", "" + childSysFunc.getEntityId()); childItem.put("text", childSysFunc.getDescr()); childItem.put("icon", childSysFunc.getIcon()); String url = ""; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(childSysFunc.getUrl())) { url = webPath + "/" + func.getUrl() + "/" + childSysFunc.getUrl(); } attributes = new JSONObject(); attributes.put("url", url); childItem.put("attributes", attributes); childMenuItems.add(childItem); } if (childMenuItems.size() > 0) { menuItem.put("menu", childMenuItems); jsonArray.add(menuItem); // 如果父菜单下没有子菜单,就不显示在前台 } else if (isAuthorized(func)) { jsonArray.add(menuItem); } } return jsonArray.toString(); }
public String execute() throws Exception { response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); int count = sysRightsService.findAllCount(); sysRightsList = sysRightsService.finsSysRightsByPage(page, rows); try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonItems = new JSONArray(); List list = sysRightsService.findSysRightsListByPaentId(0); // 父板块为0的子版快号 Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SysRights sysRights = (SysRights); Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("sysRightsId", sysRights.getSysRightsId()); map.put("sysRightsName", sysRights.getSysRightsName()); map.put("className", sysRights.getClassName()); map.put("type", sysRights.getType()); map.put("status", sysRights.getStatus()); List sonList = sysRightsService.findSysRightsListByPaentId(sysRights.getSysRightsId()); // 获得编号 Iterator it2 = sonList.iterator(); JSONObject sonJson = new JSONObject(); JSONArray sonJsonItem = new JSONArray(); while (it2.hasNext()) { SysRights sysRights2 = (SysRights); Map map2 = new HashMap(); map2.put("sysRightsId", sysRights2.getSysRightsId()); map2.put("sysRightsName", sysRights2.getSysRightsName()); map2.put("className", sysRights2.getClassName()); map2.put("type", sysRights2.getType()); map2.put("status", sysRights2.getStatus()); sonJsonItem.add(map); } map.put("children", sonJsonItem); jsonItems.add(map); } json.put("total", count); json.put("rows", jsonItems); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.write(json.toString()); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
@RequestMapping() public void select(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); super.initializePagingSortingFiltering(request); // Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("pagination.pageSize", getPageSize()); params.put("pagination.currentPage", getPageNo()); // JSONObject json = VLivesCaller.HTTP.USER_FEEDBACK_READ.invoke(null, params); // JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); for (Object obj : json.getJSONArray("list").toArray()) { JSONObject jsObj = (JSONObject) obj; JSONObject jt = (JSONObject) jsObj.get("user"); String str = jsObj.getString("user"); if (jt == null || "null".equals(str)) { jsObj.remove("user"); JSONObject jn = new JSONObject(); jn.put("name", "匿名"); jn.put("mobile", ""); jsObj.put("user", jn); ja.add(jsObj); } else { str = jt.getString("name"); if (str == null || "null".equals(str)) { jt.put("name", "匿名"); } ja.add(jsObj); } } // if ("true".equals(json.getString("success"))) { String result = makeSuccessArrayString( json.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("count"), ja.toString()); response.getWriter().write(result); } else { responseMessage(response, json.getString("msg"), false); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); responseMessage(response, "系统错误<br />请检查配置后重试", false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); responseMessage(response, "查询反馈信息列表失败", false); } }
/** * Converts an iterable type to a JSON array. * * @param iter Iterable type containing field values * @param type Name of the item type * @param custom Name of the custom type * @return a JSON-encoded array of items */ public static JSONArray toArray(Iterable iter, String type, String custom) throws JiraException { JSONArray results = new JSONArray(); if (type == null) throw new JiraException("Array field metadata is missing item type"); for (Object val : iter) { Operation oper = null; Object realValue = null; Object realResult = null; if (val instanceof Operation) { oper = (Operation) val; realValue = oper.value; } else realValue = val; if (type.equals("component") || type.equals("group") || type.equals("user") || type.equals("version")) { JSONObject itemMap = new JSONObject(); if (realValue instanceof ValueTuple) { ValueTuple tuple = (ValueTuple) realValue; itemMap.put(tuple.type, tuple.value.toString()); } else itemMap.put(ValueType.NAME.toString(), realValue.toString()); realResult = itemMap; } else if (type.equals("option") || (type.equals("string") && custom != null && (custom.equals("com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes") || custom.equals( "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect")))) { realResult = new JSONObject(); ((JSONObject) realResult).put(ValueType.VALUE.toString(), realValue.toString()); } else if (type.equals("string")) realResult = realValue.toString(); if (oper != null) { JSONObject operMap = new JSONObject(); operMap.put(, realResult); results.add(operMap); } else results.add(realResult); } return results; }
private static JSONObject extractAvgTrtData( Map<Integer, TreeMap<String, AvgTransactionResponseTime>> graphData, HashSet<String> transactions) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Number>> averageTRTData = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Number>>(0); JSONObject graphDataSet = new JSONObject(); JSONArray labels = new JSONArray(); for (String transaction : transactions) { averageTRTData.put(transaction, new ArrayList<Number>(0)); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, TreeMap<String, AvgTransactionResponseTime>> result : graphData.entrySet()) { labels.add(result.getKey()); for (String transaction : transactions) { if (!result.getValue().containsKey(transaction)) { averageTRTData.get(transaction).add(null); // TODO:change to null continue; } averageTRTData .get(transaction) .add((result.getValue()).get(transaction).getActualValueAvg()); } } graphDataSet.put(LABELS, labels); JSONArray datasets = createGraphDatasets(averageTRTData); graphDataSet.put(SERIES, datasets); return graphDataSet; }
/** * 单选 * * @return */ public String single() { if (vo == null) { vo = new DepartmentSO(); } vo.setPageNumber(1); vo.setObjectsPerPage(Integer.MAX_VALUE); List<Department> list = departmentDAO.getList(vo); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (Department dep : list) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("id", dep.getId()); if (dep.getDepartment() == null) { json.put("pId", 0); } else { json.put("pId", dep.getDepartment().getId()); json.put("open", true); } json.put("name", dep.getName()); if (id != null) { if (id.equals(dep.getId())) { json.put("checked", true); } } array.add(json); } nodes = array.toString(); } return Constants.SINGLE; }
public String getSuccessString(String API_CODE, JSONObject temp) { JSONArray jarray = new JSONArray(); temp.put("status", "0"); temp.put("msg", API_CODE + "00"); jarray.add(temp); return jarray.toString(); }
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); // Creating parameters String startTime = request.getParameter("startTime"); String endTime = request.getParameter("endTime"); System.out.println(startTime); // System.out.println(endTime); // Formating the time parameters into "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" SimpleDateFormat sd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String newStartTime = sd.format(new Date(startTime)); System.out.println(newStartTime); // Formating the time parameters into "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" SimpleDateFormat sd1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String newEndTime = sd1.format(new Date(endTime)); System.out.println(newEndTime); // Creating json format ready to pass the parameters List<Station> listStation = getDataSet(newStartTime, newEndTime); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("listStation", listStation); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); jsonArray.add(jsonObject); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.write(jsonArray.toString()); }
/** * 将集合元素封装成json对象并返回 * * @param list 要封装的数组集合 * @param config 类在转换成json数据时遵循的一些配置规则 * @param status 状态标识 * @return json对象 返回json对象的内部格式如下:data中的内容就是list集合中的内容,count表示data中的条数,也就是list集合中数据数 { status:1, * message:"ok", result:{ count:2, data:[ * {id:"2353sdkfhosdf",name:boat.jpg,type=1,savepath:""}, * {id:"2353sdkfhosdf",name:boat.jpg,type=1,savepath:""}, * <p>] } } */ @Deprecated public static <T> JSONObject createJsonObject(List<T> list, JsonConfig config, MyStatus status) { // 整个json JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); // result json JSONObject resultObject = new JSONObject(); // 数组json JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); int count = 0; if (list != null) { for (T entity : list) { JSONObject entityJson; if (config == null) entityJson = JSONObject.fromObject(entity); else entityJson = JSONObject.fromObject(entity, config); jsonArray.add(entityJson); count++; } } resultObject.put("count", count); resultObject.put("data", jsonArray); jsonObject.put("result", resultObject); JsonTool.putStatusJson(status, jsonObject); return jsonObject; }
/** * 终端命令菜单 * * @return */ private String terminalCommandMenuJson() { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); for (FuncModel root : authorizedFuncs) { // FuncModel root = (FuncModel); if (root.getParentId() != 900700 || root.getDeleted()) continue; JSONObject rootJsonObject = new JSONObject(); rootJsonObject.put("id", "" + root.getEntityId()); rootJsonObject.put("text", root.getDescr()); rootJsonObject.put("icon", root.getIcon()); /** * if (this.selectUserFuncsMap.containsKey(root.getId())) rootJsonObject.put("checked", * Boolean.valueOf(true)); else { rootJsonObject.put("checked", Boolean.valueOf(false)); } */ JSONObject attributes = new JSONObject(); attributes.put("funcName", root.getFuncName()); // attributes.put("style", root.getStyle()); rootJsonObject.put("attributes", attributes); List subGroupInfos = findSubSyssFuncByParnetId(root.getEntityId()); genSubGroupsTreeJson(rootJsonObject, subGroupInfos); jsonArray.add(rootJsonObject); } return jsonArray.toString(); }
public String searchxshlfxLcReport() throws Exception { // 步骤1:进行List的定义,直接对应于html页面的Table ArrayList<ReportShowTR> trList = new ArrayList(); trList = (ArrayList<ReportShowTR>) request.getSession().getAttribute("trList"); try { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject jsonobj = new JSONObject(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < trList.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < trList.get(i).getTdsCount(); j++) { jsonobj.put("xs" + j, trList.get(i).getTD(j).getXyValueText()); } jsonArray.add(jsonobj); } Map<String, Object> json = new HashMap<String, Object>(); json.put("rows", jsonArray); // rows键 存放每页记录 list result = JSONObject.fromObject(json); // 格式化result一定要是JSONObject } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return "suc"; }
public String myGetCheckFeeDateList() throws Exception { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); confirmCond = new ConfirmCond(); confirmCond.setPropertyId(request.getParameter("propertyId")); List<Map<String, Object>> checkFeeDateList = confirmServices.checkFeeDateList(confirmCond); for (int i = 0; i < checkFeeDateList.size(); i++) { Map<String, Object> mapobject = checkFeeDateList.get(i); String checkfee_date = mapobject.get("checkfee_date") == null ? "" : mapobject.get("checkfee_date").toString(); if (!CommonUtils.isStrEmpty(checkfee_date)) { Map<String, Object> json = new HashMap<String, Object>(); json.put( "checkFeeDate", CommonUtils.getDateString(CommonUtils.getDateFromString(checkfee_date))); jsonArray.add(json); } } CustomerUtils.writeResponse(response, jsonArray.toString()); return null; }
@Override public Object visit(MapProperty property, Object arg) throws PropertyException { Object value = null; if (property.isContainer()) { value = new JSONObject(); } else { value = property.getValue(); } if (property instanceof BlobProperty) { log.warn( "Property '" + property.getName() + "' ignored during serialization. Blob and blob related properties are not written to json object."); } else if (property.getParent() instanceof BlobProperty) { log.warn( "Property '" + property.getName() + "' ignored during serialization. Blob and blob related properties are not written to json object."); } else if (property.getParent().isList()) { ((JSONArray) arg).add(value); } else { try { ((JSONObject) arg).put(property.getField().getName().getPrefixedName(), value); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new PropertyException("Failed to put value", e); } } return value; }
@Override protected synchronized JSON data() { JSONArray r = new JSONArray(); for (User u : modified) { UserInfo i = users.get(u); JSONObject entry = new JSONObject() .accumulate("id", u.getId()) .accumulate("fullName", u.getFullName()) .accumulate("url", u.getUrl()) .accumulate( "avatar", i.avatar != null ? i.avatar : Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getContextPath() + Functions.getResourcePath() + "/images/" + iconSize + "/user.png") .accumulate("timeSortKey", i.getTimeSortKey()) .accumulate("lastChangeTimeString", i.getLastChangeTimeString()); AbstractProject<?, ?> p = i.getProject(); if (p != null) { entry .accumulate("projectUrl", p.getUrl()) .accumulate("projectFullDisplayName", p.getFullDisplayName()); } r.add(entry); } modified.clear(); return r; }
public void myBuyedStore() throws IOException { id = Integer.parseInt(ServletActionContext.getRequest().getParameter("id")); List<GoodStore> listgoostore = goodStoreService.getMyBuyedStore(id); for (GoodStore goodStore : listgoostore) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); Goods good = goodsService.getGoods(goodStore.getGoodId()); jsonObj.put("goodStoreid", goodStore.getGoodStoreid()); jsonObj.put("title", good.getTitle()); jsonObj.put( "addTime", goodStore.getAddtime() == null ? "" : sdf1.format(goodStore.getAddtime())); jsonObj.put("price", good.getPrice() * goodStore.getCount()); jsonObj.put("count", goodStore.getCount()); jsonObj.put("id", goodStore.getGoodId()); List<Image> listimage = imageServiceImpl.getimage(goodStore.getGoodId(), 3); Image image = new Image(); if (listimage.size() > 0) { image.setImageUrl(IpMain.IP + listimage.get(1).getImageUrl()); } else { image.setImageUrl(""); } jsonObj.put("imgUrl", image); array.add(jsonObj); } m.put("msg", array); ServletActionContext.getResponse().getWriter().write(JSON.toJSONString(m)); }
private void errors(HttpServletResponse response) { try { // gets the errors JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (Log log : LogsDB.getErrors(Globals.DASHBOARD_MAX_ERRORS)) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("added", log.getAdded().toString()); obj.put("id", log.getId()); obj.put("publicDNS", log.getPublicDNS()); obj.put("pid", log.getPid()); obj.put("logType", log.getLogType()); obj.put("methodPath", log.getMethodPath()); obj.put("lineNumber", log.getLineNumber()); array.add(obj); } // response response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.getWriter().println(array); } catch (Exception e) { new TalesException(new Throwable(), e); } }
public String getCodeJson(MobileServerConfig mobileServerConfig, Document doc, String urlPara) { String json = ""; JSONObject jsonObjectResult = new JSONObject(); try { List<Code> list = GetCodeCache(); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); for (Code code : list) { JSONObject jsonObjectData = new JSONObject(); jsonObjectData.put("codeName", code.getCodeName()); jsonObjectData.put("description", code.getDescription()); jsonObjectData.put("category", code.getCategory()); jsonArray.add(jsonObjectData); } jsonObjectResult.put("result", "1"); jsonObjectResult.put("data", jsonArray); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception jsonObjectResult.put("result", "0"); jsonObjectResult.put("message", e.getMessage()); } json = jsonObjectResult.toString(); return json; }
private static JSONObject extractVuserResult(Map<Integer, TreeMap<String, Integer>> graphData) { JSONObject graphDataSet; graphDataSet = new JSONObject(); JSONArray labels = new JSONArray(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Number>> vUserState = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Number>>(0); vUserState.put("Passed", new ArrayList<Number>(0)); vUserState.put("Failed", new ArrayList<Number>(0)); vUserState.put("Stopped", new ArrayList<Number>(0)); vUserState.put("Error", new ArrayList<Number>(0)); for (Map.Entry<Integer, TreeMap<String, Integer>> run : graphData.entrySet()) { Number tempVUserCount = run.getValue().get("Count"); if (tempVUserCount != null && tempVUserCount.intValue() > 0) { labels.add(run.getKey()); vUserState.get("Passed").add(run.getValue().get("Passed")); vUserState.get("Failed").add(run.getValue().get("Failed")); vUserState.get("Stopped").add(run.getValue().get("Stopped")); vUserState.get("Error").add(run.getValue().get("Error")); } } graphDataSet.put(LABELS, labels); graphDataSet.put(SERIES, createGraphDatasets(vUserState)); return graphDataSet; }
private void loadFiles(final IBasicFile[] jsonFiles, final JSONArray result, final String type) throws IOException { Arrays.sort( jsonFiles, new Comparator<IBasicFile>() { @Override public int compare(IBasicFile file1, IBasicFile file2) { if (file1 == null && file2 == null) { return 0; } else { return file1.getFullPath().toLowerCase().compareTo(file2.getFullPath().toLowerCase()); } } }); IReadAccess access = CdeEnvironment.getPluginSystemReader(SYSTEM_CDF_DD_TEMPLATES); for (int i = 0; i < jsonFiles.length; i++) { final JSONObject template = new JSONObject(); String imgResourcePath = resoureUrl + "unknown.png"; if (access.fileExists(jsonFiles[i].getName().replace(".cdfde", ".png"))) { imgResourcePath = resoureUrl + jsonFiles[i].getName().replace(".cdfde", ".png"); } template.put("img", imgResourcePath); template.put("type", type); template.put("structure", JsonUtils.readJsonFromInputStream(jsonFiles[i].getContents())); result.add(template); } }
private static JSONObject extractPercentileTransactionSet( Map<Integer, TreeMap<String, PercentileTransactionWholeRun>> graphData, HashSet<String> transactions) { JSONObject graphDataSet = new JSONObject(); JSONArray labels = new JSONArray(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Number>> percentileTrtData = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Number>>(0); for (String transaction : transactions) { percentileTrtData.put(transaction, new ArrayList<Number>(0)); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, TreeMap<String, PercentileTransactionWholeRun>> result : graphData.entrySet()) { labels.add(result.getKey()); for (String transaction : transactions) { if (!result.getValue().containsKey(transaction)) { percentileTrtData.get(transaction).add(null); // TODO:change to null continue; } percentileTrtData .get(transaction) .add((result.getValue()).get(transaction).getActualValue()); } } graphDataSet.put(LABELS, labels); graphDataSet.put(SERIES, createGraphDatasets(percentileTrtData)); return graphDataSet; }
/** * 从数据库查询信息供写文件使用 * * @return JSONArray */ public JSONArray loadInfo() { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); try { List<Asset> assetList = assetService.findAllAssetList(); for (int i = 0; i < assetList.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); Asset asset = new Asset(); asset = assetList.get(i); jsonObject.put("number", asset.getNumber()); jsonObject.put("name", asset.getName()); jsonObject.put("uses", asset.getUses()); jsonObject.put("category", asset.getCategory()); jsonObject.put( "entryTime", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(asset.getEntryTime())); jsonObject.put("status", asset.getStatus()); jsonObject.put("remarks", asset.getRemarks()); jsonObject.put( "edit", "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='editAsset(" + '"' + asset.getId() + '"' + ")'>编辑</>/<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='deleteAsset(" + '"' + asset.getId() + '"' + ")'>删除</>"); jsonArray.add(jsonObject); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jsonArray; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/gotoData", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String gotoData(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); // 设计返回数据是的数组 JSONArray sendjsonarray = new JSONArray(); Map returnmap = new HashMap(); if (user == null) { returnmap.put("statics", "0"); } else { // 设计保存在缓存中的数据内容 Map sessionmap = new HashMap(); // 通过ip 时间 host 区分登陆的是不是一个人 Usersession se = new Usersession(); se.setAddtime(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); se.setIp(request.getHeader("X-Real-IP")); se.setUser(user);; returnmap.put("statics", "1"); returnmap.put("id", se.getUsersessionid()); returnmap.put("userid", user.getUserid()); } JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(returnmap); sendjsonarray.add(0, jsonObject); response.getWriter().print("jsonp={'returns':" + sendjsonarray + "}"); return null; }
@Override public Object visit(ScalarProperty property, Object arg) throws PropertyException { if (property.getParent() instanceof BlobProperty) { log.warn( "Property '" + property.getName() + "' ignored during serialization. Blob and blob related properties are not written to json object."); return null; } // convert values if needed Serializable value = property.getValue(); if (value instanceof Calendar) { value = dateFormat.format(((Calendar) value).getTime()); } // build json if (property.getParent().isList()) { ((JSONArray) arg).add(value); } else { try { ((JSONObject) arg).put(property.getField().getName().getPrefixedName(), value); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new PropertyException("Failed to put value", e); } } return null; }