public void testAssignDefendSettlementMission() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getTestMap()); Map map = game.getMap(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); // Create player and unit ServerPlayer dutch = (ServerPlayer) game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.dutch"); Tile tile1 = map.getTile(2, 2); Unit soldier = new ServerUnit(game, tile1, dutch, veteranType); AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(soldier); assertNotNull(aiUnit); // Add nearby colony in need of defense Tile colonyTile = map.getTile(2, 3); assertTrue(colonyTile != null); colonyTile.setExplored(dutch, true); Colony colony = FreeColTestUtils.getColonyBuilder().player(dutch).colonyTile(colonyTile).build(); assertTrue(colonyTile.getSettlement() == colony); assertTrue(colony.getOwner() == dutch); assertTrue(colony.getUnitCount() == 1); aiUnit.setMission(null); assertEquals( "DefendSettlementMission should be possible", null, DefendSettlementMission.invalidReason(aiUnit)); assertEquals( "DefendSettlementMission should work with colony", null, DefendSettlementMission.invalidReason(aiUnit, colony)); }
/** * When searching for threats to a settlement, the indian player should ignore naval threats, as * he does not have naval power */ public void testSecureIndianSettlementMissionIgnoreNavalThreat() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getCoastTestMap(plainsType)); Map map = game.getMap(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); InGameController igc = ServerTestHelper.getInGameController(); // Create player and unit ServerPlayer inca = (ServerPlayer) game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.inca"); NativeAIPlayer aiInca = (NativeAIPlayer) aiMain.getAIPlayer(inca); ServerPlayer dutch = (ServerPlayer) game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.dutch"); Tile settlementTile = map.getTile(9, 9); Tile seaTile = map.getTile(10, 9); assertTrue("Settlement tile should be land", settlementTile.isLand()); assertFalse("Galleon tile should be ocean", seaTile.isLand()); FreeColTestCase.IndianSettlementBuilder builder = new FreeColTestCase.IndianSettlementBuilder(game); IndianSettlement camp = builder.player(inca).settlementTile(settlementTile).initialBravesInCamp(10).build(); ServerUnit galleon = new ServerUnit(game, seaTile, dutch, galleonType); int unitsInGalleon = 6; for (int i = 0; i < unitsInGalleon; i++) { ServerUnit artillery = new ServerUnit(game, settlementTile, dutch, artilleryType); igc.embarkUnit(dutch, artillery, galleon); } assertEquals("Wrong number of units onboard galleon", unitsInGalleon, galleon.getUnitCount()); assertEquals("Galleon should be full", 0, galleon.getSpaceLeft()); for (Unit brave : camp.getUnitList()) { AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(brave); assertNotNull(aiUnit); new UnitWanderHostileMission(aiMain, aiUnit); assertTrue("No enemy units present", aiUnit.hasMission(UnitWanderHostileMission.class)); } inca.setStance(dutch, Stance.WAR); inca.setTension(dutch, new Tension(Tension.Level.HATEFUL.getLimit())); assertTrue("Indian player should be at war with dutch", inca.getStance(dutch) == Stance.WAR); assertEquals( "Wrong Indian player tension towards dutch", Tension.Level.HATEFUL.getLimit(), inca.getTension(dutch).getValue()); aiInca.abortInvalidMissions(); aiInca.secureIndianSettlement(camp, lb); boolean seeking = false; for (Unit brave : inca.getUnits()) { AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(brave); assertNotNull(aiUnit); if (aiUnit.hasMission(UnitSeekAndDestroyMission.class)) { seeking = true; break; } } assertFalse("Braves should not pursue naval units", seeking); }
/** * Handle a "attack"-message. * * @param server The <code>FreeColServer</code> handling the message. * @param player The <code>Player</code> the message applies to. * @param connection The <code>Connection</code> message was received on. * @return An update encapsulating the attack or an error <code>Element</code> on failure. */ public Element handle(FreeColServer server, Player player, Connection connection) { ServerPlayer serverPlayer = server.getPlayer(connection); Unit unit; try { unit = serverPlayer.getOurFreeColGameObject(unitId, Unit.class); } catch (Exception e) { return DOMMessage.clientError(e.getMessage()); } Tile tile; try { tile = unit.getNeighbourTile(directionString); } catch (Exception e) { return DOMMessage.clientError(e.getMessage()); } MoveType moveType = unit.getMoveType(tile); if (moveType == MoveType.ENTER_INDIAN_SETTLEMENT_WITH_SCOUT || moveType == MoveType.ENTER_FOREIGN_COLONY_WITH_SCOUT || moveType.isAttack()) {; // OK } else { return DOMMessage.clientError( "Illegal attack move for: " + unitId + " type: " + moveType + " from: " + unit.getLocation().getId() + " to: " + tile.getId()); } Unit defender = tile.getDefendingUnit(unit); if (defender == null) { return DOMMessage.clientError( "Could not find defender" + " in tile: " + tile.getId() + " from: " + unit.getLocation().getId()); } // Proceed to attack. return server.getInGameController().combat(serverPlayer, unit, defender, null); }
public void testImpossibleConditionsForTargetSelection() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getCoastTestMap(plainsType)); Map map = game.getMap(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); // Create attacking player and units ServerPlayer dutch = (ServerPlayer) game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.dutch"); Tile tile1 = map.getTile(2, 2); Tile tile2 = map.getTile(2, 1); Unit soldier = new ServerUnit(game, tile1, dutch, veteranType); Unit friendlyColonist = new ServerUnit(game, tile2, dutch, colonistType); AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(soldier); assertNotNull(aiUnit); // Create defending player and unit ServerPlayer french = (ServerPlayer) game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.french"); Tile tile3 = map.getTile(1, 2); Unit enemyColonist = new ServerUnit(game, tile3, french, colonistType); Tile tile4 = map.getTile(12, 12); // in the water assertFalse("Tle should be water", tile4.isLand()); Unit enemyGalleon = new ServerUnit(game, tile4, french, galleonType); // Make tests assertNotNull( "Cannot attack own unit", UnitSeekAndDestroyMission.invalidReason(aiUnit, friendlyColonist)); assertNotNull( "Players are not at war", UnitSeekAndDestroyMission.invalidReason(aiUnit, enemyColonist)); dutch.setStance(french, Stance.WAR); french.setStance(dutch, Stance.WAR); assertEquals( "Unit should be able to attack land unit", null, UnitSeekAndDestroyMission.invalidReason(aiUnit, enemyColonist)); assertNotNull( "Land unit cannot attack naval unit", UnitSeekAndDestroyMission.invalidReason(aiUnit, enemyGalleon)); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { doubleClickTimer.stop(); Tile tile = canvas.convertToMapTile(centerX, centerY); if (canvas.getViewMode() == GUI.MOVE_UNITS_MODE) { // Clear goto order when active unit is on the tile Unit unit = canvas.getActiveUnit(); if (unit != null && unit.getTile() == tile) { freeColClient.getInGameController().clearGotoOrders(unit); canvas.updateCurrentPathForActiveUnit(); } else { if (tile != null && tile.hasSettlement()) { freeColClient.getGUI().showSettlement(tile.getSettlement()); return; } } } freeColClient.getGUI().setSelectedTile(tile); }
/** * Invoked when a mouse button was clicked. * * @param e The MouseEvent that holds all the information. */ @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { try { if (e.getClickCount() > 1) { Tile tile = canvas.convertToMapTile(e.getX(), e.getY()); Colony colony = tile.getColony(); if (colony != null) { if (FreeColDebugger.isInDebugMode(FreeColDebugger.DebugMode.MENUS)) { canvas.showForeignColony(colony); } else { canvas.showColonyPanel(colony, null); } } } else { canvas.requestFocus(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error in mouseClicked!", ex); } }
public void testEqualFoodProductionConsumptionCase() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getTestMap(desert)); // Setting test colony Tile colonyTile = game.getMap().getTile(5, 8); Colony colony = FreeColTestUtils.getColonyBuilder().colonyTile(colonyTile).initialColonists(1).build(); // Set the food production of the center tile of the colony to 2 // This will be the only food production of the colony List<AbstractGoods> colonyTileProduction = colonyTile.getType().getPossibleProduction(true); for (int i = 0; i < colonyTileProduction.size(); i++) { AbstractGoods production = colonyTileProduction.get(i); if (production.getType() == foodGoodsType) { production.setAmount(2); break; } } Unit unit = colony.getUnitList().get(0); unit.setLocation(colony.getWorkLocationFor(unit, bellsType)); // Verify that there is enough food stored colony.addGoods(foodGoodsType, colony.getFoodConsumption() * 2); assertEquals( "Production not equal to consumption", colony.getFoodConsumption(), colony.getFoodProduction()); int colonists = colony.getUnitCount(); assertEquals("Unexpected change of colonists in colony", colonists, colony.getUnitCount()); assertEquals( "Unexpected change of production/consumption ratio", colony.getFoodProduction(), colony.getFoodConsumption()); }
public void testSecureIndianSettlementMission() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getTestMap()); Map map = game.getMap(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); // Create player and unit ServerPlayer inca = (ServerPlayer) game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.inca"); NativeAIPlayer aiInca = (NativeAIPlayer) aiMain.getAIPlayer(inca); ServerPlayer dutch = (ServerPlayer) game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.dutch"); Tile settlementTile = map.getTile(9, 9); Tile adjacentTile = settlementTile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.N); assertTrue("Settlement tile should be land", settlementTile.isLand()); assertTrue("Adjacent tile should be land", adjacentTile != null && adjacentTile.isLand()); FreeColTestCase.IndianSettlementBuilder builder = new FreeColTestCase.IndianSettlementBuilder(game); IndianSettlement camp = builder.player(inca).settlementTile(settlementTile).initialBravesInCamp(8).build(); assertEquals("One camp", 1, inca.getNumberOfSettlements()); // Put one brave outside the camp, but in the settlement tile, // so that he may defend the settlement Unit braveOutside = new ServerUnit(game, settlementTile, inca, braveType); braveOutside.setHomeIndianSettlement(camp); // Setup enemy units int enemyUnits = camp.getUnitCount() + 1; for (int i = 0; i < enemyUnits; i++) { new ServerUnit(game, adjacentTile, dutch, veteranType); } Iterator<Unit> campUnitIter = camp.getOwnedUnitsIterator(); while (campUnitIter.hasNext()) { Unit brave =; assertNotNull("Got null while getting the camps units", brave); AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(brave); assertNotNull("Couldnt get the ai object for the brave", aiUnit); new UnitWanderHostileMission(aiMain, aiUnit); assertTrue( "Should be UnitWanderHostileMission", aiUnit.hasMission(UnitWanderHostileMission.class)); assertEquals( "Unit should be candidate for seek+destroy", null, UnitSeekAndDestroyMission.invalidReason(aiUnit)); assertEquals( "Unit should be candidate for defend", null, DefendSettlementMission.invalidReason(aiUnit)); } inca.setStance(dutch, Stance.WAR); inca.setTension(dutch, new Tension(Tension.Level.HATEFUL.getLimit())); camp.setAlarm(dutch, inca.getTension(dutch)); assertTrue("Indian player should be at war with dutch", inca.getStance(dutch) == Stance.WAR); assertEquals( "Wrong Indian player tension towards dutch", Tension.Level.HATEFUL.getLimit(), inca.getTension(dutch).getValue()); aiInca.secureIndianSettlement(camp, lb); // Verify if a unit was assigned a UnitSeekAndDestroyMission boolean isSeekAndDestroyMission = false; for (Unit brave : inca.getUnits()) { AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(brave); assertNotNull("Couldnt get aiUnit for players brave", aiUnit); assertNotNull("Unit missing mission", aiUnit.getMission()); isSeekAndDestroyMission = aiUnit.hasMission(UnitSeekAndDestroyMission.class); if (isSeekAndDestroyMission) break; } assertTrue("A brave should have a UnitSeekAndDestroyMission", isSeekAndDestroyMission); }