   * Test method for {@link
   * net.sf.jabref.export.layout.format.AuthorFirstAbbrLastOxfordCommas#format(java.lang.String)}.
  public void testFormat() {
    LayoutFormatter a = new AuthorFirstAbbrLastOxfordCommas();

    // Empty case
    assertEquals("", a.format(""));

    // Single Names
    assertEquals("V. S. Someone", a.format("Someone, Van Something"));

    // Two names
        "J. von Neumann and P. Black Brown", a.format("John von Neumann and Black Brown, Peter"));

    // Three names
        "J. von Neumann, J. Smith, and P. Black Brown",
        a.format("von Neumann, John and Smith, John and Black Brown, Peter"));

        "J. von Neumann, J. Smith, and P. Black Brown",
        a.format("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter"));
Esempio n. 2
  public void testComposite() {

      LayoutFormatter f = new CompositeFormat();
      assertEquals("No Change", f.format("No Change"));
      LayoutFormatter f =
          new CompositeFormat(
              new LayoutFormatter[] {
                new LayoutFormatter() {

                  public String format(String fieldText) {
                    return fieldText + fieldText;
                new LayoutFormatter() {

                  public String format(String fieldText) {
                    return "A" + fieldText;
                new LayoutFormatter() {

                  public String format(String fieldText) {
                    return "B" + fieldText;

      assertEquals("BAff", f.format("f"));

      LayoutFormatter f =
          new CompositeFormat(new AuthorOrgSci(), new NoSpaceBetweenAbbreviations());
      LayoutFormatter first = new AuthorOrgSci();
      LayoutFormatter second = new NoSpaceBetweenAbbreviations();

          second.format(first.format("John Flynn and Sabine Gartska")),
          f.format("John Flynn and Sabine Gartska"));
          second.format(first.format("Sa Makridakis and Sa Ca Wheelwright and Va Ea McGee")),
          f.format("Sa Makridakis and Sa Ca Wheelwright and Va Ea McGee"));